CAP 4 CAP 4 - Name Discussion

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I only like a few right now, which to me isn't a very good thing.
I think people are trying to make too "clever" names and therefore are making them incredible complex in terms of how they sound or what they're comprised of.
I like:
(my own)
and some other ones, but I'm too lazy too look for them.
Think simple, yet witty guys.
And I advise against using "arachnid" in your name for reasons stated above.
I just had to say Opilipalm and Polypalm sounded awesome.

And Tarhandtula sounds like the perfect name for an evolution of this.
I like Harvesand. In addition to the meaning you meant to give it, hiddenly the -and could also reffer to "hand". That is so neat ^_^
Yeah, I originally tried to combine havestman and hand. The result conveniantly sounded like "sand" at the end. I think it's good that there are so many aspects in one simple name.
I'd like to submit Digitoxi before I really go on hiatus.

Digit is for the fingers on hands, and could be a pun on actualling digging (step aside Diglett).

Toxi for obvious posion reasons. I tried venom and sludge and posion but toxin fit better in my opinion.

Digit+Toxin, pronounced as its spelled, "Di-gi-tox-ee".

Have fun with the rest of the CaP project. Maybe I'll be back to support the 5th or 6th on, but I am really finishing up with pokemon.
I just had to say Opilipalm and Polypalm sounded awesome.

And Tarhandtula sounds like the perfect name for an evolution of this.
Please keep in mind, I only mentioned that name as a joke to get it aside, I did in no way endorse the usage of the name "Tarhandtula".

As for a second one, I have something. Much better than my first suggestion, which makes me wish I could take that one back in case I come across anything else really good later on down the road.

"Handuro". Simply hand + burrow, shortened; the "duro" could also signify its durability. After all, it *was* originally intended to be attacking through the ground with its hands, especially indicated with the burrowed-in picture accompanying the original artwork, is it not? Getting right to the point, isn't this guy supposed to be digging through the ground a lot instead of walking around on top of it? (Punching and arm thrusting at stuff would definitely be MUCH harder when try to do it out of the ground; burrowing in fits very much flavor-wise with the movepools we're trying to give this guy :)

I went on a whim and changed it as I typed it out to Handuro, so if anyone thinks the original iterations of Handurrow or Handurro are better, there are the alternate spellings of the name.
Cralmer (Crawler + Palm)
It is obviously something that crawls, and it has a lot of hands with big palms. Plus, it sounds close to Kramer from Seinfeld, haha.

Virulanz (Virulent + Hands[z])
Virulent means extremely toxic, and it has many hands. The z came from the word hands but Virulands sounds like a toxic waste marsh, so the "ds" was replaced with a "z", looks better and sounds similar if not the same.
Well, my "references" are what I've gleaned from watching fansubs so... technically, since neither of us actually know japanese, either could be correct XD
lmao, you're so right. xD

Reading through the thread again (and again and again...), I really like Polypalm. And then there's Terachnid close behind it.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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Firefox didn't recognize Revenant so I got confused and looked for similar starting words. Wait... DK has made 2 out of 3 of the CAP names... why didn't I recognize this before?
My names strike stealthily, like ninja!

Dictionary said:
1. a person who returns.
2. a person who returns as a spirit after death; ghost.
It's also usually a 3rd or 4th tier undead monster in Final Fantasy games. Usually goes something like Zombie -> Ghoul -> Ghast -> Revenant.

Also, I think Opilipalm should be changed to Opialm to match Mariguana. We could call it the drug smuggler pokemon.
My suggestion is simple.

Tyralm. It comes from Tarantula, Tyrant, and Palm.

Now one has to wonder which finger it pulls to use Gunk Shot...and how much pleasure it gets from it.
Opolipom/-palm = a combination of opiliones, poly and palm. Pom is a corruption of palm, similar to Ambipom. Got this by combining Opilipalm and Polypalm, based on the other's ideas.
I decided to change one of my suggestions according to Truthi's idea of crossing the two names.
For the record, 雲 kumo is cloud while 蜘蛛 kumo is usually spider, or so says Wikipedia. How weird. You're both right, though.

My other suggestion will be Phalandigit (Phalangid/Phalanx + Digit/Dig) and will be edited in to my first post. Breaks the 10-letter nickname rule, though, and Falandigit (Or even Phalandig) doesn't sound nearly as proper. I might change it for something with tsuchi (As in earth, also gives a reference to Tsuchigumo, a giant spider in Japanese myth, its name literally meaning earth spider. )

It was the concept from the very beginning. Why not make it the name?
I had already thought of using the word "Utility" and I fused it with "Palm" so there's actually some comparison with the name and the pokemon. It's a few pages back. Palmility.


not quite too old for this, apparently
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Also, I think Opilipalm should be changed to Opialm to match Mariguana. We could call it the drug smuggler pokemon.
God, not drugs again. I was waiting for someone to do something like this...

Also, Palmility sounds a lot like Calamity.
God, not drugs again. I was waiting for someone to do something like this...

Also, Palmility sounds a lot like Calamity.
I've never heard of Calamity. Doesn't sound like Palmility either. I don't know if I'm being biased but doesn't sound like that to me.


A short name derived from dexterous, which this will certainly be, and toxin. They fit together well and the name is short and easy to say.

Since ground is it's secondary typing I didn't follow any ground/dirt based names and since its utility role is so prevalent through its hands I wanted to show that somewhere in the name. I'm a fan of simple names so I rarely dig deep into Latin unless I can justify it.
How about changing that to 'Dextrin'?
For the record, 雲 kumo is cloud while クモ (or 蜘蛛) kumo is usually spider, or so says Wikipedia. How weird. You're both right, though.

My other suggestion will be Phalandigit (Phalangid/Phalanx + Digit/Dig) and will be edited in to my first post. Breaks the 10-letter nickname rule, though, and Falandigit (Or even Phalandig) doesn't sound nearly as proper. I might change it for something with tsuchi (As in earth, also gives a reference to Tsuchigumo, a giant spider in Japanese myth, its name literally meaning earth spider. )
Wait, the spider "kumo" is written in katakana meaning there's probably a language that spiders are called "kumo" or something like that. So what language is that from...if anyone knows.
Basing this guy's name off his metagame purpose seems a bit silly. There aren't any Pokémon around who's names are like "Sweeper," "Tank," or "Wall."
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