The Fysical Phitness Thread

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I know just about everybody who plays sports or even has gym in school has taken the beep test. The ways of calculating the scores are different, but my school uses something like this. You start at 1, go through 1'1, 1'2, 1'3..etc until about 1'8 and then you proceed to 2'0. The intervals go higher as you get higher in scores. After like 5'0, the interval becomes '10 until you go to the next level. At 10'0, the interval goes to '12, etc. My best score in school was 16'11. Just wondering how everyone else did during their school years/current years. I know the mean of score is different but please explain it when you post. :P
So I got serious about bulking and I've gotten my squat over 200 lbs 5x5 FINALLY. I had to work my bench back up to 185 5x5 after a cut so I'll see how high I can get that. Also gotta start deadlifting at some point but I hate deadlifts ugh whatever ill do it soon

I <3 milk
does anyone do the 'good morning' excercise? if so, do you find it beneficial at all (especially with an empty bar)?
you have to do your deadlifts pope. it's such a pivotal exercise but yeah i personally find them to be pretty brutal.

btw, i've been cycling between cut and bulk lately. on strength days i go on a cut, as well as off days, but on mass days i bulk. so i'll be bulking about 3 days out of the week while cutting the other 4. i just hate how i look when i bulk and this system seems to give me some added mass while preserving or even lower my bf% so my abs are looking as ripped as ever.
Is it ok to do weights and cardio (I swim) on the same day? (Mainly looking to lower bf% and define muscles).

And is weights then cardio, or cardio then weights better?
Is it ok to do weights and cardio (I swim) on the same day? (Mainly looking to lower bf% and define muscles).

And is weights then cardio, or cardio then weights better?
weights then cardio. It's fine to do them both on the same day but you'll need more recovery (food + sleep). If you're looking to lower bf% then you'll need to eat less than you burn in the day, but keep in mind that you won't be able to add any muscle unless you're like just starting to lift weights (in which case you should just focus on adding muscle).

you have to do your deadlifts pope. it's such a pivotal exercise but yeah i personally find them to be pretty brutal.
Yeah I know. I'm gonna work on technique today and hopefully start sets at the gym tomorrow or friday. My main problem is lower back pain after doing them and that put me off of them for a long time. Flexibility on squats was a big factor in that but that's been a lot better for me lately so I should be fine.
yeah your form is probably a little off if you're experiencing lower back pain. keep your lower back thrust forward (a bit hard to explain), making sure it doesn't arch back, especially on the lift. you'll know you're doing it well when you can really feel it in your glutes. there's a huge difference.

speaking of pain, i get some pretty intense shoulder pains when i do chest dips. i push through because its such a key exercise for the chest but is there any way to improve it?. my form is good, i've had the trainers at my gym look over me. i think i just have vulnerable shoulders or something.

i've been told shoulder dislocations can help but they seem absolutely impossibleto do and i'm not very flexible at all. and does anyone know how to keep the dumbbell between your legs when you do weighted dips haha :p
If you're bad at shoulder dislocations, you should probably try to get better at them because chances are that they'll help your inflexibility for dips. You could try starting out with a longer handle (I assume you're using a broom handle or something for them), or you could try a long belt which is more flexible and will probably make them easier.

EDIT: also this
I do the p90x workout routine.After the end of the first 90 days(did lean version first), I noticed my biceps/triceps were bigger and my abdominal area was more refined.I realized though, that I liked the muscle size I was building and am currently working my way through the classic version(Day 3) which intensifies the arm exercises. Anyone here do p90x or try it?
I currently run 60 miles a week training to race, which keeps me in pretty good cardiovascular and physical shape. My muscular strength is kind of lacking, but training for that would interrupt my running and make it harder to recover from hard workouts.
Yeah, i have already told in few threads i'm an athletic. I dont spend a lot time in gym, only when my coach told to. In gym i normally do only legs, abs and backs. Normally i have training 5-7 times in a week. My main tracks are long hurdles (200m) and normal 300m. Hurdles i run 28.07 and 300 goes for 39.44. Oh, i forgot to told, i'm 15 years old. After couple weeks i have Finnish Championships of my own age. :)


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it feels so easy though. my legs can take it no problem and are asking for more. i'm starting to wonder if my feet can though. i tried going up in the mountains with the pool shoes today and they really tore through my feet, same impact type pain but even worse than my running shoes. i think i may just drop the mileage and increase at a slower pace so that my feet can get stronger and keep up with my legs. but yeah here in greece there's nowhere really to run except the roads and the mountains, both of which are extremely hard surfaces so maybe I'll just take it easy for the 3 weeks I have left here and then go up in the fields/trails/dirt of texas.

p.s. killjoy or not I really appreciate your input more than maybe anyone elses, seeing as you yourself like to do crazy things and are now paying for it. I have a thing or two to learn from your wisdom. might as well not make the same mistakes. so thanks =P
Have you heard of Vibram Five Fingers? My friend has a pair and they seem pretty neat (although a bit creepy). However, I don't see it offering shock absorption, which Lee warns us of.
lol, vibrams.

I will not be caught dead in a pair of those. you're 100% right about "no shock absorption," and "feeling the road" is fairly useless. as far as minimalism goes there are hundreds of better choices that actually cushion your foot a little..... nike frees, saucony kinvaras, those funny newtons whose name I don't remember, any sort of road flat, any sort of xc or track spike (without the spikes, of course)........ and the things just look so damn goofy! ~__~

anyways, update time!!

the pool shoes were a fucking dumbshit idea. they added even more blisters to the ones I already had and pretty much put me out of running for a week, as it just hurt too much to take a step. I'm back in houston now though, so I have full access to a track + lots of soft dirt/grass trails, so my feet have been taking it very well. my shoes don't hurt me at all anymore, so my legs are the limiting factor again. feels good.

the cross country coaches think it is in my best interest to drop the mileage really low (like 20 mpw low) and just pound out 20 quarters every other day and run like 3 super easy on alternate days to recover. I personally find this a little bit silly, so what I've started doing is taking the 2 interval days a little easier (we only practice 4 days a week....sigh) and running an easy 5 every morning in addition to what I normally do. since I am a whole lot faster than everyone else on the team, taking the intervals easy is no problem because I still "win" by a lot (yes I know, racing workouts and seeing who wins is stupid, but our coaches think that we're gonna race like we workout, so every practice is a race), so I can often jog a few miles after the interval days, and it sort of feels the way I feel after a hard fartlek. on easy days, I've tried to go out and do another 5 at a decent pace, which feels a little bit more taxing but still leaves me fine for the intervals. on friday (we practice monday through thursday) I do the usual 5 easy in the morning and a 4 mile tempo in the afternoon, at an embarrassingly slow 7:20 pace (well, that's what it was last week), but in my defense as we pound out more intervals I'll probably be able to handle the faster paces. every week I've been seeing decreases of like 5 sec/mile (I like 4 mile tempos so I did them a lot over the summer), so I should be in fairly good 5k shape in no time at all. saturday is an easy day. jog 5 in the morning and jog 5 in the afternoon, to sort of freshen me up after the tempo, which for me is the hardest day of the week. and then sunday I do the long run because it suits me to not double that day, usually I'll just go until I feel like I've done something, but not to the point where I'm completely drained. usually 8 or 9 easy in around a half hour. I'm considering dropping the pace a little bit and gradually increasing the time until I can go comfortably for 2 hours rather than an hour and a half, then steadily increasing the pace again. I hear that the difference in benefits between 90 min and 120 min is a lot greater than the difference between 60 min and 90 min. I also do short sprints with full recovery on days when I'm feeling good, but never two days in a row.

so yeah, that puts me at a little bit under 70 mpw, which may be a little bit much considering a good portion of that is tempo/intervals, but ya know, gotta have the quality in there too as well as the quantity. I may cut back the mileage on some of the easy days if I feel like going slow is not enough for me to recover. and, as I get more used to this fast running as well as the decently high mileage, who knows, it may well just get easier for me to the point where rather than increase distance I just start taking the intervals a little harder each week.

I have a really good feeling about this season!!
just man up and do your deads. love that burn on my glutes.

gearing up for some olypmic weight lifting once school starts.
I wish I could feel the burn on my glutes (no homo) but it's all in my lower back and I don't know what I'm doing wrong

I'll figure it out eventually I hope
I haven't deadlifted very much, but I sort of had that problem. the solution for me was to try and lift with my legs in the beginning while not letting my back change shape, and at the end imagine myself doing a pelvic thrust (the part where you get into lockout). i dunno if that's good form, bad form, or ugly form, but it always felt good on my back.
I wish I could feel the burn on my glutes (no homo) but it's all in my lower back and I don't know what I'm doing wrong

I'll figure it out eventually I hope
The deadlift primarily works the lower back so although it does work the quads, hams, glutes, upper back, forearms, etc... the lower back takes most of the work or at least you feel it most in the lower back. My advice is to just keep reading up on form online and wear a belt. The extra abdominal pressure you get from a belt really helps the lower back feel better and could possibly up your max by a few pounds :naughty:
I'm no deadlift expert but I'm pretty sure the lower back isn't what you're trying to work with the deadlift. Otherwise I would be a deadlift expert and also I'd have a hernia
As far as physical fitness goes my body fat percentage hasn't climbed above %8 from the time I started working out until I broke my leg, I just got back to about %5 though.
What I do to stay healthy is eat consciously. I don't diet but I usually go for the healthier foods and try not to makes things unhealthy when I cook them e.g. using vegetable oil in stead of the butter because it is healthier. I stay very active with cheerleading, gymnastics, swimming, and weightlifting. I swim for cardio and use my bowflex for for toning. (the bowflex is ment more for toning because of the low amount of weight it provides) I usually work out in the morning because it helps me wake up and makes you feel better by releasing endorphins. I usually use my bowflex for about thirty minutes everyday and swim for about two hours a day.
I don't know if I should credit this to my health or simply being in gymnastics for a long time but I broke my leg and after seven weeks I could tumble again. I'm assuming it has something to do with my bones being used to the force of a full every time I land and my bones being stronger from that. I haven't drank milk since I was 5 because my mom thought it made me angry and now I don't like the taste so I'm not sure what it is lol. edit: what it is that made my leg heal back so well
deadlift is mainly lower back. It also works your hammies, ass and almost every muscle in your body.

If you want to get good form do low weights like 95 or whatever and do it sideways looking at a mirror. Get used to keeping your back straight and have someone watch you and tell you when your arching. Just increase weight and always have someone with you until you get good at them. I started at 135 with a friend and now im doing 265 by myself easy (im 170)
am i the only one who gets a tad bit self-conscious now that i've gotten pretty buff? i feel like one of those guys showing off with tight shirts and though to an extent it's true, i don't want to give off a meathead vibe completely. ahhhhh the pangs of muscularity.
am i the only one who gets a tad bit self-conscious now that i've gotten pretty buff? i feel like one of those guys showing off with tight shirts and though to an extent it's true, i don't want to give off a meathead vibe completely. ahhhhh the pangs of muscularity.
I feel ya, bro
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