World Cup: South Africa 2010 - Paul and Spain win!

The only reason why US players don't dive and try to gain time in soccer is because they are always trailling behind on important matches.

Sorry to tell you the truth, but this is a World Cup. Do you really think that a team will be winning, with less than 10 minutes before they make it to the next round, and they'll just keep attacking and trying to score more goals?

They WILL keep possession of the ball, even holding it at the corner flag, and they WILL try to gain time with each and every free kick, corner kick and throw-in that they have. Diving is sad, but it's not the only sport that has it, and just because the US team never had a chance to do it, don't think they wouldn't if they needed.

I was supporting the US team against Ghana all along, but they took two needless goals, just like South Korea. At the second half of extra time, they didn't have the legs to keep trying. Too bad, but it happens. The team is a lot better than 4 years ago, and they've actually shown that to the world. Congratulations, better luck next time.
Moving on swiftly.

England v Germany tomorrow.

Will Rooney finally score? Personally I think he will, but I'm not sure if England can beat the Germans. If England were in form then I'd be confident with England, but they're not so they'll probably struggle.
England VS Germany

Seriously not a very good match-up. One of the strongest teams in soccer will be kicked out early. England is ranked #8 in the world currently, and Germany #6.
Nooo, I was hoping South Korea will win, because I am an Asian. I remembered the free kick, which Park Jisung, or some other Korean member kicked towards the goal, narrowly missed the corner of the goal in like 3 minutes into the game. Damn! Then Suarez, if that is his name, came out of no-where 7 minutes into the game and somehow kicked the ball into the goal. Korea must have left their guard down. Korea later did have an equalizer 67 minutes into the game after multiple failed attempts to score, then Uruguay got the lead back soon, which I admit was a spectacular goal, even if I don't particularly support them.

Good job Uruguay, even if I don't support you. Now the only Asian team left is Japan, and I hope they can do something to Paraguay.
Yeah, the US team would have done it too if they were winning, but it doesn't change the fact that it is a _huge_ problem with the sport. The biggest reason it isn't a major sport in the US is that TV doesn't want to touch it because it isn't designed with commercial breaks in mind.

I do think it's funny that other countries look down on our soccer teams though. Imagine if soccer was the only big sport in our country and we dedicated all the money we dedicate to basketball, football, and baseball to it. Not to mention amazing athletes who were born here grew up wanting to play soccer instead of basketball/football. We'd probably dominate more than any other country.
Lol, I agree wikey. I wanted team us to go further. =( It sucks that they got knocked out, but England v. Germany should be a pretty good match. I plan on watching anyway! =D
Yeah, the US team would have done it too if they were winning, but it doesn't change the fact that it is a _huge_ problem with the sport. The biggest reason it isn't a major sport in the US is that TV doesn't want to touch it because it isn't designed with commercial breaks in mind.

I do think it's funny that other countries look down on our soccer teams though. Imagine if soccer was the only big sport in our country and we dedicated all the money we dedicate to basketball, football, and baseball to it. Not to mention amazing athletes who were born here grew up wanting to play soccer instead of basketball/football. We'd probably dominate more than any other country.
I mean, the one thing I can look foward to at least is the future of soccer. Most of this team is very young, and they seem to have decent talent. It just sucks that this will probably be Tim Howards last cup, and after him our next goalies are from the MLS =(.

That is a good point you bring up, and could be a reason soccer isnt a major sport here in the US. I dont think I ever see a MLS game on ESPN or anything, and that very well could be a reason for it. It could be due to the fact that they figure nobody would watch it anyway, but Hockey doesnt draw many viewers and soccer could probably at least draw as many as the NHL


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lol at everybody expecting England vs Germany to be a competitive match.

Germany easily outranks England and has a vastly superior team.
I wish I could believe this, and in some sense I do, however there have been too many reports about German injuries that I'm pretty much starting to lose my confidence in them. I dunno, guess we will see today.

I'm pretty stoked that Uruguay got through and can definitely see them beating Ghana. Although Uruguay is my 3rd favourite team (behind Germany and Argentina), I think I would prefer to see a Uruguay world cup win to the other 2 winning for old times sake. The Uruguayans are extremely good this year and I can really see it happening :)
What GEC said. Now I'm starting to worry. Özil's grandmother died the other day, which is really sad, and if he does play, it's possible he'll be off form. Cacau, Boateng, and Schweinsteiger are all injured or in questionable shape. Köpke said the latter two played in fitness training, but who knows? =/ It's an extreme worry, and if England can maintain the shape they've found, it will be a bit tense. But I hope for the best anyway. GERMANY!! (No offense to you Brits. <3)
Netherlands - Slovakia 3-1
Brasil - Chile 2-1
Argentinia - Mexico 2-0
Germany - England 3-2
Paraguay - Japan 0-0 (Japan wins after penalties)
Spain - Portugal 4-2

Uruguay - Ghana 2-1
Netherlands - Brasil 1-0
Argentinia - Germany 1-1 (1-2 after 30 minutes extra)
Japan - Spain 0-4

Uruguay - Netherlands 1-0
Germany - Spain 3-1

Uruguay - Germany 2-2 (Germany win on penalties)

I think Netherlands defeat Brasil, but then have to beat a small opponent (Uruguay, a small outsider) and then lose because of underrating (like the European Championship in 2008, beating France and Italy with big scores, players overrating themselves and losing to Russia immediately after this poule).

I hope Uruguay wins the WC, even tough I am Dutch (I hate the Dutch team, a **** coach and playing way too defensive. I like the Uruguayan team, I am a fan of mainly Suarez, Forlan, Cavani, Muslera and Lodeiro). I think Germany has a good team and I think they will be world champion. Spain and Brasil are overrated. It is time the Uruguayan coach starts using Suárez well: As a right winger instead of a central striker.
Some lineups I made, please comment by making your own.






--A Cole--King--Terry--Johnson--



--Di María------Agüero-----------Messi--



--Van Persie-----------Sneijder-----------Robben--
-----------------De Jong----De Zeeuw------------
--Matthijssen--Boulahrouz--Van Bommel--V/D Wiel--





Like shade said, rugby isn't popular in the us either and i don't think we can attribute that to players being pussies and falling on purpose; and on the other hand in american football and hockey, everyone wears huge protections and you could argue that they are as much for spectacle as for actual protection. Besides, the acting in football is despised pretty much everywhere, the us don't hold the exclusive rights to fair play...

Edit: woops, i was one page late - agreeing with Wikey.
Argentina: 0/0/1

--------Some Goalkeeper-------
LMAO, lold irl

Özil's grandmother died the other day, which is really sad, and if he does play, it's possible he'll be off form
i dont think that will be the case, if he does play, he'll play in tribute to his grandmother and just rape everyone
Divided loyalties. Live in England and all but I really want to see Germany in action for a bit longer.

Right now I'm thinking along the lines of; if Rooney scores/does something I'm rooting for England, otherwise go Germany.

Here's to hoping we don't see a scenario similiar to GAZZA'S TEARS (tm)...
Even though Germany smashed Australia, I want Germany to win 4-1 against England, with Rooney scoring the goal
Epic Grand Final:

Argentina vs Germany EPIC!


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England are going to boss it 3-1 :) just wait xD

Altaria, Carrick wouldn't start for England and that's coming from a Manchester United fan xD Lampard would also not play wide left. It would be Lampard in Carrick's position and James Milner or Joe Cole on the right. King is also likely injured for the rest of the tournament. Capello could pick Carragher, but if he does, we lose. He should pick Dawson, but if he doesn't pick Carragher, it'll be Upson.

As for Spain, I think they just kept playing Torres in the group stages to gain him some match fitness. I actually think he's a bit more unlikely to start in the next game, unless he's been showing more in training. Spain would definitely not play an Iniesta, Xavi, Fabregas, Alonso diamond IMO unless someone was injured. Busquets gets the nod as the holding player, with Alonso picking the passes. I think there's only room in the side for Fabregas if Torres or Villa don't start, as Fabregas would play a more advanced role off of the striker in a 451/433 formation. But even then, Spain somewhat lack someone who's adept at playing wide right so they'd have to stick Xavi there.

I think Tévez would start more games than Milito.


Edit: Apparently England are playing the same team as against Slovenia:

Johnson Terry Upson A.Cole
Milner Lampard Gerrard
Defoe Rooney​

I still would have preferred Aaron Lennon on the right, no Defoe, Gerrard off Rooney, Milner on the left and Lampard & Barry deeper. I feel England lacks the ability to counter attack properly without a pacey winger like Lennon. Hopefully we'll see this through substitutions in the game, though.
random guess predcition, I think England will win 2-1, hopefully Lampard and Rooney can get off the mark so they can boss the other games, and a goal from Klose for Germany, thats just random btw i didnt put much thought into it so if its completely off dont be suprised

also Ozil is starting despite his grandmother dying a few days ago, England need to be wary of him
germany and argentina both win 2-1. Why you ask?

Horrible referee in the eng ger game. I feel this will benefit the germans as they dont have rooney, who always gets on refs nerves. ALso germany looked dominant in the group stages while england looked meh. 2-1 Ger

Argentina is great, but mexico has a deadly counter attack strategy. I think the possession will go 57-61is % for argentina but mexico will get a coupel of good counter attack chances with one going in the net. 2-1 Arg

predicitions yesterday were 1-0 ghana and 2-0 uruguay so im doing well in my pool

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