Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

Bad read on your part, I was fully fine going that way I just didn't want TBZ continually targeting me

Whether I believed you or not didn't matter because cel/species had turned on me so I had no alternative.

Why did it take you until literally one minute before deadline to suggest you could swing Whydon?

My general perception of your game is that you didn't have much agency, that your game was driven by other people. I accept that the strategy as you've laid it out is a reasonable one, and I consider your performance "passable" in terms of deserving to win. Comparable to Gavin Whitson from Survivor EOE. Convince me it should be considered more than that.
Yeah that was just my read at the time.
I suggested it 3 minutes before the deadline because that's when Whydon seemed like he would vote Laurel. As we can see, it ended being fake and making no difference anyway. Also, I thought cel was afk all day based on species, feels bad.

Your perception is fair Texas, but that is because I didn't really make a lot of players until after you were voted out. In the game, I was also aware of this possible perception, and worked hard to change it after F6. I wasn't comfortable making moves or aggressively taking the lead before as that would make me into a target. I'm not so confident I can win 4 challenges in a row haha.

I think my performance is more like Dean Kowalski from Island of the Idols, had Tommy Sheehan had been voted out, with a decent 4th quarter finish.
For international seasons, I think my performance could be compared to Kristie Bennett in Australian survivor, with shock immunity wins near the end.
I just want to add that I did 'bait' the vote onto me at F6. I reckon I could have just stayed silent and not stirred the pot.
I was trying to get Joe to vote with me too in case you guys split but he didn't. That nearly fucked up too.


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did celever know you had the idol or did he actually think I was not a threat to win
The topic of conversation during that challenge was about jury cred so I mostly said it because I wasn't gonna vote for you as you were still good for my game and it was an easy excuse to play dumb with. With that said I'm also renowned for having a different metric for deciding what a winning game looks like (e.g. being the only one to vote Outlaw last season on jury) and this season you didn't really fit into my metrics if I were gamebotting my jury vote. If I were voting with my heart then maybe, though. Depends who you were up against.
I just want to add that I did 'bait' the vote onto me at F6. I reckon I could have just stayed silent and not stirred the pot.
I was trying to get Joe to vote with me too in case you guys split but he didn't. That nearly fucked up too.
Your bait didn't effect anything as you were my proposed target from the start of that vote. You did bait it but it didn't matter, especially with Whydon, and Species openly sheeping me and Laurel being the other target.
here's how i view this f2:

Alimdia - got extremely lucky at multiple points in the game, was on the wrong side of votes consistently and loses the game if he doesn't find an idol or win immunity. had power at f5 and 4 because celever allowed him to for whatever reason, gj i guess?

Celever - was safe from votes and voted correctly most of the time but played endgame horribly and got goated by Species/myself throughout a majority of the game

my first "question" to both of you is can you please tell me how my perception of your games is wrong

Texas Cloverleaf

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Celever the fact that you think you played anything remotely resembling a social game is appalling. The most enjoyable part of being eliminated was having each new person come in and marvel at how arrogant you were, how little game sense you had, and how you left each and every single person voted out with a bad taste in their mouth. That during the live tribal you thought you had any chance whatsoever of receiving my vote, no less that you thought I would favor you, is a true testament to how oblivious you have been to the social side of the game.

The fact that you lied to my face for the second game in a row inside of two months and stabbed me in the back again, without even the balls to tell me I was going home once it was determined is disgusting on a visceral level. That you actively ghosted during that tribal is pure cowardice. You are deserving of no trust from anyone in any social game, ever. You have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that you value nobody and nothing beyond what can further your own agenda. It is beyond comprehension that you privately professed a game of taking a goat to the end with such sheer arrogance in your own abilities that you were completely blind to the fact that you were in fact the goat for everyone else.

You posted the following--

Celever: has cookie monster soul Today at 3:52 PM king of being the elimination candidate :) gone 3 for 3

--never remotely considering the possibility that you survived these outcomes through no merit of your own. No less the arrogance inherent in actually refusing to submit for challenges. You have played without a doubt the worst social game of any player in any ORG or indeed any season of actual Survivor I have ever seen, bar none. You lied to my face after professing that you had changed, and all you've managed to do is reveal exactly what kind of a snake you are.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Congratulations Ali. A passable game is plenty against this competition.


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Celever - was safe from votes and voted correctly most of the time but played endgame horribly and got goated by Species/myself throughout a majority of the game

my first "question" to both of you is can you please tell me how my perception of your games is wrong
That's actually a good point I had planned to include but didn't make it into my stream of consciousness.

Outside of idol plays, I voted in majority every vote this season. Every single one. It's not like I set the target every time, but sometimes (Inferno, RAD) I did. And besides that, it shows I was in the influential circles the entire game.

I believe we were a trio who exerted our influence on people fairly evenly. Looking at the F9, I think the people who each of us were closest to were:
Me: Joe, Laurel,
Species: Ali, Texas
Whydon: Marth, TBZ

Perhaps I'm completely wrong about being as close to those two as I think I was, but I felt there was legitimate trust between myself and Laurel that others didn't seem to have, and me and Joe strategised closely together during the merge phase. Perhaps I overestimate how much casual conversation affects the game, but I usually favour people who I can talk to about stuff unrelated to the game and Joe and Laurel were two of those people.

Certainly there were a lot of crossed wires and talking behind backs, but I really don't think I was a goat this season.


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Celever the fact that you think you played anything remotely resembling a social game is appalling. The most enjoyable part of being eliminated was having each new person come in and marvel at how arrogant you were, how little game sense you had, and how you left each and every single person voted out with a bad taste in their mouth. That during the live tribal you thought you had any chance whatsoever of receiving my vote, no less that you thought I would favor you, is a true testament to how oblivious you have been to the social side of the game.

The fact that you lied to my face for the second game in a row inside of two months and stabbed me in the back again, without even the balls to tell me I was going home once it was determined is disgusting on a visceral level. That you actively ghosted during that tribal is pure cowardice. You are deserving of no trust from anyone in any social game, ever. You have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that you value nobody and nothing beyond what can further your own agenda. It is beyond comprehension that you privately professed a game of taking a goat to the end with such sheer arrogance in your own abilities that you were completely blind to the fact that you were in fact the goat for everyone else.

You posted the following--

Celever: has cookie monster soul Today at 3:52 PM king of being the elimination candidate :) gone 3 for 3

--never remotely considering the possibility that you survived these outcomes through no merit of your own. No less the arrogance inherent in actually refusing to submit for challenges. You have played without a doubt the worst social game of any player in any ORG or indeed any season of actual Survivor I have ever seen, bar none. You lied to my face after professing that you had changed, and all you've managed to do is reveal exactly what kind of a snake you are.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Congratulations Ali. A passable game is plenty against this competition.
If you're willing I'd like to talk in private after the game on Discord and try to patch things up. Once the chats in the server are opened up you'll see that I agonised over these votes (particularly yours due to also betraying you in the previous season) and you'll see the progression of me wanting to take you to the end to favouring Joe over you once Joe suggested the blindside of you.

I didn't intentionally ghost the rooster where you went home. It was awful timing that it was my best mate's 18th and so I had to be there and stay out with him. Whydon can testify that I was drunk as hell because we called each other, and when we did I had to cut it abruptly short because my phone was on 1%. Had I had access to Discord, I absolutely would have told you when I switched my vote to you right before deadline. Before then, my vote was on Laurel (which I agonised over equally as hard).

I'm sorry to those who see me as arrogant and I'd like to discuss that with them after the game too. I had a rough time this season as after a certain point, everyone left in the game was allied to me in one way or another and so every rooster I was forced to betray someone. I hated it, but it's good strategy and left me low on everyone's list of targets. That counts for something.

I genuinely feel I got closer on a personal level with some people this season and that's what I'm referring to when I speak of good social play. This doesn't count for everyone though, of course.
here's how i view this f2:

Alimdia - got extremely lucky at multiple points in the game, was on the wrong side of votes consistently and loses the game if he doesn't find an idol or win immunity. had power at f5 and 4 because celever allowed him to for whatever reason, gj i guess?

Celever - was safe from votes and voted correctly most of the time but played endgame horribly and got goated by Species/myself throughout a majority of the game

my first "question" to both of you is can you please tell me how my perception of your games is wrong
Hi Whydon,
I want to say that luck definitely comes into play in survivor, especially in stupidsurvivor.
There's twists, then there is RNG with swaps and what not.
When you say luck did you mean the vote where Rad went home? I think there was some socializing on my part that got Species to try to target Rad instead. Or maybe just timezone buddies!
Or did you mean at F6?

You are correct that I have been on the wrong side of the votes quite a few times, but there have only truly been a few times where I was blindsided (didn't know where the votes were going)
1) tbz vigvig VS duck and SSR vote - I knew we were relying on an outlier of another pair not voting correctly (low chance). I chose to put my vote in a possible minority to show give the impression that I am loyal and don't jump ship easily. There is no reason for me to vote against duck and SSR. This is pre-merge, there is no 'credit' to be sought here for being on the right side of the vote.
2) rad vote out - Even though I was on the 'right side', I will agree that I was on the wrong side because I was unaware of votes flying my way
3) merge vote - Yes I was left out of both votes, because both sides thought I was closer to the other side

4) Texas vote out - I knew what was going on here. I just chose to vote with Texas to keep working relationship with Joe. Additionally, even if I vote Texas out here, I would not get any credit from it anyway. I'm not going to just 'vote with the majority' for no reason so late in the game.

So I was only completely left out of 2 of them, but the conclusion is that just because you vote in the majority every time, does not mean you were driving the decision.

Regarding the idol, that was hard work to find. I searched every post in the forum, a verse was hidden in white text, another was on Divya's profile, which nobody else found. I searched everywhere on the discord server. I can't say I would have played the same game without an idol, because having an idol changed the way I could play the game. I could afford to lie low a bit and pop off later.

Regarding my immunity wins, I worked hard for the F4 win. I had no knowledge of pokemon and I fast-learned that unique mode. There was no luck there. I know the F3 challenge was weird, but I am confident that I had decent odds of beating Cel and you in a challenge, after Joe was voting out.

As you said, my power only came in the endgame after other power players were voted out. I admit that, and say that my game is very back-ended, 4th quarter style.

Whydon I have a question for you - surely I must be somewhat in the running for you to keep trying to vote me out?
At 6, 5, and at 4 you were gunning for me if I didn't win. I'm sure you would vote me out at 3 as well if there was a vote.
I did so much work to avoid being voted out while being a target and get to the end, I think I deserve your vote.
Celever I have already explained to Texas that you had no reason to vote with him.

Can you explain why you think Species was sheeping you when you blamed him for both the Ali/Rad B.S. and again when I was voted off in the split tribal?
Hi Whydon,
I want to say that luck definitely comes into play in survivor, especially in stupidsurvivor.
There's twists, then there is RNG with swaps and what not.
When you say luck did you mean the vote where Rad went home? I think there was some socializing on my part that got Species to try to target Rad instead. Or maybe just timezone buddies!
Or did you mean at F6?

You are correct that I have been on the wrong side of the votes quite a few times, but there have only truly been a few times where I was blindsided (didn't know where the votes were going)
1) tbz vigvig VS duck and SSR vote - I knew we were relying on an outlier of another pair not voting correctly (low chance). I chose to put my vote in a possible minority to show give the impression that I am loyal and don't jump ship easily. There is no reason for me to vote against duck and SSR. This is pre-merge, there is no 'credit' to be sought here for being on the right side of the vote.
2) rad vote out - Even though I was on the 'right side', I will agree that I was on the wrong side because I was unaware of votes flying my way
3) merge vote - Yes I was left out of both votes, because both sides thought I was closer to the other side

4) Texas vote out - I knew what was going on here. I just chose to vote with Texas to keep working relationship with Joe. Additionally, even if I vote Texas out here, I would not get any credit from it anyway. I'm not going to just 'vote with the majority' for no reason so late in the game.

So I was only completely left out of 2 of them, but the conclusion is that just because you vote in the majority every time, does not mean you were driving the decision.

Regarding the idol, that was hard work to find. I searched every post in the forum, a verse was hidden in white text, another was on Divya's profile, which nobody else found. I searched everywhere on the discord server. I can't say I would have played the same game without an idol, because having an idol changed the way I could play the game. I could afford to lie low a bit and pop off later.

Regarding my immunity wins, I worked hard for the F4 win. I had no knowledge of pokemon and I fast-learned that unique mode. There was no luck there. I know the F3 challenge was weird, but I am confident that I had decent odds of beating Cel and you in a challenge, after Joe was voting out.

As you said, my power only came in the endgame after other power players were voted out. I admit that, and say that my game is very back-ended, 4th quarter style.

Whydon I have a question for you - surely I must be somewhat in the running for you to keep trying to vote me out?
At 6, 5, and at 4 you were gunning for me if I didn't win. I'm sure you would vote me out at 3 as well if there was a vote.
I did so much work to avoid being voted out while being a target and get to the end, I think I deserve your vote.
How did you know Texas was going home when you explicitly told Whydon I was voting him?
How did you know Texas was going home when you explicitly told Whydon I was voting him?
I was trying to get whydon to flip by using that narrative. It wasn't a high percentage chance plan.

You can ask Joe to confirm, I was telling him before the deadline that it's obvious Laurel was snaking Texas.


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Celever I have already explained to Texas that you had no reason to vote with him.

Can you explain why you think Species was sheeping you when you blamed him for both the Ali/Rad B.S. and again when I was voted off in the split tribal?
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I think I only said Species fully sheeped me during the F6 vote where he was away when all the decisions were made and then we spam-tagged him at deadline on who to vote. And in the same vote Whydon openly talked about sheeping me and followed the target I set.
Also Celever, don't beat yourself in FTC.
Yeah tbh I've kinda been dreading this. I don't think I'm skilled at selling myself and this is my first FTC (my first ORG that I won didn't have one and I haven't gotten to the end since).


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Regarding my immunity wins, I worked hard for the F4 win. I had no knowledge of pokemon and I fast-learned that unique mode. There was no luck there. I know the F3 challenge was weird, but I am confident that I had decent odds of beating Cel and you in a challenge, after Joe was voting out.
This isn't to prove a point or anything but Ali I'm down to play Machiavelli with you if you are. I practised that awful game a lot during the 24 hour period for our duel which I credit with my win there.

And yeah I was impressed with your F4 win. Learning Pokémon in a couple hours is impressive (I also now see why you didn't really wanna play straight away haha).
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I think I only said Species fully sheeped me during the F6 vote where he was away when all the decisions were made and then we spam-tagged him at deadline on who to vote. And in the same vote Whydon openly talked about sheeping me and followed the target I set.

Yeah tbh I've kinda been dreading this. I don't think I'm skilled at selling myself and this is my first FTC (my first ORG that I won didn't have one and I haven't gotten to the end since).
Yeah in that vote, Whydon would've voted me if thats what you wanted. But they definitely did not sheep you this game.


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Yeah in that vote, Whydon would've voted me if thats what you wanted. But they definitely did not sheep you this game.
Oh 100% agreed yeah I was only referring to that vote. In general I felt that we were a legitimate trio who fell into line and took charge at different points where it really mattered to our games, and supported each other when we wanted to. Species put together the plan to take out RAD because RAD was targeting me, for instance, and though it was messy it succeeded in taking out the target. And on the flip side, I set up Species with the middle alliance of us 2, Joe and Texas as soon as merge hit which gave both of us some needed security. And then Whydon influenced a whole other group of people in TBZ / Marth / Jalmont which helped us maintain influence as a trio and really bore fruit in the immunity passing challenge. It was definitely give-and-take and part of why I enjoyed working with them was because it felt so even between us.
I feel like your influence post merge is over stated.

F11- What happened was definitely not because of you and me, whydon/tbz were key votes no matter how you cut it, and species was involved in having rumors spread about him too.

F10-Probably the only point where you had most agency? And even then it is hard to see who takes more credit for f10 here, you or species.

F9- I don't understand how you think that this is an example of you controlling things from the shadows. Tbz/whydon have to choose between giving jal/I the Idol or you/species the Idol, and we didn't get it because we betrayed them in f10. That is not an example of you controlling from the shadows, that is an example of you reaping the benefits of fallout in the other social dynamics in the game. It isn't hard to recognize that the immunity will be passed between joe/texas/alimdia in some manner, I don't see where the mastermind strategy is over here?

F8- Tbz was an unanimous vote, please tell me where you had any influence over here?

F8 again- Considering species was your closest ally, there isn't any real strategy in choosing between alimdia and I when you've admitted that we didn't have you in our endgame plans, if anything it is a stroke against you that you had worse challenge performance here given the nature of how elimination worked this round.

F7-Good job voting Texas out, however, most of the game wanted to vote Texas anyway. How does that make you more influential than the rest of the game?

F6-You wanted ali out over laurel,despite laurel having the strongest narrative of being a challenge beast who convinced people to flip votes constantly and came back from elimination...only because you thought that he was easy to beat because texas and I wouldn't vote him? I don't think this is a point in your favor at all...
I don't have much to say about ali's opening post

It is a more honest take on how he saw the game+he at least tried at challenges. Yeah he didn't have influence until later but better than acting like he had any influence for most of the game.

Saying that he came out of the shadows at f6 is arrogant though.
Wrt f11. I mean that species also had incentive to vote inferno given that he spread rumors of him trying to vote me, the inferno vote wasn't something that you and I had cooked up

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