League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Lissandra looks pretty freakin cool. (That's a pun I realized while I typed it)

Seeing how she has all the movement impairment, how that stacks with her passive so well, and that the names are already close, the item shall be renamed Lissandra's Torment and will be core on her. My hypothesis.
Guys I'm super excited to relive my World of Warcraft days through League of Legends. My original character was a Troll Frost Mage, and now Trundle looks suspiciously like my troll used to and Lissandra's kit looks suspiciously like his! It's very nostalgic.

except Lissandra kind of looks like the bastard child of Shiva and an evangelion

also voy/saint/scarra/doublelift/patoy for allstar or bust
lissandra looks quite strong, idk how good the claw will be as an escape but i assume it will work pretty well (unless there's something i'm missing!)

i don't remember my na team but my eu one was diamondprox/shushei/hosan/soAZ/edward so i don't think my na one would be very relevant either
I decided to change my mind on NA and vote for Saint over Oddone because I decided I was valuing synergy too much and Saint has plenty of synergy with Regi anyway so my team is Voyboy/Saintvicious/Regiald/Cop/Patoy. Dunno how everyone can still be on doublelifts dick when he sucks in half of CLG's games and they are in 4th place @_@ The better pick is probably qtpie but I just picked cop because that was my original pick and I do think that he is underrated by a lot of people (pros, fans, etc.) I am sad that Xpecial is winning the support vote and that APHROMOO is second wtf fanboys too strong, I think its quite obvious by every observable metric and even nonobservable metrics (word of mouth, watching the games to see who is making the plays for their team) that Patoy is not only the best support but probably the best player in NA. Scarra is very overhyped (got dumped on by Alex in the exhibition at MLG for example) but neither him nor Regi would fare very well anyway, though I do think Regi has better synergy with Saint so I picked him. Dyrus is a fine second choice for top but he seems to play horrendously in high pressure situations so I would rather have voyboy.

My EU team is Soaz/Diamond/Alex/(dear god all the AD carries suck.... I can't even choose one... Yellowstar I guess?)/Edward and I don't think there is much competition except at Mid and AD. Darien is good but has a tiny champion pool, but at least he doesn't have the problem of tunnel visioning as hard as Wickd. There are no junglers that can really compare to Diamond nor supports that could compare to Edward, but the mids are quite close (peke/alex/froggen) and all of the ADs are worse than even NA.


formerly Stone Cold
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tad, Doublelift is probably a contender for best ADC in the world. he's like the one bright light NA has lol. CLG's problem isn't Doublelift sucks, it's that if you kill doublelift first you win the team fight lol. And every team is smart enough to do so. Cop has better stats because his team is equally talented and all can burst down people. They all play carry champions where Doublelift normally carries his team.

Also, Lux Ult Quadra Kill

theamericandream you cannot justify your picks on stats alone

of course cop has the best K/D/A out of all the AD carries because he's on the team with the best record at the LCS. that's not even considering that saint/voyboy typically play extremely aggressive diving champions who take pressure off of cop

on the other side of the spectrum is CLG, who usually put hotshot on a supporting tank role, have link peel for DLift, and have chauster do a combination of peeling and diving in. doublelift is still very strong in the international scene and is regarded by many asian teams as one of the best AD carries in the world

if you're talking about pure synergy, qtpie is the only other contender because of his similar playstyle and more experience with patoy - based on individual performance only, however, doublelift is far and away the best AD in both NA and EU.

(also seeing as how you're on 2999 posts at the moment i'm going to pre-emptively congratulate you on 3k)


Who let marco in here????
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Dunno how everyone can still be on doublelifts dick when he sucks in half of CLG's games and they are in 4th place @_@
Hi. I got a lot of time. Incoming wall of text. Skip this post if you don't care.

1) Breaking the KDA illusion - why Cop's high KDA does not mean very much.
Looking at Cop's KDA, he has like what, 5 times of Doublelift's KDA? Sounds impressive right? Unfortunately, this is where things get shady. Watching Curse's games and CLG's games, it becomes clear as to how Cop achieved such a high KDA. Consider this: Who are Curse's biggest threats? Voyboy and Saintvicious. Consider this: Who has a crosshair on him all the time on CLG? Doublelift. In the former case, Saint and Voyboy put so much upfront threat that Cop can remain safe in the back, knowing that he can just auto or press R as Miss Fortune and things will go his way. In fact, Voyboy and Saint's KDAs are substantially lower than Cop's, yet they're the ones posing the most threat, and it's kind of hard to deny that. There are many games where Cop had zero deaths, and that really inflates his KDA. Onto Doublelift's case - he's the guy that CLG expects to carry, and he's the guy that gets dived on 24/7 by every team in the LCS. I don't know about you, but when you're being dived on by 3-4 people, surviving is almost a miracle. Aside from a few silly lane deaths, Doublelift's deaths have been due to how much he is focused. Even with that setback though, Doublelift currently leads LCS in terms of kills. Would you not want your ADCs to get kills? This leads to point 2.

2) Cop's "support adc" vs Doublelift's more aggressive playstyle in the World Stage - the fall of Cop's safety net.
Recall in point 1 that Cop's inflated KDA comes from him playing safe and letting the rest of his team put out the real threat. Now consider this: NA's solo lanes are the weakest out of the participating regions, however, NA's botlanes are generally stronger than (at least) EU's botlanes. Why would you send a passive and safe player to take advantage of this strength? As you can see here, Cop's 'stand back and play safe' playstyle heavily backfires. No longer can he reliably call on Voyboy to dominate his enemies. Knowing that botlane is NA's strongest point, other regions will simply use their natural advantage to screw over NA's toplane and then dive Cop. Cop, usually not having to deal with this situation due to his team's offensive presence, finds himself stuck in a hard place. Doublelift, on the other hand, is more used to handling divers and is undoubtedly more mechanically skilled than Cop is. Unlike Cop's passive farming playstyle, Doublelift will know how to press his advantage in lane against them and potentially carry the other two (probably) losing lanes.

scarra made a pretty long post as to why he considers Cop to not really be an option. Check it out here.

3) Pro Player Opinions

From what I've gathered, Scarra (as seen above), Saintvicious, Reginald, Link, and even Cop himself chose Doublelift to represent NA (although Cop has a somewhat darker motive). It's not a large sample size, but his prowess is definitely respected. Jebus even mentioned that Doublelift's performance is respected on the Korean scene and that says something considering NA doesn't get a lot of respect internationally.

Furthermore, what we see on screen isn't even a quarter of the amount of games these pros have played together. For example, people often rag on Regi's questionable plays in the LCS matches, yet many pros consider him to be one of the best (if not the) best mid in NA. Scarra, Saint, and Chauster in particular have been the most vocal in praising Regi's playmaking ability. What does this have to do with Doublelift? I'm sure that these people know what they are saying when they consider him to be the best ADC is NA.

One last question someone might ask "But doesn't CLG run protect the Doublelift? Wouldn't that skew over his performance?" Well let's just say dive comps naturally counter that comp, and in regards to his performance, it has been shown time to time that he's able to carry his team when all lanes have been lost.

To end this message I'd like to point out this thread to give an idea what the pros think would be the best lineup to represent NA.

IMO Cop is probably the 5th best ADC in NA, after Doublelift/qtpie/wildturtle/Nientonsoh. He might be the most consistent, but he's also consistently letting his team do the carrying for him.

That is all.

tl; dr: No screw you i want you to read all of it.

lol im such a nerd.
Tiger Stance's ( Q ) Passive effect now grants bonus damage ( ~.1 AD ) on auto attacks instead of attack speed.
Tiger Stance's ( Q ) activated attack speed bonus increased to 30/40/50/60/70% for 5 seconds from 15/20/25/30/35%.
Tiger Stance's (Q ) bonus damage strike now deals 80/140/200/260/320 ( +2.5 bonus AD ) physical damage instead of 30/80/130/180/230 ( +1.5 AD ) magic damage.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
kda is a useless stat, it was Score I think, who played way too safely and did 0 dmg in teamfights to not die and preserve his ratio. meanwhile his team loses fights because he doesn't put himself close enough to auto anyone, or go in to try and turn things around, instead running the first moment the fight turns against his team.

it looks pretty but if you worry about your kda you'll miss out on the impact you could have playing ballsier, as well as being passive on the global scale when you really need to be aggressive.

despite his looks I think qtpie is severely underrated as an adc because he's never really allowed to take the spotlight, while cop is overrated because his tanks/assassins put SO much pressure out in teamfights. he's a safe player. congrats, when your solo lanes and jungler will get badly outclassed by their EU/Asian equivalents, you playing safe is never going to win you the game. cop only looks so good compared to other na teams because voyboy and sv are the best aggressive top/jungler IN NA, globally they can't compete imo. feel free to disagree. doublelift and qtpie would put on way more in allstars.

so we have big freljord patch coming, with SEJUANI, TRUNDLE, LISSANDRA and HOWLING ABYSS.
personally I think the new trundle looks blah, his skins especially are horrid renditions of their previous forms, and as a writer his lore is so much worse this time around. his old dynamic of "so happy to take this curse so he'll be loved, then not loved, so he lets his tribe die as revenge" was much more unique and interesting, but I am not a trundle player nor will I be so I don't have much standing.
I have always liked sejuani though but wished she had damage mitigation or another form of CC as well as her W applying Frost so you don't have to use her high-CD maxed-last Q to burst into a camp and hit all minions for your E. and...... all of that was fixed! i'm honestly really looking forward to new-sej, I think she looks like she'll be in a great place with her big plays wombo combo R, but also, if someone jukes it or dives her adc she has her knockup Q to try and peel, instead of a (powerful) slow. now you can stun 4 people, knock up the 5th when he dives, then hit e and slow them all for maximum cc and peel. she looks really good now.
lissandra is interesting.. I kind of wish we had an actual ice dervish as well with a giant sword instead of syndra and darkflame shyvana's love child plus ICE THEME because roit love fire and ice and robotz. also i'm concerned as to how her black ice will look at her feet while she walks, hopefully it's not derpy. she looks otherwise interesting and her kit seems to be very fun at first glance.

thinking veigar+lissandra botlanes both rush DFG for maximum fraggage and CC. or even lissYNDRA botlane.

love howling abyss's look so super excited for aram queue on a fancy new map with great graphics.

also I feel like nobody here has bought Zac nobody talks about him, we're still stuck on how Quinn's ult is just SO BAD in teamfights and her E can get you killed using it and her Q can't clear caster minions so it's kinda meh, so as he's gonna hit 6300 ip in a couple days, what do people think about him? good, op, up, balanced, fun, crazy ganker, smite steal master, garbage trash tier sucknoob champ????????

speaking of getting you killed the only thing I want in a rework is REMOVE SIVIR'S ULT'S CAST TIME. lol let me give myself this movespeed boost to chase oh I had to stand still now you're out of my 500 range so I can't catch you to get my passive up again herp derp. hopefully this gets changed when she gets a new model and animation because it's so retarded.. yes it's an aoe ms/as boost to her team so it's not the same as vayne's self ms/ad boost but COME ON the cast time is so horrid for escaping, chasing, kiting, everything.
kda is a useless stat, it was Score I think, who played way too safely and did 0 dmg in teamfights to not die and preserve his ratio. meanwhile his team loses fights because he doesn't put himself close enough to auto anyone, or go in to try and turn things around, instead running the first moment the fight turns against his team.
I agree and disagree. Score plays very safe, but he knows when to turn on the aggression and he is indisputably one of the best AD carries in Korea. His team didn't lose very many fights. KTB went 11-1 during the group stage and 3-1 vs. KTA. Their worst record was against Sword, the eventual tournament winners, against whom they went 1 and 6 - but consider that this is at Sword's peak. They still managed to 3-0 Blaze after, and Blaze has Flame and Ambition, who are two of the strongest players in Korea.

Keep in mind that this is before they picked up inSec on jungle and ssumday on top lane. With how huge of a threat inSec and Ryu generally pose to the enemy team, it makes sense that Score's more support-AD style (like Cop's) would fit better. He is by no means a weak player, and simply knows how to deal the most damage possible from the safest range possible.
Holy crap that is Kyurem... Down to the grey body and yellow head thing... That's bordering on trademark infringement it's so Kyurem. XD


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
score's team did well, but when they weren't doing well, he played like a puss to protect his kda. if he had said YOLO to try and turn things around who knows. my opinion tho.

seriously riot....................... anivia has skins from 2005 only, no particles, so you give us a new one, ok, then it has new vocals so must be legendary... now we still don't have a 975 anivia skin with particles not from 2005. why not release battlecast first (still weird since hextech exists ?_?) so it's not LOL ENJOY UR SUCKO OLD PARTICLES or fork over double bucks.

why riot. why.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
Yeti does bring up a point I really never thought about. Cop is like the NA version of score in terms of KDA ratio. Though to me, I don't take KDA ratio into account at all in determining who I think is good or not. I still stand by statement made in the previous page that Score is overrated. Look at the impact WildTurtle has had from the adc position. It's been pretty huge (let's not take into account NA scene isn't that great).

Anyways to try and get people into the korean scene more.

Najin Sword got stomped 0-2 by MvP blue
CJ frost went 1-1 vs sk t1 (ex-azb blaze top laner reapered's team)

from what I gathered in these 4 games - 3 of them were karthus + other global ults. So the s2 meta of karthus + globals seems to be coming back again. Also double AP seems to start being a little more popular. Also Najin Sword is in a huge slump, mostly maknoon who has been feeding/playing bad since every game after winning OGN.

Also this patch needs to come fast, I want my ARAM matchmaking
yeah najin sword is in a big slump

TPA lost 0-2 at the SWL to positive energy which is basically WE's little sister team

with NJS also doing very poorly recently (2-0 lost to invictus) i wouldn't be surprised if they lost to taipei snipers 2-0
TPA lost 0-2 at the SWL to positive energy which is basically WE's little sister team
they used to be WE i-rocks but are under a new sponsor now. most notably their ad carry is devil who, despite his name, is actually god. the only player who can take devil is probably weixiao, that is how good he is...

by the way if anyone here actually thinks doublelift isn't the best AD in NA they are horrendously misguided

like there shouldn't even be an argument, when the international top tier ADs like wx, loco, score, uzi, nien and cpt jack praise him, you know he's something special
Ok, I can't be the only person who has an issue with this.

I get really annoyed when someone on a winning team prematurely says "gg," usually accompanied by some trash talk as well. I mean, I literally don't know ANY sport where that is acceptable. If you did that in a pickup basketball game, your friends would call you out on being a douche. If you did that in a chess tourney, people would stare in awe at your rudeness.

Hell, in Starcraft, when a winner prematurely declares "gg," here is what the rules have to say.

Offensive GG - Typing in the gg "for" your opponent, basically indicating the game is over. Very rude behaviour that is frowned upon severely.

So why the hell do League players think it is ok to prematurely declare ggs?

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