So Many Cards Mafia Signups

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Approved by Crux

Wait, you mean like vonFiedler's Card Game Mafia?

Ehh, not really.


The basic format of the game is 1 village vs 2 mafias. The village will be called TEAM A, and the two mafias will be called TEAM B and TEAM C.

Each mafia team has a deck of cards. At the beginning of the day, the faction leader draws 8 of these cards and distributes them among his team. Each card contains a particular action, such as an inspection or a hook. Once given a card, the members of his team use these cards to carry out those actions. Each person can only use one card per night, and at the end of the night, all cards are returned to the deck and the deck is shuffled.

The village also has a deck. At the beginning of each day, everyone votes on who should be the village leader. The voted village leader then picks 10 cards from the village deck and distributes at most 8 of them to the villagers he trusts with them. Once given a card, you can do whatever you want with them - that is, if you are given a card from the village deck that contains, say, an inspection power, and you are mafia, you can use that inspection on whoever you want. As above, each user only gets to use one card per night, and at the end of the night all cards are returned to the deck and the deck is shuffled.

In addition to giving out cards, the village leader also chooses who is lynched in the daytime.

In addition to the rules above, each user has his or her own personal night action. Many personal night actions affect cards and decks.

1) Living players can talk. Dead players can’t. Exceptions are as follows: You may talk strategy with teammates when you are dead if you waive your right to see what is going on in the game and pass on no new information. Also, you may talk about anything with teammates listed in your role PM after death, so long as that information was given to you before you died.

2) Every user has a role PM. You may not copy and paste role PMs on the first night of the game, Night 0. After Night 0 is over, you may copy and paste your role PMs. You can fake role PMs, obviously.

3) Do not screenshot anything related to this game.

4) You may paste logs of conversations had on IRC, including logs with the hosts. You can also fake a log, including logs with the hosts.

5) Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to elect a village leader during the day by posting "vote USER" in bold, or "No lynch" if you don't want to vote for anyone, and if you change your vote, you MUST edit the bolded text out of the old post if you post with a new vote. If majority is ever reached, that user will become village leader regardless of whether I am there to update.

6) If there is a tie in the vote, the cards will be evenly drawn by each winner of the vote. That is, if askaninjask and Altair tie in the vote, askaninjask will draw 5 cards and only be able to pass out 4 of them, and Altair will do the same.

7) For the most part, priorities are as they usually are in other games. If two actions with the same priority (eg from the same card) occur, they will both be successful, barring other circumstances. I can answer some questions you may have about priority.

8) There are no items in this game (other than cards). Don’t claim thief or you will be laughed at.

9) If the rules and your role PM clash in any way, your role PM takes precedence.

10) If you are godkilled in the middle of the day, all votes against you immediately turn to No Lynch votes.

11) Don’t be an idiot. This is completely subjective and I reserve the right to do whatever I need to punish idiocy (but I will take advantage of this right as rarely as possible).

This could be you!

I will be handpicking players out of the signups, but will intentionally be letting in some interested less experienced users.

Also, I'm on IRC lots, so ask me a question if the rules I've made aren't clear / are contradictory. Thank much

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is a Community Contributor
"I will be handpicking players out of the signups, but will intentionally be letting in some interested less experienced users."

My time to shine imo! :)

Edit: Just realized I didn't say in in this post anywhere... oops
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