Top Video Games Desired

maybe ive just become jaded over the years but i really cant think of anything in the immediate future that excites me with the possible exception of order of ecclesia (ive been pretty iffy on the gba/ds castlevanias; some have been exceptional (cotm, por) and some have been downright ugh (aos/dos) but ill give it a chance)

call me when they announce metroid dread
1: Bioshock 2
2: The Force Unleashed
3: Gears of War 2
4: Final Fantasy XIII
5: Mass Effect 2
6: Pokemon Platinum
7: Kotor Online
8: Portal: Still Alive
9: ???
10: Profit!
Great to see so many Chrono Trigger fans out there! Cannot wait to unleash Triple Techs again, been learning all the songs on piano :O.

And theres Pokemon Platinum. But wait, thats a year away most likely for europe. Jesus.


God Bless Nintys Incompetence :*)
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Updating my list with some stuff other people have said...

1. Force Unleashed
2. Spore
3. Perfect Prosecutor (will be waiting a while lol :P Also god I hope they keep this "name" [since it's completly fan-made(the name that is)], it's so kickass!)
4. Chrono Trigger DS
5. Call of Duty: World at War (It may not be Infinity Ward but they're keeping all the good bits Infinity came up with so yeah...)
6. Bioshock (Never got this, got CoD4 instead. Not regretting it but yeah I need to play this soon)
7. Kotor 3 (presuming they don't fuck it up!)
8. Mother 3

EDIT: What's with the Portal hate all of a sudden? That was a great game, and a way better ending than anyone expected from Valve (given the track record of not so great final boss battles)


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Portal's a great game that's been ruined by people running the jokes into the ground online.
1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Spore

I really don't keep up with video game news but these two have been on my radar since I first heard of them. With these two I probably won't have time to play any other video games anyway!


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1. Kirby Super Star Ultra
2. Samba De Amigo Wii
3. Chrono Trigger DS (Iffy)

Maybe if I had more consoles, I'd have a longer list. I'm not much into PC gaming.
1. Pokemon Platinum
2. Kirby Superstar Ultra
3. Spore
4. Final Fantasy X or higher, I haven't played any of them except for the DS version (FFIII) and I really love these games.

edit ooh megaman 9 too. :D
I'm only looking forward to Valkyrie Profile DS really. It's what will make me buy a DS unless it gets turned into an RTS. I'm also interested in Chrono Trigger DS, but not as much seeing I beat it numerous times already.
1) The Conduit
Why has no one mentioned this??
2) Chrono Trigger DS
Never played it, apparently is incredible
3) Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Still need to finish the first one :/

yea that about covers it.
<3 nintendo and valve

1.) Metroid dread :(
2.) Kirby Superstar Ultra
3.) The tf2 scout update
4.) Half life two episode 3
5.) Animal crossing wii
6.) Pokemon platinum
7.) FFIV DS (ff3 ds was amazing, though im not an rpg nut by any means)

and many more ive forgotten ps portal is amazing fingers crossed for a sequel (not that xbox shit)
pps megaman sucks
pspspsp I'll probably buy chrono trigger ds and spore due to the amazing reviews
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. One of few Reasons I'm getting a PS3, but this game alone was almost able to fully justify buying a PS3.

2. Resident Evil 5 Pretty much the reason I got a 360 around a year ago.

3. Castlevania: Order of Esccelia(or however you spell it)

4. Gears of War 2

5. Fall out 3

6. Madworld

7. Fire emblem Ds

8. James Bond: Quantum of Solace. This game looks pretty good and I am a Bond guy.

9. Megaman 9

10. Little Big Planet.
Heh my turn
1. Third Golden Sun?
2. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
3. Guitar Hero 4 (new drums better be worth it)
4. Fire Emblem DS
5. Platinum
6. Kirby Super Star DS

Apparently the twins who created the Golden Sun games are seriously thinking about making a third. If so, I will be graciously happy, as that was my favorite game of all time (hence my username).

WotLK looks promising because my beloved Hunter FINALLY gets the buffs he needed >=D. Sparking up world PvP will be fun too!

And KSS looks great after seeing the original gameplay online. It looks nice and long to me; I like that in a game.

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