Social Why did you join Smogon?


i once put 42 mcdonalds chicken nuggets in my anus
I joined because of... Verlisify. Well actually, I started lurking because I heard about Smogon through his ...videos. I at first just lurked to make fun of it, but as time went on I started finding this community more facinating and realized how awful Verlis was. The final reason I joined was because I got really into aim 's videos and wanted to learn more about the tiers.

Also, can I just say how grateful I am to aim ? Without him, I may have never joined this awesome community and idk what I'd do. Also shoutout to Skull Kamen and FeliciaFan444 who got me to realize how shit Verlis is. Moral of the story, even Verlis fanboy can change.


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Circa 2012 I was just a dude who got my first online Pokemon game (Diamond) from my brother in law, who had used his old DS and games to pass some time while serving in the USMC touring in Afghanistan. I had completed the game and wanted to make teams and whatnot, so I would draft up old gen 4 teams on paper. I didn't even know Smogon existed until I was looking up how to play competitively; I joined the forums and made an RMT for one of my teams (some team I thought was REALLY good with illegal Lapras sets lol) and got shit on for it. I decided to join Serebii for a while, and got used to the forums there. Eventually I got banned for making alt accounts, so I remembered my smogon account. At this point I was a little invested in competitive Pokemon, and played a lot of BW OU. From then I started playing a lot of LC, until I went through several breaks where I would steadily lose interest in Pokemon. I don't play at all anymore except the rare battle here and there, I still stay on the site because there are several people I enjoy talking to and its a fun nostalgic way of passing the time.


Dancing through life
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I believe I originally joined Smogon to make a post in the bug reports thread (idk if it was actually an error lol), but nowadays I use it for PS! stuff mostly.


I don't remember whether my first post was my shitawful vgc10 RMT (this lost to roar of time dialga in its second game ever) or a slightly less shitawful gen 4 UU RMT (with physical blastoise!! liechi rapid spin!!) but iirc it was the VGC team. I was actually on another forum before I joined here that was full of far bigger scrubs (read: essentially karenites). conveniently me joining this site corresponded to me not being as ~random~ so finding pwn XD stuff in my history is harder, but you can still feel it in the bones of my earlier posts. at some point not long after I joined I was competent enough at the game to get gen 4 analyses up... I think gen 4 UU vileplume is somehow still up after all this time, god only knows how

Muscle K

Banned deucer.
I don't know why I made an account here, how I got here or why i'm still here. Someone please send help, because i can't even play pokemon proplery
I originally joined the website. So I could gather information about the strategy of Pokemon. I originally intended to be part of the community. Though everytime I am just a little active. I remember why I wasn't in the first place. I've played Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Saphire, Emerald, Black and White 2. Yet my opinions seem to be unpopular and in some cases provoke small gangs of trolls to respond to my posts. It really is a shame because with my experience. I have something to contribute to the forums.


aujourd'hui à
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I got directed here after my attempts to convince a few NeoSeeker users that Skarmory made for an ideal offensive Pokemon fell a little bit flat. I've probably spent less than half of my seven years here actually playing the game; most of my time here has been spent socialising. There are a few things about my time here I regret, all of them self-inflicted, but I've mostly enjoyed everything.


two slow dancers last ones out
is a Pre-Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
I first found out about PS! in 2013 because I didn't have a 3DS at the time and I really wanted to play some sort of pokemon. I think I looked up something like "online pokemon" and I stumbled upon PS. I made a smogon account in 2015 after playing randbats and OU for 2 years just lurking around in the lobby and enjoying myself. I got involved with NU around the time I made an account too which I don't regret for a moment. The community has been amazing with tons of supportive members and I've grew close relationships with many people, most notably cyanize, neomon and eternally. I've only recently gotten into serious contributions but with hopefully more to come :)
Wanted a place where I could freely post and theorize about competitive pokemon, lately though it seems the moderation staff, in certain areas, has been degrading severely over time.

Now it's basically just an echo chamber. Sad really.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
For the bitches.

In all seriousness I had been on PS since late 2011 and was basically just a shit head noob using bad teams. I then found out about how to actually play and soon after I cemented myself in CAP and made an actual smogon account to help out with the project. I then destroyed that cement because it was inferior and obsolete. Now I just play PU and a bit of UU not really anything else.


is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Definitely for competitive battling and the great community, and when I found out about The Smog (magazine) I was really interested but never got around to writing. When TFP came out I definitely gave it a go and I just thought "hey you're telling me I get to write online articles about Pokemon?" and it was that.

Added bonus imo.

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