Hearthstone [IRC Channel #Skillstone]

Xixo's work ethic for this game is insane, but it makes sense being that he used to play LoL competitively, so 12+ hours a day is nothing for him. I legit think he puts in more play hours than all of Tempo Storm combined....even back when there were more players on the team. I don't even know why Reynad even steps to the kid lol. Xixo has WAAAAAYYYYY more man hours than him in HS.

But this is why sometimes I worry about him. I don't know him, but putting in that much time while seemingly doing not much else with life just seems....unhealthy.
Dear people running Warlock Zoo and other meta-defining decks,

Kindly get your ass out of 15-20 on Ranked because this is bullshit.

For those interested in getting legend, I'll dump this list of decks that are probably viable for getting legend with good play (ordered by class as Priest, Paladin, Druid, Warlock, Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Rogue, Hunter). These lists are all optimized, but budget subs are okay, feel free to comment and ask, but keep in mind that you can't really play something like Control Warrior if you can't afford Shield Slams or Grommash.

Control Priest
2 Circle of Healing
2 Light of the Naaru
2 Power Word: Shield
2 Northshire Cleric
2 Zombie Chow
2 Wild Pyromancer
1 Shadow Word: Death
1 Velen's Chosen
2 Dark Cultist
2 Injured Blademaster
1 Shadow Madness
2 Auchenai Soulpriest
1 Holy Nova
2 Sludge Belcher
1 Vol'jin
1 Cabal Shadow Priest
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom
1 Ragnaros the Firelord
1 Mind Control

Kolento Priest
2 Circle of Healing
1 Light of the Naaru
2 Power Word: Shield
2 Northshire Cleric
1 Shadow Word: Pain
2 Shrinkmeister
2 Wild Pyromancer
2 Shadow Word: Death
2 Thoughtsteal
2 Injured Blademaster
2 Shadow Madness
2 Auchenai Soulpriest
1 Holy Nova
1 Harrison Jones
2 Sludge Belcher
2 Cabal Shadow Priest
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom

Midrange Paladin
1 Zombie Chow
1 Equality
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Knife Juggler
2 Shielded Minibot
2 Muster for Battle
2 Aldor Peacekeeper
1 Big Game Hunter
2 Truesilver Champion
2 Consecration
2 Piloted Shredder
2 Solemn Vigil
1 Antique Healbot
1 Loatheb
2 Sludge Belcher
2 Quartermaster
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom
1 Tirion Fordring

Tempo Paladin
1 Zombie Chow
1 Equality
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Shielded Minibot
1 Muster for Battle
2 Aldor Peacekeeper
1 Big Game Hunter
2 Blackwing Technician
2 Truesilver Champion
2 Consecration
2 Defender of Argus
1 Piloted Shredder
1 Solemn Vigil
2 Azure Drake
2 Blackwing Corruptor
2 Dragon Consort
2 Sludge Belcher
2 Volcanic Drake
1 Tirion Fordring

Control Paladin
1 Zombie Chow
1 Equality
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Shielded Minibot
1 Muster for Battle
2 Aldor Peacekeeper
1 Big Game Hunter
2 Blackwing Technician
2 Truesilver Champion
2 Consecration
2 Defender of Argus
2 Hungry Dragon
1 Antique Healbot
1 Azure Drake
2 Blackwing Corruptor
2 Dragon Consort
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Rend Blackhand
1 Lay on Hands
1 Tirion Fordring
1 Ysera

Midrange Druid
2 Innervate
1 Zombie Chow
2 Wild Growth
2 Wrath
2 Savage Roar
1 Big Game Hunter
2 Shade of Naxxramas
2 Swipe
2 Keeper of the Grove
2 Piloted Shredder
2 Druid of the Claw
1 Azure Drake
1 Loatheb
1 Sludge Belcher
1 Force of Nature
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
2 Ancient of Lore
1 Dr. Boom
1 Cenarius

Ramp Druid
2 Innervate
2 Zombie Chow
2 Wild Growth
2 Wrath
1 Big Game Hunter
2 Druid of the Flame
2 Swipe
2 Keeper of the Grove
2 Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2 Druid of the Claw
2 Sludge Belcher
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
2 Ancient of Lore
2 Ancient of War
1 Kel'Thuzad
1 Sneed's Old Shredder
1 Cenarius

2 Mortal Coil
1 Zombie Chow
1 Darkbomb
2 Ancient Watcher
2 Ironbeak Owl
2 Sunfury Protector
1 Big Game Hunter
1 Earthen Ring Farseer
1 Hellfire
2 Shadowflame
1 Defender of Argus
2 Twilight Drake
1 Antique Healbot
1 Loatheb
2 Sludge Belcher
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom
1 Lord Jaraxxus
2 Mountain Giant
2 Molten Giant

2 Power Overwhelming
2 Abusive Sergeant
2 Flame Imp
2 Voidwalker
2 Dire Wolf Alpha
2 Haunted Creeper
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Knife Juggler
2 Nerubian Egg
2 Imp Gang Boss
2 Imp-losion
2 Defender of Argus
2 Voidcaller
2 Doomguard
1 Loatheb
1 Dr. Boom
1 Mal'ganis

Control Warrior
2 Execute
2 Shield Slam
1 Whirlwind
2 Fiery War Axe
2 Armorsmith
2 Cruel Taskmaster
1 Shield Block
2 Acolyte of Pain
1 Big Game Hunter
2 Death's Bite
1 Piloted Shredder
1 Brawl
1 Harrison Jones
2 Sludge Belcher
1 Emperor Thaurissan
2 Shieldmaiden
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom
1 Grommash Hellscream
1 Ragnaros the Firelord
1 Alexstraza

Combo Warrior
2 Execute
2 Whirlwind
2 Fiery War Axe
2 Battle Rage
2 Armorsmith
2 Cruel Taskmaster
2 Unstable Ghoul
2 Acolyte of Pain
2 Frothing Berserker
2 Warsong Commander
2 Death's Bite
2 Dread Corsair
2 Gnomish Inventor
2 Grim Patron
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Grommash Hellscrean

Mech Mage
2 Cogmaster
2 Clockwork Gnome
2 Frostbolt
2 Annoy-o-tron
2 Mechwarper
2 Mad Scientist
2 Snowchugger
2 Mirror Entity
2 Spider Tank
2 Tinkertown Technician
2 Fireball
2 Goblin Blastmage
2 Piloted Shredder
1 Loatheb
1 Piloted Sky Golem
1 Archmage Antonidas
1 Dr. Boom

Tempo Mage
2 Mana Wyrm
2 Flamecannon
2 Frostbolt
2 Unstable Portal
2 Mad Scientist
2 Sorcerer's Apprentice
2 Mirror Entity
2 Flamewaker
2 Fireball
1 Kezan Mystic
2 Piloted Shredder
2 Azure Drake
1 Loatheb
2 Sludge Belcher
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom
1 Ragnaros the Firelord

Freeze Mage
2 Ice Lance
2 Frostbolt
1 Bloodmage Thalnos
2 Doomsayer
2 Loot Hoarder
2 Mad Scientist
2 Arcane Intellect
2 Frost Nova
2 Ice Barrier
2 Ice Block
2 Acolyte of Pain
2 Fireball
2 Blizzard
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Flamestrike
1 Archmage Antonidas
1 Alexstraza
1 Pyroblast

Midrange Shaman
1 Earth Shock
2 Rockbiter Weapon
1 Zombie Chow
1 Crackle
2 Flametongue Totem
2 Haunted Creeper
2 Feral Spirit
2 Hex
2 Lightning Storm
1 Harvest Golem
1 Mana Tide Totem
1 Defender of Argus
2 Fireguard Destroyer
1 Azure Drake
1 Loatheb
2 Sludge Belcher
1 Emperor Thaurissan
2 Fire Elemental
1 Dr. Boom
1 Al'Akir the Windlord
1 Ragnaros the Firelord

Oil Rogue
2 Backstab
2 Preparation
2 Deadly Poison
2 Blade Flurry
2 Eviscerate
2 Sap
1 Bloodmage Thalnos
2 Fan of Knives
1 Big Game Hunter
1 Earthen Ring Farseer
2 SI:7 Agent
1 Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
1 Piloted Shredder
2 Violet Teacher
2 Azure Drake
1 Loatheb
1 Emperor Thaurissan
2 Sprint
1 Dr. Boom

Midrange Hunter
1 Hunter's Mark
1 Tracking
2 Webspinner
2 Freezing Trap
1 Quick Shot
2 Haunted Creeper
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Mad Scientist
2 Knife Juggler
2 Eaglehorn Bow
2 Animal Companion
2 Kill Command
2 Unleash the Hounds
2 Piloted Shredder
1 Loatheb
2 Sludge Belcher
2 Savannah Highmane
1 Dr. Boom

Face Hunter
1 Tracking
2 Abusive Sergeant
2 Leper Gnome
1 Worgen Infiltrator
2 Glaivezooka
2 Explosive Trap
2 Quick Shot
2 Haunted Creeper
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Knife Juggler
2 Mad Scientist
2 Eaglehorn Bow
1 Animal Companion
2 Kill Command
2 Unleash the Hounds
2 Arcane Golem
2 Wolfrider
Last edited:


Banned deucer.
if you aspire to be a dank memer such as myself, cut 1x owl and 1x loatheb from zoolock and add 2x bane of doom (craft the gold ones!)

also someone bo5 me, ladder is ridiculous. currently cycling between dragon warrior/handlock/dragon pally and it's fun etc but aggro mage and face hunter are half my matchups. sometimes a man needs his control mirrors
And 7 decks without Belcher! 7 without Emperor! 8 without Loatheb!

Golden Bane of Doom doesn't even give you golden demons, you need to use it on a golden target, not enough value
Hey guys, I'm a rather new player. I just got my first legendary the other day in Alexstrasza. Is it useful in any way outside of complicated control decks that are crazy expensive?

The main deck I've been playing is mech Mage. Looks like this:
2x clockwork gnome
2x cog master
2x frost bolt
2x annoy o tron
2x mechwarper
2x snowchugger
2x harvest golem
2x spider tank
2x tinkertown tech
2x fireball
2x goblin blastmage
1x Jeeves
2x mechanical yeti
2x piloted shredder
2x azure drake
1x loatheb

I'm at rank 13 with this right now and might be able to improve. Thoughts on this? I have the first two wings of each adventure. Also have no Mage epics. I have enough dust to craft one epic or maybe the piloted sky golem.

My list of epics are 2x ancient of war, tree of life, steamwheedle sniper, cog hammer, avenging wrath, ancestor's call, doomhammer x2, big game hunter, faceless manipulator. I guess I have the two best neutral epics, but anything else interesting in there? I have ~500 dust for crafting right now. Any ideas for decks that don't use a lot of legendaries?
Alexstraza is too slow to be useful outside of control decks most of the time, but it's definitely a good legend to keep for later

That's a pretty good mech mage deck, you can definitely get to rank 5 with that at least. Main priority for crafting should be Dr. Boom, even if he gets nerfed you'll get all of your dust back, and he fits in aggro, control, or midrange.

If you want to play control decks, Priest can be relatively cheap, there are several legendaries that are nice, but they're not needed to have a good deck, Warrior's expensive, Druid needs a fair few epics, Paladin's expensive, Face Hunter's cheap, Zoo Warlock is a pretty cheap deck, Rogue requires a lot of dust on class cards (just like priest) but is a more midrange deck that's not too expensive, Shaman can work pretty effectively as a cheap deck, and the Mech Mage that you have should be good.

So yeah: Control Priest, Face Hunter, Zoolock, Rogue, Mech Mage, Midrange Shaman are decent budget decks.
Ok thanks for the info. Next question, would you recommend finishing the last of black rock and naxx or packs for dust/cards? I have the first two wings of each.
Ok thanks for the info. Next question, would you recommend finishing the last of black rock and naxx or packs for dust/cards? I have the first two wings of each.
You definitely want to complete Naxxramas, basically every wing gives you at least one excellent card that sees use. Blackrock is more iffy, the later wings are pretty much dragon synergy cards, and thus far the dragon archtype hasn't been much of a gamechanger for any of the classes. Might be best to hold off on that one.
Most challenges give you 40 gold. Then you get 10 for every 3 wins and some are worth 60, so you get maybe 60 gold per day just completing challenges and minimal play. That means it takes about 12 days per wing. It could go quicker or slower depending on how much you play and how lucky you are with challenges.


Jojo Siwa enthusiast
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I'm a f2p player. About how long will it take to buy all of the nax halls with gold?
literally months. shit is retarded.

unless you play arena and do well, then it's not TERRIBLE but it's still pretty rough. i was f2p when naxx came out, took me a few weeks to get the first three wings (and the first wing was free for a short time), then i just bought the last two because undertaker =\
That sucks... I know they have to make their money and all but a quicker way to get gold would be nice. The least they could do is lower nax price since brm is out.
Yeah, 12 days per wing sounds about right, I bought it with gold when it came out and I only kept up because I had stockpiled gold for a couple of weeks before the release.


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Got 12 wins for the first time today! Drafting a really op deck seems to help.

Not pictured is one avenge, 2 bloodsail raiders, and a southsea deckhand


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Not to start shit Swamp Link but the oil rogue list you gave is horrible and don't run it.

Oil Rogue
2 Backstab
2 Preparation
2 Deadly Poison
2 Blade Flurry
2 Eviscerate
2 Sap
1 Bloodmage Thalnos
2 Fan of Knives
1 Big Game Hunter
1 Earthen Ring Farseer
2 SI:7 Agent
1 Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
1 Piloted Shredder
2 Violet Teacher
2 Azure Drake
1 Loatheb
1 Emperor Thaurissan
2 Sprint
1 Dr. Boom
You don't need Boom, Tharussan, or Big Game. Swap them out for an Earthen Ring / Healbot, another Oil, and then either Southsea Deckhand / Assassin's Blade / Edwin.

Southsea is used for when facing more combo orientated deck or face decks (Druid, Hunter, mech Shaman), where Assassin's Blade actually makes it possible to beat control Warrior, Edwin is middle ground that helps versus both control and midrange decks. I personally prefer the Edwin myself but I can't dictate the meta.

Double Oil seems dumb (because it is) but it's necessary so you can draw into it early and finish a game faster against aggro; it also helps as a final push against a Warrior who's had poor removal.

ERF vs Healbot also depends on how fast the decks you're playing against are. Double ERF for a lot of aggro or one ERF and Healbot for control and midrange. Once again, I prefer the double ERF deck, but that's just me.
I mean that list wasn't mine, I took it directly from Hyped, but I have since changed my Rogue list for the meta as well, so I cut Boom and and BGH for Southsea and second Oil. I still like having Thaurissan, he makes clunky hands a lot cleaner late game and is another bigger threat.
Anyone know of a list with good decks(can make it to rank 10-Legends) with relatively cheap cards? I don't have any of the usable neutral legends unfortunately. My legends consist of: Vol'jin, Vancleef, King Mukla, and Hogger. I know not all good decks require legendaries but they sure do make it easy. Any help is much appreciated.
S/O to whoever LonelyLink is for letting me spectate them 24/7, you got me a gorehowl.

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