LEGAL WARS: Episode 5: Metallica strikes back

Wow. I used to love Metallica, but their antics like this make me embarrassed to be a fan.
Over on the Harmonix's forum boards, HMXSean, one of the community forum leaders, chimed in with an important announcement, stating that the article originally written by Daily Gaming is false.
According to the forum post, HMXSean said, "In no way is this true. It is well written satire but it is very much satire."

Over on the Harmonix's forum boards, HMXSean, one of the community forum leaders, chimed in with an important announcement, stating that the article originally written by Daily Gaming is false.
According to the forum post, HMXSean said, "In no way is this true. It is well written satire but it is very much satire."

I take back my comment then.
I thought it meant that the previous statement was false but regardless metallica are just egomaniacs who blame their lower album sales on file sharing. Refusing to believe it could be because the quality of their music has been in rapid decline for the last decade. I think they just lost their touch and instead of retiring with dignity they got greedy and held on because of the money.
That's all a hoax. While some feel Metallica overacted with the whole Napster thing in the nineties they aren't that over protective of their work. Seriously, no self respecting journalist would wirte "We don't understand why Metallica would turn around and sue us, unless they've gone from insane to completely bats*** insane since 2001, but we're confident that the law and our contracts will be enough to have this thrown out." That should be proof enough that the article is fake
True, but the fact that it was going to happen either way isn't going to make me forgive Metallica for doing it.
Why? So you can freely steal music?
No, they already had enough money as it was, never mind wanting more off of that idea.

If it wasn't for the ability to steal music I probably wouldn't be listen to it music right now anyway. Not to mention I usually buy a CD I enjoy anyway, seeing as i'm an addict. Although that's a little off topic, so I'll end that here.

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