League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Man...I'm starting to play a lot more Yasuo, and he's really strong at low elo. I'm trying to play using a crapton of mobility and playing super aggressive so I can see what punishes and what doesn't and get to a Yasuo leagues above Bronze-Gold elo players. I got b5 from provisionals (I was practically gone all of season 5. :s) but I'm b2 in the course of two days and I can legitimately see myself rise to silver again next week. If I can keep this up, I can carry to gold with Yasuo.
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Banned deucer.
is everyone as ready for DUSKBLADE as I am???
I feel like the introduction of this item and the subsequent buffs to xin zhao is gonna bring back those xin players. I've already seen two so far in ranked and its only been out for a day. I'm assuming its pretty dumb on zed because he was permabanned whilst I was grinding yesterday

Pretty sick of this team builder crap though. Being on a relatively low population server, with the q time, the often accidental dodge from forgetting to lock in and the generally time consuming process, its taking like 15 - 25 minutes for me to find games and im in a highly populated elo (mid silver). I'd hate to try find matches in the higher tiers if it takes this long down here.

Would also be nice if the system for bans got changed, so that the first 3 players got the bans, right now being first pick feels like more of a penalty than a gift like it used to be, so much more open to being counterpicked with the only real reward being able to get a contested pick, whilst last picks get bans and are able to counterpick (wouldnt even be opposed to every player getting a ban, but maybe thats too extreme hehe)


Banned deucer.
i had a lot more fun with rengar today. bola cast time from the ground feels pretty good. from the air it's still buggy and will sometimes go in a place that your cursor wasn't pointing, i don't think they have fully fixed the interrupts issue because ahri charm still stopped it mid-cast for me. however the cast time being cut in half helps a bit. still leading with q for burst combos.

unfortunately somehow tiamat got bugged and it's not going off mid-leap about 10% of the time. pretty annoying when you miss out on a kill for no reason other than shoddy coding. thought we learned how to queue skills by now?

for any prospective 6.3 rengar players i'd recommend the new armor pen build against tanky teams! ghostblade/cleaver/duskblade/hydra/swifties running 10 flat cdr or 5 flat 5 scaling in runes. crit is still better vs a squishy jg/mid/ad because rengar really doesn't need the pop damage to delete someone, crit's actually a quicker oneshot and can't be cleansed

also, hidden ap rengar buffs! empowered w used to have a bit of a delay, you couldn't cast it and then standard w in quick succession (or vice versa) but they fixed it so you can double w super quickly and get that ap combo off before they dash out of half your damage! huzzah

oh and on a side note HOLY FUCK ZED AND TALON ARE BROKEN LOL (this is in low diamond, masters/challengers pipe up)


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
No no no, RIP Hide and seek man.

But seriously, fuck rito. Thank god I don't play this game anymore. Not worth supporting a company anymore that only listens with it's wallet.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
But seriously, fuck rito. Thank god I don't play this game anymore. Not worth supporting a company anymore that only listens with it's wallet.
have u never heard of the phrases 'speak/vote with your wallet' that's the way you DO get companies to listen is with what you spend, or don't spend, your money on...

how tf u think the business world work? lmao
Nasus is pretty good. In low/mid gold you can pick him into any AD top and win.
In my experience this goes all the way up to high gold/low plat.

Anyways, I play top only as a secondary role along with support, with my main being adc. I almost only play Garen and RARELY vladimir or fizz and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on Garen's matchup with this new Shen? Is there anything I can do other than farm? Every way I've tried trading just results in me getting worn down and him taking roughly ~0 damage.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion

He changed his name to Aurelion Sol for some reason. also Dominion is now officially RIP :( :( :(

I got not much to say about new Shen but his new W gives him 100% dodge like Jax's E. Shouldn't mean much to Garen because you Q him and then spin2win hits through "dodge" anyway. Plus his base stats got totally gutted.

I would think Shen's solo lane is weaker in general now because his Energy costs have gone up (Energy pool has gone up to compensate but it effectively means he regens slower now, which is analogous to having longer cooldowns.) and he can't farm/harass at range anymore. That said, Garen should kite at the edge of E range because tanky champs with autoattack steroids can out-trade you simply by not attempting to run away and just sitting there autoattacking you through the duration of your spin.
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tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
there's no way aurelion sol isn't gonna be a mt. targon champ you heard it here first

edit: i posted this before i saw the thing on the official site rofl
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sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Ok so I've recently been spamming Sivir with the changes to her W (it can now crit) and I have to say she seems pretty strong. You can have your W up almost the entire duration for teamfights with 40% CDR, which is pretty insane. I don't think she's broken, but imo she's pretty up there as one of the best adcs right now, maybe on par with lucian. I typically rush Essence Reaver into a zeal item, Phantom Dancer if they have two assassins and we have another waveclearer, Statikk if we have no waveclear aside from me, into CDR boots, IE. Last two items I typically go Phantom Dancer for the full 100% crit, but if my support can get me a zekes I've been considering anything from Merc / Botrk / Bloodthirster (from hard cc, tons of tanks, poke comps). She does really well against things typical in the meta right now, like alistar, ezreal, lucian (harder lane since he can still outtrade you just with e+w in a 1 on 1), bard, thresh. Spell Shield comes in handy soooo often. What do you guys think about the new changes?
LAVOSE [score hidden] 15 minutes ago

lol I still remember SONSTAR from his KT Arrows days. Wisdom probably deserves better, I hope the money is good.

Lavos Spawn imma call u out on this i dont think you were even playing league at this point

+ KTA wasn't even in OGN at this time so u had to be watching NLB which i doubt. #CORNERED #TRUEKTFANS #TRUEIMFANS


Banned deucer.
LAVOSE [score hidden] 15 minutes ago

lol I still remember SONSTAR from his KT Arrows days. Wisdom probably deserves better, I hope the money is good.

Lavos Spawn imma call u out on this i dont think you were even playing league at this point

+ KTA wasn't even in OGN at this time so u had to be watching NLB which i doubt. #CORNERED #TRUEKTFANS #TRUEIMFANS
I started playing in spring 2013. First pro game I saw was scarra's ap yi mid vs tsm at mlg something. Started watching ogn/nlb after allstars when insec shit on everyone. This is why I'm a kt fan, I cheered for the bullets ever since watching insec at allstars.

And now I watch every korean game so don't talk down to me u F*king NORMIE

If anything pls shit talk the fact that I main Rengar

Edit: inb4 "but lavos your account has only existed since season 4!!" Yeah my first account was permabanned, I'm toxic. Current account has been 2 week banned 4x and counting.

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