np: XY OU Suspect Testing Round 6 - Wrecking Ball [Read Post 423 for Posting etiquette]

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Except it can't really.

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Fire Fang vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Skarmory: 308-364 (92.2 - 108.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Switch mawile in on something that is forced out, swords dance on the obvious skarmory switch and then OHKO with fire fang if rocks are up. Still has a 50% chance to OHKO without rocks. Don't underestimate how easy it is for mega mawile to get a free swords dance boost. It can OHKO garchomp with its "weak" priority after a swords dance.
Well then, time to ladder up and give my 2 cents against this. Like everyone arguing about it should do if you wanna be heard.
Although my view of mega mawile might be skewed from my stall perspective, when watching other people battle, I actually haven't seen mega mawile normally do too much damage to be game-breaking. However, although it hasn't seem game-breaking in general, its power is still quite ridiculous. With an effective base attack of 259 (assuming max attack EVs), nothing can really switch into it, and it can find numerous opportunities to switch in or revenge thanks to its pre-mega ability, its great defensive typing, and its somewhat high base defense. If a pokemon switches into play rough or focus punch and survives, it can usually be finished off with sucker punch. Not to mention that a single swords dance would be equivalent to +6 attack off of a base 105 attack. Stall actually does stand some chance against mega mawile; my dedicated physical wall (mew) is either 2HKO'd or 3HKO'd by an unboosted play rough, and can outspeed and will-o-wisp back, but this is a very specific counter that wouldn't have space on the majority of teams. Sash wobbuffet could also defeat it; however, this is a gimmick that doesn't belong on most teams and is ruined by hazards. In general, most teams will lose at least one pokemon to mega mawile. While it isn't game-breaking, it is way stronger than most other pokemon.

Mega mawile's disadvantages are most obviously its speed and its weakness to great attacking types. Its speed forces it to use sucker punch against more offensively-oriented pokemon, which doesn't do too much damage since it doesn't get STAB. Furthermore, it wouldn't survive very long against eqs, fire blasts, etc. This is the reason I haven't seen it do too much damage from watching other people battle. Also, its speed leaves it vulnerable to burns before attacking, taking away its only advantage.

Overall, I am on the fence on mega mawile, but right now I am leaning more towards banning it.


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So anyone who's talked or discussed anything with me on PS knows I'm not a very ban happy person. I believe metagames should adapt even if there is a somewhat strong presence in the tier. Anyways on to the real point...

M-Mawile is pretty damn broken for OU. No way to sugar coat it.

Let's begin with the fact that just about nothing can consistently switch in on it. And no to the people saying, use Heatran, use Lando-T, use this and that, have you actually used M-Mawile and by used it I mean effectively? That question also applies to someone who has actually faced a competent player using it, not someone who just spammed Sucker Punch until the PP ran dry. I'm seeing these arguments like "Oh any good player can work around that". You know that battles are between two people not one right? So let's consider that both players aren't awful cause that's really what you should be going off of. I understand if you have concrete reasons for M-Mawile to not be broken but please for the love of whoever you believe in do not downplay M-Mawile and how effective it is at what it does.

Also I want to talk about how M-Mawile is just unhealthy from a competitive stand point. Now I don't consider myself a good player at all which I'm about to elaborate on why it's related to M-Mawile. Going to put the meat of my post in hide tabs to not make it look long as hell. You can go down to tl;dr to get my nice cut and dry opinion or if you don't like reading, big surprise. I'll argue some points I've been seeing as well.
M-Mawile is perhaps one of the most mindless pokemon to use in the tier. It is so easy to slap on a team and win that it's down right awful. It makes players like myself rack up easy wins and makes the team building process irrelevant because mons like M-Mawile basically screams "Free ELO" or in most cases "Free Wins". Oh I need something to pressure offense? M-Mawile. Oh I need to break stall? M-Mawile. Oh I need something that can effectively handle every legitimate archetype in the tier...go ahead take a guess. I'm not even exaggerating these points either.

The worst part about M-Mawile is not how effective it is from a 1v1 standpoint, the scary thing is how it can make an already great team build become extremely potent, with just one single mon. It puts pressure starting from the team preview down to that one turn where both of you know it's gg because Mawile just came in and set up with SD or because the Sub set just screwed over your entire team. I believe Mawile is just broken simply for being broken. It's not necessarily over centralizing cause in reality you can prepare for M-Mawile all you want and still lose. Yeah that Defensive Arcanine (lol Arcanine in OU) isn't beating Sub sets especially with the team backing it up, A for effort though.

Also I'd like to touch upon at the very least two sets from M-Mawile that are quite popular. I don't have experience using it in TR (although I got wrecked 3 times on a suspect ladder by knock off TR mawile by MikeDawg if you want to call that experience rofl) but I've used both the SD and Substitute sets on various teams with great success on both.

Sword Dance set is basically the ultimate win condition on M-Mawile. It doubles its already effective 678 attack to such an extreme level that the term "Wall" becomes irrelevant. This on top of the fact that M-Mawile has access to Sucker Punch allows it to pressure offense into pure mind games or simply downright lose to M-Mawile at times. Oh yeah going to note since people keep bringing this up as an argument, how many things actually resist Sucker Punch? From a typing perspective only Dark, Fighting, and Fairy can actually do this. Every other single type is at the very least effected by a neutral priority move coming from either a 678 attack stat or twice that if SD is up. With this being said the access to such priority mitigates the Speed Factor of M-Mawile tremendously and in some cases won't even have to worry about its slow speed because of Sucker Punch. SD pretty much just man handles stall after its main stall checks are out of the way such as Char X, Victini, Counter Skarmory (Not even that good of a check honestly), etc.

Subpunch or Sub sets in general is what I believe makes M-Mawile hit the threshold of broken. With a single substitute, M-Mawile mitigates so many of its flaws that it originally had. Behind a substitute M-Mawile doesn't have to be over dependent on sucker punch as the Substitute gives it a free turn basically at the cost of 25% which is a minuscule problem for M-Mawile if Sub is all you need to dismantle the team. Being behind a substitute allows it to not worry about any status effects what so ever so there goes your bright idea of burning it. Phasing M-Mawile out comes at a price now as phasing moves such as Roar and Whirlwind fall under the priority bracket where they would go after you are hit with a 150 BP Focus Punch by a 678 attack stat to boot.

Ok let's try a scenario that I've done so many times behind a sub with ease that demonstrates how mindless and easy it is to use. I bring out M-Mawile, and I bring it out early. I do this on purpose to lure out the main checks to the SD set or just to lure a problem with my team that is susceptible to M-Mawile (I mean everything pretty much is). They switch into Heatran or something like that and they come to find out its a Substitute set. Now the player has one of two choices, they can either have Heatran take the Focus Punch and lose, and the best Heatran can do is remove the sub with a fire move. Or two, they can have the bright idea of switching out Heatran and have something take the brunt of a hit from M-Mawile and act like that shit didn't hurt like hell, oh and the substitute is still there lol. Best part about this scenario is my Healing Wish Latias in the back so we can do this all over again :) and proceed to have M-Mawile be the sole factor in a loss that should've been mine if I didn't abuse such an overpowered mon.

Also can someone please tell me the real logic in why we're saying stuff along the lines of "Oh Char X and M-Pinsir beat it, so it's not op" o_0. I need some good logic with this cause you just used two things that are already suuuuuper strong and can handle a lot on their own in the tier. Using pokemon of their high caliber doesn't prove that M-Mawile is not broken what so ever. So if you have a good argument regarding this, please let me know I would love to be entertained with this idea.

"It's easy to play around once you know its set" Lol no it isn't cause now you're forced into total mind games and hoping that you aren't switching into things like neutral Play Roughs, Iron Head, Focus Punch etc. Yeah people call it 50/50 but I always thought that was a BS argument so I'm not going to elaborate further than that. Also knowing a mons sets will always be a factor in easing pressure mid late game as you know what needs to be done to check the mon. The difference with M-Mawile is that it doesn't have a single care in the world cause in most cases it's backed up by teammates to help with any minor flaws, and most of the time it's built as a stand alone mon as well so it's not dependent on those teammates if and when that time comes.

"I never had problems with M-Mawile" I never had problems with Aegislash with just running one check to it and look how that turned out in the end in terms of its tiering. Your sole experience against a certain mon is not necessarily a factor in stating how a mon isn't broken. Also yeah if your team is something like Rotom-W, Talonflame, Lando-T, M-Pinsir or basically teams with a bunch of M-Mawile checks, obviously you're not going to have too many issues with M-Mawile.

So if you took the time (thanks btw) to read my post, I probably missed some stuff that was mentioned that I would like to point out but yeah you get the point.

tl:dr M-Mawile should not be a considered an acceptable power level for OU standards. M-Mawile gtfo of OU please. Ban.
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Guys, i'm pretty sure we don't need to ban MegaMawile. Ok, it's strong, but there will be always a pokemon a little be stronger of anothe, it's useless to ban a pokemon everytime it results a bit stronger of another. This is the meta, and we run all the way to find a new one, and when we find it... IT'S BAN. We have to realize that we can't ban a pokemon everytime we found one that gives problem.

This is my opinion, maybe you can't share it, but it's ok anyway. Peace everyone!
Reasons given for banning Mega Mawile and why they're wrong:

>Its only counter is bulky will-o-wisp Arcanine and there aren't any real checks for it
Wrong. It only has 50/95 special bulk, so most special attackers can finish it off no problem. Along with that, almost any fire type or ground type in OU is capable of 1HKOing it.

>b-but it can run subpunch to counter heatran
Subpunch Mawile is a set made specifically for Heatran. It's not nearly as viable as SD Mawile, which is the only set that is arguably OP.

>I-It can sub on will-o-wisp users though
Every single WOW user in OU outspeeds it considerably. It would have to use EVs in speed in place of HP/Attack, making it way worse.

>It has great typing
But not offensively, and its offensive presence is the reason it's being suspected.

The only legitimate reason I've seen for the ban has been the fact that Mega Mawile is better offensively now that Aegislash is gone from OU, so it's harder to build a balanced team while keeping Mawile in check; however, you shouldn't ban a pokemon for the sole reason that you banned another pokemon, and mega Mawile still has plenty of viable checks and counters in the OU metagame.
Okay, this is one of the most absurd possible bans I've seen. Can't change up your teams a little to handle certain pokes? Don't pack a strong ground or fire move? Thats your fucking fault. No taunt to take care of the Sword dances or subs? No willowisp? No one to blame but yourself. Mawile has awful stats until it mega evolves, and it is mainly a pokemon that sets up after a good switch call. So it all has to with what other pokes you and your opponent brings. I feel Zard Y is more broken than Mega Maw will ever be. And Zard X is a really good counter. Garchomp, despite being a dragon, outspeeds Mega maw. And he always has a ground or fire move. Garchomp is on a good amount of teams as we all know. Cofagrigus makes Mega Maw its bitch. Willowisp along with mummy shuts it down. I personally almost always put a prankster taunter on my OU teams because its really good for stopping early game set ups. Sucker punch is a none stab move and any experienced player usually can predict well on it. If Mega maw has anyway of sweeping any team. It needs either to be the first poke you send in and hope your opponent is too ignorant to stop it, or you need to predict well and get a good switch in. Both which is not Ubers worthy. Ubers means a poke can sweep through most the pokemon in OU. Something Mega Maw can't do in normal conditions. Mega Mawile is fine in OU where its at. Stop complaining about something you just don't wanna have to prepare for.
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Even pendulums swing both ways
how'd you prepare for it ? please share your wisdom
Lol he already said in its post. "prankster taunter" "predict well" "confagrigus"
Confagrigus is actually viable now because of mummy, and it just so happens to completely shut down all mega mawile sets.
Honestly I hope they do just that it'd be the most logical thing to do to have a neutral agreedment nerf mawiles FP to keep it in ou and i think this argument is better than saying the truth wich happens to be you guys just dont know how to play competitively and IMO smogon should proly ban those people I mean jonestly its not our fault you guys use UU and NU pokemon in an OU environment and dont know how to teambuild properly cuz Mawile isnt a threat when you KNOW how to play all the people that want it to be banned are saying oh but its got SP and PR and SD etc.... yeah it does but when you play correctly it cant even set up being realistic if you see a mawile ifs obviously the mega and you know you should nt let it set up therefore you must have a plan wich is the point of the game!! To always have a plan to deal with threats , just because it has threatning moves and set up oportunities doesnt mean its broken , lucarionite , deo's, aegi those ARE broken be cause you couldnt even play around them mawile-mega on the other hand can be played around and if it can be played around then IMO its not broken also you people that want it banned should start out by
Altering its movepool won't happen so you can give up on that. Focus Punch isn't a remotely broken move on its own, so why ban it on Mawile anymore than you would ban Swords Dance on Blaziken to try to keep it OU? Anyway, Mawile doesn't need FP to wreck. The SD set alone is enough to warrant this suspect.

Well if you're stupid enough to let Mawile set up than you deserve to lose
Also for that second part, Sturdy. so even if it COULD OHKO, then Sturdy would prevent it
You say that like it's easy to keep something with amazing defensive typing, access to Intimidate in its base form and enough power to force copious switches even before a boost from setting up. This thing freely switches in and sets up on a ridiculous number of offensive and defensive pokemon.
Okay, this is one of the most absurd possible bans I've seen. Can't change up your teams a little to handle certain pokes?
Not when you can literally count the number of passable checks to Mawile in OU on one fucking hand. And you can be as prepared as you want for it, but the Mawile user is aware that the stops to Mawile are a short list and isn't going to be reckless with it, or even send it out at all as long as said checks are healthy/a priority target. They'll just weaken them with the rest of the team b/c Mawile's checks are so few and specific.
Lol he already said in its post. "prankster taunter" "predict well" "confagrigus"
Confagrigus is actually viable now because of mummy, and it just so happens to completely shut down all mega mawile sets.
soooooo the nearly unviable sableye and cofag...... that's how you handle i? omg you have got to be kidding
Reasons given for banning Mega Mawile and why they're wrong:

>Its only counter is bulky will-o-wisp Arcanine and there aren't any real checks for it
Wrong. It only has 50/95 special bulk, so most special attackers can finish it off no problem. Along with that, almost any fire type or ground type in OU is capable of 1HKOing it.
*gasp* it dies to an SE attack. Anyway I haven't seen anyone say that mawile is uncheckable, but it is pretty much near uncounterable.

>b-but it can run subpunch to counter heatran
Subpunch Mawile is a set made specifically for Heatran. It's not nearly as viable as SD Mawile, which is the only set that is arguably OP.
SubPunch also gives a lot of hell for stall. Sure it hits heatran and stuff but like it even hits skarm harder than fire fang ffs

>I-It can sub on will-o-wisp users though
Every single WOW user in OU outspeeds it considerably. It would have to use EVs in speed in place of HP/Attack, making it way worse.
Uhm, no one said that it subs directly in the face of will-o users, it subs on the switch. Also, Maw usually runs some speed anyway, at least to creep base 60s such as clefable.

>It has great typing
But not offensively, and its offensive presence is the reason it's being suspected.
Fairy is a pretty spammable type tbh

The only legitimate reason I've seen for the ban has been the fact that Mega Mawile is better offensively now that Aegislash is gone from OU, so it's harder to build a balanced team while keeping Mawile in check; however, you shouldn't ban a pokemon for the sole reason that you banned another pokemon, and mega Mawile still has plenty of viable checks and counters in the OU metagame.
Wait, there's counters to this thing? tell me more

Subject 18 Edit: Learn to properly quote posts...
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Okay, this is one of the most absurd possible bans I've seen. Can't change up your teams a little to handle certain pokes? Don't pack a strong ground or fire move? Thats your fucking fault. No taunt to take care of the Sword dances or subs? No willowisp? No one to blame but yourself. Mawile is has awful stats until it mega evolves, and it is mainly a pokemon that sets up after a good switch call. So it all has to with what other pokes you and your opponent brings. I feel Zard Y is more broken than Mega Maw will ever be. And Zard X is a really good counter. Garchomp, despite being a dragon, outspeeds Mega maw. And he always has a ground or fire move. Garchomp is on a good amount of teams as we all know. Cofagrigus makes Mega Maw its bitch. Willowisp along with mummy shuts it down. I personally almost always put a prankster taunter on my OU teams because its really good for stopping early game set ups. Sucker punch is a none stab move and any experienced player usually can predict well on it. If Mega maw has anyway of sweeping any team. It needs either to be the first poke you send in and hope your opponent is too ignorant to stop it, or you need to predict well and get a good switch in. Both which is not Ubers worthy. Ubers means a poke can sweep through most the pokemon in OU. Something Mega Maw can't do in normal conditions. Mega Mawile is fine in OU where its at. Stop complaining about something you just don't wanna have to prepare for.
Mega mawile can set up a swords dance or sub against someone without taunt, as you switch out. Considering mega mawile's typing and defense, it isn't too hard to find a good switch in (just for example, lati@s and most fairy types). The combination of a play rough/focus punch and sucker punch is enough to KO most switching pokemon. While mega mawile can't exactly sweep, it can repeatedly switch in and defeat yet another pokemon. In addition, ubers isn't for pokemon that can sweep most things; ubers is for pokemon that make the metagame unhealthy. Cofagrigus is only one pokemon, and in general cases is not a good one due to the lack of reliable recovery. Saying that an experience player can predict sucker punch is a mute point; the person using mega mawile may also be experienced, and everything turns into a 50/50 prediction war if you really want to fight that way.
Well if you're stupid enough to let Mawile set up than you deserve to lose
Also for that second part, Sturdy. so even if it COULD OHKO, then Sturdy would prevent it
No. Stealth rocks. This is also assuming skarm has taken no prior damage the whole game. Also, stupid enough to let mawile set up? What are you supposed to do when it switches in on something that can't touch it? Uh, nothing, because you can't do anything. If you stay in it sets up and if you switch out it sets up. Intimidate + amazing typing mean mawile can freely swords dance against so many pokemon. Don't give me that "stupid enough to let it set up" argument because that does not apply.
"It has no counters, just checks"
-Gen 5 hydreigon.

While as mega mawile has no true "counter", a trait it has shared with quite a bit of mons during the meta games, just a reminder: checks still exists.
Always scout your foes sets before you do a reckless play, don't blame it on the "50/50" that I have been seeing so much discussed on these suspect tests because people appereantly cannot imagine more than one set at a time for each mon.

If mega mawile gives you trouble, you must ask yourself some questions:
Do you lack a good fire/ground presense?
Do you lack a good support?
Are you in access of faster priority?
Are you giving the foe too many setup chances?
What are you doing, again?

Now, this meta has had a lot of powerful mons, they are around, many of them have been check only, yet meta hasn't been fully broken.

Mawile's big sell points are its sky high attack, sucker punch and access to either sub punch or a nice all out attacking with or without swords dance.
Both have the negative:

-Mawile has pretty much no recovery, sub punch is thus very limited. 4 at best, 2 - 3 realisticly.
-Sucker punch is easy to play around with support moves and faster priority. And mega mawile pretty much NEEDS its sucker punch.
-Lack of speed.

Combined with that, mega mawile should be easy to play around once you figure its set out and pressure it out, it won't last long due of lack of good recovery and low speed, being so reliant on sucker punch.
Anything that carries encore will most likely fuck up mawile and all its setup chances. Will o wisp ruins SD sets day. Continuent damage (such as voice moves on sub + constant phase with hazards, slow chipping of hp, etc, you should know these) and ghost types that know how to play around sucker punch makes sub punch crawl.

eitherway, just, carry more support moves guys. they aren't that bad.


The Monstrous Bird of New England
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Jesus I seriously think the definition of a COUNTER should be included in the first post because all I'm hearing are people with postcounts less than 5 wailing that char-x and garchomp counter mega mawile goddamn. For all you out there who DON"T know what a counter is (and that's about half the people here unfortunately) lets state it.

A counter is a pokemon that can switch into the given threat 100% of the time and then proceed to cripple or kill it.

I say cripple or kill because even though something like a lando-t can comfortably switch into mega hera, what is it going to do back other than just u-turn? This leaves lando-t at basically less than 50% (it takes two rock blasts, one from switching in and another because its slower) and mega hera untouched. Thus something like lando-t wouldn't be a counter to mega hera.

"It has no counters, just checks"
-Gen 5 hydreigon.
Here's the difference: Hydreigon is easy as fuck to revenge. Mega mawile? Say hello to a +2 sucker punch.
Oh, my, god the shitstorm that this has become. We shouldn't be fighting here right now. Once everyone gets their reqs they can prove their points, because at the moment people are just making this thread literal shit. imo, get your reqs and then fight other people. This is happening in every single suspect thread tbh, we should just wait out the fighting for the timebeing.

Edit: by no means does this mean you shouldn't explain that mawile should or should not get banned because that ends up opening the eyes of less experienced users
Reasons given for banning Mega Mawile and why they're wrong:

>Its only counter is bulky will-o-wisp Arcanine and there aren't any real checks for it
Wrong. It only has 50/95 special bulk, so most special attackers can finish it off no problem. Along with that, almost any fire type or ground type in OU is capable of 1HKOing it.
The pro-ban arguments are generally that its near impossible to counter, no one is denying that Mawile has checks. Saying a mon has checks is an incomplete no ban argument, every mon has checks.
>b-but it can run subpunch to counter heatran
Subpunch Mawile is a set made specifically for Heatran. It's not nearly as viable as SD Mawile, which is the only set that is arguably OP.
Getting around one of its traditional checks can hardly be considered unviable since Sub lets it get essentially a free hit on whatever decides to switch in. Not to mention it still OHKOs Ferro, and it prevents Skarm from Roosting since it will OHKO if it chooses to do so.
>I-It can sub on will-o-wisp users though
Every single WOW user in OU outspeeds it considerably. It would have to use EVs in speed in place of HP/Attack, making it way worse.
Mawile indeed hates WoW users, but none of them can safely switch in on Mawile, implying something was sacked/the opponent predicted correctly and was able to switch in without being OHKOd. (it can be argued that heatran comes in safely on mawile, but with the subpunch set gaining popularity its by no means a perfect answer anymore).
>It has great typing
But not offensively, and its offensive presence is the reason it's being suspected.
Fairy type is amazing offensively O_o but if you're inclined to believe differently then I guess I can't sway that.
The only legitimate reason I've seen for the ban has been the fact that Mega Mawile is better offensively now that Aegislash is gone from OU, so it's harder to build a balanced team while keeping Mawile in check; however, you shouldn't ban a pokemon for the sole reason that you banned another pokemon, and mega Mawile still has plenty of viable checks and counters in the OU metagame.
Yes, it has checks. But plenty of counters? Name a few mons that can consistently counter the majority of Mawile variants (they are few and far between).

Although this may seem pro-bannish, I'm not swayed either way yet. I just feel that your arguments are generally flawed (but no disrespect meant by any means)

EDIT: A TON of posts popped up right before I posted... as a general comment to those responding to other posters, being rude/condescending towards other people doesn't help in proving your point, even if you arguments are better/more informed than who you're responding to.
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is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnus
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Mega mawile should be banned as it has been dominating ou ladder even though it has weakness it's god gifted based attack is to much with sucker punch X2 it kills almost all pokemon in this gen and it's really difficult to predict it has it has 3 to 4 different moveset and pokemon like keldeo can ohko him only with specs or calm mind X1.5 i hope you understand the situation and ban mega mawile
I honesyly belie e it should NOT be banned though honestly, its so easy to play against you guys are making situations where maewile-mega is battling an opponent that does nothing against besides let it set up obviously you have to make a gameplan remember theres is somethinv called team preview use that to your advantage(as well as use mawiles pros and cons against e.g. : sucker punch and lack of recovery and low speed and its weaknesses ) if it was a pokemon that couldnt be played around then id agreed to ban it but you can play around it effectively thus meaning its not broken besides the meta is fast paced so even if it gets banned stall wont be so great(ps when you beat a mawile-mega team it just means your getting better as a player and teambuilder because you had a great gameplan and a solid team) so.. Again no ban its playable just adjust your mindset correctly and youll be fine also if it gets banned IMO lati@s are going to raise A LOT in usage especially with their on megas wich means mawile-mega will be a must to CHECK them
Yeah this already isnt going too well so Ill just say mega mawile is clearly broken and deserves a ban, I dont think this will be a very close vote so I dont see the need to be constantly posting like I did in the Aegislash thread. So I will try and keep this as simple as I can, and will reply to any well constructed posts that raise a valid point.

this is just going to kind of be a stream of consciousness sort of deal so bare with me.

Mega-mawile has a stupid attack stat, like its a joke. Its attack stat puts even most of the ubers to shame, but as we know stats arent everything. So lets look at his typing steel/fairy, are you serious? that is an incredible offensive and defensive typing, he has 2 immunities and 2 weaknesses, that is really nice and it also pretty much eliminates the chance of your opponent going for outrage the entire game because that would be a free SD or sub for mawile. The whole thing with mega mawile is if it gets just ONE free turn it has now become a MAJOR issue so any time a latios uses draco meteor, something uses outrage, or he gets an intimidate off on a physical attacker, he can now go to work. His ability intimidate and his resistance to stealth rock also allows him to switch in whenever he wants and decide when he wants to mega and either sub or SD. Now lets talk about his matchup against stall/HO/balance, ok well against HO if he gets one SD up, its game over end of discussion, there is literally nothing on HO that can hang with a +2 mawile besides hoping for parahax with thundy. On stall SD fire fang set can pretty much destroy most things and if you pair that with an EQ latios to take out heatran, the game is just over, they now have literally no chance. Balance is where I think mawile is easier to handel, because they have common things like mega venusaur, heatran, landorus-t, rotom-w, etc.. and most of these are decent checks and can be switched in fairly easily. So mawile essentially destroys the 2 most popular playstyles which is enough for a ban imo.

So I will do a quick little pro and con list to maybe clear up my rant.

Reasons to ban:
1. destroys stall with little to no support
2. destroys Hyper offense with little to no support
3. Creates 50/50s with sucker punch as well as figuring out what set it is(because guessing wrong could mean game over)
4. Has no counters(not that big of a deal but still)
5. Incredible attack stat and typing allowing it free switches on common pokes in OU
6. Ability to strike fear into your opponents heart

Reasons to not ban:
1. can be handle relatively well by common cores on balance teams
2. it loses to alot of things 1v1, it pretty much needs to force something out to be most effective
3. is slow and very prone to getting burned if its the SD set.

Ummm yeah thats a good start, let me know what you think :]
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