not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

Ive been thinking for a while about how all the media I like or that looks interesting to me is completely devoid of teenage main protagonists. All my favorite games, movies, books etc are either lead by cartoon scrimblos (Kirby, Sonic, Donkey Kong, Goku) or very distinct adults (Kenshiro, Jake Epping from Stephen King's 11/22/63, Superman, Goku again). Meanwhile I take a gander at the casts of stuff like Chainsaw Man and Harry Potter and feel... empty, like I don't wanna bother.

Considering the vast adult fanbases for those last two aforementioned series and many others dominated by characters in the high schooler age bracket I am clearly a major outlier in regards to my tastes. I'm just curious if anyone else has encountered this tendency and can help me pinpoint where it comes from
It depends for me. I really hate media where the characters are meant to be teens, but act like fully realized adults. Where it feels like the characters are only a certain age to pander to their target audience. Harry Potter is actually a good example, I find Harry very boring and I hate how he acts like a grown ass dude in the last couple of movies, whilst he acted like a very boring child in the first couple ones. Only exception to that rule are Jotaro Kujo and Giorno Giovanna from JJBA. Jotaro is a 17 year old that wants to appear as mature as possible, with Giorno it's pretty well explained why he acts the way he does at 15. And both showed childlike tendencies at times

I love Chainsaw Man because Denji acts like a 16 year old boy in rather special circumstances. He is very much like I was at his age, we see him develop and become an adult. The other characters treat him like a 16 year old, for the better or worse

Similiarly, Evangelion is wonderful because it shows how awkward and uncomfortable it is being 14. You are no longer a young child, you are not an adult, your body does weird shit, your brain goes places that bring you discomfort and you can't do anything about it. It completes the message and the narrative

Peter Parker, Monkey D. Luffy, Edward Elric, Mob are all teenage MCs I really enjoy reading about for similar reasons. One of my favorite MCs ever, that is rather unknown, is Shizuka from Takopi's Original Sin. She's like 10 or something but she manages to be really interesting and reminds me very much of myself at this age. You should read that manga, it's very short, you can read through it in like 2-3 hours

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
Do you ever just read a spinoff of a series you like starring your favorite character from that series thinking "This is probably gonna be mediocre pointless brand extension to a story that didn't need it, I'm keeping expectations low but I'm ready to be pleasantly surprised" only for it to be one of the most insanely awful things you've ever laid your eyes on

I'm not gonna name names but despite the sound of my post I'm not even angry, I'm just genuinely fucking speechless
I am a dog

You are widely overestimating my intellectual ability
not all places experience the same day-night cycle. when it is night in china, it is day in america. if every place had the same timezone, then 7pm fore some people would be the morning, for some people be in the middle of the day, and for some people be midnight. so if everywhere had the same timezone, either everyone would have to sync up there sleep schedules, leaving some people to have to work in the night, or cause absolute shceduling chaos. that is not to say timezones are perfect, but they are the solution that the world arrived at.


and boom goes the brainbox
is a Community Contributor
we do this with seasons so i don't see why we can't do it with times. aussies go surfing and have barbecues at christmas i am sure they can handle waking up at 5pm


World’s sweatiest casual
is a Pre-Contributor
people who call people legendary spammers are the antivaxxers of competitive pokemon
I actually got into showdown through a friend's SS Natdex tournament where every legendary/mythical/ultra beast was banned, he was definitely the type to call people legend spammers lmao. Once I "got gud" and heard the tragic tales of low-tier legends like Entei and Guzzlord, I felt acutely dumb for ever thinking that was cool. But hey I'm here now so fuck it we ball

everyone is smoothbrain sometimes, but some are smoother than others
I had some focaccia today, I put some traditional olive oil on there, however, it was Greek, not Italian oil. Will I be beaten to death by some nonna now?
I've been watching some classic SpongeBob recently

Man it really feels nothing like a kid's show, it feels like they were targetting adults and just had it be kid friendly. The amount of jokes and references I didn't understand as a kid are staggering, there's even a George Carlin reference in the Sailor Mouth episode
Wasn't funny
He always confused me because
1) he says smart things, but a lot of what he says are things people already agree on and understand. He presents it very well and brings to the people, articulating a lot of thoughts and feelings that many of us have in ways we couldn't do, but again, a lot of it is stuff we agree on. It can feel vindicating to hear your views reflected, but I want to be challenged and made to think by opinion pieces, not just feel confirmation
2) he wasn't a comedian, he was a philosopher or, idk, public figure with a lot to say in the public room. I never know if that's good or bad. Like he calls himself comedian, isn't funny, doesn't try to be funny, but does say valuable things... is that good or bad? Is it bad that he appropriated the label and art of comedy for his opinions and perspectives, even when his opinions and perspectives are valuable? I really have no idea, I've been wondering about that for a very long time
3) I like what he brought to culture... but also kinda dislike it. Some of the people and media he inspired is wonderful, some of it is cynical and awful. Same for the people he influenced. Intellectualism usually does this, unfortunately

Idk, I am very conflicted on Carlin

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