League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
<+Walrein> guys
<+Walrein> when i go to mlg winter championships
<+Walrein> should i hold up a sign that says pookar sux
<+Walrein> so you know which one is me
<+Walrein> on stream
<+Noelle> yes.
<&manisier> yes do it
<&manisier> and put
<&manisier> synirc #tf2
<+Walrein> gonna write it down
<+Walrein> so i remember to do it

look for me next weekend!
<+Walrein> guys
<+Walrein> when i go to mlg winter championships
<+Walrein> should i hold up a sign that says pookar sux
<+Walrein> so you know which one is me
<+Walrein> on stream
<+Noelle> yes.
<&manisier> yes do it
<&manisier> and put
<&manisier> synirc #tf2
<+Walrein> gonna write it down
<+Walrein> so i remember to do it

look for me next weekend!
godspeed and ganbatte, your pursuit is noble and just


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
probably by getting 23 kills with not-4 warmogs and a thornmail since that only costs about 13k out of the 20k+ gold he had total
omg im so off it. their whole team except teemo and maybe jarvan was terrible. Quinn and I destroyed in lane but she dc's for 10 minutes in the middle of the game. riven gets first blood on teemo but he proceeds to rape her the whole laning phase and the rest of the game. we get baron 3 times. fizz is so fed but backs everytime he gets to 80% health. Noct decides to wander our jungle alone at the end of the game followed by riven and quinn and they kill the 3 of them and throw the game.

So what's the best build for Shyvana right now?

I (kind of) mained her in Season 2 but counterjungling feels like shit right now and she doesn't really bring much to her team other then her ability to steal jungle camps, and with the increased background GP10 counterjungling doesn't mean much, especially when you run into people like Xin who blow up enemy carries with Locket of the Iron Solari and Runic Bulwark.

EDIT: I've been running half Armor Pen, half AS marks, flat armor seals, flat MR glyphs (I run everything flat because I prefer the early game stats so I'm stronger in the laning phase) and flat AD quints leftover from my Akali page.

Also, I never knew that her W could proc Elder Lizard. Did you mean her Q? (because Q definitely double procs it, I know that for sure).
probably just
hybrid pen marks/quints, armor seals, scaling MR blues
machete into spirit stone OR madred's depending on preference; spirit stone into lizard elder is really strong because W procs it

in terms of defense you should go with locket/bulwark/the usual while in terms of offense you can always go mallet or hydra or optimally a BotRK

shyvana's problem is that she doesn't scale well off of CDR and she struggles to deal relevant damage in an HP-stacking meta


I'm the Mary!
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
oh? are we talking about bad games we had today?

from champ select it seemed like karma and teemo were having the same problem i have, aka not connecting to games after loading screen. been happening since quinns patch last week and riot aint done shit. i was able to get it in (after killing the game and reloging to the reconnect screen) about 3 or 4 minutes in and with no sign of karma or teemo it looked to be a rough game ahead.

it was so-so at the start since bots even out the teams by going afk and i was laning against. i got a couple kills against vlad no problem and then i hit level six and snipe his ass for a third kill. of course said ult travels down mid lane into their nexus and aggros the rest of the afk'd team. back on to a 3 on 5.

they start roaming together but our varus is total shit. im able to nuke down enemies down to 5-10% health numerous times (sometimes at the expense of my life) while varus jerks off behind me, haphazardly chasing the already fleeing enemy. so he became useless...even more so we he left 20 minutes in.

so its a 2 on 5 at this point. its getting harder to to be everywhere. we cant attack much but we can defend. we do a good job of it but once a turret gets down to a certain percent the bot will start to dive. so in come malphite ult, dead, repeat until they take an inhib. we're still able to defend but they just start snowballing with the incoming minions. varus comes back in the last 5 minutes, does absolutely nothing as always and they take the nexus.

all in all it was great fun. also i <3 ap ezreal.


Banned deucer.

renosaur is a god among men

also trying out new caitlyn builds in da top lane

also i still cant cs


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
ah ah ah, that's not true.

you just have to find someone bored enough to play on it, see ipl and rodan.
The only way to carry yourself out of low elo's is assuming every single one of your teammates are complete and utter retards and that you have to go 9/0 in lane and roam all over the map and take their mid inhib by the 15 minute mark if you want any chances at winning. Everytime I lose I tell myself "I lost because I couldn't carry them hard enough. What can I do to carry harder?" It helps, kinda...

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