Weird/Random Dreams you had

I had a dream where there was these meme going around called "Throw a bear, Befriend a bear" from some video i saw on SKype in my dream where there was an old darth vader (apparently he isn't dead lol), and he was spasming and accidentally threw a stormtrooper (which looked like a white version of big ted from playschool) out of hole in the ship as he was about to board a ship. Then it turns out luke skywalker caught the 'bear/stormtrooper' and starts teaching darth vader how everytime he throws a bear, he needs to befriend a bear. lol that's my dream

Metal Sonic

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Also I had a dream two days ago:

Smogon forums had their background changed to green and the stupid xenforo bug which was happening to me very frequently (extreme ping and lag when I'm logged in) got fixed. I was so excited that I exclaimed it on dream irc

Alas, it was not real. I just complained about this exact bug 10 minutes ago on irc

EDIT: 28 SEPTEMBER: The xenforo bug which happens to me finally got fixed. additionally, smogon forums got their background changed. to purple though, not green

still my dreams are really damn accurate i must be psychic
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aujourd'hui à
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For the past few nights, I've been having these odd dreams where there are two tribes that are, more or less, out to get me.

One is particularly malevolent, using crossbows / spears in their quest to kill me and following me everywhere (in one dream, I had to fend off a bunch of them who had gathered outside my school and were firing barrages of arrows at me). Another one is more melee oriented and only tries to kill me if I come near them.

This dream is probably a product of playing far too much LoL for my own good.
I don't think my dreams are very weird or random anymore, since in all of them I'm either brutally murdered or people close to me are. It's discomforting, to say the least.
how come jumpluff doesn't get the honor of going on a date with me? :(
What do you mean by 'get'? As in receive teh honor? or not fully appreciate the honor? Well be happy lol, you got a like, glhf sell your apartment/car/clothes for a plane ticket
Another one I just remembered when I was like, nine:

So I was at Disney World, and I went into a new ride that they had there. It was advertised as an "alternate reality thrill ride," so I went in. When I went in, the attendants hooked me up to a machine and I started having a Inception dream inside a dream. I was being chased by giant sharks that somehow started jumping out of the LAND and ruining houses and everything. I tried to wake up from it, but I couldn't.


a sky full of lighters ☆
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I remember my dreams like basically every day. Um let's see, songs I hate in dreams = amazing dreams, songs I like in dreams = scary dreams, and there's also times where I just sing a song I like to overcome something scary in a dream. My favorite dreams are like related to the sky. So if there's clouds, weird or rare patterns in the sky or sunsets, dream self tries to take a photo of them and always fails as if to prove that it's a dream because its so impossible. :( some of these have been super cool like holy fuck ugh I can't even describe it but the skies are so pretty!

Randomly I've dreamed about natural disasters and by far they've been the coolest, like a cyclone in an ancient city with the sun going down it was really pretty umm this nice forest-y area on fire which was pretty because it was wet too, floods everywhere which were badass and a tsunami over my backyard with the sun going down behind it, soooo pretty :3

Other awesome dreams are about pkmn but they aren't too common really, I remember an awesome one about Suicune on a mountain and it was dark and there was lightning around and it was badass as fuck. I also dream about cool things in pkmn games too, and Mario, but that's the limit of pkmn p much. Oh and one time I went through a Dragonite portrait into the Pokemon world in Saffron city which was fucking amazing like legit in a Pokemon city and people were dark idk it was cool I can't even describe.

Anything relating to afternoon is generally an amazing dream for me because the same applies irl, idk I just love how pretty the afternoon is.

HOWEVER unfortunately I've been having bad dreams for ages. Either they just aren't pretty, or they're of work (which somehow is super depressing in dreams despite me liking it irl) - actually a lot of my dreams are of high school or primary school which sucks because those dreams usually suck. But yeah by far the better dreams were back in 2008 and before that and I haven't really had awesome dreams much since then. ;_;

Oh and worst dream ever was um in primary school stuck in a room and it was raining outside. At the same time we went back in time back to dinosaur age so the playground there was turned to bones idk that scared the fuck out of me.

Cool facts about my dreams: one time a five or so months back I looked at PS auth list during the day and thought nothing of it, then during my dreams, Enguarde's username randomly appeared during it and I remembered nothing else. Kind of funny considering now. :)

Only time I realized I was in a dream to my knowledge was as a kid when I tried to escape a witch and I kept trying to leave my dream and couldn't. Oh and one time like last year I realized I was in a dream and tried to fly cause I knew I was in a dream but couldn't ripoff imo.

Oh another theme of dreams is that my pets either die come back to life or escape idk it's fucked.

Occasionally I've had like story dreams where it feels like those dreams belong in novels like um, a queen was trying to poison everyone with smoke water and I had to find and stop her but she sent her army against me to try and break through walls, I also had to avoid the smoke water at the same time too it sucked :(

Oh and uh dreams when I was younger I kind of cant tell if they were real or not :x like um I know it's not real now but a roller coaster down the back of my house in the garden and also a mushroom table down there which to the day I still don't know if its real or not. Also um being on logs in a forest with mist around I srsly don't know if its real lol. :(

The end, I think!
I remember having one where Bill Nye the Science Guy was gonna be coming to my junior high/middle school, and so everyone was getting ready.
Then an internet friend of mine and I started having a fight with dirty dish water and we got it all over the hamburgers that were spontaneously there.
Soon after, the door blew open and ice filled the gym and coated the walls and floors and the ceiling. Might've involved Kyurem-B idek it was two years ago that I had this dream.
And my internet friend was mad at me because I ruined the hamburgers, even though it was her fault too smfh.

I also remember having another dream where I was apparently talking to [a different] Internet friend via an iPhone that I don't own. I was sucked through the phone and ended up in Mexico [she's Mexican but lives in the States]. I started looking for her and heard a Wii turn on in the basement; lo and behold, it's her. We then go on the roof and there's a party going on there - I believe some of the people wanted to throw a baby onto a neighbouring roof? Either way I was like You people are stupid as fuck and left to ask my friend to take me back home.

She was in the basement, practically making out with this chick friend she's got, and I was trying to get her attention, but failed for a while [too busy necking I guess], and then she's like Grr, fine. Damn, you're so irritating.

Then I was sent back to merry old London Canada via the iPhone again.

I don't even like Apple, man.


the entire waruda machine
I had this dream yesterday. I saw a flash of lightning, then a tornado formed. Like about 30 yards away. It threw a car at me. I dodged. "wow holy crap"

this morning i just heard about a hurricane(?) in hong kong. amazing
All of my dreams typically tell me about tests I'll be having the next day. They're pretty accurate when I remember them

Metal Sonic

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All of my dreams typically tell me about tests I'll be having the next day. They're pretty accurate when I remember them

Yeah I have those too. When I study a lot that night and i go to sleep I will have dreams of me studying

those are boring af and i would consider those a nightmare

basically I never get nightmares, the only ones close are the above or those where I forget/lose my bag/homework/phone

if there are any bad guys i can zap them dead in my dreams so no nightmares
lol, like 10 mintes ago, i dreamt eo ut mortus had locked the cookie clicker thread because it was getting out of hand :/ what does this mean?


the entire waruda machine
lol, like 10 mintes ago, i dreamt eo ut mortus had locked the cookie clicker thread because it was getting out of hand :/ what does this mean?
It means that he one day will become mod, this thread will either become junk or get spammed, and then he'll lock the thread.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
my dreams are weird as shit yo

I normally remember my dreams upon waking up, but forget them after a couple of days. However, there have been memorable exceptions. (Also, one interesting thing to note is that about 50% of the time, my dreams are in 3rd person - kinda like an out-of-body experience).

Last night I dreamed that my senior prom was in an enlarged version of my grandparents' living room and everyone was wearing pajamas.

A couple of years ago I dreamed that I was a passenger on an old-timey wooden galley that kept sailing into the same tidal wave over and over again, and every time the boat capsized the dream reset like some shit out of Groundhog Day. Eventually the cycle was broken and we sailed past the wave into a massive cave with a giant golden Buddha in the center... and that's when I woke up.

I had a very memorable one when I was a kid that involved my parents turning me into a giant cartoon chipmunk because I misbehaved in a toy store.

Many of my dreams wind up being dreams within dreams, and the premise is always the same - I dream someone is trying to kill me, I "wake up" to find them in my room (usually the lights in my room are on, which is the big giveaway that I'm still asleep). I've never particularly been fond of these...

I have had one semi-lucid dream. I say semi-lucid because I'm still not 100% sure if it was really a lucid dream or if I just dreamed that it was a lucid dream, if that makes sense. Reason being is that the lucidity of the dream came into play when I was about to ride my bicycle vertically up a wall, then suddenly decided that I couldn't do it without a helmet

You know you've been playing too much Pokemon when you dream that an Onix rampages through some sort of outdoor shopping mall.

Probably the freakiest shit I've ever dreamed (or at least the one that traumatized me the least) is a recurring dream I had from the ages of 3 to 6. It would always start with me waking up in a wheat field and walking into an old farmhouse. I would climb the stairs up to the attic and be ambushed by - not even kidding - four differently-colored versions of Courage the Cowardly Dog rolling around on circus balls that matched the color of the dog. Once I was done flipping my shit over that, I would advance deeper into the attic to find Muriel from the show asleep in a bed. Then Muriel would morph into my recently-deceased great grandmother, and then into a skeleton, and a tombstone would appear, at which point I would always wake up in a cold sweat.

I've never been a huge fan of Courage the Cowardly Dog.


Jamming to the beat
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Currently on vacation, but I dreamt that I was back at work and wasted my time so that others had to cover up for me. That wasn't what tipped me off though, but instead of the fact that I had a pile of my old drawings in my work space, which not only isn't appropriate because of the contamination risk but also of how my dream collegues kept looking and commenting on them.
Not weird but pretty random.... Had a dream that I was at a friends apartment, we were having a get together I think and I'm talking and some random girl comes up to me and says "I want to fuck your brains out" and I'm like uhhh okay. Went to the fridge for a huge can of beer to get bent and fuck this girl.... Then my mom starts talking really loud on the phone and I wake up.... Couldve been a bretty gud dream. Thx mom.


the entire waruda machine
"We know how much you like trading cards, so we decided to make you this: a text regeneration error :["

Random Pikachu Mii in a quiz show (I was Mario I think, so I know it wasn't me)

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