Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

It's pretty obvious that the leak was to find bugs, why are people complaining? If you don't like playing with bugs, don't bother. Smogcraft isn't gonna be 1.8-afied for a while.
It's pretty obvious that the leak was to find bugs, why are people complaining? If you don't like playing with bugs, don't bother. Smogcraft isn't gonna be 1.8-afied for a while.
This. You can always trust the public to find the most fucked up glitches.
1.8 looks pretty awesome, but I think I'm more excited for a real multiplayer connect screen. No more remembering 6-7 different ips for servers, I can just save them on a screen and choose easily. It's going to be so much more convenient.

Also, I hope Ender Pearls will have some use other than teleporting endermen away. It seems like it isn't very useful to have, and will just take up an inventory space most of the time.
what on earth are you talking about
people complain and cry about bugs to notch, calling the game a waste of money and how it needs to be tested before release

except that, you know, they're playing the beta. by complaining and whinging about bugs they are in fact helping notch beta test minecraft for the full release. it's just that so many of these people expect minecraft to be flawless and bugless despite its being a beta test
people complain and cry about bugs to notch, calling the game a waste of money and how it needs to be tested before release

except that, you know, they're playing the beta. by complaining and whinging about bugs they are in fact helping notch beta test minecraft for the full release. it's just that so many of these people expect EVERYTHING EVER to be flawless and bugless despite its being a beta test
I flew around in creative mode and tunneled down into an abandoned mineshaft! It wasn't that exciting though :/

So I decided to stand near the spawners and spawn as many spiders as I could.

Here you can see two cave spider spawners. One is in the upper right corner, the other in the lower left.

I got an aerial screenshot showing how many spiders there were.

I got too close and they started eating my face off.

I also found some really good stuff in there, like lapis, gold, iron, coal, and melon seeds! I do think they need some work, however. Like not spawning in caves. Or ravines. Or in any sort of open air.

EDIT: Moments after posting this, I found an enderman!

God, these things are scarier than I thought. I looked at one, and he didn't immediately teleport when I looked away. I thought it may have bugged or something. But then, as I walk away, he teleported right behind me. I didn't get a screenshot, unfortunately, since I was in oh god kill it mode. He did drop an Ender Pearl though.

I couldn't make it work on an enderman though. :/

Also, a screenshot of the loot I found in the chests:

Everything in the chest is what I found. The bones were from a skeleton, not from a chest, as awesome as the would be. The loot is nice, and I'll have to go plant those melon seeds right now. I'll update on the melons later.
Holy crap, not only do we have a starcraft thread, but a minecraft one too?! Smogon is too awesome! I'm not worthy!!!! *Runs heracross horn through chest*. Aw man, this game is epic. I can't wait for 1.8! Poisonous spiders don't sound like fun at all though.... Will there be an antidote you can mix up for it? And are endermen and poisonous spiders gonna be common at night? Do poison spiders look different than regular ones? And what does an endermen look like? Sorry for all of the questions, but I love this game! So many awesome things you can do. I'm gonna make my house into a ship when 1.8 is out.


Alas poor Yorick!
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The Enderman are really tall but honestly if you don't look at them it's not really a problem, and as far as I can tell they only really pick up natural forming blocks (can someone else confirm this?)

The poison spiders are all in the abandoned mines and while smaller and blue they seem to be weaker than regular spiders, and only come out of spawners from the mines. They also have an annoying habit of hiding on the other side of the wood in a mine shaft to ambush you.
They stole mossy cobble from my house... so yeah any block is fair game to Endergriefers. The cave spiders are probably the hardest new mobs, but their poison can't kill you... it just slows you down (having to wait to regen health). Means you actually have to plan your attack and retreat instead of running in spamming arrows and insta-healing with pork.
Endermen can take player placed blocks? Is that a bug or not? Because that could get annoying. *Waits for someone to guess and not actually know the answer*
Please excuse me for my ignorance, but I just got minecraft 2 months ago, and I don't go on the forums to check for updates. Why is it bad if you look at an endermen in the eyes? They ARE pretty scary looking (wouldn't want to be walking in the flatlands with a full moon out, and then seeing only that there). Also, I noticed that we have a smogcraft server. How can I join? I would love to see the sights and communicate with my fellow smogonites. My friend owns a server, but it only has me and him on it (my other friends can't seem to get on it because they downloaded it for free somehow).


is a Community Contributoris an Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
if you put your cursor over an enderman they look dead at you, which is nothing in itself, but looking away once you've locked eyes with one will cause it to teleport to you and attack

we are sort of in the interim of setting up a new map when 1.8 is stable for smogcraft, so the server isn't up and running again yet. that said, your best bet to get on the server i think is pm dan dan (are we still using that system?) or better yet, get on irc and join #smogcraft
In the server properties there is an option called "online-mode". If you set it to "false" then your friends should be able to join the server, even with the "free" version.

EDIT: I'm sure it needs to be used with Hamachi if you do it that way though.
Ya, we have hamachi. My friends I think downloaded it ilegally, because when I asked them if it was ok, they just sat there silent. But hey, it's on the internet somewhere, with the updates and everything. I guess you just have to look.
1.8 is way too fun, me and a group of friends had plans to go onto a new server and make a town / houses, but it's too fun to just go out and explore. Settling down is gonna be REALLY HARD y'all.
I think the one of the most interesting things about 1.8 is the endermen. Think your safe inside of your house? I bet if you go onto your second floor onto the balcony, and you look at an endermen, he will teleport into your house.

EDIT: Speaking of which, I better draw an ender men and get an art thread with it on.
Spawn City definitely needs Stone Bricks incorporated somehow. They have possibly the best texture in the game. I'm building an underground base out of them right now.
I just imagined the worst possible dugeon ever. Full of creepers and endermen.... read my signature and I think you'll get it.


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I set up a local server running smogcraft and put it in creative mode. I must say flying around and seeing everything made on the server is quite amazing. I even noticed some buildings near where I wanted to build Lamberica. It sure brings perspective on how much time we all spent on it.
just wanted to say that the first time i opened a new chest the door-like spund scared the hell out of me (thought an enderman opened my door or something)

also does anyone know how deep village wells can be? i almost drowned checking one out

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