Mental illness


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Autism (possibly Asperger's), Tourette's and I used to be bipolar.

Fortunately my Autism is very mild and manifests itself in emotional detachment, mental maths skills, lack of social skills and a like for order and structure. My brother is similar, Autism with SAD that he has thankfully supressed.
That doesn't sound enough like autism that a diagnosis does you any good.

Also IQ is relatively irrelevant - It's useful at a young age (like 5) to figure out if you're bright, but otherwise not useful or anything but dickwaving.

It's also worth noting that IQs approaching 150 become relatively difficult to quantify as specialized tests are needed for a >150 accurate score, and not a large enough sample size exists to make these tests.

My IQ is 148, for what it's worth.


Also stop putting "disorder" in front of every damn problem you have - it just encourages you to feel helpless and make no effort toward self improvement as a result.
It is possible to recover from bipolar disorder, and I mean Social Anxiety Disorder.
Thing about bipolar is that it's a lifelong condition - you might stabilise on meds, or you might if you're lucky stabilise without them for a while - but if you actually have bipolar you will start cycling again after a period of however long relatively stable. If you don't - you were just having mood swings.

I know this is rich coming from me, and the amount of diagnoses I've had, worked under and argued with over the years, but fucking self-diagnosis does my tits in. And people going with the first thing their GP suggests it could be does my head in. Mental health is fucking complex. It's not for your average twat to sit at the internet and go 'oh sometimes I feel up and sometimes I feel down, and once I did that really crazy thing, so yeah it's bipolar'.

And just to underline my point, and Chris' point - you don't just 'get over' bipolar and you don't just 'suppress' an anxiety disorder. That's why it's specifically called a disorder - because you cannot deal with it yourself, without intervention. Not 'I feel panicky before I'm in group situations because I lack any social skills', but 'I have not left my house for a week because OH MY GOD PEOPLE AND I FEEL LIKE I'M GOING TO DIE and I haven't had a proper conversation with another human being in six years because it leaves me unable to breathe'.
Extreme example - no, not really. There's a difference between mildly neurotic and seriously fucked up. Hypochondria does not bridge that gap.
130+ is approximately 3% of the population.
Less, I think. I think 130+ is closer to 1%. cim is right, though, outside of around 90-110 the bellcurve drops off so steeply that accurately 'measuring' IQ is really difficult and the influence of shot noise becomes more pronounced.
Free 140+ IQ with every forum membership!

I doubt I've met one person that admits to anything less than 125 online.


i woke up in a new bugatti
Free 140+ IQ with every forum membership!

I doubt I've met one person that admits to anything less than 125 online.
If it counts for anything, the only IQ test I ever took gave me a 116. I want to say I half-assed it, though, but to be honest I love getting such a "mediocre" score and it makes me feel warm knowing I'm stupid, unlike what most other people think of me.

edit: man i really want to prove people im not as smart as they think i am or that im stupid.


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
If it counts for anything, the only IQ test I ever took gave me a 116. I want to say I half-assed it, though, but to be honest I love getting such a "mediocre" score and it makes me feel warm knowing I'm stupid, unlike what most other people think of me.
116 isn't half-assed, it's the 84th percentile.
125 on the best me best try about two years back, when i was making Bs in all of my classes, so I might have polished up a little bit.
I go to this karate place about half a mile away, and apparently the daycare and classes are ideal for autistic kids, since it disciplines them probably tenfold more than they would at the house. It helps them out in the real world when they are older. Right now we have an autistic kid thats about 5, I found him annoying until my teacher told me he had autism. Then I was kinda mixed between pity and being annoyed.
IMO Mental illness is something you definitely do not need / want, despite some of the benefits, like increased intelligence in some.


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
125 on the best me best try about two years back, when i was making Bs in all of my classes, so I might have polished up a little bit.
Intelligence is not knowledge - it is not supposed to change.
So I just figured out that I am autistic, I didn't know before, seeing as my parents decided to keep it a secret, even from me. A few hours ago I had this great epiphany and now I'm wondering how I didn't notice it before. It is very very strange.
Intelligence is not knowledge - it is not supposed to change.
IQ isn't strictly intelligence, either, and some level of 'test-taking' influences the outcome. If you do a lot of IQ tests, you tend to get better. Particularly for the outer reaches of the bell curve, shot noise based on the particular test for the particular person and particular day can cause the numbers to jump around quite a bit.


my god if you don't have an iced tea for me when i
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
While I've had no specific diagnosis (alarm bells, take this with a few sachets of salt) I do believe that I'm paranoid. Obviously I'm going through big changes mentally at my age [15] but I find myself constantly doubting people if they compliment me, and analysing their actions in case I've done something wrong / could do something wrong.

The easiest example to translate onto Smogon is this: I left and came back because I thought the masses hated me. I changed my name because I thought people disliked me. It was only people who took the time to wish me farewell that made me come back. To all you I'Scoopers, this is probably the subconscious reason behind the thread that I made there.

I might be slightly schizophrenic (can it be qualified?) as I've found myself almost "puppeteering" my body and my "other" mind, though that could just be my general reasoning kicking in (trying to negate the paranoia).

I'm glad that I've gotten this off my chest.


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Paranoia is not low self esteem and insecurity, which is what you "have" (though not a disorder, it does suck)

You're not schizophrenic.
I have always had tremendous issues with empathy. I was once accused of having antisocial personality disorder. I've been called shallow, cruel, manipulative and a troll. I just don't understand why I should care for others if they have no fundamental use, be it self esteem, looks, money or its a constant positive fun experience to be around them.

Subsequently, people come in and out of interest to me based on perceived use. Strangely, romantic relationships play by different rules making diagnosis a little hard.

Anyone else experience this? I'm trying to establish a baseline so I can judge which of my behaviors are normal. I'm bad at that- I went about 2-3 years with hallucinations writing them off as "nothing", when I finally casually mentioned it to my doctor he informed me that NO amount of hallucination is 'healthy'. Information is a good thing. :D


i woke up in a new bugatti
I have always had tremendous issues with empathy. I was once accused of having antisocial personality disorder. I've been called shallow, cruel, manipulative and a troll. I just don't understand why I should care for others if they have no fundamental use, be it self esteem, looks, money or its a constant positive fun experience to be around them.

Subsequently, people come in and out of interest to me based on perceived use. Strangely, romantic relationships play by different rules making diagnosis a little hard.

Anyone else experience this? I'm trying to establish a baseline so I can judge which of my behaviors are normal. I'm bad at that- I went about 2-3 years with hallucinations writing them off as "nothing", when I finally casually mentioned it to my doctor he informed me that NO amount of hallucination is 'healthy'. Information is a good thing. :D
I have absolutely no empathy, or at least close to none. your first paragraph feels like its talking about me; i really, REALLY make it a point I'm not hanging around someone that doesn't have anything to offer to me.

Although for me interest doesn't go in and out. At some moment I just realize I'm bored of that person and I don't wanna waste my time (or his/her's). Then it's done.

Dont have anything to say on hallucinations, I dont think I've ever had one.
yeah that's what I mean, I'll just lose interest and that's that. I've never fully assimilated someone back into my life once I've told them to fuck off. My strategy has always been to make them hate me, so they do the avoiding and I can just exist.


i woke up in a new bugatti
haha yeah I mostly try to push people away at first, make them think I'm an annoying-ass hateable person. And if that doesn't work I can just avoid them.

edit: worse is when you've been pushing them for quite a while and are plain outright an asshole and they keep talking to you. I don't understan why people waste their time on that.
I got hallucinations when my anxiety disorder got REALLY BAD in the middle of 2007, but I didn't tell anyone until I ran out of the classroom because I though an axeman was chasing me. Apparently this was a result of 'extreme stress'. I hope so. I like to think a (now well-concealed) anxiety disorder is all I have.
I was diagnosed with Aspergers at a really young age. I was treated like a disabled child, when actually I was pretty much smarter than any kid my age, questioning everything.

Oh, my parents never bothered to get me in extracurriculars and didn't push me to develop any skill, thus leading to social awkwardness and disobedience... and I'M the one with a 'disability'?

it's funny how many people are bigoted, lying, cheating and self-centered, when those who don't have ACTUAL problems with their lives are treated as 'disabled.'
Note: 'Popular' or 'normal' people at school wear too much makeup, fail all their subjects, get suspended, are nasty to everyone and have nothing to talk about except sex, drugs, music and how evil the world is and why are their mums GAY. Why do I want to be like that?!?!?


Simper Fi
Note: 'Popular' or 'normal' people at school wear too much makeup, fail all their subjects, get suspended, are nasty to everyone and have nothing to talk about except sex, drugs, music and how evil the world is and why are their mums GAY. Why do I want to be like that?!?!?
Because sex is fun, drugs are fun, music is fun and the world is most definitely an unpleasant place to be.
I have never been diagnosed with any mental illness because I have hid my feelings and my thoughts from everyone I know. Even my family don't know I am depressed and suicidal a lot. It didn't have the best childhood, my family are good but when I was 6 I was diagnosed with life threatening cancer that had surrounded my spine and had surgey to remove it and the parts of the vertebrae it encased. I still have the spinal cord but not the lateral bones and stuff around it. the picture below shows the bones I don't have.
Anyway as a result I was hospitalised for nearly two years and had to learn how to walk again as below my shoulders was paralysed. To my knowledge, I am the person who has survived the longest from the cancer I had (I was 82nd in recorded history). I have some slight physical disability but my mental function is fine.

Often I suddenly anger for no reason, and it is always directed at myself. I feel like I don't deserve to have survived, when I saw and knew so many that didn't. I often think of committing suicide but I know I am too much of a coward to do that and that makes me madder. I don't cut myself or physically harm myself in area often visible (such as arms etc.) I usally just cut my upper legs so no one can see or ram my head into the wall over and over.

I don't have many friends and the few I do have I can only connect to on few levels. Many kids at my school make fun of me because I look and act different.

I have recently worked out why I play games such as Pokemon and games with similar themes of leveling up and skills. It is because I have no sense of control or direction in my life and when I am playing them I feel like my team need me and I am in control. Without me they would be helpless and could not go on. In life, I just live each day waiting until I can return to my bed and go to sleep, where I don't have to worry. My plan is to move far away from everyone I know and live an unimportant life until I die, when no one will remember me.

I am sorry for ruining this thread with my problems, but it feels good to finally say it to someone or something.
^No you haven't ruined the thread. In fact, that was very insightful and thought provoking. Depression is always a serious thing as it varies it's impact from person to person. Since every person is wired differently, there really isn't a straight forward solution to getting over one's issues. I wish you the best of luck in dealing with those troubles.

I've got me a light diagnoses of Aspergers. It's not that harmful to my social interactions as a whole but is very responsible for how it has shaped my character. It explains why I have such good focus in specific fields. Since it is very minute case, I was able to adapt by commpensating the lack of social skills with humor and satire ata young age. No one really knows that I have it; my friends just think I'm wierd :P Sometime's it can be hard to have an intellectual conversation because my first impulse is to try to entertain or feel as though I am expected to.

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