Nym's Art Emporium

~ Introduction ~

Hi there!
My name is Nymsi, but preferably just go by Nym.

I opened up this thread after some consideration and nudging from friends and I figured that it would be a great place to keep my finished artwork and look back at my progress over time. I've always been drawing growing up but never really took art that seriously; It was always just a side hobby. But as the years went by that spark I once had eventually disappeared and I gave it up altogether.

Fast forward to May 1st of this year, I was able to get my very first tablet for my birthday and slowly began to transition into the world of Digital Art! It's been quite a fun experience so far and I'm learning so much each and every day. My passion for art and the spark that had once disappeared is back. That being said, I'm surrounded by so many fantastic artists here on Smogon, and there's a great opportunity for me to continue to learn and grow. I hope to eventually one day be able to give back to the community that I've been a part of for so long and contribute the best I can.



Below are 3 pieces I've done so far digitally.
Any feedback and critique(s) are more than welcome, and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated too!


Artwork #1:

Espeon Illustration (1).jpg

Artwork #2:

Glaceon Illustration (2).jpg

Artwork #3:

Raichu Illustration (2).jpg
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