League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Plus Nasus is popular as a jungler now because the whole large creep buff to his Q. ;[ And Wither is a brutal ganking tool, it's got shit all to do with Spirit Fire.
diamondprox maxes spirit fire first for a REASON

remember how darien popularized top lane renekton again back at IEM katowice? he maxed E first for the empowered slice and dice because gambit is all about shredding resistances and aggressively teamfighting

diamondprox maxes E first, then W, then Q last. E shreds 40 armor at rank 5 - if you max it immediately, that's going to be at around 15 minutes into the game (plus your jungle becomes stupidly fast although you lose some Q farm)
diamondprox maxes spirit fire first for a REASON

remember how darien popularized top lane renekton again back at IEM katowice? he maxed E first for the empowered slice and dice because gambit is all about shredding resistances and aggressively teamfighting

diamondprox maxes E first, then W, then Q last. E shreds 40 armor at rank 5 - if you max it immediately, that's going to be at around 15 minutes into the game (plus your jungle becomes stupidly fast although you lose some Q farm)


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
And I can still tell you with reasonable certainty that the reason he's using Nasus as a jungler to begin with ain't because of Spirit Fire.
The reason he's using jungle Nasus is most likely not Spirit Fire, but the reason he's maxing Spirit Fire is because he's jungling and it gives him the best clear time, which is what you usually do with junglers.
yeah it can't possibly be because spirit fire can instantly shred 80% of an AD carry's armor by level 9

i don't disagree that wither is a fantastic skill and siphoning strike's buff against large monsters was a huge buff for jungle nasus, but saying that spirit fire is irrelevant is an oversight, in my opinion


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Hey fuckholes, Jebus is completely correct. Spirit Fire has always been Nasus's most powerful early game spell. Yes, jungle Nasus was certainly made more viable with the changes to his Q but those changes didn't suddenly make Spirit Fire the lesser spell.
While Spirit Fire is the reason Nasus is even viable out of the jungle because it gives him his most important teamfighting property and one of the better clearspeeds in the modern jungle, it is worth noting Wither is huge too because it gives Nasus a niche. If you want armor shredding from the Jungler there are a handful of decent options right now, all of whom have some weaknesses applying their debuffs(for the most notable, Jarvan's is tied to his CC and percentile, Nasus' is ground targeted and on a long cooldown), so I think when deciding when to pick one the rest of the kit is what becomes the differentiator... and Wither is definitely Nasus'. The ability to almost completely neutralize a fed AS based character with Wither + Randuin's is pretty massive and Nasus contributes a lot of effective damage to teamfights even when building defensively because of Q/E/R, though he trades the hard CC and gap closing ability most other Junglers offer for it.

Siphoning Strike is almost irrelevant beyond it giving him offensive scaling without building offensive items to give him extra damage in teamfights to compensate for his weaknesses. While you get more growth from the Jungle with the +6 change than you used to, it's not even comparable to what you'd get in lane, and since you wind up with much less gold as well the odds of being the ~~AMAZING LATE GAME NASUS~~ are pretty much zero unless the game winds up being an hour long. Jungle Nasus plays a different role than the laning version, but he's a lot of fun and strong right now... definitely my favorite Jungler other than maybe J4 on this patch.

Doesn't dodging come with a 10 point automatic LP loss? I'd say I only lose 10 points or more per loss roughly 30%-40% of the time, I think you're honestly better off just trying to win and taking the -8 / -7 if you do lose.
The point of this you missed was that since it doesn't change your MMR even if you take the same loss in ELO from dodging as from losing normally, you'll gain more from the next win because your points will try to adjust to your MMR.

Also, random feel good solo queue stories: I tend to look up my teammates on lolking in the lobby. I will be more or less forceful about what role I want to play if people can obviously only play one role because I can at least not feed at whatever, but I also like to see where my teammates are division-wise to get an idea of where my MMR stacks up to my division, as I am the lowest division on my team basically every game right now and the odds of my MMR actually being the lowest every time is pretty low. Part of why this has been interesting to me lately is because my last couple of picks keep ending up in their promotion matches. I don't tend to try very hard in solo queue, but typically if I catch someone in their promo series and they want whatever role I ~~CALLED~~, I give it to them so they don't have to support their promo series because they're a lot more invested in the results than I am and support is one of my main roles, anyway. I went 3/3 in Gold 3 in games where I supported so someone could play their favored role in their promotion series, including two where that player carried us and one where the guy was only OK but got first blood and said "TWISTED FATE PAID THE IRON PRICE" and spent the rest of the game making bad Game of Thrones references with me. Sometimes being a nice guy is worth it, I guess.
Hey fuckholes, Jebus is completely correct. Spirit Fire has always been Nasus's most powerful early game spell. Yes, jungle Nasus was certainly made more viable with the changes to his Q but those changes didn't suddenly make Spirit Fire the lesser spell.
spirit fire is not y ppl run from a nasus. its only maxd bcos the other 2 moves r 1 pt wonders with blue buff cdr n spirit fire clears. not bcos he is ganking and spirit fire cuts 80% of my armor, i have other things 2 worry about, like say a 90% slow
spirit fire is not y ppl run from a nasus. its only maxd bcos the other 2 moves r 1 pt wonders with blue buff cdr n spirit fire clears. not bcos he is ganking and spirit fire cuts 80% of my armor, i have other things 2 worry about, like say a 90% slow
joke's on you because while ur 90% slow ur also only at 20% armor hhehehehe

anyway i'm done with this argument because the new champion looks freakin' awesome


that is the most original and refreshing passive i've seen in a long time


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
So i just revealed Karma's new kit on the forums, go have a look! I probably won't answer questions here, but i did want to point out one thing from her 'dev diary'...

Why isn’t Karma fun?
The effectiveness of Karma’s abilities relied too heavily on your teammates knowing all their nuances. No matter how hard you were carrying with Karma, your teammates had to be just as good with her for you to be super effective. When an ally’s confused about whether or not he should run from or pass through your Spirit Bond, we probably made a mistake.
I'm pretty sure the new champion is that boss no one fought from AQ40 in WoW (Viscidus or whatever). I'm pretty sure he still owes me some loot so I will farm him. Probably as AP Nidalee so I can rp as myself.

Also it makes me laugh whenever I see random people refer to Scarizard still. Life is weird.

Also also I still don't know how live Karma's abilities work.
joke's on you because while ur 90% slow ur also only at 20% armor hhehehehe

anyway i'm done with this argument because the new champion looks freakin' awesome


that is the most original and refreshing passive i've seen in a long time
i stil fail 2c how u think this armor debuff is actually relevant. i could not press e at all in a gank and its success or fail would be the same


angry, not mad
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
so what if e doesn't contribute a ton to ganks, you have wither for that

and e is HUGE in teamfights in addition to the clearspeed you get for maxing it first, so it's hardly useless
Warning: Silver 2 opinions below.

Yeah, new Karma looks like no significant improvement over current Karma. All she gained was a skillshot nuke in exchange for her heal (which already had a dual function as a cone nuke) and a snare on a spell that already slowed anyways. Plus, she lost her %missing health heal and her passive that gave her free AP, and she's still too reliant on mantras and doesn't really have a passive at all since Gathering Fire could have been easily folded into her Mantra.

My prediction on Karma: She'll have a brief FotM since she got a rework, then when people figure out she's outclassed by Lux in mid lane and every support ever in bot lane she'll go back to never being played. But if her mantra empowered Q turns out to be powerful enough and the delay before the AoE detonation is short enough, she could be pretty good.

Lux will still outclass her though. Because Lux has an ultimate.

Right now, Zac appears to be the love child of Malphite and Fiddlesticks. He's got the line nuke slow which is gonna be either ridiculously broken or kind of meh depending on how long the animation takes and the cooldown. On the other hand, his Elastic Slingshot->Let's Bounce->Unstable Matter combo looks like it's gonna be the greatest wombo combo tool since Orianna.

and DAT PASSIVE is gonna be ridiculous, nobody is gonna remember to kill the blobs during a teamfight and he'll be right back at full health.

Prediction on Zac: He's gonna be great. His early clears will be a little slow but he definitely has the tools in his kit to be a dominant force in Season 3. I think he's gonna pick up a lot of bans kind of like Malphite and then get nerfed, which is a pity but at least the first day adopters will get to have some fun.

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