The Tournaments Pages


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Alright, we got into a sticky situation when I asked before linking to the tournaments page on the forum. So, I'm going to link to the five specific pages that are the minimum requirements that have currently been decided upon.

Active Tournaments

Active Tournaments


<h2>Current Tournaments:</h2>

<table class="sortable">
<th>Tournament</th><th>Creator</th><th>Current Round</th>
<tr><td><a href="">The World Cup of Pokemon III</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=456">Shiv</a> ; <a href="/forums/member.php?u=53">Jackal</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38586">Round 2</a></td><tr>
<tr class="a"><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38296">Mono Tournament</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=15210">Earthworm</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38312">Round 1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38507">The Prestigious Apprentice Cup!</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=12783">Sikh Assassin</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38654">Round 1</a></td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38297">Uber Clash!</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=9717">Brawlex</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38530">Round 1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38138">Reminiscence Cup</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=373">[kd8]otome</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=39004">Round 3</a></td></tr>

<h2>Recently Finished Tournaments:</h2>
<table class="sortable">
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38826">Smogon Hold 'Em</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=13930">Ghandi1988</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=3905">Pilocus</a></td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38713">Stay Alive!</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=7226">Max</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=7125">JabbaTheGriffin</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38142">Smogon Tournament #4</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=25">goofball</a></td></tr>


Smogon Tournaments

<h3>Introduction to Tournaments</h3>

<p>Welcome to the tournament section of Smogon!</p>

<p>We welcome all players of different skill levels; new competitive battlers and seasoned pros alike will find online tournaments at Smogon enjoyable. Playing in Smogon tournaments is a great way to develop your skill as a battler! After all, what is a better way to gain battling experience than playing against the best of the best?</p>

<p>We hold many styles of tournaments – singles tournaments, team tournaments, standard tournaments, underused tournaments, and just about everything else imaginable. Whatever style you enjoy playing, you are sure to find the Smogon tournament experience both challenging and fun!</p>

<hr />

<h3>Playing in Tournaments</h3>

<p>Joining a tournament at Smogon is quick and simple. If sign-ups for a new tournament are open, feel free to post and register.</p>

<p>However, we ask all participants to adhere to some fairly common-sense guidelines. Players who register and become inactive or rarely available can sometimes hold back a tournament; please be courteous and finish your assigned battles promptly. We prefer having tournaments run smoothly, and will not hesitate to disqualify or further reprimand players who are chronically unavailable. If you wish to participate in Smogon tournaments, we ask you to be responsible and reliable. As soon as pairings are posted, make sure to send your opponent a private message and set up a time at which both of you will be able to battle. If for any reason, you must leave for a period of time while you are still in a tournament, make sure to contact the host of the tournament and notify him or her of your leave.</p>

<p>Remember, it is not hard to follow these simple guidelines; we reserve the right to ban participants from playing in tournaments for a period of time if such a problem is to arise.</p>

<hr />

<h3>Hosting a Tournament</h3>

<p>Hosting is the biggest responsibility involved with tournaments, and as such, there are some strict guidelines and requirements for prospective hosts.</p>

<p>First and foremost, you must be a well-known member of Smogon to be trusted with hosting a tournament. If you have joined fairly recently, do not ask to host a tournament; hang around for some time, join a few tournaments, learn the ropes first. Second, make sure that applications are open; they likely will be unless there is a huge amount of active tournaments. Finally, send your tournament idea to either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> via private message; if one of the tournament directors denies your idea do not bother sending a private message to the other. If your idea is approved, you may go ahead and create the sign-up thread in the tournaments forum. Please include in your post that your idea was approved by either Groudon80 or Sonuis.</p>

<p>Make sure that you are keeping control of your tournament. Do not get lazy and forget or lag the tournament in any other way. If you let your tournament die, your reputation at Smogon will be dented, and you may be banned from hosting another tournament.</p>



<h3><strong>Tournament Applications are: <font color="red"><u>CLOSED</u></font>.</strong></h3>

<hr />

<h2>Playing In a Tournament</h2>

<p>Playing in tournament is rather simple, not as complex as hosting a tournament. However, getting banned is much easier. Follow these rules and you should be alright.</p>

<li>Get your match done on time. It's not smart to forget to play your match. Not to mention that it delays the tournament. If you have a habit of not finishing your match on time, you might receive an infraction and may be banned from future tournaments.
<ul><li>Try to schedule a time by contacting your opponent through a Smogon PM or by other means of contact. This will help you a lot in the long run!</li></ul></li><br >
<li>Be a good sport. If you want to razz your opponent, do it in Firebot or on IRC.</li><br >
<li>All tournament matches should be played using your forum nickname, or by informing your opponent that you are under a different nickname on the battle client you are using. Things can turn out bad and could cause cheating by hidden battle cases.</li><br >
<li>Decisions by the tournament host are generally final. However, if a ruling you feel is ridiculous, please send a PM to <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> describing in full detail to the situation at hand. One of us will look into it if it truly is worth bothering with. If it is not, we will inform you right away.</li><br >
<li>Do not break the rules of a tournament. Always read through them carefully before your battle. If you don't agree to them, then don't sign up for it!</li><br >
<li>"Scouting", or intentionally looking at someone's team to help benefit your upcoming match is heavily discouraged. Though this is something that cannot be helped, the tournament staff is letting participants know as that they can at least watch a match.</li>

<p>Breaking these rules can potentially get you banned from playing in future tournaments. Not to mention that you will receive an infraction as well. Rules 1, 2, 3, and 5 especially.</p>

<h4><u>Users banned from joining a Tournament</u></h4>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=186">EeveeTrainer</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=10612">Viodox</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=99">Flub</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=6553">Dagger</a></li>

<hr />

<h2>Hosting A Tournament</h2>

<p>To host a Pokémon tournament on Smogon, there are a few simple guide lines.</p>

<li>Smogon Tournament applications must be open. Reading this page will tell you if they are open or not.</li><br >
<li>You must get your tournament idea approved by either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a>. If either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> denies your idea, don't go PMing the other person. You'll be denied again because you didn't meet the requirements.</li><br >
<li>You must be a responsible user who has spent a good amount of time at Smogon. If you are close to being banned, banned, have had a lot of infractions in general, or are too new to the forums, your tournament request will be denied (Forum "age" will be determined by who you send your PM to).</li><br >

<p>Once you have had tournament approved, create your thread and start your sign-ups. Be sure that you know you can handle the amount of people who have registered. If it's your first time hosting a tournament, it's recommended (but it's not required by any means necessary) that you limit your registrations to 32 players, and then let people register as substitutes. If you get to the point where you can have more people register (16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512...), open up your slots to join and create a new limit. Avoid giving byes at all costs.</p>

<p>Here are requirements while you are hosting your tournament.</p>
<li>Be sure that you give reference URLs on each thread you make in regards to your tournament, including this page.</li><br >
<li>You must give deadlines each round of your tournament. Deadlines force players to do their battles.</li><br >
<li>Do NOT let players who are banned from tournaments (See: Banned Players) or who are about to be banned from Smogon join your tournament.</li><br >
<ul><li>If a player becomes close to/or becomes banned during a tournament, do not disqualify the player who is close to being banned. Substitute a banned player, only in round one, or at anytime if you are hosting a team tournament. Players whose status become negative during your tournament does not make you break the rules.</li></ul><br >
<li>Give as few deadline extensions as you possibly can. This promotes laziness to players and that is not good.</li><br >
<li>Do not let your tournament die. Pester your participants who have not completed their match yet to do so. If you yourself let your tournament die, not only will you receive an infraction, but you will also be banned from hosting tournaments in the future.</li><br >
<li>Disqualify players fairly.</li><br >
<ul><li>If two players are trying their hardest to complete their match even past the deadline, move their match as a part of the next round and let them play their battle. Then the winner of their match will play who they were originally supposed to be put up against.</li><br >
<li>If one player is being very active (Check out Shoddy Battle and #smogon) while another is not, disqualify the inactive player.</li><br >
<li>If both players are inactive, flip a coin. Advance the winner of the coin flip and move on.</li><br >
<li>If a situation cannot be handled, ask a tournament administrator (<a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a>) and the one you've contacted will make a final decision.</li></ul><br >
<li>Usually, tournaments on Smogon are played using the Random Pairings method. If you need help making pairings, then you should try Mekkah's Bracket Maker. If you cannot figure out how to use it, you can always use a TI-83 Calculator, a program online like Nealpro, etc.</li><br >
<li>We suggest that you do not host Swiss Style tournaments. You should stray from Round Robin too.</li><br >
<li>Under no circumstance should you fix the rules in your favor or to that of another person's favor as a tournament host!</li><br >
<li>It is recommended that you set a rule to have players send you logs of their match.</li><br >

<p>Should you kill your own tournament, fix the rules in your favor, disqualify unjustly, or let banned/to be banned players join your tournament, you will receive an infraction and be banned from hosting future Smogon tournament.</p>

<h4><u>Users banned from creating a Tournament</u></h4>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=3498">Judgement</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=99">Flub</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=7542">Deucalion2</a></li>

<hr />

Smogon Tour
(We don't plan on making any true updates here anytime soon. Like hell if we'll run Smogon Tours on Shoddy Battle. Unless we become desperate).

Smogon Tour
Info Coming soon!

Needs work, lots of. :(


is a Site Content Manageris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Programmeris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis an Administratoris a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
Active Tournaments looks ok.

Index - start headers out with <h2>, <hr> isnt necessary but im not opposed to it

Rules -

<h3><strong>Tournament Applications are: <font color="red"><u>CLOSED</u></font>.</strong></h3>
Yeah, that's not a header, <u> isn't allowed as a tag, and neither is <font>. To do this effect you need to use CSS :/

<li>Get your match done on time. It's not smart to forget to play your match. Not to mention that it delays the tournament. If you have a habit of not finishing your match on time, you might receive an infraction and may be banned from future tournaments.
<ul><li>Try to schedule a time by contacting your opponent through a Smogon PM or by other means of contact. This will help you a lot in the long run!</li></ul></li><br >
<li>Be a good sport. If you want to razz your opponent, do it in Firebot or on IRC.</li><br >
<li>All tournament matches should be played using your forum nickname, or by informing your opponent that you are under a different nickname on the battle client you are using. Things can turn out bad and could cause cheating by hidden battle cases.</li><br >
<li>Decisions by the tournament host are generally final. However, if a ruling you feel is ridiculous, please send a PM to <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> describing in full detail to the situation at hand. One of us will look into it if it truly is worth bothering with. If it is not, we will inform you right away.</li><br >
<li>Do not break the rules of a tournament. Always read through them carefully before your battle. If you don't agree to them, then don't sign up for it!</li><br >
<li>"Scouting", or intentionally looking at someone's team to help benefit your upcoming match is heavily discouraged. Though this is something that cannot be helped, the tournament staff is letting participants know as that they can at least watch a match.</li>
what the hell? lol, <ul> inside <ol> randomly, and a <br> after the <li>...

<h4><u>Users banned from creating a Tournament</u></h4>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=3498">Judgement</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=99">Flub</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums/member.php?u=7542">Deucalion2</a></li>

<hr />
I don't want this on the page. But just for learnings sake, how did you jump from <h2> to <h4>? And don't use <u>.


Some things to keep in mind:

- It doesn't matter if you don't like the size of the headers. You always use <h2> first, then <h3>, then <h4> depending on how deeply nested the sections are. If it's such a big deal, then _CSS_ is used to change the presentation.

- Never use <u> or <font>. (or <b> and <i> for that matter, did you even read the HTML primer?)

- <hr> is unnecessary


mostly harmless
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Programmer Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
I didn't know the html primer existed :(

Anyway, I just used <hr /> because it made it look good and divided the sections up beautifully. About the <ul> inside the <ol> randomly, I was converting the rules thread here, which had nested lists so I thought thats how I should go about it.

Oh and Sonuis told me that I should add the banned users there (I asked him what I should do with them).

Edit: I just figured out where the HTML Primer was located. Anyway, even though you say color shouldn't be used at all, what do we do when we want something more visible? Like the Tutor Program Status: OPEN part?


is a Site Content Manageris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Programmeris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis an Administratoris a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
I didn't know the html primer existed :(
I recommend reading C&C once in a while if you plan on helping the site. There's really no excuse - it's a visible sticky

About the <ul> inside the <ol> randomly, I was converting the rules thread here, which had nested lists so I thought thats how I should go about it.
The <ul> is a one item list. Does that really look like a list? The major problem with that list was the random ass <br>s after the <li>s. The only thing that goes in a <ul> or <ol> is <li>. No exceptions, ever.

Oh and Sonuis told me that I should add the banned users there (I asked him what I should do with them).
I don't want the banned users to be anywhere publically visible on the site. That's dumb, it doesn't apply to the majority of users.

Anyway, even though you say color shouldn't be used at all, what do we do when we want something more visible? Like the Tutor Program Status: OPEN part?
For special cases, it's appropriate to either use CSS or ask me to make a class to format it correctly.


mostly harmless
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Programmer Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
Alright, got all that. Yeah, I saw the primer now and read through it, sorry about all the errors. Anyway, the <br>'s were there just because it made it look more pleasing to the eye. Otherwise it looked like a whole lot of stuff just mashed in together.


is a Site Content Manageris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Programmeris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis an Administratoris a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
The point of the HTML is to be valid and semantically correct, not pretty. Appearance can always be changed with CSS, just ask me.


mostly harmless
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Programmer Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
I think I got all the changes done. Here's the updated version:


Active Tournaments


<h2>Current Tournaments:</h2>

<table class="sortable">
<th>Tournament</th><th>Creator</th><th>Current Round</th>
<tr><td><a href="">The World Cup of Pokemon III</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=456">Shiv</a> ; <a href="/forums/member.php?u=53">Jackal</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38586">Round 2</a></td><tr>
<tr class="a"><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38296">Mono Tournament</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=15210">Earthworm</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38312">Round 1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38507">The Prestigious Apprentice Cup!</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=12783">Sikh Assassin</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38654">Round 1</a></td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38297">Uber Clash!</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=9717">Brawlex</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38530">Round 1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38138">Reminiscence Cup</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=373">[kd8]otome</a></td><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=39004">Round 3</a></td></tr>

<h2>Recently Finished Tournaments:</h2>
<table class="sortable">
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38826">Smogon Hold 'Em</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=13930">Ghandi1988</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=3905">Pilocus</a></td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38713">Stay Alive!</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=7226">Max</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=7125">JabbaTheGriffin</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="/forums/showthread.php?t=38142">Smogon Tournament #4</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a></td><td><a href="/forums/member.php?u=25">goofball</a></td></tr>


Smogon Tournaments

<h2>Introduction to Tournaments</h2>

<p>Welcome to the tournament section of Smogon!</p>

<p>We welcome all players of different skill levels; new competitive battlers and seasoned pros alike will find online tournaments at Smogon enjoyable. Playing in Smogon tournaments is a great way to develop your skill as a battler! After all, what is a better way to gain battling experience than playing against the best of the best?</p>

<p>We hold many styles of tournaments – singles tournaments, team tournaments, standard tournaments, underused tournaments, and just about everything else imaginable. Whatever style you enjoy playing, you are sure to find the Smogon tournament experience both challenging and fun!</p>

<!-- I've left the hr here because you said you aren't opposed to it and it looks good :( -->

<hr />

<h2>Playing in Tournaments</h2>

<p>Joining a tournament at Smogon is quick and simple. If sign-ups for a new tournament are open, feel free to post and register.</p>

<p>However, we ask all participants to adhere to some fairly common-sense guidelines. Players who register and become inactive or rarely available can sometimes hold back a tournament; please be courteous and finish your assigned battles promptly. We prefer having tournaments run smoothly, and will not hesitate to disqualify or further reprimand players who are chronically unavailable. If you wish to participate in Smogon tournaments, we ask you to be responsible and reliable. As soon as pairings are posted, make sure to send your opponent a private message and set up a time at which both of you will be able to battle. If for any reason, you must leave for a period of time while you are still in a tournament, make sure to contact the host of the tournament and notify him or her of your leave.</p>

<p>Remember, it is not hard to follow these simple guidelines; we reserve the right to ban participants from playing in tournaments for a period of time if such a problem is to arise.</p>

<hr />

<h2>Hosting a Tournament</h2>

<p>Hosting is the biggest responsibility involved with tournaments, and as such, there are some strict guidelines and requirements for prospective hosts.</p>

<p>First and foremost, you must be a well-known member of Smogon to be trusted with hosting a tournament. If you have joined fairly recently, do not ask to host a tournament; hang around for some time, join a few tournaments, learn the ropes first. Second, make sure that applications are open; they likely will be unless there is a huge amount of active tournaments. Finally, send your tournament idea to either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> via private message; if one of the tournament directors denies your idea do not bother sending a private message to the other. If your idea is approved, you may go ahead and create the sign-up thread in the tournaments forum. Please include in your post that your idea was approved by either Groudon80 or Sonuis.</p>

<p>Make sure that you are keeping control of your tournament. Do not get lazy and forget or lag the tournament in any other way. If you let your tournament die, your reputation at Smogon will be dented, and you may be banned from hosting another tournament.</p>


<p><strong>Tournament Applications are: CLOSED.</strong></p>

<hr />

<h2>Playing In a Tournament</h2>

<p>Playing in tournament is rather simple, not as complex as hosting a tournament. However, getting banned is much easier. Follow these rules and you should be alright.</p>

<li>Get your match done on time. It's not smart to forget to play your match. Not to mention that it delays the tournament. If you have a habit of not finishing your match on time, you might receive an infraction and may be banned from future tournaments. Try to schedule a time by contacting your opponent through a Smogon PM or by other means of contact. This will help you a lot in the long run!</li>
<li>Be a good sport. If you want to razz your opponent, do it in Firebot or on IRC.</li>
<li>All tournament matches should be played using your forum nickname, or by informing your opponent that you are under a different nickname on the battle client you are using. Things can turn out bad and could cause cheating by hidden battle cases.</li>
<li>Decisions by the tournament host are generally final. However, if a ruling you feel is ridiculous, please send a PM to <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> describing in full detail to the situation at hand. One of us will look into it if it truly is worth bothering with. If it is not, we will inform you right away.</li>
<li>Do not break the rules of a tournament. Always read through them carefully before your battle. If you don't agree to them, then don't sign up for it!</li>
<li>"Scouting", or intentionally looking at someone's team to help benefit your upcoming match is heavily discouraged. Though this is something that cannot be helped, the tournament staff is letting participants know as that they can at least watch a match.</li>

<p>Breaking these rules can potentially get you banned from playing in future tournaments. Not to mention that you will receive an infraction as well. Rules 1, 2, 3, and 5 especially.</p>

<hr />

<h2>Hosting A Tournament</h2>

<p>To host a Pokémon tournament on Smogon, there are a few simple guide lines.</p>

<li>Smogon Tournament applications must be open. Reading this page will tell you if they are open or not.</li>
<li>You must get your tournament idea approved by either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a>. If either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> denies your idea, don't go PMing the other person. You'll be denied again because you didn't meet the requirements.</li>
<li>You must be a responsible user who has spent a good amount of time at Smogon. If you are close to being banned, banned, have had a lot of infractions in general, or are too new to the forums, your tournament request will be denied (Forum "age" will be determined by who you send your PM to).</li>

<p>Once you have had tournament approved, create your thread and start your sign-ups. Be sure that you know you can handle the amount of people who have registered. If it's your first time hosting a tournament, it's recommended (but it's not required by any means necessary) that you limit your registrations to 32 players, and then let people register as substitutes. If you get to the point where you can have more people register (16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512...), open up your slots to join and create a new limit. Avoid giving byes at all costs.</p>

<p>Here are requirements while you are hosting your tournament.</p>

<li>Be sure that you give reference URLs on each thread you make in regards to your tournament, including this page.</li>
<li>You must give deadlines each round of your tournament. Deadlines force players to do their battles.</li>
<li>Do NOT let players who are banned from tournaments (See: Banned Players) or who are about to be banned from Smogon join your tournament.
<li>If a player becomes close to/or becomes banned during a tournament, do not disqualify the player who is close to being banned. Substitute a banned player, only in round one, or at anytime if you are hosting a team tournament. Players whose status become negative during your tournament does not make you break the rules.</li>
<li>Give as few deadline extensions as you possibly can. This promotes laziness to players and that is not good.</li>
<li>Do not let your tournament die. Pester your participants who have not completed their match yet to do so. If you yourself let your tournament die, not only will you receive an infraction, but you will also be banned from hosting tournaments in the future.</li>
<li>Disqualify players fairly.
<li>If two players are trying their hardest to complete their match even past the deadline, move their match as a part of the next round and let them play their battle. Then the winner of their match will play who they were originally supposed to be put up against.</li>
<li>If one player is being very active (Check out Shoddy Battle and #smogon) while another is not, disqualify the inactive player.</li>
<li>If both players are inactive, flip a coin. Advance the winner of the coin flip and move on.</li>
<li>If a situation cannot be handled, ask a tournament administrator (<a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a>) and the one you've contacted will make a final decision.</li>
<li>Usually, tournaments on Smogon are played using the Random Pairings method. If you need help making pairings, then you should try Mekkah's Bracket Maker. If you cannot figure out how to use it, you can always use a TI-83 Calculator, a program online like Nealpro, etc.</li>
<li>We suggest that you do not host Swiss Style tournaments. You should stray from Round Robin too.</li>
<li>Under no circumstance should you fix the rules in your favor or to that of another person's favor as a tournament host!</li>
<li>It is recommended that you set a rule to have players send you logs of their match.</li>

<p>Should you kill your own tournament, fix the rules in your favor, disqualify unjustly, or let banned/to be banned players join your tournament, you will receive an infraction and be banned from hosting future Smogon tournament.</p>

Alright one request, I've removed all the br's but the page looked much better with the br's. Could you change the css for this page so that it has another line break after each list item?
Not that it really matters on the rendering front, but the rules page uses the dreaded font and u tags. How about replacing that section with a <span style="color: #f00; text-decoration: underline">CLOSED</span> section?

Line breaks must be self-terminated by using <br /> instead of <br >

Uh, overcritical again?

Edit: Active tournaments: TH cells to be encapsulated within <tr>..</tr>


is a Site Content Manageris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Programmeris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis an Administratoris a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
active_tournaments - sure
index - sure

rules - use

<div class="notice">Tournament applications are closed.</div>


<div class="success">Tournament applications are open!</div>

<h2>Hosting A Tournament</h2>

<p>To host a Pokémon tournament on Smogon, there are a few simple guide lines.</p>

<li>You must get your tournament idea approved by either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a>. If either <a href="/forums/member.php?u=526">Groudon80</a> or <a href="/forums/member.php?u=108">Sonuis</a> denies your idea, don't go PMing the other person. You'll be denied again because you didn't meet the requirements.</li>
its only necessary to link to their forum profiles once in a document.

Alright one request, I've removed all the br's but the page looked much better with the br's. Could you change the css for this page so that it has another line break after each list item?
add class="long_list"


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
rules - use

<div class="notice">Tournament applications are closed.</div>


<div class="success">Tournament applications are open!</div>
I'll remember this too since this will be a common change. Well, common with the flow of tournaments, which is actually looking very solid at the moment.

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