
One semi complaint I have: At the tribal stage I was able to make an alliance with only one tribe. The other tribes around me are all my sworn enemies for seemingly no reason. I would of course offer gifts to appease them, but the mere sight of my species will cause them to attack.

So basically the game left me with no choice but to go aggressive for the Tribal Stage. This complaint is only minor because destroying other tribes is still a ton of fun. I would just rather choose to go aggressive rather than be forced to.
My computer crashes whenever I enter the Tribal editor, so I can only in essence play the Cell and Creature stages. e_e

It's still lots of fun and I'm getting quite a kick out of all the different creators.

Also, I think we should be posting our creatures in here while we have a spore dedicated thread up anyway. I'm gonna post mine once I get home. :3
I have a technical issue, the creature creator will NOT uninstall. I go into add/remove to remove it, and when I click remove it does nothing. Uninstalling via the Spore installer does not work, uninstalling it via the built in installer does not work, manually deleting every file related to it on my computer did not work. Did anyone else have this issue?
If you bought the CC, then chances are it's SecuROM, which won't let you uninstall for some reason.

Taken from Wikipedia:

Known problems

Spore (full game and Creature Creator) prevents the game from running at all if older versions (before v11) of Process Explorer, a free tool by Sysinternals/Microsoft, has been run since the previous reboot, however a workaround for this SecuROM detection bug (v9.25 is not affected) can be found here. Microsoft has worked around this particular bug with Process Explorer v11.0.

Hope that helps.
Doesn't work, I still can't get past that damned step in the install. Seriously, this is fucking ridiculous, I've deleted every file even containing the phrase 'spore' from my computer, cleared the registry and everything yet it still thinks I have it.
One semi complaint I have: At the tribal stage I was able to make an alliance with only one tribe. The other tribes around me are all my sworn enemies for seemingly no reason. I would of course offer gifts to appease them, but the mere sight of my species will cause them to attack.

So basically the game left me with no choice but to go aggressive for the Tribal Stage. This complaint is only minor because destroying other tribes is still a ton of fun. I would just rather choose to go aggressive rather than be forced to.
You know, you can always go for the option of giving them a gift. That pretty much always raises them to the Neutral smiley face.

I know what your talking about though. The controls were kind of hard to figure out at first in tribal mode.
Well sadly I found that out too late Mantyke. This caused me great trouble in space as I know somehow have almost every other planet trying to attack me at once. With no alliances or money I cannot win. So I decided I am going to restart my game, and do things correct this time. Thank god I love the creature stage otherwise doing so would be hell. I may just end up making my creature look exactly the same as last time. I just have to go through all the stages again so I can get all the consequence abilities.

the Flamangler, my main pink guy. :3

Nallstrider, I use him every once in a while.

I'm obviously not very creative. xD
Yeah I really like the game but not really in depth the way I imagined it would be... I love the creature stage but I wish It was longer, there should be an option to only play a certian stage of life you want.
Im in space stage now, it seems like they spent more time on that than the beginning parts of the game.
Well sadly I found that out too late Mantyke. This caused me great trouble in space as I know somehow have almost every other planet trying to attack me at once. With no alliances or money I cannot win. So I decided I am going to restart my game, and do things correct this time. Thank god I love the creature stage otherwise doing so would be hell. I may just end up making my creature look exactly the same as last time. I just have to go through all the stages again so I can get all the consequence abilities.
Once you've unlocked a stage, you can immediately start a new game on that stage, right? My sister was able to start her game immediately on the tribal stage when she made her planet.

I have a bit of a buff with the creature creator too... Why can't you use older parts? I've yet to find a pair of eyes I've liked more than the giant green ones from the cell stage and I'm kind of disapointed I couldn't edit them onto my creature later in the game.

This game is honestly really fun though. It's so cool to see a bunch of Pineapple Yeti's go out and conquer the galaxy =)
The Space stage would be a lot more fun if my homeworld wasn't being raided every five minutes =/ It's the same two empires all the time, but I'm not strong enough to defend myself and my alliances have been pretty useless in that regard.
I have a bit of a buff with the creature creator too... Why can't you use older parts? I've yet to find a pair of eyes I've liked more than the giant green ones from the cell stage and I'm kind of disapointed I couldn't edit them onto my creature later in the game.
I think you have to go to the post-cell stage creator, make a guy with those eyes, and then export it to the fully evolved creature creator.

I don't like that Stalkeyes are so pussy, the cell stage's eyes were much cooler.
I did finally get it working, and played up to space twice. First time I was a no holds barred carnivorous asshole killing everything I saw. Let's just say that I didn't last long doing that in the space stage, I pissed everyone off and decided to make a new race.

This time I tried being a peacemongering herbivore but eventually got pissed off at the alliance system in the creature stage and evolved myself into shape as a weird crocodile pigeon with mantis claws. I had wings this time, and let me say flying animals > land ones, you move so much faster that it's not funny.

I did pretty much war my homeplanet into submission, but once I got into space with my awesome UFO I decided to keep it peaceful. Got alliances with the two biggest races near me and fortunately I had rare spices near me.

Initially, it seems like it will take forever to build up the money to buy the big guns and tools, the key to making that kind of cash is purple and pink spice. They are the rarest two kinds and usually only appear on planets that are difficult to colonize. Try to start off with a green or blue (uncommon) spice planet, terraform that up to the point where it is producing spice and use the money from that to get the funds to terraform a purple or pink spice planet. I've sold pink spice for as much as 45,000 sporebucks per unit before, it's insanely lucrative. Red and yellow spices are worth the least, but if you shop around for prices you can still make some big money with them.

I did war with one race near me that was trying to extort me, but I already had over 7 million sporebucks and all of the best spaceship parts, including the mega laser and mega bombs with about 12,000 in HP reserves. I leveled all of their colonies and conquered their homeworld. I actually got bored after stomping their last colony so I used the lower terrain tool to destroy all of the habitable land, it was a volcanic planet so now it's just a sea of magma.

Once you get the heat/freeze rays and the cloud vacuum/generator you can pretty much terraform any planet you want for just the cost of energy (rarely amounts to more than 20,000 per). Just make sure to have at least one wildlife reserve somewhere in your empire, being able to store 30 species there is great for terraforming. My empire is present in about 8 star systems now and I'm slowly but surely buying out my allies's best stars (you can do this with trade routes).
Some spoilers.

Well I got to the center of the universe and the ending was slightly disappointing. If it had even done something akin to you starting the next cycle for a similar creature, I would have been more satisfied.

Once you get the terraforming tools, you can destroy any civilisation that you want too.


is an Artist Alumnus
My four main races, and the spacecraft they command:

Species Name / Vehicle Name: details.
1. Paricus Oxuminid / Paricus Elite: first race made. Crashes when I try to load the Space stage these days. :( Mostly peaceful, attacks only when attacked. Mildly fond of terraforming. Codeless, made it to the center of the galaxy.
2. Darkling (EvoCreature) / Of Grox Enforcement: second race made. Only race to craft an alliance with the Grox (took dang long enough, was like walking a tightrope made of strung-together feathers...), fond of allying races, taking over planets of their allies, provoking them to war, then quelling them to piece with much money. Repeat until opposing race is destroyed. Heavy cheating for billions of free Sporebucks.
3. Microbe Rex / Will of the Cosmos: third race made. Hallowed are the Ori. Decent sized empire, enjoy terraforming / monolith-ing planets to expand their creed.
4. Langostan / Astrolobe Aos: fourth race made. Haven't gotten very far with them, but still, space lobsters! :O

And, for reading this far...
So they got around to releasing a patch. Hopefully this should improve the game:

Spore Patch

The focus of this patch is to fix some bugs that have been reported and to respond to feedback we've been seeing from the community about tuning and stability. We managed to squeak in a few fun things too; there's a cool cheat that allows you to turn your creature into a blocky representation of themselves, a new "inspection" feature for the creature creator to browse the parts stats that you have applied to your creature, and the much-requested "evoadvantage" cheat - you'll now be able to start a new creature game with a more evolved creature of your choice!

To get the patch, launch the EA Download Manager to download and install it. If you didn't install the EADM when you installed Spore, you can get it from http://files.ea.com/downloads/eacore/eadm-installer.exe.

For MAC players, the patch can be obtained by simply starting your game.

* New Cheat: "evoadvantage". Enter this cheat when are starting a new Creature game to choose any creature from the Sporepedia. Start a new game with one of your more evolved creatures!
* Display part statistics when you are in Build mode. Rollover any part and hold down the 'i' key.
* New Cheat: "blocksmode". Turns creatures into their blocky representations.
* More style filters. Open the cheat window and type: "stylefilter -microscope" or "stylefilter -norainbows" or "stylefilter -nextgen" to see the new styles
* Added 70 new planet scripts with a low terraform score, especially of the "hot and high atmosphere" type


* Animation improvements
* Improved the planets fogging, blooming and lighting
* Fixed animation issues with tool handling, hand walking and some of the more oddly shaped creatures


* Creature phase: Improved the pacing towards the end of the game, and increased the challenge in Normal and Hard modes.
* Tribe phase: Increased the challenge in Normal and Hard difficulty modes.
* Civilization phase: Increased the challenge in Normal and Hard difficulty modes.
* Space phase: Made Empires in Easy and Normal modes demand reasonable amounts of money in exchange for peace and adjust the level of punishment if the player doesn't pay
* Space phase: Made disasters less likely to occur in Easy and Normal modes and increased the time between each attack from the enemy empire when the player is at war. !!!


* Creature phase: Improved the way posse members behave during threatening situations and fights.
* Space phase: Made finding your home world and colonies easier in the Galactic view.
* Tribe phase: Made it so that tribe members can travel on steep hills if they need to do so now, but their speed will be reduced a lot.
* Fixed an issue with attacks not working on some bigger animals and larger animals not dying correctly
* Fixed collect mission not completing correctly when all parts have been collected
* Fixed problems with the "Rolling Thunder" and "Déjà Vu" achievements not being awarded as they should
* Fixed floating parts not being deducted from the budget when loaded into creator
* Fixed an issue with the rotation rings not resizing correctly when a part was resized and improved their look
* Fixed an issue where the terraforming score of planet could differ when revisiting a solar system
* Fixed the keyboard controls for zoom & pitch in the Colony Planner not working properly
* Fixed a crash that could occur when watching an epic creature attack a city
* Fixed some issues where the game would freeze when using the Creature Tweaker tool or when capturing a planet in solar view
* Fixed an issue where not all tribe members would obey the raid order when a large group was ordered to raid
* Fixed an issue where banning a creation from one of your other saved games would black out the main menu


is an Artist Alumnus
* New Cheat: "evoadvantage". Enter this cheat when are starting a new Creature game to choose any creature from the Sporepedia. Start a new game with one of your more evolved creatures!
Yay. Now Planet Palkia can come to life. :V
i got up to the point where you surface above water and stuff. it's terrible, i'm fuckign picking berries off of trees and my sister is destroying planets with her aliens
i got up to the point where you surface above water and stuff. it's terrible, i'm fuckign picking berries off of trees and my sister is destroying planets with her aliens
lmao, it's pretty good you should give it some time. Personally I enjoyed creature stage more as a carnivore. Since I could eat any other species that didn't cooperate to my liking. The only part I don't like about the game so far are the constant enemy attacks you have to deal with in space.
I'm thinking I'll probably get this within the next week or two, do people think it's worth purchasing overall?
I'm thinking I'll probably get this within the next week or two, do people think it's worth purchasing overall?
Make sure you actually have the computer specs that will run it well, including the DVD drive etc. If you have all that, then I say it be worth purchasing.

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