Pet Mod Megas for All v7 - please switch to the new thread for v8! (There's a link in the first and last posts!)

:Incineroar: Mega Incineroar
New Ability
: Dancer
Type: Fire/Dark

New stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 80 (-35)
Defense: 110 (+20)
Special Attack: 125 (+45)
Special Defense: 110 (+20)
Speed: 110 (+50)

New moves: Fiery Dance
Description: Incineroar is always after strength however after seeing some other pokemon dancing Incineroar had it's world open. Instead of focusing on strength Incineroar has a new passion in dance. Upon mega evolving Incineroar becomes much quicker and with it's world open it has gained more mental strength, refusing to hide it's true passion, dance. Incineroar gets Nasty Plot as well as having decent stab moves in Fire Blast and Dark Pulse with coverage in Scoring Sands and Focus Blast. 125 spatk with Nasty Plot and Fire Blast can deal decent amount of damage however Incineroar can be revenge killed easily with weaknesses to Stealth Rocks taking 25% on switch in being unable to hold HDB and a weakness to fighting and not having any way to boost it's speed makes it hard for Incineroar to sweep and having an almost always useless ability in singles and normal Incin being better in VGC help to alleviate issues such as it's bulk which could be concerning with it's offensive stats.

:Decidueye: Mega Decidueye
New Ability
: Sharpened Leaves (All Grass moves that make contact deal double damage on crit and have their crit rate increased by one stage)
Type: Grass/Ghost

New stats:
HP: 78
Attack: 127 (+20)
Defense: 85 (+10)
Special Attack: 130 (+30)
Special Defense: 100
Speed: 110 (+40)

New moves: Focus Blast, Pursuit, Sacred Sword
Description: Some Decidueye have realized they aren’t good at closer quarters combat and as such have honed their leaf like feathers to be more sharp and dangerous. When a Decidueye mega evolves this gets amplified allowing it to make it‘s feathers as sharp as steel, however this makes them heavier so they can’t be shot by it’s bow-like arms. I thought this ability is not broken since grass is not a great stab that can be spammed freely. By forcing it to be contact moves it really only makes it leaf blade which already has a crit rate boost so Mega Decidueye can hit hard on a crit giving merit to the physical sets and sacred sword allows it to hit steel types easily however it is a weaker move without stab so it shouldn’t be too broken.
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Honestly I'm probably going to regret this but I had a good idea for this so uhh here we go.


Mega Incineroar (Fire/Fighting)
: Blaze/Intimidate => Heel Face Turn (Turns Dark Type moves into Fighting Type moves)
HP : 95
ATK : 135(+20)
DEF : 110(+20)
SPA : 100 (+20)
SPD : 110 (+20)
SPE : 80 (+20)
Movepool Changes: None
Description: I feel as though I'm gonna get crucified for this because incineroar is now fire/fighting and it gets fighting type knock off and snarl. On top of that I went with the generic +20 to everything because I was honestly too scared to do anything other than that. My idea behind this was the Heel Face Turn in which a Heel wrestler becomes a Face wrestler. In non wrestle talk it means that the bad guy becomes the good guy. Fighting is often associated as being a "heroic" type since it beats dark type, which is why you see the change form dark to fighting, and why Heel Face Turn works the way it does.
I also have a sub for this slate! .w.

I've been super excited for this, actually - this is one of my favorite Pokémon, and while I'm not positive if it'll be immediately intuitive or if it will come off as a stretch feedback and criticism are welcome!, this particular concept is one that's evolved a fair amount over time and that I'm very enthusiastic about from a gameplay point of view, even if it might take a bit more flavorful abstraction than some of my other subs.
I'm actually pretty attached to it at this point, so I really hope I can sell everyone on it and it can be given a chance!

Tiiiny bit of context first...
Some of you may remember this as the first time I ever touched Showdown's code:
:cinderace: Mega Cinderace
New Ability: Blaze/Libero -> Scorching Soles
(Flash Fire "clone"... sort of: grants immunity to entry hazards and boosts the power of Fire-type moves by 50% when switching in on them)
Type: Fire

New Stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 116 -> 123 (+7)
Defense: 75 -> 115 (+40)
Special Attack: 65
Special Defense: 75 -> 115 (+40)
Speed: 119 -> 132 (+13)
(630 BST)

New moves: None for now
Meant to play like the opposite of Libero Cinderace - a Scorching Soles-boosted Pyro Ball is more than twice as strong as any of its non-STAB moves (meaning that, for example, a resisted Pyro Ball is still stronger than a neutral High Jump Kick), so instead of filling its sets with simple attacks of different types, Mega Cinderace has very little incentive to bother with coverage at all. This is meant to promote sets that focus on only one primary attacking move and have another three slots to dedicate to utility, including the valuable U-turn, Cinderace's totally unique Court Change, and perhaps something like Taunt or simply a backup attacking move (Pyro Ball's 8 PP might actually prove to be a significant drawback unless it can fall back on something else).
In addition to creating this distinct playing style, Scorching Soles is designed to compensate for Mega Cinderace's inability to hold Heavy-Duty Boots; Court Change would be impossible to use effectively if it had to take hazard damage every time it switched in to use it. This comes at the cost that it now relies on the presence of hazards to in order to fight at full power.
Mega Cinderace's primary function is to take a state of disadvantage (hazards present on its side of the field) and turn it into a state of advantage (reversing those hazards and gaining a damage boost to enable its own sweep).
I've always thought that Court Change was a much more interesting part of Cinderace than Libero and its capacity to be a physical sweeper, so I wanted to do something that promoted that rather than make it an even more generically minmaxed attacker. Libero Cinderace will still be used without Mega Evolving, of course - this does something almost completely different - but I'm hoping they can coexist in the meta and each offer something useful to different teams!

In abilities.ts:
    scorchingsoles: {
        desc: "This Pokémon is immune to entry hazards. The first time it would be affected by an entry hazard, its attacking stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability.",
        shortDesc: "This Pokémon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if switched in on an entry hazard; hazard immunity.",
        onEnd(pokemon) {
        effect: {
            noCopy: true, // doesn't get copied by Baton Pass
            onStart(target) {
                this.add('-start', target, 'ability: Scorching Soles');
            onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
            onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
                if (move.type === 'Fire') {
                    this.debug('Scorching Soles boost');
                    return this.chainModify(1.5);
            onModifySpAPriority: 5,
            onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
                if (move.type === 'Fire') {
                    this.debug('Scorching Soles boost');
                    return this.chainModify(1.5);
            onEnd(target) {
                this.add('-end', target, 'ability: Scorching Soles', '[silent]');
        name: "Scorching Soles",
        rating: 3.5,
        num: 18,
In moves.ts, everywhere this line appears:
 if (pokemon.hasItem('heavydutyboots')) return;
add this right after it (but before the effect of the entry hazard):
 if (pokemon.hasAbility(scorchingsoles)) {
    if (!target.addVolatile('scorchingsoles')) {
        this.add('-immune', target, '[from] ability: Scorching Soles');
Scoopapa helped to make sure this was okay and gave an important fix on the hazard immunity part! Huge thanks to them for their help!!
That said, it's possible that I messed up in transferring it here, so uh... definitely blame me and not them if this goes wrong! OTL Really sorry if it does - but I'm pretty sure it should work, at least!
I may have gone on to code this entire mod

It's been a bit
:incineroar: Mega Incineroar
New Ability: Blaze/Intimidate -> Pounce
(If there are entry hazards in place when Mega Incineroar enters the field, it jumps over them to avoid their effects, which lowers the Defense of adjacent opposing Pokémon by 1 stage. No effect if there are not entry hazards on Mega Incineroar's side of the field.)
Type: Fire/Dark

New Stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 115 -> 140 (+25)
Defense: 90 -> 110 (+20)
Special Attack: 80
Special Defense: 90 -> 110 (+20)
Speed: 60 -> 95 (+35)
(630 BST)

New moves: Court Change, Rapid Spin

Okay, so this is a sub that I'm actually really passionate about, and it's pretty heavily interlinked with two other submissions of mine that were both pretty important to me in different ways - one was the first time I touched Showdown's code (see Scorching Soles Cinderace above!), and the other was the first winning submission I ever made for any pet mod, my beloved :toxtricity-gmax: Mega Toxtricity from Megamax (which I proceeded to use relentlessly for months after it made it in).
This is sort of the culmination of both of those submissions, and on a Pokémon I've loved for a long time - I've come a pretty long way since both of those, and I think I have a much better understanding of how to make it work, so... let's get into it!

The original premise of my Mega Toxtricity was to be a pivot that used Intimidate for Special Defense ("Contaminate") to force switches, and while there are a couple of (mostly optics-driven) reasons I'm no longer comfortable lifting that directly, it made for a very fun and interactive Pokémon all the same, and it's one of my favorite Pokémon I've been able to use!
At the time, the original was actually considered kind of unviable for a couple of reasons, haha; in a total vacuum, lowering defenses on entry is apparently not nearly as strong as it sounds in a singles environment and is in some ways weaker than Intimidate, though it would definitely be a bigger deal in doubles and that alone has me convinced that Game Freak would stay away it I care about following perceived design rules probably a lot more than most ... though as noted in the slate opening post, Special Attack and Speed are the two stats that should really never get an Intimidate clone.
That's a big part of why this sub is so exciting to me - in addition to revamping the Ability a bit to be more singles-specific and showing its real potential as a tool for pivots hence the anti-hazard angle I'm taking with this iteration, I've also taken cues from... well, everything we learned from Toxtricity, and I feel strongly that Incineroar is pretty much the perfect Pokémon to receive "version 2.0" of Contaminate!

M4A players are probably already familiar with :garbodor: Mega Garbodor's Ability, Trash Compactor, and :torterra: Mega Torterra's Ability, Gravitational Pull - both of these are Abilities that grant immunity to entry hazards and, when the Pokémon comes in contact with them, have some kind of special effect instead.
Mega Incineroar's Pounce allows it to join their ranks as a Mega Evolution designed to punish hazards directly and disincentivize using them; in Incineroar's case, lowering Defense on entry comes with an incredibly varied set of applications and affords it a ton of customizability, lending itself to a truly dynamic playing style once its opponent sets it off.

The number one thing we learned from Toxtricity is that no matter how good a Pokémon is at forcing switches, that doesn't help it if it can't punish the switch-in - in Toxtricity's case, it had poor coverage and a reliance on Volt Switch over U-turn (which is outright negated if the obvious Ground-types switched in, making it often lose the very momentum it was designed to grab), and it didn't really have anything to do with a free turn other than directly attack, so forcing its opponent to switch out by threatening big damage just... made switching out always the right choice, since it couldn't do big damage. P:
I still really enjoyed using Toxtricity, but from what I know now... why not go for something with a hecking ton more options instead?!

Like noted in the Submission Handbook's section on Hawlucha, the more flexibility you want a Pokémon to have, the more valuable it is to have a good STAB combination, freeing up moveslots you don't want to have to spend on coverage.
When it debuted, Toxtricity lost to basically every Ground-type in the game and a lot of Steel-types - it was eventually buffed with Burning Jealousy to be able to deal with Excadrill and Ferrothorn, but having to run dual STABs, coverage and Volt Switch to function meant it didn't have room for more interesting support options.
Incineroar's Fire and Dark STAB combination is much more synergistic, not walled by any one common type; it's complemented pretty well by either its existing strong Fighting coverage or U-turn (one of its pivoting options), but few enough relevant Pokémon wall Fire/Dark that you can also get away with just running dual STABs if you have other preferred utility without being caught in a position where a hard-counter on the opposing team makes Incineroar nonfunctional. This goes hand in hand with Incineroar's valuable access to U-turn over Volt Switch, a crucial advantage that lets it grab momentum even when an opponent has an effective wall - unlike Toxtricity, it can pivot out of its obvious switch-ins, which is a huge deal for the utility it offers its team!

Aside from delivering on its offensive pressure, though, Incineroar comes with a ton of fun utility options and actually has the space in its sets to run them!!
The thing I loved so much about using Megamax Toxtricity was never the damage it could do with the -1 Special Defense, but the way the threat of that damage forced opponents to play; Incineroar here can capitalize on that threat in a much wider variety of ways than Toxtricity, and I absolutely love that about it!

- First of all, Incineroar can cripple the actual switch-ins in more ways than directly damaging them, which is valuable because it doesn't damage switch-ins nearly as much as it hurts a target that doesn't switch out (this is by design!). Easily Incineroar's best STAB options in singles is Knock Off, which is well known for being more or less the most spammable and least punishable move in the game the other candidate is U-turn which it also has. Immediately, you can make your opponent think twice about what's safe to switch in - no matter how easily their favorite wall should live a hit, is it worth the permanent side effect of losing their item? Not only that, but like any Fire-type ... uh ... sorry, like any well-designed Fire-type I called it the cooler Cinderace for a reason, Incineroar has Will-o-Wisp, and like just about every Pokémon from before Gen VIII, it has Toxic, two of the best crippling status moves in the game. Wisp goes super well with Incineroar's bulk and lack of recovery, but Toxic is not to be underrated either - too many people forget this move's universal distribution and think it's only good on walls, but Fire-types are some of Toxic's best users, since they can use it to punish many Water-types that would otherwise resist their moves and have super effective STAB to prevent Steel-types from coming in and taking a Toxic unscathed.

- Next up, Incineroar has plenty of other ways to take advantage of free turns!
First and most notably, it has Swords Dance and Bulk Up depending on your preferred kind of setup and Nasty Plot but Mega here is way more physical than base sorry, both being strong setup moves that can help it to punch holes in weakened teams and turn more potential switch-ins into "wrong answers" as long as it's sure to get a hit on them before it's forced back out.
Moreover, it has the newly-added Rapid Spin have you seen Darkest Lariat's animation and Court Change uhhhh... sports! ... ... okay in my defense its signature Z-Move has it pull its own stadium from nowhere it can probably pull this off to interact cleanly with its hazard immunity and synergize directly with its Ability. Rapid Spin is probably the better option in a lot of ways, giving Incineroar a rare niche as a spinner that has super effective STAB on Ghost-type spinblockers - and with the move boosting its Speed as of Sword and Shield, it can run Rapid Spin on a set that also has a setup move like SD or Bulk Up, turning its hazard removal into a major momentum swing in its favor!
Court Change is not nearly as synergistic but it's fun as heck okay
I just want Court Change Incineroar
Another thing I like about adding these two moves to Incineroar is the unique dynamic they have with Pounce's mechanics - sure, built-in hazard immunity and punishing makes Mega Incineroar one of the best Pokémon to clear hazards, but there may be times in battle when you want hazards to stay up! After all, if Incineroar doesn't clear hazards, Pounce can keep activating every time it switches in; weighing the advantages of continuing to punish your opponent for setting hazards against the advantages of supporting your teammates immediately can create some unusual choices in the teambuilder and in battle, and I can't wait to see how Incineroar users explore that!

- In addition to the aforementioned benefits of U-turn, both for moveslot compression and its key advantages over Volt Switch, Incineroar is a rare user of the move Parting Shot, an amazing momentum-grabbing move that helps it escape from battle reliably while easing pressure on its switch-in and allowing a teammate to set up easily. The combination of Pounce and Parting Shot forcing the opponent to switch twice in a row can be devastating if it's pulled off!​

Another issue Toxtricity faced is that 87 Speed was simply not enough for it to do its job, but it didn't take that much of an increase for people to be satisfied with it; mostly, the problem was being too easily hard-countered by its obvious switch-ins. This was deliberate at the time because I was so wary of overshooting, but the clear consensus after testing was that it definitely wasn't a necessary precaution - outspeeding Pokémon like Excadrill in Toxtricity's case and Landorus-T in Incineroar's is not a bad thing and is actually more of a basic necessity than something that would push them over the edge!
95 is a much better Speed tier for this than Incineroar's original 60 (or even the relatively close 90), but it's still emphatically not high enough to push Incineroar to be a sweeper; this playing style is so much more fun as a supportive and disruptive pivot, and I want to keep all of its options at the forefront rather than making it a straightforward attacker!

There's one last thing that makes me prefer the design of this Ability over the original Contaminate - although hazard reliance and Defense drops on entry might seem like an odd pair of effects to combine, and I'm still a bit worried people will assume it's nothing more than a contrivance to get Boots on Mega Incineroar, there are very good reasons to connect the two effects and I think that's really important to Mega Incineroar's role!
First of all, it's... well, yeah, it's kinda true - it's pretty obvious that a Rock-weak pivot that can't hold Boots is not going to thrive in a metagame where everything else can hold them, and there's a reason all of our other Fire-type pivots are ones whose secondary types or Abilities help them with that obvious weakness. This is a basic necessity for Incineroar to function in this role, however awkward it may sound, and it's especially important when Incineroar's base form not only has the option to run Boots but always does - Mega Incineroar would be woefully outclassed by base, and base Incineroar is already on the niche side in M4A OU singles, so there was really no way around this.
That said, there are other valid reasons why the Ability is more interesting this way!
The first is the way that hazard dependence plays with Incineroar's role as a support Pokémon in general, without automatically clearing hazards the way Garbodor does. Pounce leaves in the opponent's hands the choice of whether it's worth setting hazards at the risk of enabling an opposing Incineroar, and it puts both players in a complex game of field management, rather than Incineroar simply always being an amazing pivot that always forces switches. In some ways, Pounce allows Incineroar to do its job of supporting its team and dissuading hazards while it's not even on the field, and that kind of mindgame simply doesn't exist if the Ability is always on! Moreover, Pounce activating so conditionally gives Mega Incineroar a much more dynamic playing style by creating two very different states - the way it can play when it has no Ability but passively threatens opponents and the way it can play when it has a highly synergistic and actively threatening Ability - without even needing multiple forms to create that kind of phase shift.
The third and final reason I like the relationship to hazards is the way it elegantly satisfies one of my biggest inherent reservations about Intimidate clones - while I know we've recently come to terms with the fact that we could just ban a Mega Incineroar straight-up if it's a problem in VGC, there's something I like so much more about the simplicity here: Pounce arguably should not exist in VGC... but hazards basically don't exist in VGC, so there's nothing to worry about. (Plus, with Incineroar having Court Change now, maaaybe you can get up to some weird shenanigans and enable it as a doubles pivot after all? but that takes way more prep and way more careful teambuilding, so it's much more fairly earned and should be nowhere near problematic. Like, this is probably a bad idea, but you could get some wacky shenanigans out of, I dunno, Court Change Toxic Spikes alongside some Guts users and Steel- or Flying-types - isn't that so much more fun than "Mega Incineroar dominates the format with perpetual Pounce" or "never mind, there is no Mega Incineroar in VGC?" It'd still be niche and gimmicky for sure, but with base Incineroar's vise grip on the format, that's probably a good thing!

Last thing: Incineroar does not learn Pursuit! so it's okay we can all breathe
Ahe m

But yeah, I think that covers everything!!
This is a sub I'm actually really passionate about, probably a lot more than I usually am about my subs, so I really hope it goes over well and that we can give it a chance!
I just feel like this would be such a fun addition to the meta and it's totally the kind of Pokémon I love to play with, so here's hoping for the best! C:
edit: typos aaa
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Banned deucer.
Mega Incineroar
Ability: Pokemon Rumble - If this Pokemon uses a contact move, it sets Royale.

Royale - All active Pokemon switch out at the end of turn. Lasts for 5 turns. (Replacement selection happens simultaneously like it does at the start of battle, so neither player gets to respond to the other's decision.)

HP: 95
ATK: 135 (+20)
DEF: 130 (+40)
SPA: 80
SPD: 130 (+40)
SPE: 60

New Type: Fire/Dark
New Move: None

Description: As it Mega Evolves, Mega Incineroar's body... shrinks! Into one of the toys from Pokemon Rumble - the original specifically, the embodiment of showdown matches.

I wanted to encapsulate the feeling of a big battle royale into this sub, but all of the ideas ended up being extremely convoluted or complex. This was the simplest I've found, and works wonderfully. Having both Pokemon switch out at the end of every turn shakes up a lot of strategies. Setup sweepers can't actually setup. Pivots are either buffed or nerfed depending on their gameplan - something like Tapu Koko isn't as good since Volt Switching makes you switch out before the opponent and lets them respond to you, but something like Wish Blissey/Clefable or Future Sight Slowtwins are buffed since they don't have to take a second turn to Teleport (or hard switch in Blissey's case). Hard switching is also different here - used exclusively as a defensive play if the enemy brought in something that threatens your choice too strongly, you can bring in your wall to eat the hit for it in exchange for wasting your turn. In addition, both players switching at the same time introduces a lot of mind games between them and unique opportunities for both sides based on the current game state.

Let's get ready to Rumble, because everyone's tagging in!
Ability: Torrent/Liquid Voice-> Accelerando (If the user's attack misses, user receives +2 Speed).
HP: 80
Atk: 99 (+25)
99 (+25)
SpA: 136 (+10)
136 (+20)
Spe: 80 (+20)
New Moves: None!

: The power of Mega evolution pushes Primarina's operating capabilities to new heights, able to create the most beautiful moves imaginable; if a mon should dodge one of those moves, however, Primarina will pick up the fight's tempo in frustration, boosting its speed. This can make Mega Prima terrifying as a late game cleaner or sweeper, backed off its high powered Hydro Pumps (which becomes its default Water STAB to make use of the ability) and Calm Mind. However, this restriction does mean it can't usually shore up its physical bulk with burns, and without the speed boost Prima isn't too hard to revenge kill. That said, Primarina is a Mega you won't want to ignore- because that would piss it off.

Ability: Blaze/Intimidate-> False Comeback (User's Dark type moves do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fighting move. User is immune to Fighting moves).

HP: 95
135 (+20)
Def: 120 (+30)
SpA: 90 (+10)
SpD: 100 (+10)
90 (+30)
New Moves: +Pursuit

Description: "Alright, let's stop pretending you all care about these losers, and get on to the main event. All these weak @$$ Pokemon think they can escape me by hiding in Singles- oh, that's funny! You all think you're tough with those fancy Fighting techniques, well your comebacks are ending before they even begin, because I am closing down your Combat! With my nuclear Dark moves, I'll slap those items right out of your hands, then I'll cut right through your cheap Defense raises, and when you try to run for mama, I'll drag you back and give you another! So what if Fighting types resist my Dark moves? Turn your back to me and I'll hit you from behind with a 120 BP Pursuit before STAB, and you ain't just walkin' away from that, wimp! Even if you don't have an item, I'll Knock you Off, I'll Knock you Down, I'll Knock you into next week! And whether I'm a pivot with U-turn or Parting Shot, or a sweeper with Swords Dance, I'll roast you alive until you're more ash than that loser Ketchum, because your loser behinds aren't even good enough to be a meal! Oh, and good luck with that "perfect combo", because no fighter alive or dead has $#!{ on me! *hehe* See you in the ring."

Ability: Overgrow/Long Reach-> Compound Eyes

Atk: 137 (+30)
SpA: 130 (+30)
SpD: 110 (+10)
Spe: 100 (+30)
New Moves: +Gunk Shot

Description: *ahem* Now, Decidueye doesn't have any need for a fancy new ability- not when it has the ability to hit any target with pinpoint accuracy. Golurk has already proven how great perfect accuracy Poltergeist can be, and Decidueye takes that to a new level with a respectable 100 speed tier, backed by new anti-Grass coverage in 100%+ Gunk Shot that can also soften up bulkier mons with poison. (As to why it gets Gunk- you ever heard of owl pellets, kids?) However, this Decidueye can also run a viable special set, taking away the miss chance on Leaf Storm and boosting up its already strong special coverage in Hurricane, its ability to go in either direction boosted with either SD or NP. That said, its speed tier isn't perfect and it is vulnerable to several priority moves, so you'd better take your chance before Decidueye catches you in its sights. Cause you're not getting a second chance.


Banned deucer.
Mega :swsh/decidueye: Decidueye
Mega Stone: Deciduite

Ability: True Sight - Enemies that this Pokemon has trapped are completely trapped, and cannot escape using pivot moves.

HP - 78 (+0)
ATK - 137 (+30)
DEF - 97 (+22)
SPA - 107 (+7)
SPD - 137 (+37)
SPE - 72 (+3)

New Moves: Strength Sap, Pursuit


Mega :swsh/incineroar: Incineroar
Mega Stone: Incinerite

Ability: Finish Him! - When an enemy falls below 1/8th health, Incineroar finishes them off, causing them to faint.

HP - 95 (+0)
ATK - 140 (+25)
DEF - 120 (+30)
SPA - 95 (+15)
SPD - 120 (+30)
SPE - 60 (+0)

New Moves: None


Mega :swsh/primarina: Primarina
Mega Stone: Primarinite

Ability: Sirenade - This Pokemon's Sound-based moves apply the hazards on the user's side of the field.

HP - 80 (+0)
ATK - 80 (+6)
DEF - 116 (+42)
SPA - 156 (+30)
SPD - 136 (+20)
SPE - 62 (+2)

New Moves: Screech, Snarl

Sorry, not feeling the descriptions this time around because I'm hella tired/busy - I might add them later, maybe not. Hope you enjoyed anyway!
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:Incineroar: Mega Incineroar
New Ability
: Challenger (This pokemon's attacks do 1.3 times damage if the target's attacking stat is higher(special attacks do more if Special Attack is higher, physical if Attack is higher))
New stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 125(+10)
Defense: 100(+10)
Special Attack: 125(+45)
Special Defense: 100(+10)
Speed: 85(+25)

New moves: Aura Sphere ?
"Although it's rough mannered and egotistical, it finds beating down unworthy opponents boring. It gets motivated for stronger opponents."- Ultra Sun Pokedex

:Primarina: Mega Primarina
New Ability
: Performer (this pokemon suppress the targets ability after using a sound move)
New stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 75(+1)
Defense: 90(+16)
Special Attack: 150(+24)
Special Defense: 150(+34)
Speed: 85 (+25)
New moves: None

:Decidueye: Mega Decidueye
New Ability
: Sniper
New stats:
HP: 78
Attack: 150(+43)
Defense: 100(+25)
Special Attack: 100
Special Defense: 100
Speed: 102(+32)

New moves: Focus Energy, Stone Edge
Description: He is a sniper
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so, i don't have access to my discord right now (because i need a code for 2 key indenification). so if you want to show me somethings that i should change, then just DM me in smogon.
:decidueye: Mega Decidueye
New Ability
: Arrows of Fiery: This Pokemon's Non-Contact moves and Special attacks have a 10% chance to burn
Type: Grass/Ghost

New Stats:
HP: 78
Attack: 130 (+13)
Defense: 100 (+25)
Special Attack: 130 (+30)
Special Defense: 100
Speed: 102 (+32)
(BST: 630)

New moves: Flame Burst, Leech Seed
Description: So, since this Pokemon's base form was good at archery (that's why he is called the quill Pokemon, right?), it would make sense to have him be the Lord of Archery when he mega evolves, which he can make his arrows deal more damage. i gave him the move Flame Burst because you can light arrows on fire and shoot them. i also gave him Leech Seed, Because he can shoot seed infested arrows

:incineroar: Mega Incineroar
New Ability
: Show Off: when this Pokemon gets a critical hit, its attack is boosted by one
Type: Fire/Dark

New Stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 140 (+25)
Defense: 90
Special Attack: 80
Special Defense: 125 (+35)
Speed: 100 (+40)
(BST: 630)

New moves: Flying Press
Description: since this Pokemon is like a heel in wrestling in it base form, its mega gets more cockier. so it has a tendency of showing off when it does something amazing. the move i gave it was Flying Press, because in wrestling, you can jump off the top rope of the ring and slam your opponent

:primarina: Mega Primarina
New Ability
: Soothing Voice: This Pokemon has a 30% chance for its Sound type moves to make the opponent drowsy
Type: Water/Fairy

New Stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 74
Defense: 114 (+40)
Special Attack: 126
Special Defense: 156 (+40)
Speed: 80 (+20)
(BST: 630)

New moves: Confide, Uproar
Description: will do description later
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Mega Decidueye

New Ability
: Trace

: Grass | Ghost

New stats:
HP: 78
Attack: 107
Defense: 75 → 85 (+10)
Special Attack: 100 → 125 (+25)
Special Defense: 100 → 125 (+25)
Speed: 70 → 110 (+40)
BST: 530 → 630

New moves:

1) Concept
Since Decidueye is based on an archer, I imagined it would naturally try finding traces of Pokémon for hunting purposes. Moreover, the Pokédex entry mentions its careful nature, so Decidueye would need to be patient and cover its tracks during hunting. Hence why it has Trace as an ability.

2) Competitive
While Mega Noivern is meant to be used as a fast offensive pivot Pokémon, Mega Decidueye distinguishes itself from it through its wide range of support options.

Thanks to its secondary Ghost typing, Mega Decidueye can just rely on one offensive STAB move to hit as many targets as possible and have room for a lot of support options:
a) Mega Decidueye is a good Defog user that isn't scared too much by hazard setters, like Excadrill, Landorus-T, Garchomp, Heatran or Nidoqueen. Due to Spirit Shackles and the addition of Will-O-Wisp, it can discourage these Pokémon from staying in. Bear in mind the Grass typing is very useful for resisting Ground moves; if Mega Decidueye copies Flash Fire from Heatran through Trace, it doesn't have to worry about it anymore.
b) Mega Decidueye can be used as a Status spreader to support the team and has great synergy with Hex.
c) Mega Decidueye is able to combine its trapping potential with Curse and / or set-up moves like Nasty Plot and Swords Dance.

Mega Primarina

New Ability
: Stunning Aria
After using a Sound move, the user applies the Disable effect to targets if, and only if, they have used a move before. The effect of this ability fails if the user is affected by Throat Chop.

Type: Water | Fairy

New stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 74 → 89 (+15)
Defense: 74 → 89 (+15)
Special Attack: 126 → 156 (+30)
Special Defense: 116 → 126 (+10)
Speed: 60 → 90 (+30)
BST: 530 → 630

1) Concept
According to the Pokédex, Primarina are known for entertaining and mesmerizing people and Pokémon with their voices. Furthermore, they use their voices as weapons to defend themselves and are very creative in that regard, like causing explosions or a chain reaction or leaving opponents speechless. Thus, the new ability Stunning Aria is meant to encapsulate Mega Primarina's wonderful voice and its skills at tactics.

2) Competitive
Whether in Singles or in VGC, Mega Primarina is encouraged to use Sound moves, rewarding good strategic plays.

In Singles, Mega Primarina can combine Sparkling Aria with Calm Mind and Substitute to apply great pressure to the opponent. If Mega Primarina is behind Substitute, it can disrupt the new Pokémon switching in that is supposed to deal with it. However, your opponent can predict the Sound move and work around it by using a move they don't really need for Mega Primarina, thereby creating interesting mindgames.
Moreover, Mega Primarina can also take advantage of Sparkling Aria through Flip Turn to open the door for a set-up sweeper of your choice that no longer needs to fear a specific move of the opposing Pokémon.

In VGC, Mega Primarina can choose between Sparkling Aria, Hyper Voice, Growl, and Perish Song for more strategic plays as they hit several targets; in the case of the latter, Mega Primarina can be affected as well if it used a move before. Growl deserves a particular mention for lowering the Atk of opposing Pokémon and applying the Disable effect since it improves defensive plays from your side. This strategy becomes more potent with Protect and speed control options like Tailwind or Icy Wind. As for Perish Song, it has great synergy with Protect and a Shadow Tag user to stall turns and make it more difficult for the opponent to hurt your Pokémon effectively.
Collab w Paulluxx
:Decidueye: Mega Decidueye :Decidueye:

Ability: Nottingham - This pokemon is immune to dark type moves
HP: 78
Attack: 120 (+13)
Defense: 102 (+27)
Special Attack: 120 (+20)
Special Defense: 115 (+15)
Speed: 95 (+25)
New Moves: None
Description: So in terms of flavor, we drew inspiration from Robin Hood. Iirc, the sheriff of Nottingham is the villain of the Robin Hood story, so we gave Decidueye a dark type, as the sheriff is the villain. Robin Hood felt like it fit with the whole “archer bird” aesthetic (heh, robin is also a bird).
Competitively, this is a very unique take on a dual threat. Due to its remedied defenses and unique immunity and typing combo, Decidueye now functions as a defensive utility pick. With access to defog, knock off, leech seed, roost, and u-turn, this new pivot can knock the socks off (another pun, ayo) if its opponents. Additionally, dual 120 offense stats and access to SD and NP make it a double threat on both sides of the court. While it’ll be plagued by a remaining type weakness problem, crippling 4MSS, and being good in multiple areas but not the consummate in any, this versatile archer has a great shot (pun number 3) of making a big splash in m4a. Enjoy!

:Incineroar: Mega Incineroar :Incineroar:

Ability: Combo Counter - This pokemon has its attack stat raised one stage every time it hits 2 super effective moves in a row, and once again for every subsequent SE move afterwards. The combo counter resets any time a non SE move is used, but the boosts remain until the pokemon is switched out.
HP: 95
Attack: 130 (+15)
Defense: 110 (+20)
Special Attack: 105 (+25)
Special Defense: 105 (+15)
Speed: 85 (+25)
New Moves: None
Description: Incineroar is in smash bros, so I wanted to play off of that motif in my mega. In both smash bros and competitive pokemon, predictions are a large part of the game. I decided to base a pokemon off of correctly predicting the opponent (I did this for my Typhlosion as well). Mega Incineroar has a diverse coverage movepool, and the ability makes it so that Incineroar wants to be a 4 attack pokemon to maximize the combo counter potential. Being able to attack and get a boost in the same turn is rivaled only by beast boost, but the added condition for getting the boost is a mitigation to a normally overpowered prospect. In other words, this is the big brain mega. Of course, the beefed stats means it functions pretty well as a swords dance user, although it's middling speed leaves it susceptible to a host of revenge killers. I pumped a lot of stats into useless special attack as well to leave this thing from becoming too monstrous. Enjoy!

:Primarina: Mega Primarina :Primarina:

Ability: Swift Swim
HP: 80
Attack: 114 (+40)
Defense: 84 (+10)
Special Attack: 130 (+4)
Special Defense: 146 (+30)
Speed: 76 (+16)
New Moves: Shadow Claw
Description: For too long, m4a has been without rain! I tried to alleviate this by creating a pokemon analogous to Mega Swampert in ability and viability. Enter Mega Primarina. In Greek mythology, siren's used to sing songs to lure and kill sailors, so I thought it might be fun to create a villainous Primarina. Imagine an unshackled, more sinister Primarina with messier aqua locks and a more unhinged siren look instead of a mermaid (a bit spooky). Now, rain is very difficult to balance, so I took the liberty of giving this pokemon the most suboptimized stat distribution in history, by dumping 40 points into attack and still having it be significantly worse than special attack. In fact, this thing hits less hard with a stat of 130 than Mega Swampert's 150 attack and access to self-boosting with power up punch. Despite this, Mega Primarina can be insanely scary under the right set of circumstances. Rain boosted hydro pumps and STAB shadow balls are horrifying, and this thing has access to flip turn and some other strong stab options such as moonblast and energy ball. However, I purposefully left it frail on the defensive side of things, and the ghost typing makes it weak to sucker punch instead of resistant to sucker punch (I also checked and this thing is walled by Blissey, rain boosted pumps 3hko). Mega Primarina is an interesting take on a swift swim mega, and I hope I balanced it well enough because balancing these things is quite the Herculean task you enjoy!
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[Regional Manager of Big Shifu]
is a Community Contributor
Walking up to the Battle Royale, like it did so many years before, the now old but not frail champion of the ring has finally lent the belt to the next generation.

Once again, a collaboration between Blue and me! This time, it's a submission about Incineroar. Remember Mossy's old Nidoking submission? The one which had the famous ability called Dad? Well, Mossy just gave us his blessings, and we thought now would be a good opportunity to apply it to Incineroar. Instead of Dad, the ability would be called Coach, however, to allude to the idea of Incineroar retiring from its once glory days as a professional wrestler on the battle field and now training a new generation of rising stars!

Mega Incineroar

Fire | Dark

Ability: Co
When the user switches out, the Pokémon switching in recovers 1/8 of its health and has its status cured.

HP: 95
Atk: 115 → 80 (swap with SpA)
Def: 90 → 115 (+25)
SpA: 80 → 130 (swap with Atk, +15)
SpD: 90 → 115 (+25)
Spe: 60 → 95 (+35)
BST: 530 → 630

New Moves:
Rapid Spin, Coaching

In the same vein as Incineroar manifests itself as an excellent support Pokémon in VGC, its Mega form can now start shining in Singles; in fact, thanks to its great movepool, it can cause a lot of disruption to opposing Pokémon or provide support for your team.

Here are some examples
- you can spread Burn through Will-O-Wisp or Scorching Sands
- you can remove hazards through Rapid Spin
- you can remove items through Knock Off
- you can generate momentum and reduce the opponent's offense through Parting Shot

And the best thing about Incineroar is that, due to its dual Fire and Dark typing, it can sufficiently rely on its offensive STAB moves to hit many targets for, at least, neutral damage, and have room for support options! Intimidate is also neat to make progress against the opponent if you don't want to mega-evolve Incineroar yet; after all, offensive partners like Kartana have a much easier time to set-up in front of Pokémon who got their offensive stats reduced.

Stats Explanation
If you were wondering about Mega Incineroar's special bias, Paul and I thought that, if Mega Incineroar retires from its career, it no longer needs to prove its physical prowess. Now, from a competitive point of view, a special bias would allow Mega Incineroar to avoid items and abilities punishing the use of contact moves, thereby making it stay longer on the field. This becomes especially clear if it makes use of Overheat and Scorching Sands. While the former can OHKO Pokémon like Rillaboom or Corviknight, the latter can secure a 2HKO against Calm Heatran; Mega Incineroar doesn't need to invest into its SpA to achieve these things, therefore allowing you to spend EVs on speed and bulk!
As a sidenote, Overheat has excellent synergy with Parting Shot and the ability as, after a SpA drop, Mega Incineroar wants to switch out anyway to not lose momentum!
As for the increase in Mega Incineroar's speed and bulk, it allows for a lot of customization. For instance, you can try to outspeed Adamant Rillaboom and check offensive threats much better, for instance from Choice Specs Blacephalon, Choice Band Weavile or Kartana, among others.

The Ability's Impact on the Metagame
Thanks to its ability, Mega Incineroar can significantly strengthen defensive cores or offensive Pokémon using their typing and stats for defensive purposes. Pokémon taking advantage of its abilities are Tangrowth, Rilllaboom, Urshifu-Rapid-Strike or Tapu Fini, among others. The three former Pokémon can get rid off status issues, which is pretty huge since they tend to get inflicted by status a lot, for instance from Pokémon like Moltres, Nidoqueen or Zapdos. Tapu Fini, on the other hand, appreciates the extra recovery and can check Choice Spec Greninja or Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike much easier. If it runs a support set with Defog, it too appreciates status healing!

Finally, Mega Incineroar pairs well with Wish users like Clefable, Jirachi or Alolomola as it can check most Pokémon they fear respectivaly, like Kartana, Weavile, Blacephalon, Heatran, Scizor, and Rillaboom, among others. Relying on Wish is a great way to improve Mega Incineroar's longevity. After all, its lack of reliable recovery and weakness to hazards are what makes Mega Incineroar balanced, and they reward careful planning and plays.

In VGC, Mega Incineroar can be clutch if you want to play around Amoonguss's Spore. It also has Coaching to provide support for its partner. Like Arcanine, a speedy Mega Incineroar can be helpful to disrupt slower offensive Pokémon with Snarl, Taunt or Will-O-Wisp. It also benefits from premega intimidate in the same way base incineroar does.
:ss/incineroar:Mega Incineroar
New Ability
: Prankster
Type: Fire/Dark

New stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 115 ->135 (+20)
Defense: 90 ->120 (+30)
Special Attack: 80
Special Defense: 90 ->120 (+30)
Speed: 60 ->80 (+20)
(BST) 530 ->630

New moves
: Memento
Description: Incineroar has a lot of utility moves that it can use with prankster, like Will-O-Wisp or Parting Shot.
Sandbox: *rd135120080120080


Mega Primarina
New Ability
: Water Veil
Type: Water/Fairy

New stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 74 ->126 (flipped, +52) ->143 (+17, +69 in total with the flip)
Defense: 74 ->118 (+44)
Special Attack: 126 ->74 (flipped, -52)
Special Defense: 116 ->138 (+22)
Speed: 60 ->77 (+17)
(BST) 530 ->630

New moves
: Ally Switch, Wish
Description: Its ability can be used in different ways. It can switch into Will-O-Wisp and heal it when mega evolving. Also, it can switch into scalds and give scalds of its own.
Sandbox: *wf143118074138077
:primarina: Mega Primarina
New Ability
: Torrent/Liquid Voice ---> Crescendo
("When Mega Primarina successfully lands a damaging move, the users side of the field will receive a 20% damage increase for everytime that same move is used. The effect resets once any other move is selected, and caps at a 100% damage increase")
Type: Water/Fairy

New Stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 74 -> 114 (+40)
Defense: 74 -> 104 (+30)
SpAtk: 126 -> 136 (+10)
SpDef: 116 -> 126 (+10)
Speed: 60 -> 70 (+10)

New Moves: Snarl, Ice Ball, Terrain Pulse

Flavor: Mega Primarina's performances invigorate it's audience and encourages them to sing or dance along with it. With the audience in the mix, its power begins to rise exponentially, allowing it to show off its full-potential in the big finale! Partner pokemon that perform alongside primarina can feel the energy resonating inside of them, and slowly fall into a trance themselves.

Competitive: Mega Primarina is a slow snowballer that can create a lot of pressure on the opposing pokemon and constantly tries to force out a switch from them. This ability makes Primarina punish those switches and possibly reward its own, as its ability allows the replacement to gain the upper hand just because Primarina clicked a move it happened to know! Primarina is encouraged to run mixed or supportive sets for its team due to its increased bulk and much higher physical attack. Mega Primarina would much rather setup on its own however, chipping its foes down with Draining Kiss and racking up tons of damage over a short period of time, and even after Calm Mind it might never touch another move again. Mega Primarina's only fear is Torment, which has been reintroduced in the form of Mega Porygon-Z.

Its added moves can all be helpful in creating more unique ways to abuse this ability and the abilities it has prior to using Mega Evolution.

Primarina has a huge variety of different strategies, and there are loads of them. Some aren't even on the list below! But please take a look at the following moves Primarina can run, and the partners who'd run them:
Acrobatics - :hawlucha::rillaboom: This combination can pull off a lot of damage especially with hawlucha, trying to take advantage of an item like grassy seed to spam acro. Primarina might set up hawlucha beforehand, so that Hawlucha can effectively relive the glory days of Huge Power Masquerade.
Aqua Jet - :crawdaunt::azumarill: A daunting strategy involving priority spam. Unfortunately Tapu Lele ends it in its tracks.
Encore - :primarina: This allows primarina to bring in its allies a little more easily for them to snowball, it also forces switches which means you might even get a good headstart.
Facade - :obstagoon::conkeldurr::flareon::luxray: Having a really strong facade alongside guts could be helpful. Obstagoon benefits greatly from having dark stab to hit ghosts.
Return/Frustration - :diggersby: Huge Power with a choice band really knocks anything this thing hits straight out of the ball park.
Flip Turn - :barraskewda::primarina::keldeo::dhelmise::swampert::dragalge::milotic: All of these could be decent partners for a Flip Turn team. You have 2 potential wallbreakers, a hazard setter, a spinner, and a competitive/defiant abuser.
Hidden Power - :primarina::zoroark: Hidden power could be unique to pull off a guessing game between each pokemon, as to what hidden power they might bring. They might even bring STAB hidden power just to get extra damage off from metronome or a choice item. Zoroark could really confuse a player if the pokemon its hiding as brings another type of HP.
Echoed Voice/Ice Ball - :swellow::sandslash-alola: These pokemon can pull off dangerous combinations being able to carry their damage multipliers so smoothly, though Sandslash can still be locked into its attack.
Triple Axel - :weavile::pheromosa::sawsbuck-winter: "Wait but Pheramosa and Sawsbuck-Mega can't be on the same team as mega primarina! Well technically yes, unless you're playing megas for two or megas for all ubers? Anyway the obvious one is weavile. What can i say other than its an incredible nuke with doubled triple axel BP.
Psychic/Moonblast - :tapu lele::unknown: Provides support for other special wallbreakers and itself.
Play Rough/Liquidation - :mawile-mega::azumarill::zacian-crowned: Azumarill is already really strong, Play Rough or Liquidation becomes unwallable if it ever manages to reach 100%. Feraligatr's really looking forward to Sheer Force LO 2x Liquidation.
Shadow Ball - :gengar::spectrier::dragapult::blacephalon::chandelure::aegislash: They can carry on momentum with Specs, Scarf or even on Sub/Toxic or Sub/Disable sets. (not used within the same order)
Stored Power - :clefable::espeon::victini: Can all become very powerful if their moves gain a damage increase.
Terrain Pulse - :indeedee: a weaker alternative to expanding force, but can still pack a punch.
Draining Kiss - :hatterene::magearna::gardevoir::tapu lele: Magearna's ability would allow draining kiss to obliterate anything in sight. Good thing its banned. The other 3 can pull off the same thing with a specs set or other variant, also allowing some critical recovery in the process.
Weather Ball - :primarina::pelipper::charizard::torkoal::ninetales::venusaur::vanilluxe::ninetales-alola::gigalith: This move is niche for weather teams, and could be interesting on a team with multiple weather conditions all at once. The move becomes very strong under Rain or Sun, and can change type through Hail and Sandstorm to create an interesting damage chain.
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formerly I-Deepblue-I

:incineroar: Name: Mega-Incineroar

Typing: Fire/Dark

Ability: Showdown
Ability Description: While this Pokémon is present, all Pokémon are prevented from restoring any HP. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. Regenerator is also suppressed.
(This is an already-existing custom ability, credits to IsoCon 's Mega-Staraptor for introducing this ability!)

HP: 95
ATK: 135 (+20)
DEF: 100 (+10)
SPA: 120 (+40)
SPD: 100 (+10)
SPE: 80 (+20)
BST: 630 (+100)

Description: Mega-Incineroar is a wallbreaker which specializes in wearing down and forcing defensive teams into awkward positions, as its ability, Showdown, prevents opposing Pokemon from recovering from previous attacks, mixed attacking stats, which help Incineroar hit enemies from both sides, and it also gives it non-recoil inducing fire STAB, good natural bulk, which prevent it from getting instantly forced out my offensive Pokemon, and pivoting options in U-Turn and Parting Shot.


:primarina: Name: Mega-Primarina

Typing: Water/Fairy

Ability: Rallentando
Ability Description: This Pokemon's Special Attack stat increases by 1 stage and its Speed decreases by 1 stage every turn.

HP: 80
ATK: 101 (+27)
DEF: 84 (+10)
SPA: 136 (+10)
SPD: 126 (+10)
SPE: 103 (+43)
BST: 630 (+100)

Description: Mega-Primarina is both a revenge killer and a snowballer, as its solid speed tier and amazing defensive typing allow it to easily force offensive Pokemon out and immediately threaten a sweep, as its ability and access to Calm Mind and Substitute can boost its survivability and power immensely.
On VGC, this Pokemon is an excellent pick in Trick Room teams thanks to its amazing ability having its main drawback removed.
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Decidueyeded (hehe) not to sub the backup version because it overlaps a bit with okispokis's sub.

Incineroar-M @ Incinerite
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Tag Team
On switch-in, this Pokémon makes a substitute. (Still takes 25% health)
Stats: 95/135/115/85/115/85, 630

New Moves: Circle Throw, Storm Throw, Vital Throw

Design: Wrestling is known for its tag teams, a team of two wrestlers who constantly switch between each other. Instead of a second person, Incineroar has a substitute that it uses to take hits before it joins the fight itself.

Competitive Description: Its ability allows it to switch in almost for free, allowing it to use certain moves without the fear of dying to a strong attacker. However, its weakness to rocks and lack of reliable recovery (only has rest and drain punch) means that it needs some support to reach its full potential.

Primarina @ Primarinite
Type: Water/Fairy
Ability: Comatose
Stats: 80/104/104/146/136/60, 630

New Moves: None

Design: Primarina is based of a mermaid and a sea lion. Manatees have historically been confused with mermaids. What do manatees and sea lions have in common? They are the only non-whale mammals that exhibit USWS, the phenomenon in which the animal only sleeps with half their brain, keeping the other awake and alert.

Competitive Description: This Pokémon will probably run a defensive set. It works in pretty much the same way as Tapu Fini, however it exchanges its ability to have passive recovery and support its teammates, for access to Flip Turn and permanent immunity to status.
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:decidueye: Mega Decidueye
Ability: Nefarious - at the end of every turn, all Pokémon on the field take 1/10 damage.
HP: 78
Atk: 107 --> 142 (+35)
Def: 75 --> 80 (+5)
Sp.Atk: 100 --> 130 (+30)
Sp.Def: 100 --> 115 (+15)
Spe: 70 --> 85 (+15)
New Moves: Torment, Leech Seed

The term "nefarious" is a close parallel to "sinister," which is used to describe its signature Z-Move. Additionally, Decidueye is obviously some sort of archer - or in a more modern/military perspective, a sniper. They're especially effective in Forest/Jungle environments, where hiding areas are plentiful. However, because they often camp out in the same hiding areas for extremely long periods of time, they often suffer side effects and health consequences, although generally not without inflicting significantly more damage on the opposing forces and wearing them out much faster. In a longer battle, Decidueye might be a bird that would be accustomed to a forest environment, but realistically, it would probably still suffer negative consequences from needing to hide for long periods of time and stalk foes when put into a battle of attrition, as its Pokédex entries seem to imply its more used to very quick battles.
Torment obviously has no use competitively most of the time, but it serves as neat flavor for a Pokémon that's supposed to be nefarious, and also stalking its foe over a long period of time while wearing it down.

Decidueye is a really interesting breaker in that not much resists its stab combo (at least, that we commonly see in OU right now); we have Hydreigon, I guess, and Bulletproof Kommo-O (if special with Shadow Ball). There are a lot of soft checks, such as Heatran, Corvi, Blissey (if special), Pex, Bulu, Ferro, Defensive Kommo-O, etc. While it will still struggle against the mons that have access to reliable recovery, those that rely purely on leftovers are forced to take even more chip because of Nefarious, allowing Decidueye to break a lot more easily and sometimes even get 2HKOs (esp. with access to NPlot and SD). This can, in turn, force more switches, allowing you to either Roost, set up, or hit another switch-in for extra damage. Offensive switch-ins also often don't have recovery, allowing you to wear them down more easily. It also has extra SpDef and a tiny bit more Def, which will hopefully allow it to roost on more stuff and absorb moves like Knock Off slightly better (but not significantly). Something like Protect can also be run in order to force more chip on mons without any recovery. Meanwhile, Decidueye is able to keep up its own HP either by using Roost, or Giga Drain on special sets.
Leech Seed was added as an additional way to force more chip onto its opponents if you're defensively trying to wear them down, while keeping up your own HP.
Here's some ideas for spicy sets; using Spirit Shackle, it can lock fatter stuff in, or certain offensive switchins, when they switch in and force them to waste PP on healing. You can run a bulkier set, as you continuously force damage through Nefarious anyway, and you can keep your own HP up with roosts (or if you wanna be extra spicy, use Spite to even take out mons that have extra recovery without wasting too much of your own), paving the way for other stuff to sweep. Protect + Torment can also be used to stop mons that want to pivot out with offensive pivot moves. I'm not sure if such sets would ever be used in practice, but I think it's at least funny in theory. :P
tfw you're comp council but this is your first sub v.v
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Hello :3
Hope i'm not doing too much bad with those subs. Just observing pet mods and passed by.
Where i can play it and test the new megas?
Any way, here they are:

Mega Decidueye
Type: Grass/Ghost
Ability: Tinted Lens
New moves: nope

Hp: 78
Atk: 127 (+20)
Def: 100 (+25)
Spa: 120 (+20)
Spd: 125 (+25)
Spe: 80 (+10)

Decidueye never miss a single arrow! His eyes are faster than light.
Tinted Lens is an underused and interesting ability that fit the owl theme (Noctowl also has it) as well as archer theme. It is also a good ability for a grass-type to have, and for coverage/chip damage, like U-turn.

Mega Primarina
Type: Water/Fairy
Ability: Siren Song
Using sound-based moves removes status conditions off all members of the party, except for ones with Soundproof.
New moves: nope

Hp: 80
Atk: 84 (+10)
Def: 114 (+40)
Spa: 136 (+10)
Spd: 156 (+40)
Spe: 60

Primarina's songs are so angelical that can heal it's partners from status conditions!
This basically gives Primarina free Heal Bells with her signature move, Sparkling Aria. With great bulk and typing, this makes Mega-Primarina the ultimate cleric. It can even be used as a perish trapper.

Mega Incineroar
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Provoke
Provokes its targets uppon switch, decreasing the power of moves that affects more than 1 target decrease by 50% (moves that affects all pokemon adjacent to the user, like earthquake, and moves that affects all foes, like rock slide).
New moves: Morning Sun, Sludge Bomb

Hp: 95
Atk: 115
Def: 115 (+25)
Spa: 115 (+35)
Spd: 115 (+25)
Spe: 75 (+15)

The malicious fighter now provokes enemies just by looking at them.
Incineroar is already the king of VGC with fake out intimidade. Now, with this ability, its reign is increased. Spread moves are huge threats on VGC, and incineroar is weak to the 3 main used ones: Surf, Rock Slide and Earthquake.
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Mega Incineroar
Types: Fire/Dark
Mega Stone: Incinerite
Average Height: 2,1 meters
Average Weight: 166 kg (doubled) HP: 95
ATK: 130(+15)
DEF: 125(+35)
SP.ATK: 110(+30)
SP.DEF: 105(+15)
SPEED: 65(+5)
Ability: Cheap Heat - When this Pokémon uses an attack, both its attacking stat and the target's defending stats are increased by one stage, for the duration of the attack.
New Moves: Punishment, Storm Throw, Focus Energy, Night Slash.
Mega Evolution has enhanced this Pokémon's physical strength, as well as making both its flames and its personality even more intense than before. It will often try to show off its empowered new form by performing dangerous and impressive stunts, which often results in it getting overwhelmed by the challenges it imposes on itself.
This Pokémon will use any chances it has to attract other's attention, which may end up putting it in dangerous situations due to recklessness. Such recklessness is further encouraged by its ability to overcome physical challenges, which is sharply increased by Mega Evolution.
"If both Incineroar gets an attack boost and its target gets a defense boost, does it really change anything?" WELL, I'M GLAD YOU ASKED, FRIEND! Yes! Yes it does!. First of all, the more boosts you have in a stat, the less another boost will matter. So, for example, if your opponent has 5 boosts in defense, you will deal less damage than what you would if they had 6, and you had 1 boost in attack. Secondly, Critical Hits! Critical Hits ignore both negative stat changes to the attacker's attacking stat and positive changes to the target's defending stat. That means that if you deal a Critical Hit, you'll basically get a free boost to your attacking stat. This pairs up well with moves that have higher Crit. chances, such as Blaze Kick and Cross Chop, or new additions such as Night Slash, as well as Focus Energy and Storm Throw. And at last but not least, this ability interacts in interesting ways with unique moves. Darkest Lariat ignores the target's stat changes, which means that using it grants you a free attack boost, for that move, if both Pokémon have no stat changes, for example! Not only that, but, due to the opponent getting a boost, you also get a burn, if you use Burning Jealousy! This ability also does give moves like Power Trip or Punishment a bit more Base Power, which surely promises fun interactions.
Sure, in many cases Mega Incineroar will do no more than just try to spice up the battle and hype things up, but be aware that this hype might be dangerous as well... for the opponent of course!

Mega Decidueye
Types: Grass/Ghost
HP: 78
ATK: 132(+25)
DEF: 80(+5)
SP.ATK: 115(+15)
SP.DEF: 120(+20)
SPEED: 105(+35)
Ability: Moxie

Mega Primarina
Types: Water/Fairy
HP: 80
ATK: 104(+30)
DEF: 84(+10)
SP.ATK: 146(+20)
SP.DEF: 146(+30)
SPEED: 70(+10)
Ability: Soft Pop - When this Pokémon uses a sound move, it places a bubble on the target(s). When a Pokémon with a bubble on it uses a physical attack, it pops, causing it to switch out into a random ally.
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Mega Decidueye
New Ability
: Confining Vines (Applies the Forest's Curse effect on trapped opponents)

New stats:
HP: 78
Attack: 107(+25) --> 132
Defense: 75(+25) --> 100
Special Attack: 100(+30) --> 130
Special Defense: 100
Speed: 70(+20) --> 90
(BST): 530(+100) --> 630

New moves: Focus Blast, Earth Power
The only other Pokemon with Forest's Curse is :trevenant: Trevenant, which shares a lot of similarities with Decidueye, from the Grass/Ghost typing to trapping things being a part of their flavor. Interestingly enough though, Trevenant doesn't have any trapping moves despite its dex entries saying it manipulates trees to make sure those who harm the forest can't leave. Meanwhile, Decidueye's signature move, Spirit Shackle, is all about trapping. So I decided to make Decidueye apply the Forest's Curse effect too.
From a competitive standpoint, moves which change the opponent's types are pretty unviable. Having to use up a move slot and a turn to add a type modification which is removed upon switching out isn't the best. To my knowledge, the only instance of type changing moves being viable is Soak on :pyukumuku: Pyukumuku being used to Toxic Steel or Poison types, and to be honest, it would probably use something else if it had the movepool. So how do we make this unique mechanic better? Well, we throw it on an ability, of course.
Confining Vines makes Decidueye a really nice offensive support Pokemon. The ability to add an extra Grass type to the opponent actually comes in handy more than you'd expect. Grass is the type tied for the most weaknesses with Rock, so there's plenty of ways to abuse it. On Decidueye itself, Brave Bird or Hurricane can help in knocking out a lot of things if used after Spirit Shackle. U-turn is excellent for dealing supereffective damage and pivoting to something that can take advantage of the opponent's Grass type at the same time. The added Defensive bulk means that it can take physical hits better and then Roost its health back.
However, this does come with a few flaws. Since the offenses are mixed, Decidueye doesn't hit very hard on either side. While the Speed tier is decent, it isn't very impressive for a Mega Evolution, so it can't simply trap an opponent, set up with Swords Dance or Nasty Plot, and sweep. Its bulk isn't the best either. Overall, this helps balance it out, since dealing damage, trapping the opponent, and changing the opponent's type in the same turn is quite strong.

Mega Incineroar
New Ability
: Two-Minded

New stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 115(+25) --> 140
Defense: 90(+15) --> 105
Special Attack: 80(+30) --> 110
Special Defense: 90(+15) --> 105
Speed: 60(+15) --> 75
(BST): 530(+100) --> 630

New moves: Stone Edge
So I learned quite a bit about professional wrestling from Wikipedia while doing research for Incineroar, and one thing I found fascinating was the concept of faces and heels. In a nutshell, faces are meant to act out the good guy whereas the heels act out the bad guy. Now while Incineroar may clearly seem like a heel, there's something interesting in its Shield Pokedex entry: "Incineroar's rough and aggressive behavior is its most notable trait, but the way it helps out small Pokémon shows that it has a kind side as well." And this is quite a stretch, but even its typing shows a duality, from the warmth of Fire to the coldness of Dark. Thus I had the idea of a Mega Incineroar with a split personality, hence Two-Minded.
Currently the signature ability of :reuniclus: Mega Reuniclus, Two-Minded allows Incineroar to get +2 in Attack from Overheat (the equivalent of a Swords Dance) and +1 to both Special Attack and Special Defense from Superpower (the equivalent of a Calm Mind). This lets it become a very efficient wallbreaker. And compared to Reuniclus, Incineroar has much better Speed with the bonus of opting for a drawbackless Close Combat instead of bouncing back to the Special side with Superpower, as well as Intimidate pre-mega so it doesn't mind the Defense drops from Superpower as much. So how on earth is this thing balanced? Well, I'm glad you asked. (What do you mean you didn't ask?)
First of all, Mega Reuniclus hits way harder than Incineroar with all of its relevant moves, which is fair when you take the Speed difference into account. Overheat is weaker than Psycho Boost, Superpower and Close Combat are non STAB on Incineroar, and it has the inverse of Reuniclus' offensive stats so that it's weaker overall. In addition to this, Incineroar wears itself down much more rapidly, as it has no reliable recovery, a Stealth Rocks weakness instead of a resistance, and if it goes for Flare Blitz, the one move that can outdamage Reuniclus, it loses even more HP from recoil. Finally, Mega Incineroar values all 6 of its stats, and while that can lead to more creative stat spreads, it also means that there has to be a compromise somewhere.

Mega Primarina
New Ability
: Dancer

New stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 74(+6) --> 80
Defense: 74(+6) --> 80
Special Attack: 126(+9) --> 135
Special Defense: 116(+24) --> 140
Speed: 60(+55) --> 115
(BST): 530(+100) --> 630

New moves: None
Here's :brionne: Brionne's Ultra Sun Pokedex entry: "It gets excited when it sees a dance it doesn't know. This hard worker practices diligently until it can learn that dance." There could not be a better candidate for Dancer.
Interestingly enough, we already have another Mega Evolution with Dancer, that being :kricketune: Mega Kricketune. However, Kricketune is a physical attacker that doesn't unlock the full potential of its ability. Primarina, meanwhile, can do a lot of things. First of all, it is a Fairy type, which means it can scare out most Dragon Dance users while gaining a +1 to Speed. If you manage to use Calm Mind as the opponent switches, you basically get the equivalent of a Quiver Dance. Speaking of Quiver Dance, Primarina's Fairy typing allows it to resist Bug STAB, making it an effective check to users of the move.
Now I would like to talk about two Pokemon that have their own signature dance moves: :volcarona: Volcarona and :kommo-o: Kommo-O. Mega Primarina is an excellent counter for both of these. First of all, Primarina has the Speed advantage over Volcarona, so it just outspeeds Timid even with a Modest nature. Volcarona can't set up Quiver Dance when Primarina is active, has two STABs which it resists, and a non STAB non boosted Giga Drain doesn't make a dent on its 140 Special Defense. Meanwhile, Primarina can hit back with supereffective Water STAB and can potentially copy a Fiery Dance on the switch to gain +1 in Special Attack. Kommo-O can't do much to it either. Primarina copies Clangorous Soul to gain an omniboost and is immune to Clangorous Soulblaze. Kommo-O's STABs are futile against it. And a single 4x supereffective STAB Moonblast from Primarina can OHKO it. This means that Mega Primarina is a great partner for teammates which fear Volcarona or Kommo-O, and can enable them to be much more efficient.
However, Primarina itself has a few problems. First of all, it doesn't have access to reliable recovery, so it can gradually get worn down from hazard chip damage while trying to switch into dance move users. It also has to watch out for Poison Jab from Kommo-O and Giga Drain from Volcarona while switching in. Without a way to recover health, it can be broken through eventually.
Interestingly enough, that's just the case for Singles. In VGC, Primarina's sworn foes become its best friends. Kommo-O can allow it to get an omniboost. Volcarona can either let it set up with QD or attack with Fiery Dance. These two also complement Primarina well naturally, creating a powerful combination.
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Hello again, everyone!
As per usual, this post will be an end-of-submission-phase feedback post and a roughly 24-hour warning for the current submission phase, in order to give time to respond to the feedback in question. C:


If I don't mention your sub in this post, it's probably fine balance-wise and you're not required to make any changes! It doesn't mean I forgot!​

Very general notice to everyone:
Please consider whether your Ability might be usable in the future and consider giving it an open-ended name rather than something super specific to one Pokémon! Abilities can and should have some flavor in general, and it's okay if you're more specific than the effect calls for (that's a key part of the creativity of finding the next potential candidate!), but an Ability that's so specific to the one Pokémon that nothing else could ever use it for flavor reasons alone is usually just bothersome to future submitters and can be unintuitive, so think carefully about whether the name you choose is appropriate!
As a general rule when naming Abilities, it might help to name it for the quality of the Pokémon that you think is related to the effect, not for the Pokémon itself. In addition, the more generally useful the Ability's effect, the more open its name should be to interpretation!

This has not always been common knowledge, and we have not always been great at it throughout the mod's history - there are even a handful Abilities I made myself whose names I have regretted later on because of how limiting they were to future submitters!
The most important thing is to be better about it going forward, not to use existing names as precedent and say "this must be okay if that other one was."
We can also look into renaming custom Abilities that are proving problematic in this way in the future! But be aware that renaming Abilities is sort of an inconvenient chain of events that affects a lot of places, and it's even caused outright bugs before, so it's something to avoid and we should try as hard as possible to get around the necessity of it.

Also, always consider having as few movepool additions as possible! We don't have hard rules on these but if you have even five or six you're probably doing something wrong

Also, an update on :decidueye: Decidueye:​

I got permission to disallow Taunt on all subs, so I am here to disallow Taunt on all subs.
Taunt has very dangerous synergy with Spirit Shackle, and with Taunt added, Decidueye would be the first and only Pokémon to have the combination of Taunt, spammable offensive trapping, reliable recovery and setup; it already has an amazing movepool, we feel this sounds unhealthy and like bad design to allow.
If your Decidueye has Taunt, it will not be vetoed just for that, but Taunt will not be added to Decidueye's movepool if it wins. C:
Thank you for understanding!

:decidueye: Hi! Okay, so first of all, I really like this one conceptually and I want to express my support of it before I recommend any changes O:
I think there are a ton of cool applications for an Ability like this and the execution here is actually so cool!! That said, ink and I were talking about it and we did have a small concern on this one!

So, Decidueye can definitely still go convincingly physical with an Ability like this (Poltergeist just barely outdamages Shadow Ball with these stats, though Shadow Ball is obviously more reliable and spammable, and it has both SD and Plot!); with that in mind, we definitely should be prepared for the way full-physical sets might make use of the Ability as well.
Personally, I actually really like the direction you've taken the stats for this concept - I think pushing it to be specially biased for the most part and making the Ability a way to punish obvious switch-ins and grab an unusual form of momentum from the escape is really cool, and incentivizing mixed options as a form of utility sounds fun as heck! also people who are not cowards will run Low Sweep on this for maybe the coolest compression and coverage move in the game
The only real reservations we have are with Spirit Shackle, which comes with trapping and -1 Defense at the same time (which is a dangerous combination that negates the usual response to Fire Lash-esque moves while amplifying their power significantly), and to a lesser extent Poltergeist, which is just Decidueye's strongest physical move by far and (though it's probably not broken on this!) likely interferes with your goal of mixed and specially-biased sets as opposed to full-physical utility and wallbreaking.
We noticed that you didn't mention either of these in your post and that they probably weren't the moves you wanted to enable, so that feels like something it might be worthwhile to avoid, right?

Both to avoid Spirit Shackle and Poltergeist as potential problem and to help lean into your creative use of Decidueye as a mixed utility cleaner, I would personally enthusiastically recommend but not require making the Ability activate from contact moves rather than physical moves! I just think that encompasses all of its coolest utility options (U-turn as intended, Low Kick, Knock... Shadow Sneak or Sucker Punch also sounds cool in VGC and I would totally run it) while avoiding other potential problems, and that would be my personal favorite route for you to take!
I think this is actually one of my favorite subs already and maybe the best this Ability concept has been executed (and I don't think you're the only one who's tried!), so I'm actually really excited about it now that I've given it some thought!! but that's just my personal take on one change that could be beneficial to the way it plays C:

If you can, please also consider renaming the Ability so that Pokémon other than Decidueye can conceivably use it in the future!
This stands out as a particularly widely applicable effect and it doesn't really have anything to do with the name you've given it, so it would be nice if it were something more general.
It's more than okay if it's keyed towards a specific type or class of Pokémon as long as that's not entirely specific to Decidueye's flavor, though!


:primarina: Hi! I am afraid I have to veto this one because Primarina learns Perish Song and I think that sounds problematic, sorry;;

:decidueye: This one I have to veto both for brokenness see the recent Mega Trevenant nerf and redundancy see the, uh... just see Mega Trevenant really - and Gourgeist, for that matter, which has the equivalent gimmick of Prankster recovery but just not for draining moves. We do not need a third Grass/Ghost with the same gimmick and I do not trust that this would be balanced with it.

:primarina: As noted by the thread rules, we can veto subs for just being an Ability but better or just being two Abilities that already exist in one. I will be invoking that here because I do not believe there is a compelling reason to allow this and I am against it. I also do not think that the Ability being unaffected by the items Damp Rock and Terrain Extender is a valid or relevant way to "keep it in check" or negate that argument; it would be better not to allow it at all.

Your Incineroar is fine I think! May I recommend adding Focus Energy and/or Storm Throw? Not for balance reasons I just think it sounds cool - and it has Flame Charge for reliable Speed boosting anyway, so something more consistent than true RNG crits is probably necessary
but yes I will be vetoing both Decidueye and Primarina here, sorry;;

:decidueye::incineroar::primarina: You already know this is not allowed because I already objected to it, but you didn't acknowledge that here and said I should just deal with it in the veto post, so:
- Announcement aside, these posts are already banned from all submissions, as can be seen in the thread OP. Please check the rules before submitting!
- Making a group of submissions like this that only makes any sense if all three of them are together is never a good idea, because even if one of them could get anywhere near winning which it won't because these are terrible anyway and I have no doubt you know that, but suspend your disbelief for a moment, there is no way in absolute heck that all three of them will. There has only been one clean sweep in the mod's history, and it wasn't for a forced gimmick like this; in fact, I don't think a deliberately coordinated pair of subs has ever won even once.
Honestly, please don't bother posting here if you're not going to participate in good faith. This is not the place for you to make bad jokes just to farm reaction points.

:decidueye: Really sorry, but I'm gonna veto this one for being uncompetitive as an effect - allowing the Pokémon to pass Substitutes to its allies, even at the cost of its own HP, is super dangerous and probably more so than you realize. This makes it impossible to punish Decidueye's switches and allows its allies free turns of status immunity and safe setup for absolutely no cost, as well as preventing revenging if they just manage an efficient KO before it fades. Substitute is an amazing move against stall as it is, and doing it passively at all (let alone sharing it with teammates instead of limiting it to one Pokémon) is not something we can safely allow.

:primarina: I don't like offensive Yawn, personally.
In a singles context which I know you care about more - I'm not going to put emphasis on VGC because you were open about not liking that as a reason, but suffice it to say this is obviously much more problematic there, the counterplay to Yawn is to switch out immediately on the turn when a Pokémon should be put to sleep; the problem here is that you can spam Yawn indefinitely, with relatively high-power moves of different types (including a 90 BP STAB), while still doing damage, which hurts your opponent a lot more than uselessly spamming the status move Yawn. Primarina also has Flip Turn to get the momentum advantage whenever it decides its opponent is more likely to pivot out and can actually make progress.
Accordingly, I think this effect sounds uncompetitive and will be vetoing it. I think it would be a bad design choice to allow this.

:incineroar: This is fine but please consider toning down the movepool additions it does not need that many

:decidueye: See above for Taunt! That will not be allowed. Meanwhile, Decidueye already has Tailwind, so you don't need to add that!
Uh, that issue aside, this sounds like a really strong sub and I'm kind of uncomfortable with it? Spirit Shackle is already a great move, but adding Leech Seed to its effect might be pretty broken, actually; the counterplay to Leech Seed and the counterplay to Spirit Shackle overlap very little and it's certainly by design that Decidueye doesn't even have the move in canon. While I don't think adding Leech Seed to its movepool will break it, I'm very much less comfortable compressing them like this on a Pokémon with as excellent a movepool for stallbreaking as Decidueye's.
Personally I would lean towards outright vetoing this if changes are not made, but I will leave it to the discretion of the council member who compiles Decidueye if they think it's fine as-is and just strongly encourage reconsidering the Ability.


:decidueye: Aaa, really sorry to disappoint you, but uh-- someone else actually shared this same idea in the Discord, and the reason they didn't beat you to putting it in the thread was because I had already vetoed it.
I am not personally comfortable allowing this; Ghost is a strong as heck attacking type, and 143 BP Poltergeist is way too much on a Pokémon with this much Speed and SD. Really, all of Decidueye's best moves are non-contact already (and non-contact moves are inherently less punishable than contact moves in general - that's why there's no non-contact Tough Claws clone as it is and why there's no "Long Reach but backwards!" making contact is strictly a downside in itself, so being non-contact is a reward in itself, and I'm sure even a canon Tough Claws-in-reverse would have a smaller boost if one ever existed at all, and the fact that this Ability enables both physical and special sets with both SD and NP and with several of the most spammable moves in the game makes me really uncomfortable.
I am not really a fan of cloning Tough Claws for non-contact moves in general, so I wouldn't really recommend just nerfing the stats and calling it good - I would prefer if you went with a different Ability altogether instead, myself - but it's up to you how to handle this exactly! FWIW, if you prefer to redistribute its stats, I think with Decidueye's current movepool that you have a bit more leeway on the special side than the physical side, if you're not sure where to dump stats and feel you must raise an attacking stat.


:decidueye: Stakeout is a crazy-strong Ability traditionally balanced by being on Pokémon that are, uh, bad - I appreciate the synergy with Spirit Shackle and think that's a cool effect, but I'm afraid there's just no way I can see it being balanced on a Pokémon with Decidueye's movepool overall or this much Speed. ;-;
There are some people I know were considering doing Analytic already (EeveeGirl1380 and ARandomPerson maaay or may not have been collaborating on this?), and I am not sure if they moved on from the idea, so I hesitate to suggest this (if they do get around to their sub later, I will have to accept that over yours because I know they got to it first), but in case they decided to drop the idea and went with something else, I should point out that Analytic is a very similar Ability for your purposes including Spirit Shackle synergy while being quite a lot milder and less likely to be broken. If you're looking for a quick fix to your sub, you could consider just replacing Stakeout with that, though again I would have to prioritize their sub if they eventually finish it.
In either case, I'm definitely going to have to veto this as it is, sorry;;;
It's up to you what you want to do with it from here, though!
also, Pursuit is not boosted by Stakeout in any situation at all, just to let you know - it is not an effective move to combine with this Ability!

:incineroar: (There is absolutely nothing wrong with this whatsoever, so really sorry if my pinging made you nervous!! This is not a veto or even really a criticism, just a super minor note!)
But uh, it might be worth noting that we've had a similar Ability in the form of :zebstrika: Mega Zebstrika's Vajra, that changes Dark-type moves to Electric moves and raises their power by 20% (just like an -ate, not like Liquid Voice).
It's totally your choice, but I thought I should let you know that a similar Ability existed and that you would be able to have the same 20% boost if you wanted/without raising any eyebrows!
I don't think it would break your sub at all (you wouldn't have to change any stats to accommodate for it or anything as far as I can tell!), so it's completely up to you and I am just letting you know the option is there. C:

:incineroar: Hi! Sorry, but we discussed this on the Discord and concluded that it would have problematic implications and would likely be uncompetitive in all formats, so I am vetoing this. This Ability is problematic because it invalidates a ton of important strategies, like residual effects and setup, while enabling hazards to a dangerous extent; with one player's team being built around taking advantage of this and the other presumably only prepared for the meta as a whole, this can create extremely lopsided and unfair battles in Incineroar's favor and damages the variety of team styles that would be viable in the meta, so we can't allow it.
I really like the flavor though;;; I love the Rumble games

:decidueye: Caaan I recommend dropping Leech Seed? (see my opinion of ShinGen and Jake88's Decidueye from earlier)
Not sure if it would be strictly broken, but it feels like a bad thing to enable with an Ability this consistent all the same, since even basic counterplay like pivoting is not applicable here.
That aside, I think this overlaps a bit much with jazzmat's sub in function (actually jazzmat if you would be willing to reevaluate Leech Seed as well that might be a good idea since I feel your sub is one of the stronger stallbreakers here either way), so I feel like I should draw your attention to each other and make sure you're both okay with this/suggest combining your efforts or recommend that one of you withdraw if you don't want to compete directly. I feel like it would be wrong to include both of these in the vote separately, myself, but I will leave that up to you I think?

Edit after talking it over with jazzmat: yeah, we were hoping you would be okay just excluding your Decidueye for overlap with theirs if that's okay with you;;
(I will ping you about this on Discord as well to be sure you can see it in case you've already read this!)


:primarina: Hi! I know we talked about this a bit yesterday on the Discord and it's possible you might not have had a chance to edit your post yet, but it's equally possible that I didn't communicate my stance well enough, so just to be clear either way: I'm personally not really comfortable allowing your Primarina as it is and I think it would be better to exclude it? The main thing that has me concerned is that Dancer only has one application that could ever be detrimental to an opponent, and that application is forcing Pokémon to copy Lunar Dance.
While this is surely irrelevant in singles since the Pokémon can just switch out if a Cresselia or Smeargle comes in, and Mega Primarina can simply be banned separately in VGC, I feel this is still an unsound design choice and that it would be optically bad and unrealistic to allow it. If nothing else: I'm sure the first thing anyone does when they try to use Primarina would be to look up what undesirable moves they could force the opponent to copy, and Lunar Dance is the only apparent answer to that at all; this is something I'm really against and I don't like how it would reflect on the mod even if it isn't actually effective as a strategy.
For all other purposes, even if it's less flavorfully unique, the Ability would be the same or better if it just suppressed Abilities in the same way as Gastro Acid or Core Enforcer; I would really strongly advise you to go with that instead!

:decidueye: This is basically the same thing as ViZar's Decidueye, so a) I would recommend that you collaborate or just vote for ViZar instead of making your own, but b) see above where I also vetoed that anyway; I will not be allowing this either way.

:incineroar: Double-check your math - you have 10 more points to use here!

:primarina: I am not comfortable with offensive sleep that's this spammable.
There is very good reason why even defensive contact-based Abilities (which are much more in the opponent's control and therefore more balanced, not less so) stay the heck away from sleep outside of Effect Spore, which is only a third as reliable as the others and is primarily exclusive to Pokémon with much better ways to inflict sleep.
Even the Ability that inflicts poison the weakest status! offensively note that only the weakest status has this!, Poison Touch, requires the user to use contact moves which are therefore more punishable, and the same important defensive types that resist many contact moves are immune to poison.
Sound-based moves are much easier to use and much harder to punish, and sleep is by far the least healthy status to be able to inflict in this way, so this is, like, way problematic all around.
This also has illegal minmaxing (and very unnecessarily so! Primarina of all things does not need the help), so please review the submission rules before you post again!

:decidueye: Hi! Sorry, I wasn't totally sure how to handle this one on account of the fact that we've had some other accurate sleep Megas in the past (Orbeetle and Parasect), so I didn't have an answer right when you brought it up and I'm sorry for not responding when you first brought it up in the Pet Mods #submission-feedback.
That said, I think in this case, I should still veto this sub - while it's not the only accurate sleep Mega we have, I think accurate Grass Whistle is a lot more problematic on Decidueye because it comes in conjunction with Spirit Shackle, which allows Decidueye to exploit sleep clause easily and take full advantage of every sleep turn reliably. Between that, strong setup, recovery and a lot more bulk than Parasect in particular, I don't think this is something we can safely allow and I will have to ask you to remove Grass Whistle.
In any case, I'm relieved that you had a backup plan in mind and that I know you can adapt to this! The non-Grass Whistle version you presented alongside this one looked fine to me C:

:incineroar: As discussed a bit earlier with LordThemberchaud's Decidueye, I think Substitute on entry has the potential to be very problematic considering the move's incredibly wide applications, even accounting for its HP cost.
Substitute (alongside Protect) is kind of one of the go-to moves I point out whenever someone has a "use the first moveslot on entry" idea, because I think using it automatically and without taking a turn is basically always uncompetitive no matter the user; this is especially egregious on a Mega, which can satisfy the "on entry" condition on the same turn it selects another move (like taking pre-Mega Intimidate to force a switch, Mega Evolving to use Substitute and Swords Dance in the same turn, then using Flame Charge once, then taking advantage of its STABs' wide two-move coverage to sweep, to give one example of some very safe and very dangerous setup).
Even though it admittedly has interesting implications on a Pokémon that's particularly hazard-weak and doesn't have recovery, I just think it's a very risky thing to allow and I'm pretty much universally against it as a concept, so I'm gonna have to veto this one. x:

Hi and nice to meet you! I'm glad you could make your first subs!
First, to answer your question, we have a format on Dragon Heaven where you can play the mod with full teambuilder support! The main one for 6v6 singles is just called Megas for All, which you can find towards the middle of the second column in the formats list, "Smogon Pet Mods." There are also a couple of side formats under "Pet Mod Bonus Formats" and "Randomized Metas" in the third column! (The link to DH is also in the first post if you ever need to find it again!)

That said, there are a couple of things that are problematic about your :primarina: Primarina and :incineroar: Incineroar subs, so I will explain those but I'm afraid they're going to be vetoed as they are;;
Please don't be discouraged and know that you can learn from this and also that you can edit them to make changes after reading this! you still have 24 hours before voting opens! Most people's first subs don't go over well, haha - that's just part of the process!
But uh, to go into details--

:primarina: The first (minor) thing to note on this one is just that the Ability seems to do two things that are pretty unrelated, which is usually something to avoid! I would support either adding a special effect to sound-based moves (like your infatuation idea) or changing their type (like Liquid Voice, or in your case cloning Liquid Voice for the Fairy type), but I would not recommend doing both at once because it's not really in line with how official Abilities usually work; trying to stick with one premise and see it through all the way is generally better than making a layered or two-in-one Ability like this.
That said, in general, infatuation is usually something to stay away from in general! Adding a 50% fail rate to all moves is heavily luck-based in a way that most people dislike, and while Attract and Cute Charm are usually just kind of bad, that's more because gender reliance is a really silly mechanic that works against them in serious competitive play I will say I respect you for doing away with that part, haha and the effect itself is not to be underestimated. An Ability like this would be very frustrating to face and difficult to deal with, so it's the kind of thing we try to avoid in general; this is especially true since, like the Yawn-based Primarina shinxthe17! submitted earlier, the main form of counterplay would be to switch out to try to clear the effect, but in this case you can just keep using the move offensively and never give them the chance to switch safely (particularly since even Fairy-resistant Pokémon suffer its effects).
With all of that in mind, Primarina as it is will definitely be vetoed, I'm afraid;;
One obvious possibility would just be to give it a Fairy-type version of Liquid Voice, but I think I should point out that Primarina already has both the best single-target Fairy move (Moonblast, which would still be better than Hyper Voice in singles) and the best spread Fairy-type move (Dazzling Gleam, which is very close to as good as Hyper Voice in doubles), so it might not get all too much of a benefit from it! It might be good to look into other Ability ideas altogether, but I will leave that up to you. C:

Next up, :incineroar: Incineroar has a very dangerous effect in being able to attack opponents before they switch out, and this is something that is inherently strong and can be metagame-defining if allowed.
There's only a single move that can have this effect in canon, the Dark-type Pursuit, and that means only specific types are vulnerable to it (Ghost and Psychic are the only Pokémon that can be hit super effectively by the move at all) and the few viable Pokémon of those types are balanced with the move in mind; it's still an incredibly strong effect that isn't to be underestimated, and it has wide applications and demands respect on all of its users to this day.
Personally, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to allow the effect of Pursuit on moves of any type but Dark at all, since at a certain point it just becomes a dangerous trapping effect that can guarantee Incineroar safely revenges Pokémon it shouldn't.
- That said, your other idea of raising Speed on a KO could still have some very cool implications, especially on a Pokémon like Incineroar that has good type coverage and strong setup!
A safer option that I would definitely be willing to allow is simply raising Speed when it KOs any Pokémon, like the canon Moxie and Beast Boost do for other stats. In this case, you might add the move Pursuit by itself, which is one possible set option that could synergize with "Speed Moxie" (by making it easier to activate reliably when you come in on a weakened opponent) and bring it close to your original idea in a different way.
- Alternatively, if you want to keep the Pursuit effect, you could maybe just apply this Ability as you have it to Incineroar's Dark-type moves (with or without the Speed constraint - your choice!), since Knock Off could have some strong utility with the effect and it can still be a lot more effective than base Pursuit since you get the move's full power whether your opponent has attempted to switch or not.
See especially Slowbro and Slowking, two Pokémon that are hard to Pursuit trap because they create 50/50s by slow pivoting with Teleport - an Incineroar that has your Ability even just on Dark-type moves can safely dispatch these whether they use Teleport or hard switch, removing the guessing game!
This is a way to stay close to your original idea and that still has clear and significant advantages over just giving Pursuit to Incineroar as a movepool addition, without having the unhealthy impact of Pursuit on all types of moves.​
(Or, again, you could always take a different route altogether if you prefer - those are just possible suggestions that stay close to the workable parts of your idea!)

That said!!
Although Tinted Lens is always a scary Ability to work with, I think your :decidueye: Decidueye should be okay!
I appreciate that you kept its Speed on the low side compared to other offensive Pokémon - this is almost always a good way to keep an otherwise-dangerous idea in check! It also helps that Decidueye's Ghost-type moves (notably including both its most powerful physical move, Poltergeist, and its other best physical STAB, Spirit Shackle) are resisted by some of the fewest Pokémon of all moves, so opponents would already be looking for other ways to deal with it and Decidueye is balanced around the effect in other ways.
On the other hand, it has neat applications when it comes to moves like Decidueye's U-turn, which is widely resisted but would make for more useful chip if it could get around that, as well as its strongest special move, Leaf Storm, which is an interesting move that's held back by a poor attacking type. Both of these are cool options that Tinted Lens makes more reliable without being problematic in any way, so it works well!
I think you did a good job with this one! C:


Aaand I think that's all!
Submissions will close and voting should begin in 24 hours or a bit later, and the council will make a compilation of all of the legal entries then! If you've gotten feedback here that you want to address, it would be best to do that as soon as possible with that in mind. C:
(As usual, though: no worries if you can't quite make it by then! If you decide to make changes based on this, then as long as you can do that before voting closes just leave enough time for people to vote for you! and please make sure to check which council member made the compilation post for that Pokémon and get in touch with them, such as by pinging them or DMing them here or on Discord, we'll be happy to edit the compilation to include any amendments you made!)
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:incineroar: Mega Incineroar
Ability: Grappler - when using a contact move, this Pokemon always moves last (-6 priority). If it is hit by a Physical move when under the effect of Grappler, it takes 2/3 (66%) damage and deals 1.5x damage.
HP: 95
Atk: 115--> 160 (+45)
Def: 90 --> 125 (+35)
Sp.Atk: 80 --> 90 (+10)
Sp.Def: 90 --> 110 (+20)
Spe: 60 --> 50 (-10)
New Moves: Circle Throw, Storm Throw

Bear with me if you've never played a traditional 2D fighting game. One common archetype that always appears in them is the grappler archetype, often hulking units that deal insane amounts of damage with just a single Grab move and often have very big attacks that hit very hard, especially if they catch you trying to attack them back (with poor timing). The balancing factor is almost always that they move extremely slowly, but once they get in, you're often left guessing what they're going to do next between a big swing or a powerful grab. One other thing a lot of them have in more modern games, however, is "armor" - the ability to take a hit for no or reduced damage, while still executing their own attack. Incineroar feels like it fits into this archetype, even having a similar punishing playstyle in SSBU.
Circle Throw and Storm Throw are added as flavor moves to show the grappling fighting style, although they might have some competitive value as strong hits that either phase Pokemon, or that break through stat boosts (like opposing Intimidates, for example). I imagine this will just want to run Drain Punch, though.

There are sort of two sides to the ability. With reduced damage, but increased power (and even the pre-Mega Intimidate debuff), Incineroar can sit in front of big physical threats that might otherwise want to force it out and throw off powerful stab moves like Flare Blitz or Knock Off, living hits from and dealing significant damage to even checks with SE moves such as Landorus-T, Gliscor, etc.
The other side is the negative priority - while it doesn't apply to the arguably better pivot move in Parting Shot, you can get negative priority U-Turn (or just a big negative priority STAB hit) with a speed slower than other pivots like Blissey and Clef on Teleport, or discouraging U-Turns and Flip Turns unless they want their incoming switch to take a massive hit. It deters simply pivoting through a move, and instead means you might have to take a risk by switching. It does, however, mean it becomes a bit more annoying to threaten walls you normally might want to threaten such as Corviknight.
While it is very powerful, it's held back by a lack of recovery and a Stealth Rock weakness that means not only will it get worn down quickly despite the reduced damage, it might also be wearing itself down by using a recoil move like Flare Blitz. You're also slow enough that you'll lose to phasing moves like DTail on Tankchomp or Whirlwind on Skarm. It might be really solid with Wish Support, but that's still a pretty big cost opportunity when building a team. It also can't quite abuse a set like SD+Flame Charge, and if it still wants to set up, the negative priority prevents it from sweeping well. Still, the idea of this sub is to force more switches while discouraging the use of otherwise fairly safe pivoting moves, or forcing trades with other physical mons, and I think it should be able to do a good job of that.
(ended up having another idea so here it is :>)
Alola has a big theme of showstars, and it is my fav gen, so I should give it Victory.

Mega Decidueye

Ability: Victory Star

(Same type)

Hp: 78

Attack: 127 (+20)

Def: 115 (+40)

Spatk: 121 (+2(redacted)) fine (+21)

Spdef: 105 (+5)

Speed: 84 (+14)

New Moves: cross chop, stun spore, focus energy

Oh yes. The mon with everything: knock off (which I still don’t get why it’s so important besides stall), defog (ultimate hazard removal), added coverage in flying, trapping ability (sig move), both SDs, and u turn. However, its stats not only are just barely unworkable, but its typing is the MOST PREYED UPON IN THE META. Using this in sm ou has made me love it, and now, I am ready to bring its success to m4a.

First off: cross chop, it has two “arms” that make his sick robin hood cape. It would be awesome to slash something with them! Cc or hjk make no sense, flavorwise or not, but cross chop is a nice inbetween.

Second: stun spore. It just fits. It also gives it amazing speed control with its improved bulk! Almost every set should run this move.

Third: focus energy is a fun boosting move, fits well, and bodies press.

I love rowlet, and I want to give decidueye love. A mega is just what it needed.

Mega Incineroar

Ability: Victory Star

New Move: Seismic Toss (Torracat Too)

(same type)

Hp: 95

Attack: 170 (+60)

Defense: 115 (+25, one of the heaviest smash characters)

Spatk: 115 (+35) (dump stat, but incin deserves fire blast instead of counter)

Spdef: 65 (-25) (reference to the Bowser Stunlock or pretty much any projectile, really)

Speed: 65 (+5) (its not THAT slow)

Oh boy. Smash incin. The combo machine (both making them and falling into them) and one of my top 4 chars I use. (Others are shulk, corrin, and Kirb, in ascending order) Incin in smash is the opposite of it in vgc: a strong hitter that has terrible support when its in trouble: a true all or nothing. It is an innovative pick, a fun one, and its awesome to see it disrespect top tiers.

I wanted it to feel like that in this mega, so first I wanted something with grabs.

Sky drop is the obvious pick here, but no way am I letting that into VGC on base form.

I think seismic toss is a good pick, despite being reliable: smash incineroar’s opposite.

Victory star lets its nuclear hits become a bit easier to spam, and both ends of the spectrum can be run (all these megas have this!)

Overall proud of this one.

Mega Primarina

Ability: Victory Star

New Moves: Rapid Spin (brionne too), Knock off (prim), howl (all)

Hp: 80

Attack: 120 (+46)

Defense: 102 (+28)

Spatk: 132 (+6)

Spdef: 116

Speed: 82 (+22)

Absolutely one of my favorite pokemon because of the anime. I was considering prankster to fit lana, but I decided on vstar incin, and then deci, so I decided to bandwagon prima into the trio. Honestly alola starters are all awesome

Why the physical stuff? I think this mega has more of a caring, tough, and robust outlook, so it decides to take a lot into its own hands. Just still imagine it spinning and playing in the water, though!

Omg this pokemon is adorable

Anyways, it now has spin capabilities, knock off, and a more accurate hydro pump, blizzard, iron tail, triple axel, aqua tail and even sing. It’s a guess what side its running, and once you find out, something probably went down with the discovery.
Mega Primarina
Ability: Hymn
Whenever the user successfully uses a sound-based move, it sets Lucky Chant on its side of the field.

HP: 80
ATK: 104 (+30)
DEF: 94 (+20)
SPA: 151 (+25)
SPD: 126 (+10)
SPE: 75 (+15)

New moves: Cosmic Power

Primarina is an mermaid/siren. Since I feel as though the siren's songs aspect has been a bit done to death, I landed on a more classic to opera theming: religious songs. These tend to be prayers for well-being, something that Lucky Chant really fits well.
So... since it can't get Specs, why not lean into bulky booster a bit more? By being able to set crit immunity, it can ensure that its stat boosts are there to filter damage. It's not Battle Armor or Shell Armor because 1, those aren't as flavorful as Hymn; and 2, Hymn enables Primarina to allow other bulky booster allies in both Singles and Doubles to thrive (like Volcarona, non-band Weavile and Rillaboom, and Torn-T). However, it does have notable Achilles Heels (or Achilles Flippers) in its vulnerability to status, low physical defense, lack of STAB on Draining Kiss, and phazing as well as regular Hazing. There are a couple of interesting executions to it; for instance, one could set a Sing to try prevent an opponent from being too problematic, after which a Flip Turn lets you send in your other set-up sweeper. Or, you could go full self set-up with Calm Mind/Draining Kiss/Sparkling Aria/Psychic to be able to boost your way through enemies that could trouble you otherwise. Also you could do pseudo-Intimidate in Doubles with Growl (this is a joke, please do not do pseudo-Intimiadate in Doubles with Growl. I am not liable for your actions).

Not me being late to the party from my other ideas being too overpowered, convoluted, or niche :psynervous:


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Mega Decidueye



Ability: Checkmate (If the opposing Pokemon switches out and the user uses a direct attacking move, the incoming Pokemon will be poisoned upon taking damage.)

HP: 78
Atk: 152 (+55)
Def: 110 (+35)
SpAtk: 100
SpDef: 100
Spe: 80 (+10)

New Moves: None!

Explanation: Decidueye is an awesomely designed Pokemon, with a dope typing, signature move, and an amazing kit of tools to take advantage of its signature move and support its team. However, I wanted to take an approach with my Mega Decidueye that can let it dip into both sides of the spectrum between trapping and capitalizing on forced switches. Originally, I was going to go for an ability like Stakeout, but it was far too powerful and someone already did it, so here's something considerably toned down and a little more optically interesting. However, Stakeout is incredibly interesting in concept mainly because its condition is based around switches, which interacts very interestingly with Decidueye's signature move in Spirit Shackle, allowing for it to apply pressure against its targets to where it can force a trap, or force extreme burst damage on a switch-in.

Specter's Stride is a name I took from a very old Mega Decidueye concept and reimagined, and highlights this interaction in a more interesting way without breaking Decidueye even remotely. By setting poison on the opposing Pokemon's entry as well as its access to Spirit Shackle to freely and forcibly accumulate this damage, it is able to provide a very unique kind of support for ally Pokemon that appreciate having a good way to spread chip damage around, while being able to continuously apply pressure while being able to set Substitutes, Nasty Plots, or Swords Dances or even get off Poisons by utilizing a fast U-turn, or even do some burst damage of its own with Hex. Of course though I have to work around this thing's access to Nasty Plot and Swords Dance, so a lot of this has to be designed rather unoptimally to be balanced.

Poison-type Pokemon like Toxapex or Steel-types like Corviknight or Skarmory completely halt this ability, but by pidgeonholing these switch-ins it could find trapping opportunities such as against Toxapex, etc. Overall, I think there's a lot of creative potential in this ability that also has very practical applications, and I think it would be a very fun addition to the M4A metagame overall.

Mega Incineroar



Ability: Haymaker (Any move that deals at least 50% of the opposing Pokemon's total HP will inflict Taunt on them.)

HP: 95
Atk: 175 (+60)
Def: 100 (+10)
SpAtk: 80
SpDef: 100 (+10)
Spe: 80 (+20)

New Moves: Super Fang

Explanation: I don't really have much time but!! Tl;dr a multi-faceted stallbreaker, probably would work really good with Spikes especially. Bulky, able to take some hits, but also has a gigantic punch of its own which can let it use its ability naturally, or with the advent of Super Fang if you want to go for something a little more juicy without going too crazy on investment. Nothing really too complicated but still has a lot of flavor (which Incineroar thankfully has a lot of to work with) and could be pretty fun!
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Hello! These are my first submissions in this Pet Mod (and I which I had sent them in sooner but I had a rough week), so I hope you enjoy them! But first, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me with these on the Discord!

:primarina: Mega Primarina - Collab with Exploziff (thank you for this!)
New Ability
: Shrill (This Pokémon's sound based moves are so loud, they clear the field when used (Defog effects))
Type: Water / Fairy
New stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 74 -> 93 (+19)
Defense: 74 -> 99 (+25)
Special Attack: 126 -> 136 (+10)
Special Defense: 116 -> 141 (+25)
Speed: 60 -> 81 (+21)
(530 -> 630)
New moves: Heal Bell, Snarl
I've always had the impression, since its reveal, that Primarina was meant to be a support inclined Pokémon. Not only it has a great defensive typing that aligns well with that role, it's described and portrayed as much more passive than the other two starters, and its signature move has a status healing effect. Flash forward to Sun/Moon's release, turns out it's actually more efficient as an offensive 'mon than either of its peers, or at least more inclined towards it. This Mega Evolution is my attempt to "rectify" that, while keeping true to what Primarina is.

Mega Primarina gains a new ability that pushes it into this more supportive direction, but also makes it more advantageous for it to run its signature move Sparkling Aria (whereas it seems the wallbreaker sets used by its normal form prefer Hydro Pump for the sheer power). Shrill makes it so that Primarina's sound based moves - of which it learns many and has a signature ability themed around - clear the field of entry hazards, terrains and defensive effects such as Light Screen and Reflect. In other words, it turns Primarina into a defogger, without needing to dedicate a moveslot to that. And more than that, it can be used also for offensive purposes - bypassing substitutes and destroying screens is very useful for a wallbreaker! In addition to its signature move, it has one other viable sound based move in Hyper Voice. Something to note, however, is that its Special Attack is almost unchanged, and while not low by any means, the fact it can't hold boosting items means it's not going to be hitting as hard as its base form most of the time. That's not to say it lacks in offensive presence, though. Like its base form, it can run Calm Mind to set up, and has other strong (albeit not sound-based) attack options, including its secondary STAB Moonblast as well as Psychic.

It also gains a new move to help better define it as a support 'Mon - specifically a cleric - in Heal Bell. It's not farfetch'd, pardon the pun, considering many Water and Fairy Pokémon have access to it and as mentioned before, Primarina's signature move too heals status conditions. In addition, it also is sound-based, synergizing extremely well with its signature ability and giving it an unique form of utility in being able to cure its team and remove factors that could weaken it in a single moveslot. Another option often appreciated by the more passive Pokémon, and generally by most Pokémon, exists in the form of switching moves - in Primarina's case, that's Flip Turn, and thanks to the large boost in its attack, it is guaranteed to put a greater dent on whatever it hits when used. Snarl also gives it a better utility in Doubles formats.

:incineroar: Mega Incineroar
New Ability
: Masquerade
Type: Fire / Dark
New stats:
HP: 95
Attack: 115
Defense: 90 -> 130 (+40)
Special Attack: 80
Special Defense: 90 -> 110 (+20)
Speed: 60 -> 100 (+40)
(530 -> 630)
New moves: Entretainment
Incineroar, unlike the other two Alolan starters, was a pleasant surprise when it came to its role and importance competitively. While I did expect it to be more defensive, I wasn't predicting its versatility and usefulness, especially as a pivot and in doubles-oriented formats. Because of this, for its Mega Evolution, I decided to opt for something that could still play with as much utility with a fantastic - and very fitting flavor-wise - ability: Masquerade.

While Incineroar would be the second Mega Evolution to bear this ability on this pet mod - after BlueRay's Hawlucha introduced it - I believe there are plenty of aspects that set them apart. Incineroar's defense-oriented stats, combined with a type combination that more often interacts with abilities than either of Hawlucha's and a greater utility in its movepool allow it to stand on its own without being too similar or overshadowing it.

For starters, as a pivot, Incineroar really enjoys abilities that facilitate it switching in and out, such as Magic Guard to protect it from entry hazards or Regenerator (which funnily is the recommended ability his sample Almost Any Ability set) to recover once it does its thing. Intimidate, it's normal hidden ability, can also still benefit it. Immunity abilities are also more advantageous as they create switching opportunities and are more common for types Incineroar is weak to, including Levitate, Water Absorb, Dry Skin and so on. It also appreciates supportive abilities such as Prankster or Magic Bounce, and can be used in weather and terrain teams as a setter (especially with Drought to boost its own attacks). It also gains Entretainment for possible gimmicks, which fits its flavor in many ways, including the friendly disposition out of ring, the heel personality and so on.

:decidueye: Mega Decidueye
New Ability
: Disarm (Trapped Pokémon have their ability suppressed (Gastro Acid effects while trapped))
Type: Grass / Ghost
New stats:
HP: 78
Attack: 107 -> 121 (+14)
Defense: 75 -> 99 (+24)
Special Attack: 100 -> 114 (+14)
Special Defense: 100 -> 124 (+24)
Speed: 70 -> 94 (+24)
(530 -> 630)
New moves: Focus Blast
Description: Abilities (as this very PM would attest) are most often an essential part of what makes a Pokémon good. Thanks to Disarm, Mega Decidueye is able to neutralize these abilities while it is on field as well as prevent the affected Pokémon from switching out to a different one, which can lead to a strong advantage in certain cases (but an unnoticeable one, in others). Of course, several Pokémon are immune to its effects: several ones with hard-coded abilities, and any Normal or Ghost-types due to its reliance on Spirit Shackle and the latter type's natural immunity to trapping.
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