SM SM OU Global Championship 2020: Round 6 (Quarters)

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Sukcesu cena
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
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SM OU Global Championship is a standard SM OU Tournament with a goal to find the best SM OU player of the year.

Each round will consist of 2 stages. The first stage each player will be given 2 sets of pairings, in which they play a best-of-3 vs their opponent. After the first stage is completed and the host has determined wins, players who win both their matches go through to the next round, while players who lost twice are eliminated. The players who won 1, lost 1, battle it out in a tiebreaker FT2W in stage 2 to join the two-time winners in the next round (or the player wins the tournament in the case of a final). If a 3-way final, a 3-man FT2W round robin will determine the winner of the tournament (repeated if necessary).

The prize returns from last year: a $50 (or equivalent) amazon gift card will be given out to the winner!
The winner will also earn the right to display
in their signature.

Additionally, the winner of SM OU Global Championship will earn the right to compete in the year-end RoA Forum Championship, competing in the SM OU division for the
medal (to go in their signature).

You can also earn qualification points for the year-end SM OU Championship.

SM OU Championship 2020 Points

SM OverUsed Format

Banned Pokémon
All Pokémon from "Uber" tier.

Banned Moves
Baton Pass.

Banned Abilities
Arena Trap, Shadow Tag, Power Construct

Sleep Clause, Species Clause, OKHO Clause, Evasion Clause, Moody Clause, Endless Battle Clause

Tournament Format : pseudo-double elimination (64 man as an example)
Round 1:
Stage 1 - 2 sets of 32 FT2W matches (64 unseeded players, subs period) & Stage 2
Round 2: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 16 first-to-2-win matches (32 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 3: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 8 first-to-2-win matches (16 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 4: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 4 first-to-2-win matches (8 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 5: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 first-to-2-win matches (4 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Finals: Stage 1 - 1 set of first-to-2-win matches (2 unseeded players)
Stage 1 End: Players with 2 match wins go through, and those with 2 losses are eliminated.
Stage 2: Players with a 1-1 record play each other in a FT2W match to see who progresses (or wins the final).

Arrange location: Profile posts on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! Smogon Server


August 19th, 6pm GMT -4 / 11pm GMT +1


John W

Banned deucer.
Requesting an extension vs Kuyu, my opponent missed the original time and then I let them extend to the next day but I had something come up so I couldn't make it. How is it fair at all to try and claim activity when you don't even make the effort to play on a day where you claimed to be available? This is such clear activity fishing and its a shame that you don't even want to play via extension lol...


Sukcesu cena
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Tiebreaks: Matches completed: 2/2
Sagiri 2-0 Staxi
1-2 Lopunny Kicks

Opera Instantané

August 26th, 6pm GMT -4 / 11pm GMT +1

I will just remind the rule: " Stage 2: Players with a 1-1 record play each other in a FT2W match to see who progresses (or wins the final). "​
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