League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Colonel M

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I did it. I made it to Silver legitimately. Leona OP.

Still need to brush up on my jungle skills but somehow after watching TheOddOne's J4 Jungle match from Season 4 it made me feel better. Even the best can make mistakes - it's all about how to learn to correct them and help assist the team.
i would basically never get hexdrinker / maw on an AD carry at this point with very few exceptions

QSS is exceptional against all forms of hard CC while banshee's veil is so incredibly strong now that it's the go-to item for everything else

granted you lose a bit of offensive stats but the sheer amount of defense from veil makes it a much better buy than maw imo
... wat? Any AD that's not your champion's natural AD per level growth is considered bonus AD.
Part of the AD on Maw of Malmortius scales based on how low on health you are. Lifesteal causes you to be healed when you attack, decreasing the AD and the lifesteal on your next attack.

At least I think that's what he was talking about...

I don't buy either Mercurial Scimtar or Maw of Malmortius on AD carries. Both of them have their own problems. Maw has the aforementioned Lifesteal anti-synergy and the shield is pretty small and usually instantly or near instantly broken on an ADC. Mercurial Scimtar is far too expensive and is hampered by the large number of uncleansable CCs flying around these days (Vi, Yasuo, etc). I'd rather invest in either a Guardian Angel or Frozen Mallet depending on the carry. Both have the advantage of helping against both major forms of damage (GA through resistances, FM through health), and both have passives that are extremely beneficial for a carry.

I think the only situation where I'd really build Maw period is if I'm laning against Rumble in top lane and I built a Hexdrinker in lane. I'd finish it off later for a Maw in that case. Mercurial Scimtar is just too expensive for me to ever want to invest in, especially since it would always go in my 5th item slot on ADCs (first 4 are reserved for Zerkers, IE, SS, and either BT or BotRK depending on the carry) and there are better options for bruisers like Spirit Visage+Merc Treads.


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Maw doesn't give as much MR, it's bonus AD doesn't go well with Lifesteal, and it doesn't remove any type of CC in the game.
unless you need qss

I didn't know we were talking about ad carries who even plays adc in s4 anyway

I buy spirit visage on everyone unless I'm mad and want to punch them harder then I buy hexdrinker.

Part of the AD on Maw of Malmortius scales based on how low on health you are. Lifesteal causes you to be healed when you attack, decreasing the AD and the lifesteal on your next attack.
ok but that's like saying Dr Mundo's Masochism doesn't synergise with Sadism


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
We were originally talking about Maw and Merc Scimmy on AD CASTERS NOT CARRIES (as in NOT MARKSMEN). Who the fuck builds Maw on Marksmen anyways? Please let's not confuse the topic at hand people. Thanks.

the point stands that i'd rather have QSS / BVeil on an AD caster over hexdrinker with very few exceptions (although hexdrinker has more uses on an ad caster than an ad carry especially if you're going mid)


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Assuming you don't get 100-0ed by physical damage, Maw effectively provides 400 HP along with its 40 MR. That's less than BVeil's 450/55 but hey that 60-95 AD more than makes up for it. :/ Each item has its own purpose: Veil's bubble protects you from shit that otherwise has no answer (Blitz grab, Gragas ult, Singed Fling, etc.) and it is valuable sustain of sorts in siege scenarios, QSS provides an answer to completely different shit with otherwise no answer (e.g. suppression ults) plus some offense when upgraded, and Maw gives you the most raw offense when you just need the HP/MR for survivability. Spirit Visage provides CDR and the self-healing buff.

But heaven forbid anyone have to think and build situationally.
Even if we are talking about ad casters, most still get some sort of Lifesteal (Zed - BoTRK, Talon - Hydra, Riven - Hydra, Wukong - Hydra, Renekton - Hydra)


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
But heaven forbid anyone have to think and build situationally.
yeah sorry this all started with me just being dumb and asking what "the build" (tm) was for these ad casters/assassins, stupidly thinking "why are these items good on x champ" instead of "why did pro player x build these items against y team"
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unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Because pro players are as much sheep as everyone else. Maw is a fine item but the reason it's never built probably has as much to do with the stigma that it's crap as it is these players having a particularly good reason to value the bubble/Cleanse aspect of its competitors.

Opinions can change though, Hydra is pretty well accepted as a better BT on melee champs now. It usually doesn't.
only 2 def items asasin shud buy is ga, and meybeh hex/maw depends on how srs the magicks is :s

i feel is p. big waste if u buy anything else


Banned deucer.
i just had the greatest shitmo game of my life

i had sorc/morello/liandry/void/dcap/zhonyas and blue pot on. enemy sona goes to ward baron, steps on a shroom, literally one shots her 100-0

best feeling in the fucking world


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
man why did I only start playing the game after it stopped being good
can you imagine naut swimming and this :(((((((

edit also really happy about xenics being destroyed and all their talent being poached

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