How did you find Smogon?

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my first generation was Johto, my mom and dad brought me and my sister a gameboy color each and I got silver, my sister got gold. I chose chikorita as my first pokemon EVER! And so began my career as a Pokemon Trainer!

I found this site because at, they kept on talking about smogon being the authority of pokemon. so I came to see.
How I first started playing pokemon:

Humm, I guess it was in the middle of 1998, with rental GBCs xDDD

How I started battling online/How I found out about Smogon:

When I started to fight at Netbattle with my friends in another pokémon board (brazilian). They showed me Smogon, but I took 2 years to register xDDDDD!
Hey whats up everybody. Essentially you can say I'm a noob, mostly because I've been involved in competetive battling for a couple weeks. (I know, Golly Gee!) But I have played at least one of the games from every generation starting from Blue, to effenctively borrowing Pearl from my friend indefinitely (lol) But I never have played any of the games competitively... I catch on quickly however, because I know what a good team would look like, but right now I'm pretty much not patient enough to make one.

Anyway, I caught on to battling competitively by stumbling upon Serebii. While reading through the move sets for Pokemon they have up there, I stumble upon the article for Blissy. They mention using Sing for a Blissy move-set, and it was made famous by the one called SePh258 on this site. And after seeing how many people are on here, and seeing how you all have tournaments at a higher frequencies on other forums, I decided to register right then and there!

I'm very much new to forums and the like, so any tips and other general stuff would be greatly appreciated! I'm looking forward to making new friends here, and getting into some intense battles (which I'm assuming I will lose 99.9% of the time!)
How I started Playing Pokemon

When I was 11, my grandma bought me a gameboy pocket and blue version for christmas. That really meant a lot to me because I think for my entire life I recieved 10 video games as gifts, the rest I had to buy on my own. Anyways, I started playing and I was immediately hooked. I remembered that I was replacing the batteries every day or every other day because I was playing so much.

How I found Smogon.

Smogon was introduced by my friend (harle101 here on smogon) because I wanted to learn more about the competitive side of things. I played one competitive match in RBYGSC combined. I didn't even know what netbattle was. Then I joined Smogon on April 16, 6 days before d/p were released in the U.S. I'm thankful for smogon, because I used to be big headed and thought I knew a lot about pokemon, but smogon has definitly changed me for the better.
How I started Playing Pokemon

When pokemon hype began when Red and Blue were released, (I was about 9 I think - 17 now), I remember my sister getting a tlking pikachu toy, I thought it was awesome. Then my friends got it on their gameboys, I didnt have one unfortunately. Luckily, my teeth were fucked so for being brave during a grueling dentist session, me and my sister (Why?! She did nothing!) got a gameboy color and pokemon Blue/Red (I had Blue), and it began. I imported silver before its uk release, and got crystal when it came out (the battery lasted about a week though :(), by then I began to drift out of pokemon. When the DS was released (the original) I bought Firered during the games drought, and have been into it eversince.

How I found Smogon.

I was recommended to come here to look for comprehensive moveset advice from some obscure message board I found through google. It took me a while but I think im pretty settled here now, its awesome.
I found smogon a few months ago. Afriend told me about it. ALso by the way can someone tell me when do you all meet up on irc?
How I started Playing: Well I was in kindergarten and in the playground one day, this boy I never talker to before said "do you want to play pokemon?" Looking back I think he meant did I was to play make-believe with a pokemon theme, but back to the story. Anyway, I said "what the hell is pokemon" (or the equivalent a four year old boy would say) then I walked off. But he sparked my interest. I asked my mother to record an episode of pokemon (I did not know it was a tv show, I just thought it was, as everything kids were interested was on TV). Well I ended up with an episode after Cinnabar island gym battle, a squirtle episode. I was hooked instantly, and I remember doing a "water gun" to a caregiver at Kindigarten. Well she was not happy about being spat on, and the rest of the year passed by without event. For christmas I was given I pokemon yellow game and a Pikachu edition Gameboy. I was so happy! and that was before I knew that you could get past the title screen. I was content to sit around and have the game on the title screen and arrange christmas tree decorations around it! Of course I was thrilled when I found there was a game behind the title screen with a pretty pikachu. How I found Smogon Based around 6 years later and two days ago, I was starting to get into the "advanced tactics" scene. I was starting to EV train, and I had singled out Rotom to train (I still have not gotten around to it) but I asked on Serebii What a good moveset and EV spread was, this guy gave me a set almost from smogon, and this other guy said "Smogon fan?" Well I had heard the name before, generally said with respect, so I googled Smogon and saw the site was down. I was disappointed, but I decided to look at the forums, and here I am!
How I started Playing:

The details are fuzzy, but I remember my aunt gave me a yellow version when I was 6-ish. I got Red Version later, and my brother got Blue. I loved the game so much. I brought it into school a lot, and it was confiscated a lot also :( I think I may have sold my original Yellow version, but I still have my old Red.

How I found Smogon:

When I found out about, I was thrilled. It gave me a chance to look at all the advanced, 'competitive' way of playing pokemon. I went to Serebii forums for a while, but now they're full of MAJOR noobs. I had heard about smogon since I had Netbattle, and I decided to give Smogon a try. I've been lurking a lot, to see if I would like the forums, and I'm finally giving it a try. I'll tell you: I'm NEVER going back to Serebii forums.
Smogon actually has intelligence and the kind of attitude I love: no BS.
How I started playing Pokemon:

Just before I entered high school, my brother and I were still subscribing to Nintendo Power and checking out previews for upcoming games. During this same time, the toy craze was to get virtual keychain pets, so we tried Tamagotchi. Pretty fun, but kinda lame, so my brother got a Digimon keychain, but that still wasn't what we were looking for. When we read about a new game, called Pokemon, coming out for the Gameboy we thought this would be the best of them. Raising critters to battle with, and we didn't have to clean up their poops.

After school started I wound up in a circle of geek friends and many of them wound up being fans of the funny new game too. One (who is now my boyfriend) spoke of creative ideas on how to use the TM items, such as teaching Haunter Counter and Fissure, or how powerful Gyarados could be despite spending 500 for the Magikarp. Unfortunately, my other friends discovered cheat devices, and I lost interest when all they wanted to do was make teams of six Mewtwo. In this way, I lost the point on why breeding was awesome in Gold/Silver, and lost interest in series entirely when Silver's story was pretty lame and the new Pokemon hard to raise without breeding.

How I started playing Pokemon again and found Smogon:

A few years later, I rediscovered the handiness of having a Gameboy when traveling on the bus to work and school. Thinking it'd be nice to have a long game to play with, I decided to pick up LeafGreen since I always liked Grass types. Trying to remember how to do this and that, I simply went to GameFAQs where I usually go for game tips and found blueshirt32's and strawhat's moveset and teambuilding guides. They were very fun to read, since I wasn't very familiar with all the Pokemon yet, and it was fascinating to read on advice that spoke "do this if you'd like to win".

I mostly used the guides at first as a reference to how to build my in-game teams in LeafGreen, and later Ruby. My Ruby team consisted entirely of Pokemon I thought were the weirdest, but it was rather helpful to know that giving Exploud Shadow Ball was a good idea in case I ran into Ghosts.

As I became further interested in this "metagame" they were yammering about, I decided to figure out just what this "Smogon" was that these ideas came from. I was far from being able to play a multiplayer battle and didn't even have the right operating system for NetBattle; however, by the time Diamond/Pearl was available I was able to comprehend enough about how the game worked to hold my own in WiFi.
Actually, I had played Pokémon for a long time and decided to check out a few leagues with the Wi-Fi feature coming out on Diamond and Pearl. I joined Topolegion League and heard about Smogon. Then I did a google search and pop! Here it was! I decided to join to enter tournaments. And I heard some of the best battlers gathered here and decided to join.
How I started Playing:

The details are fuzzy, but I remember my aunt gave me a yellow version when I was 6-ish. I got Red Version later, and my brother got Blue. I loved the game so much. I brought it into school a lot, and it was confiscated a lot also :( I think I may have sold my original Yellow version, but I still have my old Red.

How I found Smogon:

When I found out about, I was thrilled. It gave me a chance to look at all the advanced, 'competitive' way of playing pokemon. I went to Serebii forums for a while, but now they're full of MAJOR noobs. I had heard about smogon since I had Netbattle, and I decided to give Smogon a try. I've been lurking a lot, to see if I would like the forums, and I'm finally giving it a try. I'll tell you: I'm NEVER going back to Serebii forums.
Smogon actually has intelligence and the kind of attitude I love: no BS.
I actually see what you mean, Smogon does have that "we want only the people with more than half a brain cell" attitude. Somehow Serebii misses that. It may be because this place is centered on Competitive battling.
when what? O_o'
When didn't get you to the main site. It took you somewhere else. I heared it took you to some video on youtube and a porn site, it changed as some days went by...
I found out about Smogon on serebii and was impressed with the indepth battle guides and such on it.

Months later, I get tired of Serebiiforums. Tired of the fact that the majority of it doesn't have to do with anything about Pokemon (Y HALO THAR SHIPPING FORUMS) or video games for that matter. Tired of the lag; it's impossible to schedule a trading on it. Tired of it all. I joined here because this place seems to take things more seriously (plus there's no crappy chat filter).


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
How I started Pokémon seriously:
I had bought every game for years but never had the attention span to train Pokémon. Once the D/P hubbub started, I went back to Sapphire (my least favorite game btw) and was surprised at how far I got (the Jirachi from the Colosseum Bonus Disk helped!). Then I got stuck and started LeafGreen, which I enjoyed more than anything since it was easy and fun. At that point, I was hooked, and I was looking forward to a long spring break when...

How I found Smogon/started competitive battling:
My friend (I think he goes by Linux Pingu, a GW mod), introduced me to Smogon one spring break by saying "Make a Netbattle team. Here's Netbattle and here's a Pokédex and here's a server. I then slowly learned the ins and outs of EVs, Traits, Natures, and later IVs. I've been sporadically on the forum just reading until I posted on Rate My Team some advice. I realized that the advice was my first post, haha. So I think Smogon is a word-of-mouth thing among Pokéfans.
Well i found smogon on where they where talking about it and how indepth it was in battling
However i lurked since May and just joined recently and somehow lurked even more because this is my first post 0('.')0
... wow i must post more...
My friend introduced me to Pokemon back in 1999, and I got hooked on the cards and the anime, and bought a gameboy and silver version in 2000.

In about 2003, another one of my friends was looking at serebii, and I thought that Pokemon online looked interesting, but I didn't like the serebii forums, and I found the pojo forums, where I lurked for a while, and then got introduced to netbattle and strategy. I think I lost interest for a while, and when I came back, the Blue Heaven server was down, and the smogon server was up. From then on, I came to smogon to look at strategy and stuff, because it was better than anything else I had seen. I found the forums and have been lurking around here for a couple years (except 2006, when I got addicted to maplestory and forgot everything I knew about Pokemon, which is why I usually hang around the "socialization in the empire" forums instead of the Pokemon ones, heh)
How I started playing.
It was 1998, I was 6 years old. It was Hanukkah at the time and I had opened one of my presents. I had gotten just what I had asked for. Pokemon Blue. I looked at the cover in awe. I had watched the show, and now had the game. I expected marvelous adventures and even better, a chance to finally raise my own pokemon. I wanted to be just like Ash. The best pokemon trainer. I opened the game and held it in my hand, soaking in the feeling of owning the game. I put it in my gameboy, the Nidorino and Gengar were doing battle, just like in the show. I started the game and I remember I picked Bulbasaur as my starter. (I later finished and restarted to choose Squirtle, then charmander). Funnily enough I don't even remember the sprites looking as horrid as they did. Anyway I still play blue occasionaly for nostalgia, and I even tried the famous mew glitch. (the one without using gameshark). Anyway I have stuck to the series since then, except the anime of course.

How did you find Smogon?

A google search
How I Started Playing
Well my parents werent quite pro videogames at the time although we had a few consoles by the time, we heard about the gbc, and we asked for one during some holiday or birthday, we(meaning me and my bro) had been long time watchers of the show at age 9, and when our parents bough the gbc for us they bought it in a package that came with pokemon yellow. Now i may have started out with yellow but my bro got blue anyways, and i eventually got red from my cousin after many years of matches between myself, him and my bro. that is how I started.

Competitive Battling
I didnt start until the early days of the RSE era, that is when i began learning of ivs, ev, natures and such and how they affect the pokemon's stat growth. From this Info and using serebii i built my first Competitive team to test out on the people i usually played, about 6 of my friends and of course still my cousin and my bro. Now with the beginning of the Wifi era i am into competitive battling in pokemon fully, having learned almost everthing there is to know, from training, breeding, catching, Battling, predicition, team building, all of this from about 2003-2007. anyways this is my story.

How I found smogon
I dont remember at all but once I did I was relieved such a place exsisted, because frankly serebii may have good info but it cant measure up to smogon imo.
I found out about Smogon through Shoddybattle. When you log on it says "this is not the place for discussing the tiers of Smogon" or something like that I googled smogon and arrived here.
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