League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

that feel when you've been playing Yi since before season 1, but one bad game with him and all the sudden you're a FOTM bandwagoner =(


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Kakao would choose wobbuffet as his spirit pokemon...

Oh also anybody who's been whoring grag sup in soloq, what do you think of rushing frost queen's? Only tried it with fotm so far because percent heal on passive + synergy with damage reduction on w but I've been having some mana trouble early on and it seems like it'd be nice for zoning with the cdr

And why the fuck did they buff him in 4.6 :/
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^yeah ive been gold 2 for like all of last season and this season

except I was gold 1 for a bit and I literally lost 3 platinum promo series all 2/3 ;-;


Who let marco in here????
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I still stand by my opinion that Nien is at least a top 4 toplaner in NA LCS. He has overall outperformed Innox, Benny, Cruzer, and Zion (may be arguable) throughout the split.

That said however, he was p. much forced out by the community SO I GUESS it's a reddit victory or w/e. I hope everything works out for him and perhaps we'll see more in the future

CLG zorozero pls.
Leopard is very lackluster. As if it isn't hard enough for top laners to shine he just doesn't shine at all. Give me something like ktb apple or sumthin.

(Expession pls come out of retirement)


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
In the wee hours of the night, Team Redempshun was borned.

Zionspartan, Shiphtur, Xmithie, Altec, Xpecial.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls... it tolls for thee.


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After watching the promotion series here are my predictions for the spring split:

1) C9 - They are an all around great team, and haven't showed any signs of stopping any time soon. I think balls is especially strong in the top lane and with the meta switching towards more carry top laners I can see him prevail. I can't wait to see him on the new buffed rumble :). Their team work is impeccable and I can't see anyone dethroning their two split rain this time around.

2) CLG - I know they are going to switch toplaners going into this split, but it is nothing compared to what TSM is about to do with Xspecial. Nien, as much as I liked him, always seemed like the weakest player on CLG, and I think if they pick up someone along the lines of Zorozero or Zionspartan they can improve immensely going forward.

3) LMQ - The Chinese overlords are here to overthrow us. Yes they are new to the lcs, but all of their players seem extremely mechanically skilled. I don't think this is enough to make up for the rotational prowess of the likes of CLG or C9. but there ability to individually carry games should result in a fair amount of wins.

4) TSM - This is probably surprising seeing one of the reigning dominant teams in NA behind both CLG and LMQ. I feel like the change from Xspecial is not going to go well for them. They are replacing who I consider to be the second best player on TSM with a unknown and I don't think that can bode well for TSM. In addition, they faltered a bit at the end of the split and I can only see CLG getting stronger with a new top lane pick up. If you compare replacing your worst player with a team replacing their second best, their is only a way to look up for CLG and down for TSM.

5) Curse - I know curse is forever designated as the fourth team, but I see them coming out as third this split. I haven't followed them a ton, but they impressed in the playoffs so I can see them with a guarenteed spot next year.

6) EG - I was very happy with how they played in the promotion tournament. They handled C9 Tempest with ease and I can see them making a bit of a splash this split. It is huge that Pobelter is finally out of high school and can live in the team house, in addition to solo queueing with a team. I feel like that hurt there synergy a lot last split and it should change going into this year.

7) Complexity Black - They shined taking out Curse in the promotion tournament. Even though games 1-4 were extremely close, they showed that they had the ability to close out close games when ahead. I think that can transition them into a few wins in the season and not net them a last place finish.

8) Dignitas - They have a complete void in mid lane. Scarra and Golden Glue are both bottom of the barrel compared to other LCS midlaners and I cannot see them succeeding next split. Unless they pick someone up like Shiptur it is going to be rough for Dignitas as every team has the potential to dominate them in all 3 lanes.

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