CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

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Im, uh, Casually late...

Anyhoo, this is an idea I had. When typing was discussed, people were throwing around ideas, but it was said alot that a good scout needs to be speedy to get in and out of the battle, but also deffensive enough so he doesnt die.
I think the steel/Ghost typing presents great options for the art submission part as all the UN-BELIEVE-ABLE other ideas have show. Ill just throw mine into the pot.

The idea is that its steam-powered engine but instead of steam its, um.. spirit...powered...
The furnace itself is ment to show deffensive attributes and the long legs on the ghos-thing are ment to look speedy. The eyes are big 'cos seeing things is what I scout does, I guess.

2 colour scemes i going with (the wheel will probably always be brown)


Concept stuff, if your intreseted:

Feedback pl0x. Cheers!
This is, in my opinion, the best design. In all honesty I like the masks as they were.
Sorry, Diinbong, if you prefer the design that way. But their are many new designs coming and ths one ain't sticking around.
Gah, this thread moves fast. There's already a bunch of great submissions!

Well, I was thinking about the CAP7, and for some reason I got sidetracked and something made me think of the Matrix. An idea was born. I decided to loosely base my concept off of the sentinels from the matrix. Here's the second version (already trashed the original):

Not colored yet, and still could use some adjustments, but I figured I'd post what I have. (Note that it could perform physical techniques by using the wiring as appendages. Get creative!)
I think it's sweet how one trip to photoshop will all of a sudden move everyone's attention. I thank you all very much for your support. I added Eyes, a mouth (that is stationary, since it's a mask) and expressions to the false faces. also, a last minute smudge 'o the ankles.

More criticism please! Should I include a triangular nose? The design is sort of straying from a fox... so... yeah...

This is WONDERFUL EoE! I absolutely Love the spooky face on the main mask as well as the fact that it's the only one with red eyes - where the spirit lives so to speak.

The smudges on the paws look great too.

Your portal is awesome supporting material too.

If you want to drum up more support I would suggest doing a head on pose with the main mask looming in the foreground so you can see the masks on either side - something people were unsure about in the initial pose.

Another pose you could do is Phox sitting on his haunches maybe with his claws out on his front paws? Alot of people are keeping hands on their designs to make it easy for people to imagine Frisk on CAP7. I'm not saying that Ability should influence the art but it unfortunately does. Maybe making the front paws more hand like could work? Have a look at Otter paws or something for ideas?

I'm totally gunning for you, though alot of the established artists have amazing designs too.

Doug - Your backstory is fantastic :-)
EoE's is my current favorite, love the design <3

My design should be up friday night, or at least a sketch up, ha
That is a really good idea, personally I think that the jaw should be more like a scarecrows, for the ghost effect, And something like a loin cloth or something on his chest or in between his legs.

I am still rooting for you, can't wait to that next demon fox picture
I'm caught between EoE's fox or the Kruger Imp. Both great designs, but I would absolutely love EoE's fox to be a Pokemon. It's the best design so far, but as far as 'most viable to a Pokemon design' it goes to the Imp or the 'chomp' ghost.
Well, I have a very simple sneak peek of what the final is gonna look like. It isn't in color, but it can be if the demand must require so.


Well, this is the other side of him. Why? So you can see the uncovered faces of the other masks!

FIVE masks total.
Head = Malevolent and ghostly. >=)
Left Shoulder = A smile. =) (can only be seen on my first drawing)
Right Shoulder = A frown. =(
Left Thigh = Sadness. ='( (can only be seen on my first drawing)
Right Thigh = Confused =/

Oh and this:

What do you think? Color? How about his new whiskers? Should it's tail be a mist?

Just a few sketches. I really like the teapot Farfin. Try not to overcomplicate the design EoE (not that you have, just as a directional choice).
Elegy that looks really good, but I really think the first face on the head is better than the Kitty face. I like the "no mist" tail and the legs are superb, and those could use a little mist.
As for the color... A dark purple or blue and some other dark color swirled together.
Great design Elegy of Emptiness. It may be getting too complicated, though, I thought it was way cooler when it had a very blank looking stare on it's mask. It gave him that telepathic look you described underneath it. I think the overall design is awesome, very much in the spirit of Mightyena and Absol, and also looking like something that could be running around and scouting.
Well, the purpose of the post was to scout your opinions, as well as show you the five different designs of the masks.

Maybe if I try really hard I could do one of those nifty easytoon things to show you more easily. But it will take a while.

In fact, maybe I should color it, while at the same time making it less complex. Maybe I should also take out the pawprint eyeholes.
Elegy, one thing I don't understand is why, on your original drawing, the round mask is a sphere, when all others are two dimensional?
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