Taicho's CAP-tastic Thread

I like the Water-'Lectric eel thing, especially the fins and embellishment and stuff (sopmething that I'm struggling with a bit on my own eel). I'd like to see him become a bit more streamlined and/or eel-like, his physique right now sort of reminds me of a slug or a fat snake, to be honest. =0

I agree it's too bad that Electric-Poison didn't get picked as the typing, and I really like your design for that one too. :3 Nothing to nitpick about on that one, hahaha~
I like the Water-'Lectric eel thing, especially the fins and embellishment and stuff (sopmething that I'm struggling with a bit on my own eel). I'd like to see him become a bit more streamlined and/or eel-like, his physique right now sort of reminds me of a slug or a fat snake, to be honest. =0

I agree it's too bad that Electric-Poison didn't get picked as the typing, and I really like your design for that one too. :3 Nothing to nitpick about on that one, hahaha~
Well I've mostly dropped that design, if it holds up to the other five I'll consider reworking it
Hmm... I see, fair enough.

Now I know this thread is about YOUR art, but maybe you wouldn't mind giving me some suggestions / a critique on my OWN eel thing...? xP I haven't really gotten any feedback on it, so I can only assume either that it's too good to change, (...LOLno) or that it sucks. Really, I just want to know what to add/change about it. =\

On a more relevant note, your turtle's looking excellent. :3
Well actually this thread is for people who want me o draw their design. in the past (CAP8) I drew a design for someone and came to the conclusion that it was only fair that the lesser artists not be over looked when they had great basic concepts that didn't quite shine through

as for your design I'm not sure without seeing it colored first but it's certainly a good start.
Could you help digitize my art when it's done? I'm fairly good at drawing up concepts, it's just that I have no idea how to make it all shiny and colored on the computer. If I could simply provide you with a Final Submission sketch and you could digitize it by coloring it in and etc, I would really appreciate it, since I have no idea how to do that...

...and yet I know how to Sprite. +(

If you could point me to a tutorial or program with which I could do this, I'd appreciate that too. +)
Could you help digitize my art when it's done? I'm fairly good at drawing up concepts, it's just that I have no idea how to make it all shiny and colored on the computer. If I could simply provide you with a Final Submission sketch and you could digitize it by coloring it in and etc, I would really appreciate it, since I have no idea how to do that...

...and yet I know how to Sprite. +(

If you could point me to a tutorial or program with which I could do this, I'd appreciate that too. +)
Finding such a thing isn't as easy as it sounds... there are some but it's something that takes a lot of practice to understand, though once you do it's improve your spriting by the bucket full. Deviantart is the best place to look, just click here and here and take a look around. Personally I use Photoshop CSX but I realize that that might be rather expensive for some people. GIMP is the general Photoshop alternative.

As far as coloring/ sprucing up/ redrawing/ whatever you need, go ahead and send me a picture in a PM. It can be a scan, and phone pic, anything as long as I get the basic gist.
Well actually this thread is for people who want me o draw their design. in the past (CAP8) I drew a design for someone and came to the conclusion that it was only fair that the lesser artists not be over looked when they had great basic concepts that didn't quite shine through

as for your design I'm not sure without seeing it colored first but it's certainly a good start.
Okay.... well I don't think I draw so terrible that I need an idea drawn for me. =0 Thanks though, that's enough for me to hear. :3

Keep up the good work.
sence the CAP10 poke is a more defensive typed counter thinger what about a turtle? call it someting like shellshock :) and be like a big island turtle thing with lighting on it?
Hey, I got my concept ready and just need to draw a quick sketch and scan it (probably in 3-4 hours).

I'm going to try for a Swan. 10 is a Electric/Water not the other way around as most of the submissions have been.
sence the CAP10 poke is a more defensive typed counter thinger what about a turtle? call it someting like shellshock :) and be like a big island turtle thing with lighting on it?
I don't think you quite get the idea of this thread... or the CAP process for that matter. Please read my OP and try to follow the rules I set up.

Hey, I got my concept ready and just need to draw a quick sketch and scan it (probably in 3-4 hours).

I'm going to try for a Swan. 10 is a Electric/Water not the other way around as most of the submissions have been.
Well competitively the order of the types can be switched around without any consequence. I believe lanturn's main typing is Electric (don't hold me to that) so don't knock any of the designs that focus more on the aquatic. Every artist has their own vision and there is a lot of very talented artist and wonderful designs this time around.

As for your Submission go ahead and send a PM my way with said Swan Sketch. I'm out the next two days (concert), but I'll get to work on it right after my own piece is colored.
Here's a design I really worked hard on!

Pokedex Entry 1: [CAP 10] has the power to summon intense thunder storms. However, before doing so, it warns both people and Pokemon

Pokedex Entry 2: [CAP 10] can defend itself from other Pokemon by cloning their special ability with mystical lightning.

This art design was inspired by Mermaids, and Ocelots, wild cats that are related to the leopard. It's pokedex entries, however, are inspired by the legend of the Mankei Neko, also known as the "beckoning cat", or the "lucky cat."

Here's some more supporting material:
Here's a design I really worked hard on!

Pokedex Entry 1: [CAP 10] lives at the bottom of the sea. It only comes to the surface to warn others of upcoming storms.

Pokedex Entry 2: [CAP 10] has the power to summon intense thunder storms. However, before doing so, it warns both people and Pokemon

This art design was inspired by Mermaids, and Ocelots, wild cats that are related to the leopard. It's pokedex entries, however, are inspired by the legend of the Mankei Neko, also known as the "beckoning cat", or the "lucky cat."

Here's some more supporting material:
You've got yourself a slot. The basic idea is very original and fresh, straying from the aquatic creature as the base design.

Alright I'm Imagining this looking a bit like Vaporeon with no hind legs (anatomy-wise). I'm liking the idea behind this. Unfortunately I'm going to be out at a concert today, so I'll get around to sketching so poses and designs for you to look at. I'm a bit, well, worried about the color scheme. It's an average color scheme which every design is incorporating. Do you mind if I fiddle with it a little?

Edit: I have lovingly nicknamed this guy Revolver Ocelot, after the quirky Russian national of the same title in Metal Gear Solid. I'm actually quite fond of this design, I hope you like it too! I'll polish it up and take some of your suggestions! I also wanted to point out that critter that live at the bottom of the sea often have some sort of luminescent quality to help them find their way around the dark depths of the sea. You might want to consider were I might be able to add this into your design.

Note: this image is just the right size for you to to put up in the CAP submission thread. If you are happy with the progress it's a good idea to post it in the Submission thread to get opinions and people's votes. I only ask that you mention me and my thread somewhere in your post ^_^.
Is it possible for you to help me again? Last CAP, you were unable to finish my concept, so I hope you'll take my idea into consideration....
(The bottom design is closest to what I want)

It's an alligator clip-USB kind of thing. The alligator clip (an electrical component) acts as the head, and it attaches to a black body. Its tail is many up of smaller body-ish shapes, plus alligator scutes. The thing I'm most unsure of are the legs, and possibly making it more water type, though that could be done through minor details and coloration.


Edit: If you plan on doing it, could you PM me or respond in some way? If not, I want to see if there's anything else I can do...
You've got yourself a slot. The basic idea is very original and fresh, straying from the aquatic creature as the base design.

Amazing job! I love it! I'm glad you didn't include legs, because he's not supposed to have them.
Alright I'm Imagining this looking a bit like Vaporeon with no hind legs (anatomy-wise). I'm liking the idea behind this. Unfortunately I'm going to be out at a concert today, so I'll get around to sketching so poses and designs for you to look at. I'm a bit, well, worried about the color scheme. It's an average color scheme which every design is incorporating. Do you mind if I fiddle with it a little?
Go ahead, and change the color scheme to whatever fits, but I'd like to keep his stripes yellowish for reasons I'm about to explain.
I also wanted to point out that critter that live at the bottom of the sea often have some sort of luminescent quality to help them find their way around the dark depths of the sea. You might want to consider were I might be able to add this into your design.
I imagined that the stripes were bio-luminescent, which is why I made the stripes yellow. How ever, if you could find another way to portray glow-in-the-dark stripes without making them yellow, then by all means do it.
Just returned from my concert and I'm bushed so I'll be taking the night off, but between tomorrow and the next day I'll have a colored Submission for you to pass around the thread. I'm glad you like it, i hope I managed to capture the image you had of your pokémon ^_^
Just returned from my concert and I'm bushed so I'll be taking the night off, but between tomorrow and the next day I'll have a colored Submission for you to pass around the thread. I'm glad you like it, i hope I managed to capture the image you had of your pokémon ^_^
Thanks for all the help! I whipped up some art of it in action and some notes that help explain it's personality.
CAP 10 Roasting Scizor with Flamethrower.

CAP 10 Freezing a poorly drawn Breloom with Ice Beam.

Oceanlot (My current nickname for him.) summons almost all of his elemental attacks (i.e. Thunderbot, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, ect.) By holding up his hand. Also note that Oceanlot has fun defeating Scizor, but is annoyed when he beats Breloom. That's because Oceanlot likes fighting Pokemon that he's a good match up against, but doesn't like fighting Grass Types, or Dragons.

Oceanlot doesn't have physical claws, but he can use his electricity to make "energy claws." He can also freeze water into ice sickles making "ice claws."

Oceanlot is good friends with the water pokemon that live at the bottom of the sea. Here it shares the Magikarp it captured with his pal Lanturn.

Oceanlot dislikes dragons. They're always trying to fight it due to it's control over weather. Plus, Oceanlot's STAB moves aren't very effective against them, giving the dragons an upper hand.

Oceanlot Traced unseen Snorlax's "Thick Fat!"

Oceanlot traced "Flash Fire" from the ugliest Heatran ever drawn.

I hope this supporting material helps you!
Hey, I was wondering if you were still helping out with CaP submissions? It would be REALLY helpful if you could give me some pointers!

My concept is two sea urchins that are connected via a tail-plug, one being positive and the other negative. I've been having trouble making them look less cutesy, having the tail look like it flows, the spikes, and color scheme. If you could even just point out some rough areas, Im working on a better pose where the positive one is jumping and the negative is looking at it sarcastically, thanks in advance!
Hey, I was wondering if you were still helping out with CaP submissions? It would be REALLY helpful if you could give me some pointers!

My concept is two sea urchins that are connected via a tail-plug, one being positive and the other negative. I've been having trouble making them look less cutesy, having the tail look like it flows, the spikes, and color scheme. If you could even just point out some rough areas, Im working on a better pose where the positive one is jumping and the negative is looking at it sarcastically, thanks in advance!
Since I don't have someone taking up slot 2 I'll give you the slot, but I encourage you to post this in the Submissions thread on your own to receive some feed back! also please give me some color scheme ideas. even simple arrows pointing to areas on your 'mon attached to a color block works fine. Just gimme some ideas.
Well here's a bit more detailed one with some changes and colors I was considering putting in. Im not sure Im ready to put it in Submissions as of yet because I would rather have a MUCH more clean cut copy before I get my idea out there.

The colors are pretty simple, but I want to add more details and fix some things definitely, any ideas?
Well here's a bit more detailed one with some changes and colors I was considering putting in. Im not sure Im ready to put it in Submissions as of yet because I would rather have a MUCH more clean cut copy before I get my idea out there.

The colors are pretty simple, but I want to add more details and fix some things definitely, any ideas?
I'll get to sketching after work tomorrow. think up some supportive material while you wait. I'll post the results of my brain storming here.
For me, art skills aren't a problem at all. I'm just having loads of trouble getting my concept recognized. It's almost like my post is invisible! Any advice please?

This is what I submitted. I don't think it's that bad...
For me, art skills aren't a problem at all. I'm just having loads of trouble getting my concept recognized. It's almost like my post is invisible! Any advice please?

This is what I submitted. I don't think it's that bad...
Yes, it's definitely good! o__o' I somehow completely missed yours in the art thread, must have been my lack of looking in there for a while...

I completely share your pain about getting the concepts noticed, I submitted one way back on page 2 and I think a grand total of one person noticed it. ;___; It's really just as well, since it wasn't all that good, but... (would've liked some feedback at least...)

In any case... hmm. I have to tell you, I really like the idea, but I'm getting a strong feeling of an NFE Pokemon from this. I really like the design of the limbs and tail, but I think you should try to incorporate all his great features onto something that looks a little more physically mature, you know? =0 That's what I think, anyway. That aside, I think this is probably the best concept for a newt or amphibian Pokemon that anyone's put up.
Yes, it's definitely good! o__o' I somehow completely missed yours in the art thread, must have been my lack of looking in there for a while...

I completely share your pain about getting the concepts noticed, I submitted one way back on page 2 and I think a grand total of one person noticed it. ;___; It's really just as well, since it wasn't all that good, but... (would've liked some feedback at least...)

In any case... hmm. I have to tell you, I really like the idea, but I'm getting a strong feeling of an NFE Pokemon from this. I really like the design of the limbs and tail, but I think you should try to incorporate all his great features onto something that looks a little more physically mature, you know? =0 That's what I think, anyway. That aside, I think this is probably the best concept for a newt or amphibian Pokemon that anyone's put up.

Heheh thanks. I agree, it does look NFE but I like the way it looks. IMO, a lot of other submissions going around look NFE also but oh well. I did see your submission before and I liked it a lot. I think it's a lot better than a lot of similar concepts going around. Good luck to us both I guess.
Yeah.... I guess it's probably the best of the electric eel designs, but in looking at it, it doesn't look like a Pokemon. x___X and it's flat. even with shading. (yours at least has som sens of depth and 3D-ness to it)

No, I'd bet on one of the more creative submissions. Right now, my favorite is Caladbolg's electric jellyfishman. When last I checked, it was quite a creative visual metaphor between a lightbulb and the cnidarian in question... and I'm also really starting to like Cartoons' liddle pixie thing.

Good luck to you, I'm pretty much not in the running far as I'm concerned... xP It's okay though. Maybe next time I'll have a better idea.

Like Bucky, I too have issues with publicity. I think it's good, though I just feel something's missing...

Basically, it's a super sponge crossed with a weapon specialist, as in the animal, not the thing Spongebob's made of.

Tips for it/ways to get it better publicity?

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