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  1. Dreams

    I usually dream about finding money in my wallet, like a $50 bill then waking up really happy. Then really sad/disappointed. Do you think people talked about dreams as much before Freud came along?
  2. Dreams

    You're saying your dream made you clairvoyant?
  3. Smogon: Why you came here and why you stayed

    Hi everyone. This must be my first post in about three years. Matured a lot since high school (in my opinion). Hope to start really getting back into pokemon again :)
  4. bible: fact or opinion(i am starting this because the other one is closed)

    actually, this is pretty interesting, because i've attended church/bible study since i was little, and it seems most of the people who have the most realistic interpretation of the book (me being one of them) are those that have studied it more closely than the average (theologically naive) person
  5. gay dumbledore

    is there any other dumbledore? no seriously. seven books later, j.k rowling would just say at a press conference "yeah, dumbledore is gay for grindelword duh" (so i paraphrase, but whatever) its a bit excessive to his characterisation... especially after the series... right? or did i miss all...
  6. Career Aspirations

    Journalism? Something in the media i guess maybe theatre? i dunno, i dont wanna write too much about my fears about "not making it" so i might just settle with journalism... sigh
  7. Holding The Man

    This is my attempt in reviewing, what I consider to be one of the most touching literary works in the recent decades. Although you may not agree with my views, and I do not expect you to, but please keep in mind, that having read this memoir, and having seen the stage adaptation twice, this is...
  8. Not what you were expecting...

    i read this. then this. sigh of relief my most vivid memory? well, im not that visible of a member of this community, as much as i would like to be, but i do remember some things, but what i remember the most was the thread about job interviews that you usurped from steelix and made...
  9. Do you believe this?

    oh my god. i can almost (shamefully) relate to the whole britney thing back in 2005 i did a chartiy performance thing at school with me in drag doing baby one more time to raise money for that tsunami thing (which earned me the title of biggest princess, and of course a certificate...)...
  10. $1 US < $1 CAD

    funny, that the war would be the cause of the weakened dollar a few years back people were all pretentious in saying "yeah, you know this war is just to jumpstart the american economy because producing arms blah blah blah" then the would cite the militaristic economic reforms of nazi germany...
  11. $1 US < $1 CAD

    is this just a huge argument about whos fault it is now? far out its getting off topic... you've pretty much answered the economic issue here, its NOT about terrorists
  12. Dating mind games

    try trading luvdiscs. but seriously, if she freaks out because you called on time. wtf. you probably dont want to be with a mentally retarded chick anyway then.
  13. $1 US < $1 CAD

    does this REALLY mean that the us economy is failing? i dont really think exchange rates are definitive of economic conditions... i mean, 1 USD = ~6 Yuan, but that doesnt mean much, does it?
  14. ~1000 words story

    ok, so i wrote this a few weeks back as an english assessment but since its the school holidays here (sydney), i havnt gotten feedback on it yet, so i figured i might post it here to get some feedback on it. i dont mean to seem... desperate for feedback... but, yeah its only natural since i...
  15. Best Stats Receiver

    i know that porygonZ already has nasty plot in its movepool, but wouldnt a fourth move and some speed be really useful?
  16. The Rubik's cube

    whos heard of the sudoku rubiks cube? i saw it in the shops today and felt really un-intelligent because i cant even do a regular cube
  17. Another Australian tournament

    im 99% sure its gonna be level 100 item clause species clause no uber clause like last year, on pbr
  18. Fight Club

    but its a point of the psychoanalytical nature of the novel, i mean, why else (without spoiling the ending) would the novel end with where he is?
  19. Best Stats Receiver

    pikachu. does it matter? with pikachu you'll never be phazed anyway and since you have 6+spd 6+spA and light ball you can say lol at every non ground type or rattata and get stab quick attack =.= silly question if phazing/hazing wasnt concerned
  20. Fight Club

    true, as with any other fan of the movie, i have read to novel. the novel and the movie differ quite a bit in some aspects, the most obvious is the real recipe for nitroglycerin, but the one that struck me most was the first contact the narrator had with tyler, on a nude beach, and some of the...