Mists of Pandaria

Is World of Warcraft beating Nintendo to a MMO monster battling game?


Copy-pasted from the link:

For years, your faithful vanity pets have accompanied you on countless adventures. They've provided you with comfort, company, sometimes even with entertainment and hours of fun. Maybe you only have a handful of pets you really love, or maybe you have made it your quest to capture as many of them as you can. The fact remains, heroes love their little companions... and in Mists of Pandaria, they will take the spotlight in a brand-new way.

You and your friends can pit your pets against each other in fun, friendly duels. You can teach your pets unique abilities and attacks, and they will use these abilities when battling other pets. As they fight and win battles, your pets will gain experience and level up, which makes them tougher and may even unlock new abilities. Assemble your roster and duke it out with your friends to see whose pets are the strongest!

What's more, you will also have a brand-new way to add more pets to your collection. In addition to purchasing pets or getting them as item drops, you can now also encounter and capture vanity pets in the wild. If you run into one of these rare pets, you can have your own pet challenge it; if you manage to defeat the wild pet, you will capture it and add it to your collection! Wild pets have stats that vary slightly, so you may end up catching an exceptionally powerful pet. Keep your eyes open!

Training your pets is important if you want them to succeed. You can seek out pet trainer NPCs who will teach your pets new tricks, but some of these trainers will challenge you to a duel; you will have to show them you're worthy if you want them to train your pets. There may be other NPCs as well who love nothing more than to see if their pets can best yours in battle.

They've been at your side through thick and thin. Now, get to know your most faithful companions from a whole new point of view, and discover their full potential. So gather your pets, train them well, and maybe one day you will make a name for yourself as Azeroth's most renowned pet trainer!

According to the website, current info and screenshots available, pets will have family types, moveslots, equippable items, stats, levels, etc. All battles will be turn-based. Wild encounters, trainer battles, master trainers? Discuss.


Lets just rename this thread "Mists of Pandaria" because that really needs its own thread
For some reason this piqued my interest in Warcraft. Of course I will never play the game, but I'm intrigued as to how it will work.
Ugh, I think this is kind of a miserable fail on Blizz's part. I'm not too active on WoW these days (I never even bought Cata), but IMO this is a bad move. No story progression that couldn't have been done in Cata, honestly pretty lame new race (I like Pandarens, but they aren't worth it... they're like Worgens in that they have little to no mythology), and what look to be some lame-ass gimmicks to keep people hooked.
I also don't buy the new talent progression system that they mention in the ad... they said the same for Cata.
The redeeming feature is the scenery. I'm very, very excited to see some architecture and landscapes that are Asian inspired. I just don't think it deserves its own expansion.
For some reason this piqued my interest in Warcraft. Of course I will never play the game, but I'm intrigued as to how it will work.
Actually, the game is free up to level 20, with no subscription or box fees or anything. This may or may not include the entirety of the pet battling system, because that shouldn't be dependent on your character's level at all to do.
I'm a bit torn really...from one standpoint, it's obviously a blatant and somewhat childish attempt at a ripoff of Pokemon.

On the other hand, I've always wondered how much a Personal World Destroyer could destroy...or the dreaded de-weaponized mechanical bunny...

Ultimately, even though I'm a Pokemon player who plays WoW obviously, I don't see myself getting into it much, more than likely I'll still be bored waiting in whatever capital/hub for something to happen on non-raid nights. The fact is, there's still nothing that compelling in this expansion (as I really dislike the talent tree revamps and the philosophy behind them), other than leveling a Pandaren Monk, nothing new besides pulling more new creatures/enemies out of their asses and hiding behind the usual "hidden veil" excuse, so yeah...I planned on leaving WoW with some guildies for SWTOR anyways, this expansion will likely be just another reason to do so. If only we could convince the rest of the main core to ditch with us...
lol you know devs are running out of ideas when... this entire game will probably die in the next couple years, then we get to find out what the activizzard behemoth will ruin people's lives with next
I just wonder if the stats will be as in depth as pokemon ev's/iv's or will it just be a basic Attack, Defense, Hit points sort of thing. It's still going to be awesome either way though. Especially because they mentioned that certain wild pets will only be available at certain times of the year, and in certain regions, with time and night and day playing into effect, which is totally awesome.
I just wonder if the stats will be as in depth as pokemon ev's/iv's or will it just be a basic Attack, Defense, Hit points sort of thing. It's still going to be awesome either way though. Especially because they mentioned that certain wild pets will only be available at certain times of the year, and in certain regions, with time and night and day playing into effect, which is totally awesome.
This is WoW we're talking about...very likely not going to be anything that in depth. If anything, it'll end up more like Dragon Quest Monsters, or maybe stylized old-school rpgs since they alluded to it being turn by turn.
compared to cataclysm, this looks weak and uninteresting
I felt this way about Cata compared to WotLK. The story of Deathwing is so bland and uninteresting compared to Arthas lore.

Personally I feel like pet battles exist to give players something to do while they look for pugs in trade chat. As of now there's really nothing to do besides smack a training dummy around.
This is WoW we're talking about...very likely not going to be anything that in depth. If anything, it'll end up more like Dragon Quest Monsters, or maybe stylized old-school rpgs since they alluded to it being turn by turn.
Complex or simple I still think it will be a very enjoyable time sink, plus im already an avid pet and mount collector as it is, so this will just give me a use for the cute little critters.


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I felt this way about Cata compared to WotLK. The story of Deathwing is so bland and uninteresting compared to Arthas lore.

Personally I feel like pet battles exist to give players something to do while they look for pugs in trade chat. As of now there's really nothing to do besides smack a training dummy around.
Considering I've seen more than my fair share of sub-tank DPS Rogues, the WoW community would probably be better off if more people sat around whacking a training dummy around.
I think the pet battle system sounds awesome and I can't wait for it and the expansion altogether. I'm glad they're always adding new 'extra' things to do in the game. And I love the Pandaren, but I feel like we need to get away from the 'furry' (literally) characters and make something else playable for a change.
I'm looking forward to the expansion, but I hope they rewamp the talents a tad more, or at least Warrior ones. Those pretty much screamed "PVP!!!" and some of the choices weren't compelling at all. As for the Pet fighting system... I dunno. It might be interesting to test, but I will more likely go around Pandaria.

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