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Okay, did anyone bother to read the Spanish website? Well that's kind of silly since I doubt many here can read spanish, but I'm calling total bullshit on this guy. He claims that the masked pokemon in the musical wears the unfirorm outside of the musical, and is apart of his charecter.

First off, when has any pokemon ever wore traditonal clothing? Machamp, Gardenia, and Hitmonpunch have stylistic variations but they don't wear straight up clothing.
Second off, the outfit doesn't match the feet of the creature.
Thirdly, watching the video it MOVES like a musical piece, and not part of the pokemon's body in comparison to other pokemon in the musical. this would not be the first time we've seen pokemon with full body clothing in the musical.

For someone who is suppose to be Pokebeach's trusted source, I really don't trust a guy who could make such a blatent mistake. Also, he "confrims" that the starers are real the day everyone else releases him. I also question how a spanish source got the game before either an American or a Japense. He's also been wrong before. He posted the plant owl bird thingie saying it was real. This guy has no source, he has no inside information. He's the new Pokejungle.
1. Could you Private Message me the article? I'm in Spanish 2 at my high school right now, and it would be pretty cool to both practice AND to confirm what you've said about the article being BS.

2. If so (will confirm,) interesting find. HOPE AHOY!

3 (not so important). Except Pokejungle ALWAYS said something along the lines of "this is a rumor, I just like seeing you guys speculating and the rumor mill grinding theories. This isn't confirmed by any means, just throwing this out there."
That was not from Serebii itself, but from a person posting on Serebii. He was not in direct contact with the webmaster from Serebii. Serebii can not be given credit for the post he made on the serebii forums, and NO ONE TOOK NOTICE OF HIS POST UNTIL AFTER THE FACT. He was simply posting in a fun thread to guess the names of Pokemon.

Pokebeach's source is Pokeexperto, who we have 0 reason to believe and who has been wrong before.
I don't particularly care what you have to say. All that I have known to be real has been real, and all that was fake has been fake. Fakes have been easy to spot out (at least for me; I don't know about your intelligence level).

As for these evolutions to the starter Pokemon, they are real. You can scream them to be fake as much as you want, loathe them as much as you want, but I know for a fact that they are real. And you will claim some fail-safe statement such as "all things on the internet are fake until proven real" to make yourself look smart.
May I ask why some people seem to trust this Spanish site and its supposed Nintendo of Europe employees so much?

Pokexperto is far from reliable. As other people have stated, it was wrong about the plant-owl, and now claims to have a picture of BW being played that is obviously fake. Finally, there is the issue of the discrepancy about the clothing-Pokemon in the musical image.

If this site truly had that kind of solid inside source, they would hardly be spouting fake pictures and incorrect information as they are doing now.

Lastly, didn't the person who claimed to be the creator of these images have some evidence to back up his claim? An explanation of how it was done, something like that. I think it was on Pokejungle, can't seem to find it now as I'm using an iPod.
I don't particularly care what you have to say. All that I have known to be real has been real, and all that was fake has been fake. Fakes have been easy to spot out (at least for me; I don't know about your intelligence level).

As for these evolutions to the starter Pokemon, they are real. You can scream them to be fake as much as you want, loathe them as much as you want, but I know for a fact that they are real. And you will claim some fail-safe statement such as "all things on the internet are fake until proven real" to make yourself look smart.
I'm tired of people stating things as fact. Two weeks until the games come out, and about a week before we get some really solid information. These evolutions just don't look like Gamefreak style. Go ahead, tell me about Octillery and Gyarados, how they change colors and shape and species. I don't care. Starter Pokemon retain a distinct look; they all retain similar color schemes and a generic shape or theme (even Piplup has markings resembling Empoleon's "tux"). I'm not gonna get caught up in all the hype until the games or CoroCoro comes out.
I don't particularly care what you have to say. All that I have known to be real has been real, and all that was fake has been fake. Fakes have been easy to spot out (at least for me; I don't know about your intelligence level).

As for these evolutions to the starter Pokemon, they are real. You can scream them to be fake as much as you want, loathe them as much as you want, but I know for a fact that they are real. And you will claim some fail-safe statement such as "all things on the internet are fake until proven real" to make yourself look smart.
Makes me laugh. If your aptitude at spotting fakes from reality is so godlike, go find a job in some forensics department and stop posting bullshit about how you're so much intellectually superior to everyone that you MUST be right.
I think this lack of distrust in Serebii/Pokexperto's sources is due to jealousy. Deep down inside, you folk feel that since you can't be special enough/rich enough/famous enough, you need every chance you get to slander those who are luckier than you. Oh well, those are just the facts of life. Face them, or get beaten the shit out of.

Your choice.
Lol the link to the pokemon says that they "examined" the pokemon in the musical and saying that the kimono is part of a new fighting poke.
Serebii and especially Pokexperto are far from famous. Why should we be jealous of them lol.
You're jealous that they have sources and you don't. They are lucky enough to somehow know somebody that works in the video game industry, whether it be friends, family, or helpful acquaintances.

Of course, they aren't going to be spoon-fed every little detail, which results in them making wrong judgements on their part. Seriously, if you find that so hard to believe, I think you outta go to http://www.nightsintodreams.com to find out what it is like to have insider sources. Those folk leaked NiGHTS NOT having a playable spot in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, and they were also the ones to convince SEGA of Europe to make NiGHTS get a cameo role.
Hi, Melkor here:

1.- Back then when I posted those fakes I did not have the data. Thus I could not guess they were fakes, and published them as 99% of sites did. I was on travel and with little connection as well. It was a mistake and I apologized for that and "hired" a new guy for the news section.

2.- You can trust it or not. I personally do not care. This will be confirmed to be real in some days, as I also correctly had the Black/White games names and all US DP Pokemon names.
Hi, Melkor here:

1.- Back then when I posted those fakes I did not have the data. Thus I could not guess they were fakes, and published them as 99% of sites did. I was on travel and with little connection as well. It was a mistake and I apologized for that and "hired" a new guy for the news section.

2.- You can trust it or not. I personally do not care. This will be confirmed to be real in some days, as I also correctly had the Black/White games names and all US DP Pokemon names.
Will the evos be confirmed 100% real this week?
I don't particularly care what you have to say. All that I have known to be real has been real, and all that was fake has been fake. Fakes have been easy to spot out (at least for me; I don't know about your intelligence level).

As for these evolutions to the starter Pokemon, they are real. You can scream them to be fake as much as you want, loathe them as much as you want, but I know for a fact that they are real. And you will claim some fail-safe statement such as "all things on the internet are fake until proven real" to make yourself look smart.
It's going to be so hilarious if (and at this point this is the more likely situation,) they turn out to be fake. I've bookmarked your post so I can rub it in if they are. Good day :)
It's going to be so hilarious if (and at this point this is the more likely situation,) they turn out to be fake. I've bookmarked your post so I can rub it in if they are. Good day :)
Right back at ya. Luckily for me though, my post count isn't high enough for me to resort to "bookmarking". All I have to do is look at my miniscule post history.
It's going to be so hilarious if (and at this point this is the more likely situation,) they turn out to be fake. I've bookmarked your post so I can rub it in if they are. Good day :)
While Regimoss is making a gigantic ass of himself (especially the whole "everyone is jealous because they have no super secret sources"), there was no reason to post this and throw fuel to the fire. Now if he so chooses he could do the same to you.

Who knew this would cause so much drama... I hate to admit but at this point I'm pretty convinced it's real, as much as I hate the typings (well, I like Fire/Fighting purely out of the fact that it's a good, though seeing it repeated for the third time in the row is sort of boring, but think of it this way-- seeing as Pokabu will probably be bulky, it'll probably be different enough from Infernape).
You're jealous that they have sources and you don't. They are lucky enough to somehow know somebody that works in the video game industry, whether it be friends, family, or helpful acquaintances.

Of course, they aren't going to be spoon-fed every little detail, which results in them making wrong judgements on their part. Seriously, if you find that so hard to believe, I think you outta go to http://www.nightsintodreams.com to find out what it is like to have insider sources. Those folk leaked NiGHTS NOT having a playable spot in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, and they were also the ones to convince SEGA of Europe to make NiGHTS get a cameo role.
Not everyone has some weird inferior complex that makes them jealous of the people that can conjure up rumors and try to present them as facts. All these sites are trying to get hits, that's what keeps their sites running (advertisements). Don't be so naive in thinking that we all feel like ruining someone's reputation; these sites have already done that themselves. Every single rumor they post and try to bring in facts to support them. Most of these turn out false, but some come true because they report on just about every rumor out there. I, for one, don't care if they're true or not (though it's highly unlikely they are true).
Right back at ya. Luckily for me though, my post count isn't high enough for me to resort to "bookmarking". All I have to do is look at my miniscule post history.
Eh... no. I haven't made any sweeping statements about how the evos are ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY FAKE and how all the people who disagree are CLEARLY INTELLECTUALLY INFERIOR TO ME LOLOLOL. I've just made some hopeful posts about how I want them to be fake, and commenting on the evidence (dodgy screenshot, ELA results) supporting this argument. You, on the other hand, have acted like an utterly condescending prick and made massive sweeping statements about you are DEFINTIELY RIGHT. So yeah, if I'm wrong, I'll be super pissed, but I won't look like an absolute douche at the end of it. The same cannot be said for you.


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I found it interesting that Serebii Joe posted this in that Gamefaqs thread.

Serebii Joe said:
Ok, you don't believe me. I'll let you off because you hate me. However, remember these words

There is a legendary Pokémon in this game of a type combination that people have wanted for over a decade.
While this is majorly vague and could obviously apply to anything new that we get, still interesting. Ice / Electric, maybe?
I found it interesting that Serebii Joe posted this in that Gamefaqs thread.

While this is majorly vague and could obviously apply to any to new that we get, still interesting. Ice / Electric, maybe?
What in the world type combination have people wanted for over a decade? Fire/Ice or Fire/Water or something?

inb4 dragon/bug
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