Social The Smogon Photo Album


formerly Jac
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I show off new pics for those who care~

I went to the zoo and i did thot poses (not really thot poses but i was lookin gay and thought pic time and now im like, god im pudgy)

i was on a tiger and looking foine

i think this was a moose, and one of my best friends, Tadj is the one red af in the face.

now we are both joined by her boyfriend Julio who is in the middle

my bf isnt in the pics since he was taking them ;w;
to everyone who hasnt seen my bae

on ze right is him (his hair is really long in this pic omfg)


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
With Joss Naylor MBE, my absolute hero, the man celebrated his 70th birthday by running non-stop up 70 mountains I mean wtf

Fitness thread enthusiasts will have seen the next two already but for the rest, here's me on the way to winning a 10k trail race the other week. I'd just ran up and over the hill in the background so I'm looking pretty fucked in this one and I'm being strangled by my timing device but it's a nice photo all the same I think.

Prize was presented by Chrissie Wellington, four time winner of the Ironman World Championships and current world record holder and I even got a hug so that was pretty cool.


mindless philosopher
Late as fuck because I'm brain-dead. Here's some of my favorites among the photos my crew got out of FanimeCon 2014 (in hide tags for your convenience).

Here I am with Zephyrling at the Black and White Ball. Best night of my life, no question.

Zeph and me again, this time in cosplay. I swear, the apparent shape of my head will not remain consistent.

Arjun shares a moment with his waifu.

Glamour shot.

Majestic as fuck.

Jade makes a damn good Mizuki. Also, those contacts freak me out.

Obligatory Gurren Lagann. Bonus points for the midgets.

I'm genuinely surprised this is the first Steven Stone cosplayer I've ever run into at Fanime. I'm also surprised that I don't remember why I'm holding an orange.


Anatomists, would I start to fall as soon as Revan's saber hit the spinal cord, or would it wait until after my head was severed? This is really bugging me.


Words can't do them justice.

We don't get enough Rorschach.

EDIT: Rose tells me this is Mecha Kha'Zix. Never played LoL, but it's way cool.


Game of the decade.

I can't help laughing every time I see this one.

Top-tier group cosplay. On a tangentially related note, I used to know a fair bit of Mando'a, but I've forgotten most of it, which bugs the shit out of me.

Cutest trap y/y

Why does this Batman make me think of Dilbert?

Arj in heaven.

At the tail end of the best weekend I've ever had.
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X5Dragon my jealousy pierces the heavens, i would love to know where i can order that shit from if you dont mind~

Lel, no problem. The shirt I got from Redbubble, because a bunch of other twitch sites got closed for whatever random reason. The CharizardX Plush I got from Amazon and can also be found on a couple of legit poke sites. I also got the Mario plushes from there as well.

Concerning the rest of my collection (figures, one time offer plushes, rare stuff) I had to sniff them out of Ebay and places like Pokevault.


formerly Jac
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Lel, no problem. The shirt I got from Redbubble, because a bunch of other twitch sites got closed for whatever random reason. The CharizardX Plush I got from Amazon and can also be found on a couple of legit poke sites. I also got the Mario plushes from there as well.

Concerning the rest of my collection (figures, one time offer plushes, rare stuff) I had to sniff them out of Ebay and places like Pokevault.
thank you kindly, now to request extra hours at work ;w;

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