Monthly Art Contest 5!

@ deztroya: if you want made your fossil minus similiar as bayleef try to remade it with a shorter body (like tropius,but with longer legs and tail.)
Ahah! I will be entering this thing as well! But DANG did it take long enough for me to think up a halfway decent idea that actually resembled a pokemon. I present to you, Cthulumon! (not its final name)

So yeah I really like this design and think I can go through with it to the final stages! It's fossil's name would be Shell Fossil. I don't think that's been done yet!
Cthulittle and Cthulord. :D
But the fossil should be called "Eldritch Relic" or something like that (that has to do with Cthulu doesn't it?).
Wow thanks for all the compliments! For those who don't know what a Cthulu is, Google image search it! Hmmm I'd never seen an illithid before but the resemblance is remarkable.

Omg yes! I love the names! Or maybe the klaatu verada nictu fossil.
Just got my school laptop and you know what that means.

PHOTOSHOP!!!! I should be done rather quickly now.
Meet the new antagonist of Jurassic Park. Offlora and the prevo, Vicorn make their appearance. Vicorn comes from the seed fossil and evolves into Offlora.



there and back again
is an Artist Alumnus
Hoo boy, I dunno if I can enter this time. I'll probably revamp my work, as I'm never satisfied with anything I do if a week or more has passed 8D

Yilx, seriously awesome! Your work keeps getting noticeably better and I LOVE to see that in an artist. Cute design, but most of all great composition and atmosphere in that piece. RADICAL. *skateboards through the air in and slaps a RAD BADGE onto Yilx*
Geez that's really great Yilx! I love lighting and concept of the pokemon a lot!

So here's my Final sub I think. It's of Cthulord with his rider!

The rider is wearing a Dungeon Master hat and carrying a Dungeons and Dragons book. The fossil is in the red messenger bag.

So here's my description!
Cthulord is based on a combination of a cthulu, naga, and I guess turtle. He has the face and wings of a cthulu, the shell of a turtle, and the tail and posture of a naga. His name derives from the fact that he's a cthulu and LORD OF ALL!

Cthulord, the Eldritch Pokemon. Evolves from Cthulittle, reanimated from the shell fossil. A pokemon surrounded in mystery and superstition, though in reality, they are very friendly and intelligent, and delight in adventure!

Cthulords were peaceful serpentine pokemon that inhabited deep, underground caves. Befriended by early man, they coexisted in peace until, eventually, they were hunted to extinction by those who believed they harbored demonic powers. To this day, it's still a mystery how their tiny wings can support their massive size in the air.


is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Hoo boy, I dunno if I can enter this time. I'll probably revamp my work, as I'm never satisfied with anything I do if a week or more has passed 8D

Yilx, seriously awesome! Your work keeps getting noticeably better and I LOVE to see that in an artist. Cute design, but most of all great composition and atmosphere in that piece. RADICAL. *skateboards through the air in and slaps a RAD BADGE onto Yilx*
You're probably gonna come up with something that'll blow the competition out of the water like a few days before the due date again...! :toast:

Geez that's really great Yilx! I love lighting and concept of the pokemon a lot!

So here's my Final sub I think. It's of Cthulord with his rider!
Oh my GOD Sentret that is adorable.
Wow Sentret, I love how it looks like an Illithid and its a DM riding it, thats so freakin' amazing I want to do backflips.
Alright, so here's my submission to the MAC this month. I know it pales in comparison to the other talented artists here, but hopefully my design and flavorful reference to one of the awesomess movies of all time will help me out in the end. It was hard putting it all in the 800x800 requirement, but I managed in the end. :)

Edit: Halp guys, I don't know what to name it! It's Rock/Dark type, and is based off of dromaeosauridae (Prevo the velociraptor, evo the Deinonychus). Although I've decided the fossil that it originates from is called the "Dew Fossil", referencing the velociraptors famous Dewclaw.

Ok well i decided to redo my picture as the last one just didnt look that good heres how the new one looks if anyone could help me get the damn blur tool to work on Photoshop cs5 so it doesnt just blur the edges that would be great because at the moment its a little dull

I really love your entry, Swampert. For some reason, it reminds me of Ice Age!!!

BuddyBlueBomber, that comic is pure epicness. Except you probably won't score any Plus Points when the judging starts. Remember, to score the Plus Points in this round "You must "show" us a story in your picture, and NOT with words" that includes speech bubbles too. That frame with the scientist and the raptor is brilliant though.
Thank you! I realize now that I probably will flunk it because of the speech bubbles, but it just wouldn't have felt the same, you know? Hopefully the other judges will see it as part of the story itself and at least give me a little plus points. x3

Either way, I'm just glad to be a contributor to the MAC.


there and back again
is an Artist Alumnus
Haha holy shit, all the Isshu Pokemon have been revealed and there's an archaeopteryx. NEVER MIND about my entry. 8V

Not to mention I simply have no time; junior year in Illustration is nothing to sniff at.

Dropping out! Have fun y'all!

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