Serious US Election Thread (read post #2014)

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Cresselia: Tradition often stands in the way of progress. It's important to value where you came from, but don't let it hold you back. Japanese society is still pretty misogynistic, for example (at least, in my limited understanding). I think social acceptance etc is what was being referred to as culture. Tradition is not the only part of culture.
Ah, that is true.
Sexism and Racism is still mainstream in many Asian countries.

I agree that has to be changed to some extent.

2016 going strong

These white people were immigrants, decimated the inhabitants and built their country on the backs of slaves, just so we're clear here.
But these colonization people were truly superior, weren't they?
Otherwise, why would they have the ability to colonize?

USA sent someone who landed on the Moon in 1969.
That is unbelievably advanced.


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Immigrant, am white, I have seen plenty of remove all immigrant posts on Facebook / Twitter even though I took a test to become a citizen most wouldn't even get a D in
Unfortunately for you, Japan is considered a developed country, despite the fact that it isn't a white country.
Japan has a very rich traditional culture that is nicely preserved, and I don't see how it is inferior compared to the US.

Meanwhile, what tradition has USA preserved?
Yeah but no I never said that Japan wasn't a developped country. And I never said its traditions were better or worse.
I think they're great, deep and symbolic. I like japanese myths as much as i like nordic ones. As much as european stories from the 12th century.

But traditions aren't the only thing that define a culture. Most japanese are single, scared of social interactions and people who are not exactly like them. Racist, to some extent.
Why do you think someone should be allowed -or not- to walk on the US (example) territory? Do you think because some dudes with guns and flu landed there centuries ago and said it was theirs, you can prevent them from coming and experience the same things as you?
Then, "defending America against those who try to prevent it from producing etc", by exploiting coal again, etc. So basically now it's not even about being selfish and self-centered anymore but also knowingly destryoing the whole planet?

You argue that superior settlers won against weaker tribes but you refuse to let cultures mix with yours? Even when knowing your culture has always been a huge gangbang of older ones? If people manage to sneak in the US does it mean they were superior, against the means that were there to prevent them from coming, and thus should be rewarded? This is a serious question.

People who think it would "destroy their culture" are just like people who think only Gen I pokemon are real pokemon.
USA once stood for a place where you could come and achieve, This was long ago.
(but i'm not blind it's almost the same everywhere)

PS : i'm not a cuck who wants his gf to have sex with some migrants, just in case you were tempted by the 4chan-approach

PS2 : my quoted message below was probably a mistake because i had network issues and clicked everywhere
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Unfortunately for you, Japan is considered a developed country, despite the fact that it isn't a white country.
Japan has a very rich traditional culture that is nicely preserved, and I don't see how it is inferior compared to the US.

Meanwhile, what tradition has USA preserved?
USA never had any traditional culture to begin with.

Also wanting to preserve national culture gets you called xenophobic and fascist these days.

Eo Ut Mortus

Elodin Smells
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Question for anyone who voted third-party based on conscience: Why did your conscience lead you to support anti-vaccination/anti-GMOs (Stein) or expressed ignorance in foreign policy (Johnson)? Surely, you would have been better off voting nobody (or writing in Bernie or Harambe), just to punish the flaws in these candidates' politics as well.

But since I'm not allowed to criticize voters for exercising their rights, I'll just bask in the schadenfreude that neither got 5% and will receive federal funding.

"But that means they'll continue to pander to the anti-science crowd to gain support".

Yeah, but we stuck it to them! And that's all that matters.

this opinion piece basically sums up how i feel. i very much wish we could move towards a society where instead of insulting the other side and taking them for granted, we can work together and attempt to find common ground regardless of how "racist" or "stupid" the other side is. in the end, it doesn't really matter if your opinion is the right one if you can't manage to convince a majority of people in the country that your choice is the right choice. and then things like trump happen.

i'm hopeful that this will be a learning experience but it's difficult to be optimistic...


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Also wanting to preserve national culture gets you called xenophobic and fascist these days.
The reason for this being that those beliefs do actually correlate with higher levels of xenophobia and fascism. That's not to say this is a case of causation, but the correlation there is easily seen.

If you think the desire to preserve national culture is causing the labels you're experiencing, I'd say you're looking in the wrong place. It's actually when you're (general you not you specifically) are saying things like "we've got to keep those Muslims out of the country", "we need to make sure whites dont become a minority" and similar statements about people from other countries, races and beliefs.
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Question for anyone who voted third-party based on conscience: Why did your conscience lead you to support anti-vaccination/anti-GMOs (Stein) or expressed ignorance in foreign policy (Johnson)? Surely, you would have been better off voting nobody (or writing in Bernie or Harambe), just to punish the flaws in these candidates' politics as well.

But since I'm not allowed to criticize voters for exercising their rights, I'll just bask in the schadenfreude that neither got 5% and will receive federal funding.

"But that means they'll continue to pander to the anti-science crowd to gain support".

Yeah, but we stuck it to them! And that's all that matters.
There will never be a candidate that will go 100% you would like. You have to deal with the 90, 80 or 70%. That means that you can either put up with the disagreements you have or not vote for them/anyone.
University of California (all of them especially UCSD, UCLA, UC Berkeley) are terrifyingly unhappy. This state is clearly not happy at all. not one bit. Literal hell here.


Banned deucer.
The biggest takeaways for me in this election are 1) complacency makes fools of us all and 2) don't trust prognosticators. So many pollsters and statisticians got it wrong this time, and in terms of the college, it wasn't even close.

I consider myself politically agnostic. I usually vote Democrat but no candidate had me riled up this cycle. I could have lived with a Trump presidency knowing the Senate was held by Democrats, but they lost that too. With both Republican chambers, a Republican court, and a Republican oval office, it's going to be very easy to undo the Obama administration's work and pass lots of new legislation. The checks and balances we rely on to curb power mean very little when one party controls all three branches, and the same was true in 2008. All I can count on now to "check" Trump is opposition within his own party, which we saw plenty of during the primaries and general election. Whether or not the Never Trump camp manages to stay afloat or have a meaningful impact in Congress is up in the air, and there's a good chance Republicans will put it aside to pass legislation while they have the chance.

What I fear most is not what's done in Washington, however--although I still fear it quite a lot. I'm more afraid of what's going on in the streets now that a man as outwardly and proudly "un-PC" as Donald Trump is going to be president. This embrace of a no holds barred rhetoric is what won him the White House, and now that it's been validated, I worry about how it will be translated in our local communities. If the behavior at Trump rallies is any indication of the type of people who now feel vindicated after suffering under 8 years of Obama style everyone-has-a-seat-at-the-table inclusiveness, it's going to be a rough ride for the folks who Trump's supporters don't want at the table anymore. Now I'm no slave to PCness myself, but I certainly don't believe this approach is conducive to a functioning society as diverse as our own.

I'm probably being pessimistic, but I expect to see the dawn of Trump's presidency start well before he actually sets foot in the White House.


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Question for anyone who voted third-party based on conscience: Why did your conscience lead you to support anti-vaccination/anti-GMOs (Stein) or expressed ignorance in foreign policy (Johnson)? Surely, you would have been better off voting nobody (or writing in Bernie or Harambe), just to punish the flaws in these candidates' politics as well.

But since I'm not allowed to criticize voters for exercising their rights, I'll just bask in the schadenfreude that neither got 5% and will receive federal funding.

"But that means they'll continue to pander to the anti-science crowd to gain support".

Yeah, but we stuck it to them! And that's all that matters.
Stein voter here.

She's not anti-vaccination. She panders to the anti-vaccination crowd via expressing hardly-dubious opinions that the medical industry is ass. Darn.

Here's the deal. The two-party system is fucking garbage. I vote in a blue state (shoutouts Chicago), so I have the luxury of using my vote however I damn well please. Obligation out the door, I got to vote for the only candidate that I truly believe gives a fuck about me and my interests and for the candidate whose political views most closely resemble mine of those on the ballot. I would have begrudgingly voted Hillary if I were in nearly any other state.

It's not about punishing the other candidates. It's about voting for who you believe to be the best candidate. "But then your vote doesn't matter!" Matters more than a flooded Hillary vote in a blue state.
The reason for this being that those beliefs do actually correlate with higher levels of xenophobia and fascism. That's not to say this is a case of causation, but the correlation there is easily seen.

If you think the desire to preserve national culture is causing the labels you're experiencing, I'd say you're looking in the wrong place. It's actually when you're (general you not you specifically) are saying things like "we've got to keep those Muslims out of the country", "we need to make sure whites dont become a minority" and similar statements about people from other countries, races and beliefs.
Exactly. There is nothing wrong in being proud of your heritage, so long as it doesn't go to your head, and lead you to saying "oh, you're second fiddle to me".


Leading this village
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Great article from Jalmont

Hillary is almost certainly going to win the popular vote by the way, though not by as much as Al Gore did


Cod Mod
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As some analysts over here put it (paraphrased from a radio interview I heard):

"We who said Trump would never be President didn't underestimate him. He presented himself as an airhead without any sort of qualification for the job, and ran on a platform of xenophobia, chauvinism and disdain for the establishment. We judged him based on that, and he didn't change. He didn't turn out to be a well-qualified candidate as the election went on, he was the same anti-political, chauvinist showman clown in October 2016 as in June 2015.

Our initial assessment of Trump was not wrong. We did not underestimate him. But we did overestimate the voters."

Eo Ut Mortus

Elodin Smells
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Stein voter here.

She's not anti-vaccination. She panders to the anti-vaccination crowd via expressing hardly-dubious opinions that the medical industry is ass. Darn.

Here's the deal. The two-party system is fucking garbage. I vote in a blue state (shoutouts Chicago), so I have the luxury of using my vote however I damn well please. Obligation out the door, I got to vote for the only candidate that I truly believe gives a fuck about me and my interests and for the candidate whose political views most closely resemble mine of those on the ballot. I would have begrudgingly voted Hillary if I were in nearly any other state.

It's not about punishing the other candidates. It's about voting for who you believe to be the best candidate. "But then your vote doesn't matter!" Matters more than a flooded Hillary vote in a blue state.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not blaming the outcome of the election on the third-party votes (any more than a whole host of other factors, anyway). I'm just struggling to come to terms with the rationale behind conscience voting when the voting system is not at all conducive to expressing anything other than broad swaths of opinions.

Stein and the Green Party may represent you in some aspects, but how do you reconcile your support for them with the problematic views they espouse? Even disregarding the vaccine issue (she's still courting the anti-vaxxers by not disavowing them), she's issued several profoundly anti-science statements regarding GMOs and WiFi. Even if these are not the primary agendas of her platform, her success will serve to validate the fringe groups that support these notions. It's analogous to how much of the alt-right claim they voted Trump to see the system collapse while ignoring the fact that his presidency validates all the prejudice in society.

It's just my opinion that there's currently little to be gained by using voting as an ideological platform. My last part was, admittedly, more directed at the people who voted third-party to stick it to the DNC, and of course, that doesn't apply to every conscience voter.
Red government is here to legislatively erase me and I have no goddamn clue how I'm going to survive it. Until last night, I'd never known the feeling of watching my future crumble to dust before my very eyes. I went from confidence to...let's phrase it as abject hopelessness, even if it was much, much worse than that, in the course of a couple of goddamn hours.

If you were one of the grown-ass people who wrote in Harambe, shame on you. If you wrote in Bernie Sanders after he expressly told people not to do so, shame on you. If you could have taken the time to vote but didn't, no matter what pathetic excuse you may front, shame on you. I'd say this shit in Showdown's scholastic chat as well, but being on college wifi I have the wonders of people who dick around and get banned and thus get me locked for weeks on end. I'd also rage at the fact that we again had to deal with the spoiler effect of third party candidates and their voters, but I suppose Johnson (Pikachu-Beach-Wedding-Officiator-Forme) is just as valid a candidate as any, though the repeated spoiling effect makes me want to see runoff voting more than ever. Also, looking at the map for the 18-24 age group and then seeing that again, that age group had horrid turnout, I again (though for the first time here) pose the question: ELECTION DAY A NATIONAL HOLIDAY WHEN, PEOPLE!? Sorry to get so worked up and abuse the fuck out of formatting but I don't have a future anymore so I have particularly little care for such mores at this point.
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