League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

league is like the CoD of f2p pc gaming, they don't innovate, the game is very rarely improved (sr update is the only thing coming out, don't say audio engine that shits useless) meta is stale due to overly passive balancing (this ones an opinion but I think it's fairly true) and the company running the game seem to be terrible at marketing their product by making questionable decisions. they still haven't fixed smurfing so there's very little new players coming in. heroes of the storm is bad news for riot unless they start to get their act together


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yea man its not like league has been getting constant increase of players in the recent past, they definitely suck dick at what theyre doing Kappa

sure they have controversial esports decisions but lmao at implying they gonna go broke, its the most played game in the world ffs
its pretty silly to think riot would rig the brackets just cause its not being drawn live, this reddit circle jerk is so dumb....they should just invite travis when they make the pools so people can stop bitching.

i would only be upset at riot if i was korean, since riot announced worlds would be there...then riot was like jk were having the majority of the games in another country

edit: oops almost forgot how bad riot screwed over gambit, ok maybe riot has been retarded this past year
wen riot seys compititive integrity evry other line they r expect3d 2 folow said philosophy. otherwise me gud friend, that is calld hypocrisy, wether or not they rig brakets


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
meta is stale due to overly passive balancing
more like because most pros are as sheeple as your average bronze player, all they do is play 2-3 comfort picks and occasionally pick up what some random guy in korea had success with recently

Meanwhile there's still 60-70 good champs out there absolutely nobody is playing in the competitive scene.
its pretty silly to think riot would rig the brackets just cause its not being drawn live, this reddit circle jerk is so dumb....they should just invite travis when they make the pools so people can stop bitching.

i would only be upset at riot if i was korean, since riot announced worlds would be there...then riot was like jk were having the majority of the games in another country

edit: oops almost forgot how bad riot screwed over gambit, ok maybe riot has been retarded this past year


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Worlds will never be legitimate until they make the draw open to all teams that enter it, get rid of the round robins and make it best of five, you lose and you're eliminated, tennis style.

The current format is just an exhibition for the teams that have done well in the LCS to play each other ten times a piece over the course of a month...there is absolutely no reason teams shouldn't have to play every other day against a team they have very little experience against or research on. Not only would this open the bracket and ensure that the best teams right now have a chance to win but it would also create many more compelling and interesting games/series. Most of the time the top seeds would win and face each other in the later stages anyway, but they would be well practiced and at the top of their game.

Also blind pick for game 5 seems like a no brainer I have no idea why the NA formats shy away from it, or if this worlds will use it.
wow i love watching azure cats vs bigfile miracle, it's a really hype series and both of them are serious candidates for the finals! /s

Round robins is the best format in order to give equal representation to the regions in terms of sizing. Besides, straight up brackets can end up with some mess like this: http://lol.esportspedia.com/wiki/Demacia_Cup/Season_2 where Royal Club, Young Glory, and iG are in the same section of round of 32 and then you have some random no name team like Hangong Clan in the round of 8 purely because of how brackets work.

Furthermore, fully doing round robins makes no sense because at some point, the games just don't matter and the teams that are at the bottom of the rankings might play against each other for literally no reason at all because neither of them will have the chance of winning. The combination of round robin and bracket stages eliminates some of the weaker teams already and has a solid set of teams that are worthy of playing in the bracket stage.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Uh obviously you seed teams I'm not suggesting having the two best teams play in the second round and having some random team get to the quarterfinals without having played anyone.

And ya, why wouldn't you want to have Azure Cats play Bigfile Miracle with the winner playing CLG or something? If they beat another professional team in a 3-of-5 then that means they are doing something right and occasionally, the underdog will win. Right now the best players jump to the best teams because there is no chance for new teams to get in and compete for the World Championships without going through a year-long qualifying bid because the team pool is way too low.

Additionally, obviously if the draw was 128 they would have one big-ticket series showed at all times with most series simply played and recorded for those who want to watch, without professional commentary (again, the way tennis works). You would only watch the game Riot deems most fan-friendly but for those who actually care about what is going on in the professional scene rather than simply watch the same 10~ teams play each other again and again with no stakes on the line, this would be an opportunity to see what some of the smaller teams that never get a chance to compete would want to do.

League will not stay interesting if amateur teams are not even given the chance to compete (and don't try to sell the NACS=>promotional tournament or whatever is the relevant stand-in across other regions as a 'chance to compete', because it isn't). Not to mention that the round of 16 would suddenly mean something because it would mean that a team would have earned their spot there by beating three world-class teams in best-of-five series.

Worlds last year were a complete farce and worlds this year will be as well, and all the LCS shit in between is a poor ripoff of professional sports leagues in the United States. People don't get attached to teams in league of legends, they simply want to watch the game played at its best. Things would be so much more interesting if every once in a while a team filled with names I don't know were given the chance to beat the established teams and prove themselves; and it's hard to argue that whatever team comes out of such a tournament would be a worthy world champion, if only because of how much they had to prove themselves against the best in the world at that time, on that patch. As things stand they basically rig the teams to be established professionals teams out of their own handpicked leagues and then have them play like ten meaningless games before finally moving onto a bracket stage of 2-of-3s (although apparently Riot has realized that they need to at least switch to 3-of-5s?).

Expand the draw, play multiple games at once, make the finals actually mean something. Also, hold tournaments more than once a season so that teams aren't just stuck playing teams from their own region every single week...it's unquestionably awful for the level of play in every region (yes, even Korea could stand to play their inferior opponents and could learn something from them).

Imagine holding four of these tournaments every year; having the NA Open, Korean Open, EU Open, and <insert fourth here>. It works great for tennis and golf and I see no reason it wouldn't work for League as well.
I have a friend who runs a challenger team and he says that professional teams won't scrim them at all, which is another problem with the challenger scene. The challenger teams that get into the LCS never place higher than 4th. (I'm not counting LMQ or C9, LMQ came from CN and had a lot of experience there and C9 had multiple players that were on B tier teams in season 2.)
How are we supposed to promote growth and competition in our scene if the old guard is shutting the new teams out from improving?
i'm fucking speechless at that match

if you missed it then you absolutely need to watch the VODs or catch the rebroadcast because that was the single greatest match in league of legends competitive history


goes to eleven
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Can anyone find the time it's going to be restreamed because OGN sucks a barrel of cocks and doesn't upload this stuff to Youtube?

Colonel M

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Dunno - Rekkles did do some shoddy things like facechecking that bush on bot lane in one of the final games.

Was cool to see Swain top though!


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
dade is just experiencing his typical summertime sadness, if only worlds was in spring kappa.

TSM 2 stomp dongnitas 3-1

CRS to beat clg 3-0. cop will rise above and finally achieve his final form

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