League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

i have q on smartcast because i wanted it on smartcast for orianna, but now i play every champ with q on smartcast but ive never tried smartcasting anything else


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Doublelift smartcasts when he wants to make reflex plays otherwise he'll take his time with the indicator to make sure he hits.
I don't get it. Rumble ult in smart cast is actually pretty easy. Just press R on where you'd like to start the line, hold R to choose a direction, then release to cast. A lot easier than dragging the mouse, I say. Vi's Q is a lot harder for me.
Very few pros smartcast from what I know because Chauster insists that smartcasting "makes you miss skillshots" which is probably the stupidest thing that I have ever heard


formerly Stone Cold
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Very few pros smartcast from what I know because Chauster insists that smartcasting "makes you miss skillshots" which is probably the stupidest thing that I have ever heard
From what it seems the majority of pros don't smart cast. So there must be some truth to it right?
Just played Shyvana for the first time in like six months. She used to be my favorite jungler :[

She's a little better than she was a couple months ago because BorK is excellent on her, but she's still around the bottom tier of junglers right now. Her clear is still quite quick and her early game is strong, but late game you really cannot do much. It's pretty sad. I believe Morello said they plan on taking a look at her. That E needs some serious fixing.
I mean, I can understand the pros and cons of not using smartcast on certain champions. Froggen normal casts his wall and his Q when he plays Anivia, and that's mainly to precisely line up the stun with the enemy's movement path after he plays a wall. But if Froggen plays someone like Ryze, for example, I don't think he'll be normal casting. Maybe that's why we don't see Froggen play Ryze much.

I don't really have any trouble smartcasting skillshots. The issue for me is when skills interact strangely with smartcast, especially when they require you to hold down a button (like Varus Q or Zac E).
Meh. I've gotten so used to smartcasting skillshots that I tend to miss more when I try turning smartcast off. I mean small stuff like Lux Q, Zyra E, Nidalee Q, etc. The only exception is big important CC ulties, like Ashe's and Varus' ulties.
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a League of Legends game.

Maybe this weekend I'll play like a 50 game marathon as Rumble regardless of what my team picks. I'm sick of the "just compromise" bullshit coming out of Riot, because I feel like I'm the only one who ever compromises.


Banned deucer.
this thread isnt your livejournal shinyskarmory can you please stop using it to just complain about things.

i was thinking about trying out the new golem item on warwick because it seems so perfect for him, im not sure if it will be but i just really want warwick to be good again - hes so much fun....
imo since warwick is more single-target you would probably have a significantly faster jungle with razors

plus rushing razors lets you go straight for locket/bulwark afterward which is very standard nowadays on most junglers

i don't see any reason why golem WOULDN'T work, though, so go for it
hope you ppls realize most pros smartcast on their champs...

if theyre not smartcasting its bcos theyre learning new champs and need to lrn the range limits first, or they r smartcasting but rebinded their normal cast to smthg else and pressed that button to check the range once in a game

u gais rly think the top players who mastered their respective champs still need to see their move's ranges? lol
froggen normal casts whenever he plays lux/anivia/lee sin on stream so i don't see how your point is valid

dyrus normal casts everything too, and i'm sure several other pros also don't use smartcast
there iz a raisin y lux/anivia is normal castd, u never lrn the exact range on lux moves and anivia has angles on top of the range. but 2 tell me doublelift normal casts = LUL. jst watch any game he play, dos it look like any human can do those plays while clicking every move?

dyrus also plays lock cam, does dis mean we shuld 2? u r naming leik, exepctions, most pro use smart cast bcos they r smart
I just assumed jeb is a troll because of the way he types, but does he actually think that most pros smartcast? Literally every pro that I've watched uses dumbcasting, also Dyrus does not play on locked camera anymore and has not for over a year (since he joined TSM, and possibly before then as well).
there iz a raisin y lux/anivia is normal castd, u never lrn the exact range on lux moves and anivia has angles on top of the range. but 2 tell me doublelift normal casts = LUL. jst watch any game he play, dos it look like any human can do those plays while clicking every move?

dyrus also plays lock cam, does dis mean we shuld 2? u r naming leik, exepctions, most pro use smart cast bcos they r smart
The point is that elitist douche bags say "IF Y00 DONT SMARTCAST Y00 SUCK" and they sound like morons given that some of the best players in the world don't even smartcast. It's not a requirement to be a good player like some people seem to think.
funeh bcos last i stil play this game, dyrus was still lock cam, most of dignatas smartcast from wat i hear from donald, i kno 4 sure megazero smartcasts on a lot of his champs as he explicitly told us in school tourny. my mentor who was on top 20 in s2 ladder smartcasted
funeh bcos last i stil play this game, dyrus was still lock cam, most of dignatas smartcast from wat i hear from donald, i kno 4 sure megazero smartcasts on a lot of his champs as he explicitly told us in school tourny. my mentor who was on top 20 in s2 ladder smartcasted
Yeah because Dignitas is a great example of elite play. Losing to GGU in the playoffs LOL
whoa now i'm not saying that smartcast is bad, i'm just making the point that there are many pros who don't use it

i'm also not saying that we should decide to smartcast or not smartcast based on what they do

calm down people

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