How's 2020 for everyone so far?


is a Tiering Contributor
So uh, 2020 was def a hard year for most of us (probably for all of us, maybe) and I can't really believe 50% of the whole year's passed already. Thought it would be a neat idea to talk/discuss about how life was this year compared to other years.

For me, even online schools didn't start until mid-april (our government took long time to think lol) and I was just kinda lurking around libraries and academies (quarantine wasn't really necessary in my country, idk why). So in the meantime I got into comp, became more active in PS! community during my free time, and made many good friends. Our offline schools opened mid-may and I'm enjoying my last year of high school as well (school year starts in march in my country) except that my grades are fucked. rip

So how was 2020 so far for you guys? I'd love to hear some of your stories :)


it's a thug life ¨̮
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
2020 has been absolutely insane and equally the most successful time in my life.

It's really, really strange to see people around me struggling while I'm thriving.

Also spending hours a day yelling at racists has become essential to my day.
Well how to start with all the problmes with this year, not only the health and social features were a disaster... ah what a bad way to start this year with Elsa memes(idk if this was for all the world but...oh lord it was so popular in Spanish-speaking world) all of them unfunny, what's worse that many companies used this meme to sell products...a total cringe first week. And were just starting counting about how bad was the relationship into countries and their worry about a war and that was making some people being paranoic.
Then we have the worst thing of all...the quarentine and the online classes, ahhahah yeah i'm p screwed in that, not only for my bad connection, is that you need to pay attention at what the teacher sayas what's for homework, oh lord, and i tought university classes couldn't be more hard, then came this COVID-19, and showed me how, also i'm really boring to stay in house, just the only different thing i can do is to breed my rabbits and guinea pigs, ahh still i remeber when i could exit to my house sleep on the car and walk some minutes when i was going to my house, these days now are far and i didn't knew how i wish they came back.
2020 is being a surprise for me, since this was the year that i planned the most important things of my current conditions, i'm learning a lot of things and trying to get the best things of it. well, talking about my school, i'm in the last year of the high school and me with my classmates planned to travel together in the final of the year, we would go with the most fun teacher and just enjoy for some days the freedom of finish a big period of our lifes, unfortunately it's impossible right now because we can't keep money and get money selling something. talking about esthetics, this was the year that i would finish my photodepilation and substitute the glasses to contact lens, also finish my treatment for acnes. well, at least i did the substitution of the glasses for the contact lens and i'm also doing my treatment with acnes and actually i don't have more of them over my face; finally, i couldn't join the gym as i wanted, unfortunately, but i'll do it when everything become better. talking about me and my feelings, i'm always reflecting with myself and some friends, thinking about how i'm evolving with the years, actually i feel my self more beautiful, confident and natural, comparing with some years before, but i'm also more sensitive and fragile than before, this is too difficult for me because when i feel the necessity of a friend hug/kiss, i can't get it to become better, i also can't go for a better place to distract myself, unfortunately the social medias and the contast cellphone uses are toxic and make us stressful often. finally, i'm hating my virtual classes, for me they don't work definitively, i can't learn and i hate the fact that this isn't so close to end, but we need to fight and be ready for what will come tomorrow.


and I think that's beautiful
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
It's not making a big revelation if I say 2020 is big lame-o it's an election year so no shit but I will take the opportunity to put a positive spin on this and not talk about me and say this has been an AMAZING year for music especially with how dry the scene was last year. This year has honestly been hit after hit after hit from January to what's coming in September. Just some highlights would be Poppy's new album I Disagree that we're really seeing her in her music since she got away from Titanic Sinclair and she is dropping her character in interviews. Rina Sawayama's AMAZING debut album Sawayama is a blend of genres that just work so well together and is my favorite release of the year currently. Dua Lipa and Jessie Ware are righting our wrongs as a society for letting Disco die out by reviving it with Future Nostalgia, a modern pop take on disco with a fuck ton of clever samples to give it a nostalgic feel hah get it cause future nostalgia modern but old hahahahahh, and What's Your Pleasure?, a straight up 80s synth disco and house inspired album. Halsey has been killing it with being one of the most streamed artists in its entirety, and not to mention that Lana Del Rey and Katy Perry are going to be dropping their new studio albums very soon.

It's very pleasant to have such good musical progress in the industry when we're so constricted by covid but it's really just shows how magical it is that so many people are able to come together(metaphorically, social distancing is still an important thing y'all) and just really make some good ass shit. Unfortunately that did mean tours were cancelled which really sucks for those artists that put out albums but thankfully they're definitely not being snubbed from getting praise and attention they deserve.

I just recently started my Sophomore year of uni and I just performed my first recital on the 21st and it went very well though it's kinda awkward getting used to all the covid precautions uni has since we are still face to face(about half my classes are online and most are hybrid) but I'm just vibing.

I highly recommend giving a listen to the albums that came out this year, there's really too many for me to list but there's a pretty good chance that it's a bop. Unless it's Changes, that album fucking sucked :fukyu:.

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
In retrospect, I think this year has actually been pretty good for me. Despite everything that's happened this year, I have to say that the bright spots have been amazing. My relationship with my boyfriend has only gotten better since we started up last year, and it shows no sign of anything bad on the horizon. I kicked a certain game that was a parasite on my mentality to the curb, started contributing here after years of lurking, and started collecting retro stuff again too. My time in quarantine has also allowed me to be more introspective about myself and really find out what I want to do with my life.

It can certainly go wrong, but...I've made a lot of progress. Just got to keep it going.


free فلسطين
is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Top Artistis a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributor
Overall, 2020 hasn't been too bad for me. We were in normal school and tests were coming up when online school came along so the was fun! (Doesn't mean we didn't get like 100 assignments though :p). I basically spent online school multitasking with games and stuff while doing school work. We then returned to school where we had to do the evil, horrible.. tests. Honestly, I did okay, not as well as I could've done if we stayed in online school. Although it was a long experience online, barely going anywhere, it felt like it was over in the snap of a finger.
Progress I've made? Ha, funny. I actually don't think I've done anything but sewing tbh. Also picked up on Pokemon Showdown which has been a great experience to my relaxation and overall helping me as a person. I found time to learn more art from music to drawing and it has also helped me become a more relaxed person, and better performing at such things :D. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone, whether for a day to the whole year, but we'll all get through it
2020 was kind of a 50/50 for me. 2020 was my graduating year for high school, and I couldn’t care less for my senior year. I just wanted to be done with high school and go to college. I actually started college like a month ago. I already made friends and the campus is beautiful. I can walk around for hours and not get bored; However, College was supposed to be a new chapter in my life. I’m moved into my dorm and everything, but I might have to move out soon. My school already has 700+ reported cases of COVID, but there are probably more. I wanted my freshman year to be special, but it’s looking like it’s not.


Banned deucer.
2020 hasn't really impacted my life as much as it has to others. I'm already a house hermit and been done with school ages ago. Everything's been pretty much the same with me.
Quarantine gave me an opportunity and time to get involved in mons. I've had some bad moments but I don't necessarily think that's much new, it feels like for a lot of people they think every passing year is the new "worst year yet" which I don't really agree with. Overall, I've finally had enough time to meet a lot of cool people, and while I've floated around on the net for longer than I can remember smog/ps is prob the best community I've been in since early TF2 days. There have been a lot of frustrating things in 2020 namely the USA's terrible handling of the pandemic and the shitty spot it left people in schooling in. In my 16 years of life I can prob say this has been the most impactful, I've had a lot of time to myself to think shit over which has been nice. Albeit I do think I bailed out in the sense that junior year isn't exactly the worst year of someone's life to have to adjust to the pandemic. TL;DR: 2020 has been super impactful, how that matters in the future we'll see ig
2020 has allowed me to start doing things i like a bit more now that i graduated HS. None of the events in 2020 (ignore the quarantine) has really impacted my life too badly atm. It just feels like the year dashes by extremely fast


Bono My Tires are Deceased
is a Contributor Alumnus
2020 has not been really kind unfortunately. One of my best buddies got really sick with you know what and almost went onto a ventilator, which wasn't a good start. He's doing better now but six months on and he still can't breathe properly. My family's business is a bar, which is not doing great at the moment for obvious reasons, and my house came extremely close to burning down because of the CA fires. In terms of more petty stuff, my Baseball season got cancelled, as did the roller coaster road trip I had planned (rip Cedar Point). Not big deals but still pretty sucky.

Positives are definitely the fact that things are overall getting better in the world in terms of our understanding of COVID and vaccine development and my relationship is going well with my GF and I finally physically back together at college. My college is also currently doing very well in COVID procedures, which is nice.

Still kinda a garbage year but hopefully things get better soon.


Creatures in Heaven
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
It's sure been weird. I started the year with a very painful lower back injury which resurfaced once during the Lockdown period in March - July. I was attempting to date in February but was ghosted. My mental health was briefly low because of the Lockdown but I found other ways to occupy my time. I crushed on a few fictional characters and became obsessed with a volleyball anime as one does in a global health pandemic. I upgraded all of my current devices. I was briefly stood down from my job as a gymnastic coach and a couple side jobs that I have which majorly sucked but have since returned. I am currently in the process of moving into my own apartment which while exciting is also somewhat stressful. I also joined an online writing group and wrote a story for the first time in years. It was amazing feeling inspiration to write again and I will definitely be writing more in the future. I also watched alot of Netflix including a hilarious show called The Floor is Lava. I've kinda done alot this year. :)


and boom goes the brainbox
is a Community Contributor
quarantine was honestly ok for me - not like i'd have been going out much anyway lmao. only real difference was i had to exercise at home which got pretty boring after a while - i started to lose motivation & ease off on the effort a bit before the end of lockdown/start of the academic year.

that said, i'm at uni now & after 6+ months of doing nothing it's p hectic. lectures are all online but i'm still commuting into town for tutorials and rowing (10 sessions a week baby) so i'm having to manage my time effectively - never my strong suit. we're definitely heading towards another lockdown (or a local lockdown, at least), as covid careens ever closer...
quarantine was honestly ok for me - not like i'd have been going out much anyway lmao. only real difference was i had to exercise at home which got pretty boring after a while - i started to lose motivation & ease off on the effort a bit before the end of lockdown/start of the academic year.

that said, i'm at uni now & after 6+ months of doing nothing it's p hectic. lectures are all online but i'm still commuting into town for tutorials and rowing (10 sessions a week baby) so i'm having to manage my time effectively - never my strong suit. we're definitely heading towards another lockdown (or a local lockdown, at least), as covid careens ever closer...
I agree on how exercise at home becomes boring and quite demotivating as compared to working out at the gym or jogging outside. By working out at the gym, seeing fit work out can be motivating since you want to be as fit as them. Jogging outside allows you to see different places and is much less boring than staring at the same wall. I tried to exercise while watching TV to make it more entertaining but that is a bit straining on the neck if you don't want to miss out the good scenes.
Tough times create perseverance and character there is a saying. Despite COVID striking fear in all of us as well as political turmoil virtually everywhere and bilateral tensions between nations the biggest thing, the one thing that is keeping me positive through this hellhole of a year is how incredible physical exercise it is. It's literally a reverse Uno card that produces endorphins and reverses a bad mood into a good one. Got highly motivated to head to the gym frequently because of this and I'm feeling ripped as hell rn.
Pretty ok for me so far. There were some demotivating and hard moments for me & my loved ones. But I think we came out most of them stronger. Apart from that, I have been trying some focusing tech like meditation, creating schedules, etc. and its been going well. I'm been trying to program more (I'm a CS major) & learn Japanese on my spare time, which has also been going smoothly. I ended up creating a website and got a part time programming job, which I never thought would happen. While online learning is a bit boring, I like how it forces me to learn certain concepts on my own.
Tough times create perseverance and character there is a saying. Despite COVID striking fear in all of us as well as political turmoil virtually everywhere and bilateral tensions between nations the biggest thing, the one thing that is keeping me positive through this hellhole of a year is how incredible physical exercise it is. It's literally a reverse Uno card that produces endorphins and reverses a bad mood into a good one. Got highly motivated to head to the gym frequently because of this and I'm feeling ripped as hell rn.
I've also been exercising at home & I agree that it has been highly motivating.

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