Media Minecraft Discussion Thread


1.6.6 seems to have fixed the corrupted chunk! I just spent like an hour riding the railway back and forth between S-Station and OPLV, with no crashes or CPU spikes.

This means, assuming the problem of crashing the server is now fixed, that we can enter the Nether. I had it turned off because I didn't want even more CPU useage covering up the spike from the corrupted chunk while I was looking for it. Beds also seem to work properly again, but remember not to use them in the Nether.......
besides, a new map = no LSB :(

I think if we make a map trim, we'll need to make it as close to landmarks without taking them out...

but definately a trim is necessary... we have too many open areas, build in those!!!1!! (that's why I'm making that castle at S Station)
Hello. Bukkit has released a recommended build, so we're going to have commands back soon \o/. The only problem is, we can't take our Nether world with us.. a new one will generate when you go through the portal. I'm hoping that no one has started or got too far with any extravagent Nether builds, and that we can switch over with minimal loss of structures. I will edit this when I profiles over.
Hello. Bukkit has released a recommended build, so we're going to have commands back soon \o/. The only problem is, we can't take our Nether world with us.. a new one will generate when you go through the portal. I'm hoping that no one has started or got too far with any extravagent Nether builds, and that we can switch over with minimal loss of structures. I will edit this when I profiles over.

I am interested in playing on the server, but first can someone tell me if its cracked or not? If it isn't then I can't play because I can't afford real Minecraft.
Mushroom growth rates are funny, this was naturally found:

About 2 stacks of red mushrooms there.

I am interested in playing on the server, but first can someone tell me if its cracked or not? If it isn't then I can't play because I can't afford real Minecraft.
Nope it's the real deal.
Why must y'all make this sound so fun and interesting when I have neither the time nor the money for it?
Why would you ever link to something like that *scarred for life*

Re: Bukkit on Smogcraft
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bukkit's Nether system is different from vanilla..... all the portals on the overworld linked to a single portal in the nether... and then when coming back, that same portal would only go to one location. So at the moment I think sticking with vanilla until everything with bukkit is ironed out. Who knows, we might even get to keep our current nether if the method of saving the other world is changed.

Also THIS is an amazing minecraft video - time lapse of a city build.

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