The LC Open XI - Round 1-B

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I contacted my opponent 3 days ago when the tournament started, their name was also online and in the lobby but they have yet to respond

The eleventh iteration of the largest LC tournament, and the tour with the most signups in Smogon's history, the LC Open, has begun! A truly ludicrous number of players stands between each of you and victory. I wish you all the best of luck!

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Grand Slam rules can be found here. POINT VALUES HAVE CHANGED, SEE ADMIN THREAD
  • Standard SS LC.
  • Best-of-three, single elimination.
  • Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown!, on the Smogtours server.
  • SS cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • Tiers are locked at the beginning of each round.
this stuff is just the abbreviated version, for the full list of rules for Smogon Tournaments check here


About playing on alts: It is entirely allowed to play on an alt other than your own main forum name, though if your opponent wishes to confirm your identity, you must log on to your main alt to show them you are who you claim to be. This is to prevent people from pretending to be who they're not.

About playing on different servers: Tournament matches must be played on the Smogtours server. The Main PS! server is also acceptable if both parties agree to that. Other servers are not sanctioned by the TD team and playing in them might result in your game not counting. Protect yourself from that by playing in Smogtours, where we also have the power to recreate games that end due to DC's.


On scouting opponents: Going through your opponents replays of tournament and ladder games is entirely allowed, as long as a game is public there is nothing preventing you from watching it. An exception to this is abusing powers granted to you by being staff on Smogon or PS! to gain access to information a normal user wouldn't have access to, which is strictly forbidden.

On leaking teams: Divulging private information about someone's planned team to their opponent is never allowed, and will be heavily sanctioned. Requesting that such information be divulged is also grounds for punishment. Keep your scouting to publicly available information and you'll be fine.

Timer Clause / Disconnections

On the Timer: The timer must stay on throughout the whole battle.

On Timeout losses: A player that loses by having all his time run out loses the game. This is only not the case if the player that received the timeout loss can be verified to have suffered a True Disconnection. Rematches are only allowed if there was a True Disconnection.

On True Disconnection: The TD team has a secret threshold of seconds that your timer must be at or above, from the moment you disconnect, for a timeout loss to be considered a True disconnection. If your game is determined to be a true disconnection if you played on Smogtours and contacted a TD before the room expired your game will be recreated up to the point the disconnect happened. It is the responsibility of the player that disconnected to get a TD into the room before it expires.

Battle Clauses:
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • Sleep Clause
  • Species Clause
  • Timed Battle
  • Team Preview
General recommendations:
  • Contact your opponent as soon as possible upon the round going up. Activity cases are going to be handled in a very strict manner.
  • If I catch news of ghosting or some other sort of atrocious behavior, I reserve the right to investigate to the full limits of my ability in conjunction with the TD team provided there is adequate evidence to warrant it.
  • Please read the Scheduling Guide if you're unsure how to properly schedule for the tournament!
That aside, feel free to get back to me (or a tournament director if, for some reason, you don't really trust my judgement) if you still have any questions regarding this tournament (or Grand Slam in general) after reading this post.

Last but not least, aside from points towards qualifying for Grand Slam playoffs, this tournament is part of the LC Tournament Circuit, so points for that will also be awarded accordingly depending on how well you do.

Round 1-B

yosheej  vs  Troklaster
Jonsno  vs  Amberr
Moutemoute  vs  Daruma
Kemez  vs  Dogefan88
SheWhoGrills  vs  tiemzi
earl5000  vs  R1CEC4KE
Pichunoob  vs  tob
Mariolo05  vs  JoeldeBowl
DarkDrawnzer  vs  El_Mr64
Nutstomp.mp4  vs  Wanony
A_Plastic_Bag  vs  NaCl
chickensandwichman  vs  azogue
SgtRichard  vs  BouncyKnight
scoopington  vs  Jacksonblue
KobeWoods  vs  Env3lop
geofighter069  vs  santrion
Shrek_Moon  vs  htte
casbii  vs  turkiman1337
fa500  vs  StarFalcon555
pdt  vs  bb skarm
Banbadoro  vs  Kacper Smejda
KeepItUpDrake  vs  Cyfix
Gamer_Man  vs  Thiago Nunes
Capricornio  vs  zzzrobix
tMoi  vs  El Quixana
u4eUhh  vs  0otico
SnapDrakeGames  vs  SlobberyDisc191
LydianKillian  vs  Bkzander
EMAWCookie  vs  He'll Where?
stabber_12x  vs  signalledSeven
Diiz  vs  englishspoon
Sou1FGC  vs  ClarenceClaymore
Legendsom  vs  Evagrima
Aansatsu  vs  wojtekskars
CaucasoidV  vs  Brohunter
M4tth145  vs  Annawobl
zolo zoro  vs  TheRuffletKid
Toadow  vs  TheKingKarp
FP  vs  Teytt
sooeycune  vs  Jordy004
Wail Wailord  vs  Steelrain7528
SomeLoser420  vs  IcycoolArc
So Noisy  vs  Luzors
true blue 92  vs  Baxor_Zein
brokenmotor  vs  Omglob00
SuperSlakoth  vs  Bert122
Roginald  vs  Manz_2
blinne  vs  lukesestir
Inder  vs  BurnieSanders69
charlie-nbee  vs  Itz_Ochoa
nullwastakenagain  vs  GeckoRoamin
WaterFeesh61  vs  rarre
cy  vs  vovoG
Flaffed  vs  BobTheBobbitWorm
Gmanhoffman  vs  grizzz
SerpentPhantom  vs  Gandash1
Pyro Lancer 69  vs  Flacidpanda
handballnat  vs  TreesRise
Hockey1  vs  Psytric_x
stainedMorph!  vs  prophetofshamu
Jirac  vs  Perish Song
Superbase5221  vs  smice
DuGuo  vs  Blacklisted
justblamehax  vs  mebadatgame
RelaxedBees  vs  64 Squares
Hamerato  vs  Shawver
Tenty  vs  craecker
thornlebg  vs  INeedToPractice
Levy's Chair  vs  Shourya Kumar
Ap095right  vs  Sky Master11
K :>  vs  AuraRayquaza
IcyGas52  vs  giove97
pranet  vs  MooMan3D
ImTabbedOut  vs  Daniel1018
Charmflash  vs  AnonymousTetrahedral
Roatsky  vs  heliazzle
Lily  vs  Quint_
Squash  vs  starry blanket
Condla  vs  Artemis Eclipse
memeberwastaken  vs  Peachevoir
PU is goated  vs  dogtraffic
PERKY40  vs  swirx
pratik2007  vs  Phillip Blevin
Ninja  vs  Zekken_Targayren
Bye 263  vs  Jpshy11
LuccaMaia  vs  Thundering SkyS'
Yammy25  vs  Hectorcopter66
velvet_thunder  vs  epicjoseph
Vohmu  vs  Reposeful Pallas
Akumo  vs  Sonpod Jeranter  vs  xavgb
Prudiirayshe_a  vs  Ommnon
BaconUltimate  vs  Nuk3r
mollyTovich  vs  JTheHoodFave
nomercyforswine  vs  Lucas74467
Bever  vs  Comedier
Simon C4  vs  Figbender
0rre11  vs  KiDD340
Cdijk16  vs  lighthouses
Lunar_Stellar  vs  TheBigMenasa
Kenix  vs  blurbles
dedede  vs  King-kahuna
mollymocked  vs  Pfirsicher
ThreeSidedSquare  vs  itsallyellow
RochesterRockruffs  vs  HugeNoobLmao
aptedepresence  vs  Dragonitekid010
ClubRaptor  vs  Maddog999666
Knoert  vs  Woofster
Matel  vs  bikeweekforever
NatsFan4u  vs  TrainerGoldAlt
qp Corn  vs  cosant101
Murvchamp  vs  <b>Counsel</b>
atayigit07  vs  Insanity46
Icenick  vs  Smajet
Orts  vs  Funyo
Aberforth  vs  Geki_Alt
LordInfernis  vs  Sagisolar
blob_156  vs  NelsonTBD
Woodl  vs  zachff
renn513  vs  lazerwolf
Blaziken-Mohammad  vs  RyGuy Plays
Pepeduce  vs  hybone
zoowi  vs  RaJ.Shoot
Bytsen  vs  oookkk
TheBoss7345  vs  Sorenrising
jawsome274  vs  TinoMartino
Dstrom  vs  Jeusan
BapeInfernape  vs  Jesticutioner
MotherHorse  vs  ACR1
Deoxyribo77  vs  DarkJorch
Ninwa_  vs  Chaos23333
Joely_Poly  vs  Meri Berry
KekNewbie  vs  OneHundred
Mr.Mo  vs  ToastedBunzzz02
Ferusinx  vs  Latlat1
Player4BR  vs  UmbrellaGuy
morgan2021  vs  Irpachuza
TheOneStick  vs  Rkayic
Duffykinz  vs  AquaBlue313
Wellhell  vs  LuraEternal
DC7421  vs  TheGameDex
FlippySpatula  vs  blohcuk
AprilGames  vs  PeeplesChamp
Shadow1451  vs  AgiotaDaSilva
Syr_SylveR  vs  5Dots
WindowNipples  vs  jtb102
CDW Enrique  vs  Seppe
OOz!?  vs  Vulpix03
NiccoFinni  vs  Coveted Axiom
Chimwajim  vs  Mapa Tofu
Muhib05  vs  Riftek
ohnoherewegonow  vs  bygbyrd
The_Link_Ning  vs  RandomSpikes
jojoboz123  vs  frisoeva
ProDigeZz  vs  WorshiPizza
simbeca  vs  Iceman8911
miqqqq  vs  mcgrits
scrote_goat  vs  Benpie
MagicalW  vs  Cryoforce
SussyShroom  vs  koploboblo
m_row1709  vs  Rowanshield
Charlie Wata  vs  Thootjuh
micromorphic  vs  JPabloSenpai
nNanob  vs  Maxouille
britboy3456  vs  koikra
Lucho505  vs  BadCattitude
Limit Evolution  vs  rkatz36368
yogo896  vs  Princess_Meofox
ANamelessLad  vs  King Leo V
Beeds  vs  dhanuthegreat1098
ThundergamesPT2  vs  Kate
therealsolarflare  vs  YungCheung
Flatemo  vs  Jackob69
babrandon  vs  BraveRadiant
Spiririt  vs  TheSkyIsPurple
coffeetrowel  vs  fyoosh
Quantum Tesseract  vs  aeroo
Jakubowski53  vs  bla
powergo1  vs  beetbeats
chaotic_crusader  vs  Chronocarrot
Homoswagual  vs  mementoBOOM
Ransei  vs  ChickenRaptor
PenglinHeHe  vs  mc5303
Delibird Heart  vs  Zelar67
Drbabui03  vs  yorkiax
Machamp God  vs  ery
rjay12  vs  Myowe
Deepanshuk17  vs  Sain
ThemeTeamMemeDream  vs  Papa Coz
ijustwantfood  vs  Porygunsz
Hauntile  vs  tautop
tomatosoup110  vs  barffff
Tacodile  vs  SpectralThief
Yep c moi  vs  RandumbRacc
luky0606  vs  Neblina
Eeveeto  vs  Kit Kasai
Yassuh  vs  Lori Omega
Zetarro  vs  Left_Thigh
Foo Fighters Fan  vs  bossiej
Anonymous43567  vs  ruminate
blunder  vs  Pineapple37
Silver Oakenheel  vs  Liquidocelot
Lexiooo  vs  Candypop
Jaamez25  vs  Andy120jr
Boondoggle_64  vs  Zyra231
dorekk  vs  derppudding404
Opnithin  vs  imfat164
nate5011  vs  Jipay15
beepboprobotsnot  vs  Torality
Jusfordlolz  vs  Freesqui
blarajan  vs  Potatochan
PsychicCirno  vs  swordstrike
KartanaAV  vs  DrPenguini
disaster001  vs  bono2441
PikaJW  vs  Biglongone
kythr  vs  AbsoTwo
roare  vs  PhilliamPlant
obolariD  vs  Camriin
FatHydra  vs  queso
Haribos4  vs  klawehtgod
Josde  vs  Kotomi
Feaniix  vs  WillyrexDios2
Harpwn  vs  jonfilch
AmericanPi  vs  buchlo
r1dude  vs  Mewsthebest
false  vs  FableExMachina
Zosonils  vs  dartarion362
IsambardBrunel28  vs  Briniestbag6035
pigeonwings  vs  Lkkenji
Axolotlworld  vs  Jonas_501212
Pebs  vs  HRV
Dialga862/Palkia862  vs  Migo_Aipom
NightMasterDarkrai  vs  outbackrabbit
RPandaa  vs  alaric_ca
CTallys SD  vs  GlassCheeks
SeaF1sh  vs  Kaazikin
Sbfreecss  vs  JordanK53
ihathlostthegame  vs  HumperDumper
aruwu  vs  calltheparamedics
Noxey  vs  Pesky2
Get this Money  vs  inuyamazen
Granny Pie  vs  Ruckus750
Clinky456  vs  AceKun
TobbaTob  vs  Squirtle7586
FisherDarvyk  vs  CTEHuey
Stone Jimbob  vs  マリル way
tylermui  vs  Shrug
dnomy  vs  zglueck
Godavid  vs  TengoMuchaSed
Shou Dui  vs  Transgirl Piri
PNW_Bati  vs  Koufaxx
Vholtninja  vs  Gewehr16
Owliere  vs  mittehitte
Pursuit ban sylveon  vs  Salieri
Ender77  vs  r4uli
Xamd  vs  Paradimensionality
thatone_meme  vs  Brigtel
Cryptonix_  vs  AvaluggVGC
Ancient precursor  vs  Voltij
Manateeeee  vs  Aeiou 24
Packee  vs  captanpasta
gaolo  vs  kawaiibunny67
braveary less  vs  ToonEmperor
BurgundyTwig  vs  DracoZeon
h04m  vs  Leo Justice
Bushtush  vs  Amukamara
AwesomeAvo64  vs  MenaCicada
zero_sanaide  vs  CrasherWakeBayBay
ArtaxCooper  vs  GRSceptile
manas00  vs  Marus8
flincchino  vs  Corthius
Skyward78  vs  Blimax
kleerwerk  vs  kDCA
dinozoeic  vs  Bloskii
Phantom_Dork  vs  Sak Meme
OchoKandy  vs  femboy
sadderfacts  vs  Champfernape
Larson  vs  oliveroddish
Jake Moran  vs  combinius
Otakranio  vs  Jubskiko
Tuvarkz  vs  Cleeve28
Heroice18  vs  C0balt_375
Kmayn  vs  LeoShaw
Moldworm  vs  Jayman
docasio  vs  Reiki_87
Mikaav  vs  Leo the Yutyrannus
dfcasdcasfas  vs  timekingwilliam
ShadowOfSelene  vs  Safil_Mullick
Micciu  vs  pascalrascal
ficfuc  vs  SpectreXS
Nitrio  vs  Liam675
Crunchman  vs  Yahoo12
Jefozz  vs  Gaoao
ShloopNoop  vs  RagingSquirtle
BorderCollie  vs  Froggy
NubNub  vs  Sirroppu
Blinkehyo  vs  AllStaraptors
MiMic85  vs  Pjb03
Greenworth  vs  maxoman9
Zxblade  vs  Trashpanda
Permission Slip  vs  senshidenshi
Shiftri  vs  EnzoLapras
Fenrir Rune  vs  Cuddlerecoil
MrFine69  vs  Truwudy
Coolcon  vs  chill280chill
Plain  vs  NHelioX7
Ninjago4k  vs  Will_of_D
Jinan B  vs  xX_doggogamuer_Xx
Big Camel  vs  LiamXD
magicmstr29  vs  HaxorusIdk
Yeetloaf  vs  Brunch^3
PrinceCowbit  vs  SpaceCP
KarliTheFrenshie  vs  Lore_maker
Nautilost  vs  bruno
cambam2015  vs  Sabella
Ricardo [old]  vs  Llamablade
sund  vs  Adrian Monky
DonMarto  vs  Kowasabii
Dekuppo  vs  Bye 4
Hopidihop  vs  Bye 8
Matthias)  vs  Bye 12
Supered999  vs  Bye 16
Numberz  vs  Bye 20
Aggic  vs  Bye 24
Dengar96  vs  Bye 28
Klemenz  vs  Bye 32
TheNeoMau5  vs  Bye 36
Toioh  vs  Bye 40
NawaNotNoah  vs  Bye 44
pleroy10  vs  Bye 48
Captive soul  vs  Bye 52
CMDoge  vs  Bye 56
chungusfan1  vs  Bye 60
Roogn  vs  Bye 64
BlackPrince1330  vs  Bye 68
InfernoDragon  vs  Bye 72
clawzmon  vs  Bye 76
Sage  vs  Bye 80
swellow is stronk  vs  Bye 84
Andy Snype  vs  Bye 88
acluh1  vs  Bye 92
Delta4  vs  Bye 96
mokeyvspoke  vs  Bye 100
BruceXavier  vs  Bye 104
Super Nerd  vs  Bye 108
Peachy07  vs  Bye 112
Chandler5555  vs  Bye 116
Oncrat  vs  Bye 120
DugZa  vs  Bye 124
mint4x  vs  Bye 128
nezumi  vs  Bye 132
Leru  vs  Bye 136
spriteplayspokemon  vs  Bye 140
14 Aquila  vs  Bye 144
chlo  vs  Bye 148
LegendaryC26  vs  Bye 152
frogtales  vs  Bye 156
literal heat iii  vs  Bye 160
Amastris  vs  Bye 164
KFlazer  vs  Bye 168
xxTHICCJIM  vs  Bye 172
Chief Partier  vs  Bye 176
NongshimOfficial  vs  Bye 180
Nolonolo  vs  Bye 184
FleetsThe2nd  vs  Bye 188
tropiusisbae  vs  Bye 192
Yves Stone  vs  Bye 196
omi  vs  Bye 200
Void  vs  Bye 204
SOmozi  vs  Bye 208
doc1203  vs  Bye 212
Hi it's Timmy  vs  Bye 216
Littlegreatape  vs  Bye 220
gimme da goat  vs  Bye 224
Jakathen22  vs  Bye 228
Breaking Mew  vs  Bye 232
1234owo  vs  Bye 236
KanashiX  vs  Bye 240
Aunder  vs  Bye 244
Cnntstmpthtrmp  vs  Bye 248
Iacorati  vs  Bye 252
yomigg  vs  Bye 256
HRCassetteTape  vs  Bye 260

Deadline: Sunday April 24th, 11:59 PM EDT (GMT-4)

Won gg
Battle was scheduled for 6PM CDT but opponent never showed up. Let Merritt know and they said I’m good to post.
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