How did you create your username?

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setrack was my name on neopets back in the day. so i just use it wherever. i probably just made it up because it sounds cool
My name goes back to when I started playing Magic: the Gathering online. I've always been a fan of reptiles, and Magic happens to have a race of desert-dwelling lizardmen called Viashino, so I came up with Viashino_Water_Mage (no spaces allowed in names), the joke being that not only do Viashino live in the desert, but none of them are mages. So a series of forgotten passwords, verification errors and new accounts later, I ran out of variations of that and ended up with Viashino_wizard. I've used for pretty much every account on anything since, because it's never taken, I like how it sounds, and I love those moments when someone on a new message board says "Hey! Do you play magic? Me too!"
My name goes back to when I started playing Magic: the Gathering online. I've always been a fan of reptiles, and Magic happens to have a race of desert-dwelling lizardmen called Viashino, so I came up with Viashino_Water_Mage (no spaces allowed in names), the joke being that not only do Viashino live in the desert, but none of them are mages. So a series of forgotten passwords, verification errors and new accounts later, I ran out of variations of that and ended up with Viashino_wizard. I've used for pretty much every account on anything since, because it's never taken, I like how it sounds, and I love those moments when someone on a new message board says "Hey! Do you play magic? Me too!"
AHAH! I knew I recognized Viashino. I used to play magic when I was younger (still have a couple thousand cards lying around here somewhere, including multiple decks). Thanks for clearing that up. Was driving me crazy since I saw your name.
Well find the 'U' key on you keyboard. Then look at the key to its right, and then that keys right, and there you go.
I was on an IRC and some guy asked what he should name his cat, so I suggested Captain Snacks, and I kind of took a liking to the name. So now I am Captain Snacks.
red is my favorite color, and red=crimson. purple haze is a song by jimi hendrix, so i just changed it to crimsonhaze. the 14 is because its my favorite number, as it was Thierry Henry's number when he played for Arsenal.
Well find the 'U' key on you keyboard. Then look at the key to its right, and then that keys right, and there you go.
This wasn't very obvious (at least, I don't think so), but it makes sense none-the-less.

prodigal was a name I came up with two years ago and I've always liked it. The direct definition of the term prodigal is 'lavish' (bluntly), and it is the sum of my thoughts in regard to what the contemporary 'pursuit of happiness' has become (even for me, to an extent). And to be honest, how many of us have always wanted to be able to spend 10 000 dollars in one day and feel no worry? I have.
My Real name would cause too much terrabytes on the computer, sine my real name can only be expressed as a dance and laser light show, if I tried to shortern it, I would die of exhillriation.
So I just put in Sy, simple yes, then I put in the numbers 1,2,3. However these numbers are one of the most important numbers, becasue there wouldnt be any other numbers, if it wasnt for the number 1. So to celebrate this phenomenom, I put in the series of numbers, which most people learn first
my original was "cunt" but due to obvious reasons a mod kindly told me to change it so i changed it to JjJ, it's the initials of a username i like to use but i decided not to for this forum.
Mine was simple - it was the name of a character in a short story I wrote a few years back. Ever since I started using forums etc I have used this name as the public 'face'
got name wonjoon off korean drama i used to watch long time ago
0330 is a emote but i don't think many people get it
I decided it was a really fun word to say when I was about 15, made it my gmail address, and have been using it as my username for pretty much everything since. ^^
I listen to and play classical music a lot. The names of all the composers were fascinating and Johann was the one that I feel fit me best and Johann is a very cool name.
After playing Arkham Horror, I was introduced to the Cthulhu mythos. The concept of driving people insane with a play appealed to me. I liked the Nyarlathotep/Azathoth dymanic as well, but King in Yellow had a bit more flow to it than Blind Idiot God. In retrospect, I suppose Blind Piper could have worked.
When I was younger(3 or 4), I thought everything bad happened to me and everyone thought I was a loser. 909 is an easy sequence of numbers on the keyboard, and one of my favorites.

(my first post. yay)
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