Finals Smogon Premier League XV - Finals [Won by Dragonspiral Tyrants]

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Congrats tyrants, you all did great, you def deserved this win to give the franchise it’s first trophy

Especially proud of CrashinBoomBang we talked a bit last year you were fun to talk to even though I was more stupider back then lol

This was been a good spl to spectate, ggs to everyone that played and I someday hope to play here myself.

Edit: also wanna spefically shoutout Mada as well as in my intro to ou he was on and was an inspiration to me, even if we didn’t interact too much. We also teamed up in a minor team tour once, so congrats to him. Going 4-1 as a sub is insane, great job on the dub and keep up the good stuff
Losing sucks, losing games that felt like zarel-intervention sucks, but there's no other group I'm proud to lose with than the tigers this year. The effort everyone put in was way more than I could've asked for and we had a phenomenal lineup. I really did not feel anyone was a weak link nor was I stressed about anyone slouching prep. Huge special shout outs to Trosko M Dragon c0mp for being the 3 MVPs both ingame and as teammates. All 3 easily went above and beyond, especially trosko who didnt even realize the SPL signups thread was up until 1 hour before it closed -- and then showed off a performance it would take most months of preparation to put up. Thanks to Genesis for the amazing draft planning collab. I will surely return next year to keep the new tigers brand strong!!


The Catalyst
is a Tiering Contributoris a defending World Cup of Pokemon Championis a Past SPL Champion
Glad you finally have your red pixel, friends in Tyrants. I am specially happy for all those that were close and deserving in the past and finally made it. No bad feelings. Winning is difficult and always great, no matter the circumstances.

Unfortunate it had to be in such a shady and unfair way, but many other tournaments have been decided by external bullshit and RNG, right?

Anyway, I came to this tournament with an "ok, I'll play, why not" mindset and ended up leaving with a 10-2 record while enjoying the game, so I am for sure satisfied even without new pixels. Also mostly happy with my play and team choices, although with some exceptions. But these exceptions are part of the beauty of mons: there's always room for improvement.

Thank you so much z0mOG and Genesis7 for investing such an absurd amount in me, you are outstanding Managers and I am so glad I could pay you back.

Thank you to all my teammates that were hard working, day in and day out to get us to the finals. SPL is an experience and you made it count.

Special shoutout to the helpers that joined the Tigers this week, sorry we couldn't deliver the Trophy despite all the time you invested on us.

That being said, I am looking forward to posting my thoughts on the metagame and I invite you to do the same (, since there's a lot to work on in SV OU right now.

Oh, and how could I forget? Congratulations Theia on your first SPL! Red pixels will look great on you :)
this spl was an incredible experience for me, I'm not on smogon since long, and smogon was a very solitary experience for me, I didn't know a lot of people, didn't even know there was a dpp discord, after I won circuit, even without the merits of being a builder, I thought I had a chance to be taken in spl and try something new, I had hope I could have people to talk about spreads and teams, in the end it was much better that I could have anticipated. the ambiance was always nice, no one was hard on someone losing, we supported each other as much as we could, I'm feeling a bit sad it's over. I wanna give shoutout to August and aicorder helping me to prep teams, troller for being the absolute goat, I mean the amount of support the guy gives is insane, he was helping in so many gens, he was our 3rd manager, and I learned so much from him on how to prep and simply improving , shoutout to Odin blazindark luispeikou, troller again and Rey for helping when trying teams.
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Back to back SPLs? on my first two opportunities? with different teams? Not being one of the best? Follow my tips for more.
When I had my debut last year I thought nothing could compare to this, but things happened so similar this season for me that it made me feel the same feeling the first time. I started the season strong, just like last year, this time with a 3-1 and last year with a 3-2, helping our team to stay with one foot in the playoffs, then things in IRL started to get in the way, lazy moments and boring things in general ending up in a 4-7 and a 3-4 this year, And my team helped me feel involved and mattered in some way.
This time I would like to do a cooler shoutout, not like last year that I just mentioned names and thanked everyone, I was so excited and I was so new that I couldn't process it.
First of all, I'd like to thank Tricking and Raiza for seeing something in me last year and giving me the chance to participate.
Now I would like to thank blunder reyscarface, for giving me this opportunity in the tyrants, what a wonderful journey and you guys did a great job helping everyone and making the right choices (and you bet not 3k on me but 4.5k, it was like after about 3 offers, that shows some confidence. I tried to do my best always)
Now to my gaming buddies..
CTC goat himself, thank you for carrying us to the end, you were the best teammate I had ultil now, very dedicated and with a lot of vision and will, I hope to participate in other tournaments with you, and that you come back soon, FREE CTC
Mada Just like last year, our team had to select someone else and this time it was you, changing all our dynamics and with an unbelievable effort, I loved getting to know you better and keep up the good work
myjava Joining SV's Big 3 soon mentioned, you appear, I already knew you were a nice guy but mann, you became a Michael Jordan coming from the bench WTF, thanks bro
Mostly not very talkative but always prepared to win, come the Spanish brothers, Poek Luispeikou thank you for the experience, see you in a next one bros
damien the genius another very nice and committed guy, having to play his matches in the early hours of the morning D: I liked you bro, very strong performances
DonSalvatore A guy of few words, but we all know his potential, enjoy your red now bro
Rubyblood Maybe we had some problems in the past when you were still Oro e Diamanti, but one day you told me that you had changed and this tournament showed us, most of the time you absorbed bad luck in your games so that the others have luck (jokes aside) Great Tournament Bro, keep it up
CrashinBoomBang Difficult season for you at the beginning but you never gave up, you continued with the effort and as it is, as a great player appeared at the moment that mattered most
SoulWind don't have to talk much about yourself, everyone knows what you're capable of, Being an all time, thank you for the experience
Dridri457 BlazingDark Probably the two nicest guys on the team for me, and showing great ability playing also love you guys
didn't have the best luck in the world in this tough pool of ADV, but they gave their best, the two opposites pkThunderbolt Quieter and CyberOdin✝ Always cheering up and cheering everyone up
Heroic Troller I swear, I saw this guy all the time testing games in all tiers, probably the most deserving if there is anyone who deserves it more than the other, thank you for everything
Ske He's not part of the team and you probably don't know that but he helped me a lot, always sending me teams and I used them to test with my teammates, thank you so much for being my non-Brazilian best friend since Idk 2018
I would also like to thank everyone who cheered for me, especially my friends, you know who they are but I'm so tired and there are so many to mention MAS OS DE VERDADE EU SEI QUEM SÃO, E VOCES TAMBEM SABEM
I would also like to thank everyone who helped the team
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