Unbreakable Vow Mafia - Game Over! Congratulations Villains!

HUA-HA! CYBER MODE! screamed Jedil, and he drew two laser guns and shot at Shade. Shade skillfully dodged, while exclaiming "You're so gay you get a hard-on in the men's locker room!" The lasers hit a group of mirrors behind Shade, which made the rays rebound and kill off both players.

The anatomists among you research Shade's body and found out he pulled his weiner no more than 24 hours ago, revealing him as Jay. His jacket is off the brand Hermes Conrad.

Jedil's pink boots or rather outfit in general reveal him as the Pink Ranger. The anatomist couldn't get his hands off him, which made him suspect his anonymous identity was plasticky.

It is now Night Five. Deadline is Sunday September 27th 20:00 UTC.
Posting to say that I would like the deadline to be 24h earlier. We're not 20 players anymore... Last night was already quite long.

(this is an official request)
Updated early upon request.

On the street lies a man, dead, with a small round gap through his head. When you look closer it seems someone shot him with lipstick. Next to him lies a tape recorder, on which many swears could be heard, as well as a throwing star made of solid steel. You conclude that Fishin must have been Bovver, also known as SHORYUKEN.

It's now Day Five, go vote.
Ok, this is the end!

Hipmonlee, well, I wanted to wait a bit and watch you commit suicide, but I was asked to make it quick instead. So, with me, Pluffette!

Lynch Hipmonlee.

Now, here is the situation: We, the Villains With Clichéd Plans, could win the game if we wanted. However, I request that Umbreon Dan, also known as Clover, be victorious as well, for we owe him our success. If this can't be, then it is with a great sadness that I will see him go and remember him as a friend in this unfair war.
Hipmonlee is backed into a corner. In front of him stand a green monster in a garbage can, and an astmathic man in black clothes. In a corner, hiding from view, is a blonde girl in a red suit talking on her phone. "Hello?" she whispers "I think I'm gonna hang up, something is not right here!"

"Hip..." begins the man with breathing problems. "I...am...your..."
"NOOO! I CAN'T CONTROL IT!" Hipmonlee exclaims. He begins to light up. The green monster anticipates, and covers the other people involved with an enormous lid of a garbage can. Just in time, for Hipmonlee exploded. This explosive behavior leads you to believe he was Peter Petrelli. In the ashes the words "they don't call me Mr. Bump for nothing" are formed several times.

The monster and the heavily breathing man turn around, and the girl which you now recognize as Umbreon Dan looks frightened. "AAAAAA! Leave me alone, I probably taste really bad!"

The man seems hesitant for a moment. "Taste...hm, yes, food. I would like food...with my family."
The monster complains. "I don't like food. I don't like anything, in fact."
The girl begins to talk really quickly. "Food! Yes, food! I will make food for you! I will make food for you in an instant!"
The astmathic and the grouch agree. "Okay, but it has to be ready at seven."

Umbreon Dan, glad that he is still alive, begins preparing a meal for the other two immediatly, while listening to a Symphonie Fantastique.

The other two, also known as The Crocodile and Pencil, proceed to celebrate their victory by slashing garbage cans with a double red lightsaber.

Congratulations to Accent and jumpluff, as well as their team mates Brain and porygon3. They were the Villains with Clichéd Plans.
I'm interested in what would've happened if I had allied with fishin instead of with accent. we would have inevitably been left with only one person on each team... would that have been called a draw?
There would have been 2 night kills (Hip and myself for example), and then Jumpluff would have been persuaded to vote for herself. After that, I think Fishin had managed to get a mayor vote, so you'd have lost. But otherwise yeah it may have been a tie.

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