The Fysical Phitness Thread

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I play volleyball and I play DDR, that's the bulk of my phsyical activity right there. I have two weightlifting benches in my garage, and I tried using them for a month or two but I just quit after seeing no results or improvement at all. Is weightlifting really worth the time? Or would I be better off doing things like chin-ups, push-ups, sit-ups?

For the record: I'm 16, 6 feet tall, 125 pounds, and I would definitely like some more muscle.
125 pounds for 6 feet is really light, if you want to gain bulk you need to increase your caloric intake fairly drastically. This does mean that you're going to gain fat, but it's nothing you can't cut down later (note: "increase caloric intake" is not a license to eat cookies and ice cream and bbq chips, that stuff should be post-workout only).

I'm also 6 feet, and I weigh 190 pounds. I've gained a fair bit of muscle from going to the gym fairly regularly, but since I can't work out my deltoids due to an injury, I'm not achieving the coveted "bodybuilder arms". And, I won't beat around the bush, I have a bit more under-arm fat than I'd like.

I was wondering if pectoral mass was associated with upper pecs development moreso than mid and lower pecs development. The reason I'm asking is on my current program, I'm going up in weights, and my chest muscles are frequently sore, but I'm not seeing much size improvement, and I think it's because I don't do incline bench.

Program (taken from somewhere on

3x8-12 Barbell Bench Press
3x8-12 Decline Bench Press
1x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Press*
1x Chest Press until exhaustion
Rest, then pushups Until Exhaustion

Take 5 days rest between each workout

*my injury stops me from doing much delt work, and incline bench involves the delts more than other exercises.
I never ever do incline bench and my pecs own, so I don't think that's your problem. Overhead press will work your deltoids more than any bench press will, so I'd recommend that for delts.

As far as chest development, I'm not really sure what to recommend because I don't know anything about your delt injury. Dips have worked very well for my chest but they also hit the shoulders hard so I'm not sure if you'll be able to do them. Other than that, all I do for chest is flat bench and overhead press.

Also you should be doing squats and deadlifts if you aren't already. They are by far the most beneficial exercises for adding muscle to your body. (that goes for everyone reading this thread too)
shoulder dislocations have helped immensely with my shoulder pains from chest dips. i used to feel searing pain but now it's barely noticeable.

also for your chest, do pec flies as they're a pretty good chest iso, as well as alternate between the barbell and dumbells on your bench presses.
I never ever do incline bench and my pecs own, so I don't think that's your problem. Overhead press will work your deltoids more than any bench press will, so I'd recommend that for delts.

As far as chest development, I'm not really sure what to recommend because I don't know anything about your delt injury. Dips have worked very well for my chest but they also hit the shoulders hard so I'm not sure if you'll be able to do them. Other than that, all I do for chest is flat bench and overhead press.

Also you should be doing squats and deadlifts if you aren't already. They are by far the most beneficial exercises for adding muscle to your body. (that goes for everyone reading this thread too)
I never got the hang of deadlifts, but on squats I do 4x6-10 with a few days break in between each set. (to be honest, some days I get lazy and substitute 4-5 sets of leg press).

According to the specialist I saw regarding my shoulder, he thinks there's been some damage to my rotator cuff, but I have to wait a week for an MRI scan.
What's a good way to workout from home? I don't have access to any large weights/gym, so really just what I can do from home.
I (think) I eat healthily, (I'm a vegetarian), I go for about a mile long jog/walk everyday, but I'm really not the most active person. (I.E That's why I'm on Smogon).
Oh, I'm 5'11, 145 lb.
What's a good way to workout from home? I don't have access to any large weights/gym, so really just what I can do from home.
I (think) I eat healthily, (I'm a vegetarian), I go for about a mile long jog/walk everyday, but I'm really not the most active person. (I.E That's why I'm on Smogon).
Oh, I'm 5'11, 145 lb.
I would strongly recommend purchasing a medicine ball (they're very cheap for how useful the are). This gives you some weight to work with, and is really a great exercise tool in general. This site gives you plenty of workouts that you can do and there are many, many more.
Can anyone recommend a day's worth (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few odd snacks) of food that would produce around 3500 good calories?
Can anyone recommend a day's worth (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few odd snacks) of food that would produce around 3500 good calories?
just use the box serving amount and calories per serving. just keep a little book/notepad with you to keep track of calories and try not to pass 3500.

on a side note: what are some "good" protien mixes? I have tried that one purple one that they have the commercials for i cant remember the name of it but i think it starts with an E, and it wasnt very good. some brand called body fortress and its also pretty gross. i used to buy muscle milk back when my parents bought it and it was by far the most delicious brand, but its really expensive. bottom line what are some protien mixes that taste good and are effective? preferably not very expensive either.

and also who has a killer ab routine, i want my abs back ;-;
Eggs. I've also heard that doing an ab workout just after a long run works wonders for your abs, but that was coming from my senile 10th grade PE teacher.
just use the box serving amount and calories per serving. just keep a little book/notepad with you to keep track of calories and try not to pass 3500.

on a side note: what are some "good" protien mixes? I have tried that one purple one that they have the commercials for i cant remember the name of it but i think it starts with an E, and it wasnt very good. some brand called body fortress and its also pretty gross. i used to buy muscle milk back when my parents bought it and it was by far the most delicious brand, but its really expensive. bottom line what are some protien mixes that taste good and are effective? preferably not very expensive either.

and also who has a killer ab routine, i want my abs back ;-;
Whey protein shakes aren't THAT bad. The only complaint I have with them, is that they get foamy if you don't have enough liquid it seems.
a killer ab routine is called eating less. low bf% reveals your abs.

if you're looking for a stronger core do deadlifts. 100 times better than crunches.

i should say dumbbell/barbell pullovers are great for chest as well for mtr
a killer ab routine is called eating less. low bf% reveals your abs.

if you're looking for a stronger core do deadlifts. 100 times better than crunches.

i should say dumbbell/barbell pullovers are great for chest as well for mtr
Are dumbbell deadlifts at all useful? All I have access to is dumbells weighing 2.5, 5, 10, 7.5, 15, 20, and 30 lbs. I want my back stronger, but I'm kinda guessing that those small of weights aren't going to be that great for deadlifts. I know of pull ups and chin ups, but I don't have a bar, and those ones that you stick over door ways look kinda iffy to me.

So far my work out is

deadlifts-5 sets of 15 reps with two 20lb dumbbells
squats- 5 sets of 15 reps with two 20 lb dumbbells
curls- 5 sets of 5 reps with 30 lbs. (I tend to alternate between this and doing 5 sets of 20 reps with 20 lbs)
a variation of skullcrushers where I stand and start with a 15 lb dumbbell at 90degrees and extend- 5 sets of 20 reps
eliptical ball crunches- 5 sets of 20 reps(I go between this and using an ab roller)

Any uhh suggestions? I'm definitely stronger than I used to be, but I'm not exactly as "buff" as I want to be. lol I don't have access to barbells sadly. I have to sorta be careful not to get hurt too, since I'm the best player on my tennis team.

EDIT: with all of the tennis I play, I basically count that as my cardio. Sometimes I go and run about 3.5 miles though. That's probably maybe once a week tops though. Also, I only do about two of these every other day, so I don't get injured with all of my tennis playing.
If you want to get bigger and you're already in good shape, lift heavier weights in fewer reps. If you don't have heavy enough weights, uhhh, improvise.

Specifically if you want a stronger back, lie face down on a couch with your torso off the edge. It might look a bit like a backwards situp. Curl your back towards your legs, kind of like a cobra would before it lunges. If you want to make it more difficult hug a weight to your chest. Probably not the most effective method, but hell.
I've been seriously cutting my calories and taking in a large amount of protein (relative to the calories). I workout 3 times a week. I bike between 8 and 10 miles and then lift. My split is Mon- Chest/Biceps Wed-Back/Shoulders and Fri-Legs/Triceps
I try to do the P90X Ab Ripper X routine on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. It's been working for me so far. I've lost 20 pounds in 9 days. Obviously I expect my results to slow down a bit.
I haven't really lifted in almost a year, I was benching 210, my powerclean was shitty like 185 or something. Deadlift somewhere around 600+. And my squat max was 440.
I've been seriously cutting my calories and taking in a large amount of protein (relative to the calories). I workout 3 times a week. I bike between 8 and 10 miles and then lift. My split is Mon- Chest/Biceps Wed-Back/Shoulders and Fri-Legs/Triceps
I try to do the P90X Ab Ripper X routine on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. It's been working for me so far. I've lost 20 pounds in 9 days. Obviously I expect my results to slow down a bit.
I haven't really lifted in almost a year, I was benching 210, my powerclean was shitty like 185 or something. Deadlift somewhere around 600+. And my squat max was 440.
you don't lose 2 pounds a day without losing lots muscle. a slow cut is a good cut

ps, if you're not e-bragging, your bench is weak as hell compared to your squat and deadlift
I know that losing weight like that will cut a bunch of muscle, but all the protein I'm taking in seems to be keeping my muscle content stable. In fact I've been feeling stronger than usual. But the bulk of those 20 pounds may just be water weight, who knows.


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In order to get ready for XC season, I have been running a lot of 1.35-1.50 mile stretches recently, and have been happy to see my times go down from the 8:45 (yikes) to the much more respectable 7:20 range (still not great). Given that my goal is to break 17:20 in the 5K this year, is this a good way to keep training or should I run longer distances without worrying about time?
In order to get ready for XC season, I have been running a lot of 1.35-1.50 mile stretches recently, and have been happy to see my times go down from the 8:45 (yikes) to the much more respectable 7:20 range (still not great). Given that my goal is to break 17:20 in the 5K this year, is this a good way to keep training or should I run longer distances without worrying about time?
You should mix it up, do long runs and shorter faster runs. My friend who runs for some college in south carolina never did fast runs and just ran for like 12-15 miles at a time. I would say run longer, slower distances on 4 days, and shorter, faster distances on the 3 days that you arent doing long runs. You could try two-a-days but fuck that shit.

you want your abs back, go heavy on those weighted crunches, 5 sets of 6-8 reps. either you have too high of a body fat percentage, or your abs are tiny =/. if its the latter, heavy heavy crunches. if its the former, stop being a fatass :P

you want your abs back, go heavy on those weighted crunches, 5 sets of 6-8 reps. either you have too high of a body fat percentage, or your abs are tiny =/. if its the latter, heavy heavy crunches. if its the former, stop being a fatass :P
its probably a combination of both i dont gain weight from eating really, i stay at ~145-150 but i dont work out a lot because i know i wont get fat. ill try that though. also why did you change yor name to tof
In order to get ready for XC season, I have been running a lot of 1.35-1.50 mile stretches recently, and have been happy to see my times go down from the 8:45 (yikes) to the much more respectable 7:20 range (still not great). Given that my goal is to break 17:20 in the 5K this year, is this a good way to keep training or should I run longer distances without worrying about time?
ramp up the mileage, no questions asked. i'm not sure if you mean 7:20 for 1.5 miles, or 7:20 mile pace for 1.5 miles (if it's the latter, then it will probably take until next season at least to break 17:20). either way, more is better, pre-season. go fast once or twice a week pre-season and focus on building a base. when the season rolls around, your coach will likely have you doing a lot of really fast stuff, where your times will drop significantly and if you can run 1.5 miles in 7:20 alone, you'll likely get into the high 16's.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Many people struggle with pull ups because they utilise a muscle that is generally neglected in everyday life - the lats. There is no magic trick to doing them; just keep working on them and you'll get there.
so i weigh about 90 KG, and i want to slim down to about 70 KG. thing is, i don't want to just lose fat, i want to gain muscle as well, but i've heard that lifting weights will stop your bone growth or something.
so what do you think i should do to achieve my goal?
i walk around 3 km each day, i think i eat healthily, and i play soccer on the weekends.
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