

Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
#polishpokebattle. Too bad none of the users are still here that ever frequented it. Where the hell has Clicky_Pen been?

Also I'm pretty sure this new forum needs a reincarnation/continuation of lolmops. All in favor?
i remember when i got banned from channel #smogon for the drama with McGraw
and and i remember seeing Mekkah's penis (and getting my own fanny out I WAS FOURTEEN WHAT THE FUCK) for halfops in #ice
and i remember when chaos used to call #ice exteraneous
mekkah's dirty alterego as blackbragirl on NB

oh and long protracted dogmatic arguments about shit noone cares about with Lexite


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
on the old gsbots, Brain made a team specifically for one purpose: Through the naming of his pokemon and the move Beat Up, he was able to draw (in live battle) an ascii penis. Fanha banned him shortly thereafter, but fortunately the log was preserved and shared for all to enjoy. Does anyone still have this log? I would love to see it again.

EDIT: inb4 people accuse me of purposely using the term "log" as a dual reference.
Old users that have disappeared:

Lexay (I think he still goes on IRC)
Lazarus Long

and lots of stuff that I can just go look up on Smogon's Greatest Hits.
I still mock canoftuna for that method of getting power in an extraneous IRC pokemon chat pretty regularly
I still mock canoftuna for that method of getting power in an extraneous IRC pokemon chat pretty regularly
I don't think he got his dick out (assuming that's what you were referring to) - it was me, Mekkah, Rhythm and err.. some other kid I forget. CanOfTuna's 'one night in Rachel' video was certainly something to remember though


I did my best -- I have no regrets
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Dweedle is an important candidate for state office now. He can't be seen on a pokemon forum!

ps. anyone else a huge fan of his preferred fundraising event? Pasta dinner?
on the old gsbots, Brain made a team specifically for one purpose: Through the naming of his pokemon and the move Beat Up, he was able to draw (in live battle) an ascii penis. Fanha banned him shortly thereafter, but fortunately the log was preserved and shared for all to enjoy. Does anyone still have this log? I would love to see it again.
I remember a time when you would get banned in IRC for saying "hatena" or "HAHE ROBBLE ROBBLE 8D". To this day I still do not know where the hatena ban came from, but the robbling stemmed from a phrase that became wildly popular after user McGraw introduced it to the IRC scene. It functioned similarly to your typical "lol" or "rofl", but it appeared to have far greater emphasis. This phrase became so popular, in fact, that mods began to kick users from the channel that would utter the phrase. Since then the phrase has fallen out of favor, and few even remember the phase that was "HAHE ROBBLE ROBBLE 8D".
I just wanted to post and inform everybody of my nostalgia. WaterBomb is a pathological liar. Do not believe anything he says. "HAHE ROBBLE ROBBLE 8D" came around long before McGraw or WaterBomb existed in the online pokemon community. It comes from the Hamburglar.


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I just wanted to post and inform everybody of my nostalgia. WaterBomb is a pathological liar. Do not believe anything he says. "HAHE ROBBLE ROBBLE 8D" came around long before McGraw or WaterBomb existed in the online pokemon community. It comes from the Hamburglar.
The above statement is completely true. Consistent with my notoriety for being a pathological liar, I posted an event as if it were true without doing adequate research to support my claims. Rather, I drew conclusions from what little I did witness and came up with the statement that Justin8649 quoted. Now that Justin8649 has corrected the inaccuracies, we can all now know truly where HAHE ROBBLE ROBBLE 8D came from.

Thank you Justin8649, you have done us all a great justice!

Speaking of great justice...reminds me of a former user by the name of LavosPhoenix...
#polishpokebattle. Too bad none of the users are still here that ever frequented it. Where the hell has Clicky_Pen been?

Also I'm pretty sure this new forum needs a reincarnation/continuation of lolmops. All in favor?
hi !! i mostly lurk, though i hop on irc once in awhile. nice to see you WB !! also what is this about dweedle running for an office? or am i missing something? either way, dweedle was a cool dude.

for content: i miss gsc on gsbots. !addpoke 1 FartsyMcGee arcanine 100 leftovers roar flamethrower extremespeed morning_sun aaaaa yessssssss. i really doubt i did that right but oh well


the best stuff on earth
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
the chaos/Jumpman Tyraniboah phenomenon. I hate when people go BOAH BOAH BOAH SPamming it

Justin once and for all exposing both celia and thezukin as guys. that shit blew up the original Smogon forum, which was already just a huge trollfest (it was quite hilarious though). matter of fact, all the exposures were great--cloud, chaos, and McGraw also--since, at the time, it just rocked my young internet mind. thanks to Facebook we all know that cloud and chaos are still cuuuuuuties ^.^;;;;;;;;;;;; and I guess McGraw too

also I used to play pokemon?!
zukin was (is??) a (hot) chick and justin is a supreme gaylord

also yeah all you ign amateur porn stars were pretty weird


thats jeffrobaggins isnt it

i miss blue "(BAN ME PLEASE)" kirby back when he badmouthed smogon like shit and owned kirbys casino on netbattle

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