League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Mia Wallace

Banned deucer.
I like it when people rage about something being " broken " . I feel like most discussion about league involve " THAT SHIT IS SO OP NERF IT DUMB AS FUCK ". And not people actually talking about strategically countering what's broken. You know, it's like in a pokemon format when people complain about something being to good or OP, but none of them do anything to really stop it. Just figured I'd share that thought. I love getting shit posted after playing AP Nami. Never gets old =]
if you guys actually think quill coat (support) junglers are broken try waiting until 30 minutes and then see how broken they are
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unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
quill coat more like spirit mail amirite

It's quite obviously overtuned, seeing as how it's basically Spirit Stone with +20 Armor and free wards. (On slower tank junglers, of course.) At least Golem is a little weaker to start out, despite being buffed overall.


Banned deucer.
rip CJ

really interested to see if shield can get their shit together in time for their series against the stealths. skt k vs white hype

Colonel M

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Yeah chances are Golem will get tuned down soon.

Seems like the ones really benefiting from it are champions like Maokai and Zac as expected - but they've also received some nice QoL buffs in the process. I've tried it on both Gragas and Olaf to great results too. It works okay on Jarvan, Vi, and Elise but they seem to like the old Ancient Golem as far as clear times (and the Tenacity) as far as I'm concerned. Especially the latter two which I like to just slap a shitload of damage on them. Jarvan is just more of a funky case that I prefer Elder Lizard on nowadays.

Still barely helps some of the champions though - like it works okay on Sejuani and it really meshes with her kit well, but it just shows she really could use another look (mana costs pls) at the champions themselves more than the actual items.

But I'm still really pissed at the new Machete changes. I feel like my health bar is shaky on champions that don't have self-sustain like Lee and co. when going through the jungle first round.


Who let marco in here????
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Moving Maokai ult is so cool and it makes him feel like a true guardian. Props to whoever came up with the idea.

Also Lee has self sustain >:O @ the above noob

Wall of Text incoming

Seems like Riot intends to keep Lucian at 500 range given how many buffs he has gotten in the last few PBE patches. While I was initially extremely scared of the range drop, his mobility buffs seem just as insane so maybe this will work out. Now it's obviously still PBE stuff so it can change, but the recent takeout of updated SR and Sona's gameplay update signals a wrap-up and it will be hitting live soon. As Lucian is one of my favorite champs I thought I'd get a head start on the changes.

Here are the changes, for reference

Range reduced to 500 from 550
Base Health increased to 420 from 390
Base AD increased to 49 from 46
Base MS increased to 335 from 330

Q targetting range reduced to match his new autoattack range. Beam range appears to still be the same.
Q no longer deals reduced damage to minions
Q mana cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80

E cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 from 18/16/14/12/10
E mana cost reduced to 0 from 60/45/30/15/0
Lightslinger now reduces E's cooldown by 1s for each shot (2s against champs). This effectively reduces Relentless Pursuit's CD by 4 against champions.
E appears to now reset his autoattack timer. I'm not 100% sure on this but it feels that way.
E no longer resets on The Culling kill/assist

Let me just say that Lucian feels like a new champion. Which is both good and a bad thing. Good because his new playstyle is incredibly refreshing and action packed. Bad because I also liked the old Lucian and this is essentially a rework even though it is not labeled as such.

Lucian's new combat mobility is at least comparable to Vayne's, if not better (more distance on E, constant slow cleanses, and his W speed boost being able to be used for refreats). With Max rank E and no CDR, using E->passive to Q->passive on enemy champs takes off a good 8 seconds off its CD, leaving it on a 2s cooldown. Since the time it takes to pull off that combo is ~2s anyways, Relentless Pursuit will pretty much be off cd again. When you throw in CDR onto the mix it becomes even more hilarious as Lucian can E->passive->auto->E->passive->auto->repeat. CDR is amazing on new Lucian due to the flat reduction on E and his spellspamming playstyle, although 40% cdr may be excessive. I think he can get away with just cdr boots and the mastery.

With only 1 rank in E you can EWQ and then E again (if you use your passive on enemy champs in between the spells), which is quite frankly pretty ridiculous.

That said however 550 ->500 range is really a massive nerf and Riot is pretty good at killing champions with range nerfs. However, this is perhaps the first time Riot has compensated it with something that seems to be equally ridiculous. Also Lucian still has decent long range damage options and his Q now destroys creepwaves so he cant be pushed in as easily in lane and then be abused under tower due to his poor range.

tl;dr: His new mobility is so insane and can potentially make even Vayne jealous. Whether that will be enough to overcome his massive range loss is not something I can predict right now. His new E mechanic on PBE is worded misleadingly on the tooltip so I hope that gets fixed.

Now if anyone here plays Lucian and would like to share some thoughts I'd love to hear it xD.

Colonel M

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I meant to say unless they do have it, not don't XD.

Though I could just replace Lee with some random unit like Sejuani.
Talking about Lucian, I already found him to be a really solid pick and I find these changes to make him even better. The only thing I dislike is the shortening of his range but we'll see how this plays out.
wtf the golem jungler hits 30 minutes and you can legit just let it walk by you it doesn't deal damage, why would they tune the item down when the character class it's aimed at is still insanely weak, their early game isn't enough to make up for their terrible late game

legit ive been having more success as mpen rammus jungle than i have golem


As someone who plays Rammus, Amumu, and Malphite consistently I can say that they have legitimate late games. They get very tanky and have strong CC. Their damage is enough to bully squishies when you are in their face. They are also good at babysitting teammates who do not know how to position properly. Rammus and Amumu's early game honestly aren't that bad. (especially in non pre made 5 v 5s.)

I just build Sunfire Cape and those shitty Gold IV Lee Sins can't ever kill me or do more than me.
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Banned deucer.
KT Arrows vs NaJin White Shield in 5 and a half hours. Guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

Also what Dyrus said about top lane Gragas going even or better in every single matchup is true. Been spamming it in ranked with a 75% winrate over 16 games thus far.

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