Unpopular opinions

Hidden Power. This single move allows a Pokemon to basically BS it's way past it's usual checks and counters because it can be of any of the 17 types (screw Fairy). Example, a Volcarona can't get past Heatran normally but HP Ground Volca 2HKOes it easily.

The way the type of Hidden Power is selected also means it's a hassle to grab hold of a Pokemon with the correct EV spread and Nature (hope you prayed and offered enough sacrifices to the RNG). Oh, and if you happen to want a Pokemon with the right spread (say, Hidden Power Ground Volcarona ), you better prepare to Soft Reset a lot or just toss it. After that, you remember the "fun" of Soft Resetting for Hidden Power Legendaries.
Why not use an RNG abused ditto?
Popular opinion first: I liked both the 3rd and 4th gen Battle Frontiers. But one thing I absolutely disapprove of is the copypasting of the Platinum Battle Frontier over to HG/SS. That is one of the worst things the series has ever done in my eyes and I think it is much worse than what they did with the Maison in OR/AS. And it's a shame because it could actually have made HG/SS better for me if they have done something else or just had the Frontier but with some minor changes. Now they didn't, and the lack of innovation and creativity was beyond clear. This is the main reason I am actually okay with the absence of Battle Frontiers from all recent games, including OR/AS. If they are just going to ruin this feature again eventually, I'd rather not have it return at all.

As for the Battle Factory, I have a love-hate relation to it. I have grown to like the difficulty there, it is one thing in the games that is really challenging (for me at least). But the sheer amount of luck involved in it is really terrifying, even if you get good Pokemon in one round and swap a lot (which increases the odds of getting better Pokemon in the next rounds) you might still end up with only bad choices and lose because of that. The amount of hax in the Factory is also really huge. And there are so many threats to look out for. I found the other facilities to be easier since you can fight with Pokemon on your own which to me at least made things easier and you could make things much more hax-proof that way. The Battle Factory is the only facility in both Emerald and Platinum that I have not yet won the Gold Symbol/Print from, really want to get it but my motivation have been lacking lately and doing other things in the games have been more fun.

Now, looking back, Sinnoh's Frontier is way better than Hoenn since many Hoenn facilities were very luck based and in some cases (the Battle Palace, the Battle Dome*) take away any control you actually have. Also, I can't even understand them just by reading about them, which isn't a good thing. When I look at Sinnoh's five facilities, I understand each one, which says a lot about how much Game Freak thought about improving the concept of the Frontier when making Platinum.

*Like I said, I'm not sure about how many of the Hoenn facilities even work, especially since I am just reading about them since I never played Emerald.
I just wanted to say something here since my opinion on the Battle Dome is a bit different from what you said (this might be off-topic but whatever).

Now, you say that you have never played Emerald and don't know how some of the facilities there work, so that's okay. I'm not sure what impression you got from reading about them either. Anyway, I did personally find the Dome to be one of the more strategy-oriented facilities because you could see what Pokemon the opponent was going to use before the battle started, and pick the two of your three that had the best matchup against your opponent's squad. This did, for me at least, allow for a bit more strategy than in most of the other facilities. For example, if your opponent has a team of Regirock, Shuckle and Magcargo, and you have Slaking, Starmie and Salamence, the obvious first choice is Starmie since it can nuke the opposing team all by itself. This was a very simple example though, it was often more complex than this in reality. And this is all just my opinion on the Dome, others are welcome to disagree.


Ranting & Raving!
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@ Codraroll:
Bonus Charizard: If any of the Mega Charizards would have been a "bonus" it would have probably been what is now Mega Charizard X. If we were to assume your theory that one of the Mege Charizards were meant to be the promotional XY Mega, I would think the one that separates from the norm would be it. That's why it got advertised in Pokemon Origins. However when Masuda decided to have them add in the other Kanto Starters, they probably felt having Mega Charizard (X) being solely advertised was unfair to the fans of the other Kanto. However they still wanted the surprise factor of Mega Charizard (X) showing up in Origins so they developed what would become Mega Charizard Y which would be revealed with the other Mega Kanto Starters. But of course this also meant Mega Charizard X could no longer be the promotional Pokemon so they made it and MCY version exclusives and made Mega Blaziken. This leads me into...
Mega Plan: Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if GameFreak made prototype Megas for all fully-evolved Pokemon (maybe several for some Pokemon), however I don't think they had the majority for ORAS completed when at least XY was being made (however now that they know they'll have new Megas for each main game they probably were also worked on the Megas for XY2 (hopefully including more Gen V and Gen VI Pokemon) when making ORAS). If a Mega Charizard could no longer be a promotion Pokemon they probably picked another Pokemon which was popular and saw potential in and it just so happened to be Torchic (and being its a Starter it made for the perfect replacement) since Blaziken was popular due to its Hidden Ability Speed Boost. If they knew they were going to have Megas in ORAS, why would they choose Blaziken to be the promotional Pokemon for XY? It seems odd they would separate it from Sceptile and Swampert if they had ORAS planned.

Team Successful: Yeah, aside from Gen I Team Rocket who were just trying to make as much money as possible, of the teams with "bigger" plans Aqua & Magma are the most successful having woken up their Legendary. Of course they still failed as they didn't realize how powerful their Legendary was and had started the end of the world. So I would only give them half points on that. Honestly all the villains got close to their goals but was stopped for one reason or another:

Team Rocket: I'd say the most successful, the only reason they stopped was because Giovanni couldn't believe he, the greatest Pokemon trainer, was defeated by a kid even after not holdig back. Honestly had Giovanni not cared if he lost to the player he could have just gone into hiding and still ran Team Rocket. A kid defeated him, big whoop, he still has his money and crime organization; for Giovanni it was his ego that was his downfall.
Neo Team Rocket: Once again, Giovanni's ego got in the way. Neo Team Rocket's message to Giovanni did reach him, but a time travelling Gold defeated him and once again decided if he couldn't defeat a kid he's not worthy to lead to Team Rocket.
Team Aqua/Magma: As mentioned, they woke up their Legedary and it did what they wanted it to do... just too much of it. They realized that maybe disturibing the natural order of things was a bad idea and so reformed and asked and/or helped the player stop their Legendary.
Team Galactic: Cyrus had Dialga/Palkia starting to warp reality but depending on the game was stopped by another Legendary. Without those Legendaries intervening he probably would have been successful before the player could even battle Cyrus.
Team Plasma: N became Champion, and it was only because of N'd obsession with the player that totally ruined Ghetsis's plan. Had N just done what Ghetsis wanted him to do the plan might have worked.
Neo Team Plasma: Ghetsis successfully fused Kyurem with N's dragon. The player was just stronger than Ghetsis thought.
Team Flare: They activated the Ultimate Weapon and had it charging up, the reason they failed was due to Lysandre going back and forth of letting the player having a chance to stop him. Lysandre would have probably succeeded if he just made up his mind.

Baby Potential: Baby Pokemon have potential for having special use like learning a move that Pokemon wouldn't normally learn. But as they are they are kind of a wasted space. However recent games have been using them to give the player early access to stronger Pokemon you'd otherwise have to wait later on to catch.
Pokedex Value: While I would agree for the Regional Dex, not so much for the National Dex. For the Regional Dex it makes sense, you were given the task to document the Pokemon in the region. But the National Dex not so much. I guess its a nice challenge but the game puts some emphasis on completing it which could be frustrating when it comes to some Pokemon like those who evolve through Trading or version exclusive Legendaries.
Mystery Ranger Dungeon: I'd be up for a new Ranger game, though you're right that I'm not seeing a new one coming. It was more meant to show off the touch screen gimmick and now that we've moved onto 3D gimmick its time might have passed. However I'm sure we'll get another Mystery Dungeon in the future though probably as a downloadable title.
Pop Stars: Yeah, Cosplay Pikachu seemed like an odd addition, like they wanted to let us dress up our Pokemon but since it would take too much time so instead only let Pikachu dress up because series mascot. I'd rather they either did more (like maybe have a list of certain Pokemon that can dress up) or not do it at all. As for Lisia, they just added her to act like a boss in Master Contests. My only problem with Lisia is that she does sidetrack you even if you don't have any interest in Pokemon Contests. Also it feels like they only gave her more focus just because she has a Mega Pokemon. Chaz plays a role in Pokemon Contests but he uses the normal Rich Boy model since he uses a Machoke.

Team Analysis: ORAS's expansion on Team Magma and Aqua brought both good and bad points. The good is that they at least now have a reason for doing what they're doing, but the bad is that there are still problems with their reason.
Team Magma want to expand the land for human development and disregard Pokemon. Okay, why do you think this won't help at least some Pokemon species? There are plenty of Pokemon that not only live on land but are WEAK to Water, increasing the land would help them as much as it would help people.
Team Aqua want to expand the sea for Pokemon sake and disregard humans. Okay, that's all good for Pokemon who live in water, but what about those land-based Pokemon I mentioned? If you're doing this for Pokemon you're doing a bad job as I think you'll kill a lot of Pokemon. And if not by lack of land then by dehydration since there will probably be no fresh water to drink.

Random Passerby:
Only 4 Moves: While it probably does give some Pokemon a chance to cover their weakness thus making that weakness less of a counter, Hidden Power doesn't only take up a move slot but its only 60 Power. I see Hidden Power more of a choice, potentially cover a weakness with a medium Power move OR use that move slot to help optimize that Pokemon while possibly giving it nothing to cover its weaknesses except its partners.

Battle Frontier:
If they're going to give us a post game place that we need to exploit IVs I'd rather to have a Battle Frontier then just a Battle Tower/Subway/Maison. With those facilities it just feels like the game making normal battles more difficult. At least with the other Battle Frontier facilities they're mixing things up by introducing different battle mechanics. Sure some rely on luck, but honestly the Battle Tower/Subway/Maison also relied on a bit of luck by not having the opponent have the right Pokemon to wall and sweep you.
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Only 4 Moves: While it probably does give some Pokemon a chance to cover their weakness thus making that weakness less of a counter, Hidden Power doesn't only take up a move slot but its only 60 Power. I see Hidden Power more of a choice, potentially cover a weakness with a medium Power move OR use that move slot to help optimize that Pokemon while possibly giving it nothing to cover its weaknesses except its partners.
While it looks like 60 BP, HP is normally used to hit threats Super Effectively (so it would be 120 or 240 BP respectively, making it just as strong, if not stronger than the Pokemon's STABs). Furthermore, the ability to be of any type means Pokemon who has good coverage with it's STABs (think Gen 5 Terrakion) can use Hidden Power Ice to BS it's way past Gliscor or Landorus-T. As for Pokemon like Chlorophyll Venusaur, it runs HP Fire to lol at Ferrothorn and Scizor that attempts to halt it's sweep when those things are perfect answers to these Pokemon in the first place.
I actually like the new design for Mauville City. Mainly since the original Mauville just was boring to me. It felt very small and had virtually nothing I cared about in it (I hate Game Corners with the semi-exception of HGSS since Voltorb Flip at least wasn't a game of pure chance). I only have two memories of Gen III Mauville:
1) "Hey Wattson! I think I'm just going to use my Water starter against you. Marshtomp use Mud Shot!!!!!!!"
2) Playing withe the Acro Bike.

The new Mauville just stands out in my memory better and I don't have nostalgia for the original version since I didn't play Ruby until I was in high school, about seven years after the game's release.
I had a bit of an argument with someone on Showdown yesterday with how I just despise entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes. He said I complain too much, and maybe his is right.

But I just think it is a dirty trick, slowly cutting down on your opponents ability to maneuver in and out, and Toxic Spikes are especially nasty.

I especially hate how dominant they are in the meta game, and how I'm forced to use them to keep from being at a disadvantage.
I really enjoyed pretty much everything about Delta Episode, and I might even be willing to pay a few bucks for more post-game chapters as DLC - especially if those chapters allowed access to things like items which would normally cost BP to obtain, or even Fresh Water from human vendors (instead of one-at-a-time machines). That was literally my favorite part of FRLG: buying Lava Cookies and Fresh Water in bulk.

I think the Battle Frontier would actually make for a cool DLC chapter. Not just "buy the Battle Frontier for 2.99", but instead have a plot chapter where you have to Defeat the Bad Guy or otherwise pave the way for the frontier to open. Complete something about the length of Delta Episode and be rewarded with a plaza full of awesome stuff.

I liked all the nods to other gens in Platinum, especially gym leaders hanging out all over the place, and would really like to see more integration of characters and events from other regions / gens in the next mainline game.


is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
I dont think Fairy types needed to exist. I mean Dragon types werent that OP like gen 1 Psychic types. At least Dragons could be countered & checked. Also Dragons weren't really that centralizing, because of weather in gen 5. But really, I'm not a fan of fairies, you can blame Navi for that.

I actually still like Pokemon Stadium's graphics, even if it looks a bit outdated. This is probably because I'm used to the graphics of Stadium. Probably because I played it a damn lot when I was 7.
Most people hated Zinnia rendering everyone opinion wrong a la baton pass Sue for you to get "lord" Rayquaza. Saying you liked everything about it it's really unpopular.
I... never understood the hate for Zinnia, so there's my unpopular opinion. She was real cute, kind of eccentric, and had a pet Whismur that she deemed a sort of pseudo divinity that Chose her as its trainer. know what I mean? hence eccentric, haha. In any case, her character was in left field from the characters we're used to in the franchise so it was a nice cut to the monotony, and the whole Delta episode otherwise was incredibly creative, so I don't see how just her character could drown out going into space and fighting Deoxys.
I... never understood the hate for Zinnia, so there's my unpopular opinion. She was real cute, kind of eccentric, and had a pet Whismur that she deemed a sort of pseudo divinity that Chose her as its trainer. know what I mean? hence eccentric, haha. In any case, her character was in left field from the characters we're used to in the franchise so it was a nice cut to the monotony, and the whole Delta episode otherwise was incredibly creative, so I don't see how just her character could drown out going into space and fighting Deoxys.
She is something you would expect from a fanfiction, the archetypes of Mary due include the snowflake, the blackhole and the pass the touch aka batton pass so most people saw some beloved characters get ignored left and right for her... It's obvious where the hate comes from.


Ranting & Raving!
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Vader_the_White :
Mauville 2.0: ORAS Mauville City does feel much better than the original. It's actually feels like a new idea, it's essentially an apartment complex combined with a market area on the bottom for the trainers who pass through. It's nothing we've ever seen before, though that's not to say there isn't problems. I found the map a bit lacking, if they were going to put in a map I think they should have made it bigger and maybe split it up in quadrants so that you know where everything is. Also I did find it a bit lazy (though I guess a bit genius on a developer level) that they pretty much stuffed all the special items and Move Tutors in there instead of placing them around the world for you to discover (I guess it does make it easier to find though). Also I don't feel they really fleshed out the apartments and the roof.
However overall I like the new Mauville City and hope in future games they include and expand on the apartment/market complex idea.

Rosen :
Barnite: I kind of lie Dragonite only because it and now Goodra dared to actually look cute. After Dragonite for 4 generations we got 5 psuedo-Legendaries that were all fierce looking (Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, and Hydreigon) and they do look cool. However while those are trying to show they're too cool, I feel Dragonite and Goodra's cuteness tell you that they know they're powerful and don't need to show off to you to prove it. Yeah, Dragonite looks like Barney, but it's still going to wreck you six ways to Sunday. Yeah, Goodra looks like something from a child's television show, but it's still going to wall you and then hit you hard back. That all said, my favorite is Metagross as of right now. If I had to call one out it would be Tyranitar, it just looks kind of dull.
Though writing the subtitle for this did make me realize something: what would the Mega Stone for Dragonite be called? Dragonitite? Dragite? Dragnite?

Entry Trap: I think they need to redo the Entry Hazards. There's so much potential but at the moment there's not that many, Stealth Rock is too powerful, they're limited in scope, and there's not that many ways to remove them. Just to quickly state my ideas:

Types of Hazards: So far there's three types: damage, status infliction, and stat reduction. Not bad, though I think they could expand on it. Skipping the ones that cause damage, status only has Toxic Spikes (Posion & Badly Poison) and stat reduction only has Sticky Web (Speed). I think they can add more to those, like an Eletric-type status one that causes paralysis and a Psychic stat reduction one that reduces Attack (these are just examples). Also maybe they could add in new types. Like how about a field buff for your side, like one that heals some HP or maybe increases a stat. Or how about a field hazard that's in the "middle" of the field, like creating a thorny bush that both side's Pokemon would get hurt by if they used a move that would need to make contact.
Regulate: Stealth Rock is too strong but I like it does do type damage. I like the layering idea of Spikes but its odd it doesn't do type damage. I feel we should combine the best aspects of these moves together and possibly make more like them. I'd also maybe limit the "super effective" damage done to never doing more then a quarter of HP, half is just way too much.
Removal: I feel there does need to be more way to remove hazards, including at least one Ability (and maybe an item). Maybe even have moves that puts the entry hazards on the opponent's side of the field.
Goal: The goal is to make Entry Hazards a viable play style but not a dominant one, like how weather is now (minus the Primals and Mega Rayquaza).

Nida :
Delta Thought: I like the idea of the Delta Episode, its just Zinnia's "reveal" and attitude about the whole thing I have a problem with.
What's the Delta Episode about? It's about a discovery of a meteor heading toward the Pokemon world and you working to stop it, meanwhile a mysterious girl is going around causing trouble. She eventually reveals that the plan we're currently doing might doom another world and she has a solution which involves summoning Rayquaza. After some revelations involving her and the story, it ends with you catching Rayquaza and going into space to destroy the meteor where you also battle (and potentially catch) a Deoxys.
Sounds all good, but where does it fall apart? The way the mysterious girl was portrayed. Zinnia reveals she has possibly caused the end of the world not once but twice yet she gets away without punishment. In addition she acts cocky and mocking toward anyone who doesn't agree with her or know what she knows. And to top it all off she has a mysterious past involved a lost loved one... but we don't go into it. It makes her feel shallow, someone you actually want to fight against. Oh, and she never reveals how she knows it'll not only teleport to another world, but the other world is actually Gen III Hoenn in an alternate timeline (which also sort of weakens the story).
I you want a good example of something like this, I'd more point to XY's Looker Missions. Though I have problems with those, the story isn't one. I was invested in what was going on for the most part, and I liked the character Emma who had hidden depths but
also plenty of faults.
DLC Limits: While I wouldn't be against DLC for additional post game stories, they'd have to be worth it but at the same time don't feel those who played through it are getting an unfair advantage. Obviously the price is also going to be a factor (also if they add in any new assets that'll probably increase the cost). Overall I think DLC has potential but needs to be tread toward carefully.
Also if they have customization I feel like they could also have clothing pack DLC (like maybe have clothes that less us dress up like NPCs, part of the villain team, Pokemon cosplay, and maybe from other games).
Buying Bulk: Yeah, I think they should let you just buy as many items from the Vending Machines as you want. Unrealistic? Maybe, but at least it wouldn't be boring. If they want they could limit how many items are in a vending machine and have them refill every day (which would give reason to buying normal potions from the marts).

Hurrycanes :
Fairy Importance: While maybe they weren't needed as dragon slayers, I would argue Fairy-type was needed just to add a new type to the game. Don't trick yourself into believing Pokemon was ever balanced before and after Fairy's introduction. With that in mind, adding a new type makes the games feel a bit fresher as the metagame shifts itself to accommodate the new type and what it has to offer. I don't agree with everything that Fairy-types did but who knows if the may tweak somethings with it in the next gen (or maybe introduce a fairy slayer that's weak to Dragon-types, thus making a new trio :P).
Graphic Personality: The Stadium graphics feel like they have some personality to them. The XY models, while looking better, for the most part just stand there. And even when they attack it sort of standard movements. However the models in Stadium up to the Colosseum games not only stood around but would sometimes taunt and had unique attacking and getting hit animations. Like I just watching Chuggaaconroy's LP of Colosseum and I noticed every time Misdreavus attacks it does a cute little flip, when Roselia is hit when it walks back in place it looks like it was insulted you attacked it, some big Pokemon are stomping their feet to show how tough they are, and other little details. Hopefully they add in more personality into the new models, each Pokemon has its own attitude and it would be neat to actually see them display those attitudes.
Pikachu315111 :
Ultimately, the real issue with Zinnia (and, frankly, every other character in ORAS, including the big bads and Steven) is, as you mentioned, that she doesn't get enough exposition. I think that more investigation into her character and history would resolve all the other issues you have with Zinnia's presence and actions. I don't think she needs more camera time, necessarily; she already gets plenty during Delta Episode (and the climb up Sky Tower with a new bit of dialogue on every floor was a bit overkill). Rather, I'd like to see her backstory examined in interactions with other characters, and not just the woman at Meteor Falls.

Since I haven't played XY, I can't really compare Delta Episode to the Looker Missions, unfortunately. :/

As for DLC, I think that Fire Emblem: Awakening is a good model for successful 3DS DLC. You know what valuable end goal you're buying (e.g. the Bride class or a new skill); you get an indication of the difficulty of the scenario; the scenarios sometimes offer new mechanics which don't affect gameplay but deliver some "fluff" bonus (e.g. new character dialogues, or the pinup shots for the beach and hot springs scenarios :P ); they're at a very reasonable price point; they were released regularly but not overly frequently.
There's one thing that's always bugged me about the battle animations: if a Pokemon uses a contact move, you never see the attacker actually touch the opponent. It does the little dance on its spot and it is indicated that the move contacted and did damage, but you don't get to see the attacker actually run up and Tackle/Scratch/whatever the other mon.

The simple reason for that is that it would take too much time and space (and it's still a game marketed as suitable for play by seven-year-olds). But if they ever get around to making another console game, that would be a really cool feature. Also cool to see: if, say, your Water Gun misses, you actually fire the projectile as normal, but it sails past the opponent instead of just saying "your attack missed!". What would be even cooler is having slightly separate miss events. If your accuracy is lower, the shot's just off. If the opponent has evasion modifiers, show it actually evading the attack.

But I'm just dreaming, I think.
I kind of lie Dragonite only because it and now Goodra dared to actually look cute. After Dragonite for 4 generations we got 5 psuedo-Legendaries that were all fierce looking (Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, and Hydreigon) and they do look cool. However while those are trying to show they're too cool, I feel Dragonite and Goodra's cuteness tell you that they know they're powerful and don't need to show off to you to prove it. Yeah, Dragonite looks like Barney, but it's still going to wreck you six ways to Sunday. Yeah, Goodra looks like something from a child's television show, but it's still going to wall you and then hit you hard back. That all said, my favorite is Metagross as of right now. If I had to call one out it would be Tyranitar, it just looks kind of dull.
Though writing the subtitle for this did make me realize something: what would the Mega Stone for Dragonite be called? Dragonitite? Dragite? Dragnite?
I will never understand why people complain about the cuteness of Dragonite. Not every single pseudo needs to be fierce. Hell, sometimes the fierceness makes me less interested, such as Salamence and Garchomp. Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of those two but I have always loved Dragonite. I love how cute it is and I always have.
I have a soft spot for cute.
There's one thing that's always bugged me about the battle animations: if a Pokemon uses a contact move, you never see the attacker actually touch the opponent. It does the little dance on its spot and it is indicated that the move contacted and did damage, but you don't get to see the attacker actually run up and Tackle/Scratch/whatever the other mon.

The simple reason for that is that it would take too much time and space (and it's still a game marketed as suitable for play by seven-year-olds). But if they ever get around to making another console game, that would be a really cool feature. Also cool to see: if, say, your Water Gun misses, you actually fire the projectile as normal, but it sails past the opponent instead of just saying "your attack missed!". What would be even cooler is having slightly separate miss events. If your accuracy is lower, the shot's just off. If the opponent has evasion modifiers, show it actually evading the attack.

But I'm just dreaming, I think.
Pokemon Battle Revolution dared to bring that into fruition with some moves. It was an interesting idea but it wasn't really implemented too well.

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