Hearthstone [IRC Channel #Skillstone]

I wish all of this random minion stuff was solely left to their own classes. Even when a fucking priest Thoughtsteals when it gets like Earthshock and Ala'kir at the same time....The shit isn't balanced for those specific classes.

EDIT: Literally 30 mins after I posted this, a mage unstable portal'd a harrison jones the turn after i used Doomhammer...
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Banned deucer.

so ive been running this lately, i didnt originally have kel in there but hes fucking hilarious especially with the belcher. its probably not the IDEAL deck but im enjoyin myself

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
^(If you're looking to improve that.)

Get a second quartermaster and Muster and ditch Undertaker (given your curve you'll most likely never snowball it reliably, and it's substandard without buffs) and noble sac. I'd even recommend crafting them if you don't have them, the combo is THAT good. There are some other gaps but I'm guessing it's your collection-deficit. Sylvanas helps your clunky midgame, and is excellent late game, junking KT is a good idea for that, because apart from the combo you're mainly control-oriented, and it is unlikely you'll ever have such a dominant board to abuse KT for full value, and even if you do, chances are you've already won by that point.

Also get some healing for late game, right now you only have alex, which is too situational and GoK. Lay on hands is a good start (you also have zero card draw, it also helps that bit late game).

There are other changes I could make but they're more playstyle oriented, and depends on what's your collection and what you're comfortable using. But the primary among them would be making room for a second piloted shredder and a sneed's as soon as you get them. too strongth, they can literally hax you out of dead-lose games at times, and most of the other time they provide massive value by getting bodies on the board.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
Guys heads up about a mechanic change I came across. If you use Recombobulator on a Shadow Madness'd minion you retain control of it after the end of the turn. Priest just got another annoying steal method, 2 card Cabal Priest.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
It's not a mechanic change, it's a completely different minion that doesn't have the "Shadow Madness" status on it anymore so there's no reason for it to go back to the opponent.


Out of Obscurity
is a Pokemon Researcher
Yeah its an old Mechanic. Easiest way to see it was pre-nerf Tinkmaster, you'd Shadowmadness, Charge, Tink it and pray for 5/5


Banned deucer.
Hit legend this season, with Shaman again! This is what I used this month:

2 Earth Shock
2 Rockbiter Weapon
2 Crackle
1 Bloodmage Thalnos
2 Flametongue Totem
2 Haunted Creeper
1 Vitality Totem
2 Feral Spirit
2 Hex
2 Lightning Storm
1 Mana Tide Totem
1 Defender of Argus
1 Doomhammer
2 Azure Drake
1 Harrison Jones
2 Fire Elemental
1 Sylvanas Windrunner
1 Dr. Boom
1 Neptulon
1 Al'Akir the Windlord
Just hit rank 15 for the first time after about a month and a week or so of playing, playing only priest since its my only really good deck, I'm kinda addicted and now that's on android tablets the addiction is worsening. This feels good. Serious question though, what are some priest deck must haves in you guys opinion?

My GvG pulls have been trash up until last night. 37 packs before opening my first Legendary, Iron Juggernaut. And then this. I guess it balances out since every Legendary I ever pulled from a Classic pack has been a playable one (Sylvanas, Grommash, etc.)
Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 2.09.12 PM.png

I changed the Paladin deck that I used to make legend to this, it's pretty standard and midrange, but it's been successful. I guess the main cards that would be a little rare would be Coghammer, Cairne, and Sylvanas. Coghammer is nice because even though you already have so many weapons, most of them aren't that high value so you don't feel awful about throwing them away, and it gives you another source of taunt against aggro and efficient trades against stuff like Druid. Cairne and Sylvanas are just the most powerful 6 drops in the game, which helps against control, Sylvanas is nice even though you can't suicide it very easily because it makes the opponent's play so awkward and Cairne is a bitch to deal with efficiently with cards and mana. Paladin's a nice deck to climb with because it doesn't really have any bad matchups, the worst ones are probably Handlock and Priest because they have so many board clears and Mage because they can fill up the board and push through a lot of damage, while for control mage, their hero power counters yours. But even those are pretty even, you could easily argue that Paladin is favored against Handlock or Priest.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
That's pretty similar to Xixo's midrange paladin except he has a few different cards for tourney tech: he's running Loatheb, Harrison, Captain Greenskin, and Arguses over Equality, Cairne, Lay on Hands, and 1 Belcher. The most recent iteration (today) is playing Cult Master also. The thing with Greenskin is it gets so much value from the weapons that you have (2 Muster, 2 Truesilver, 1 Coghammer). It's definitely a personal pick but I'd run it over Cairne for the ability to take down 5 HP creatures (Loatheb, Belcher, Shieldmaiden, etc.) Even though it trades evenly with Piloted Shredder, that's fine because generally you still have your buffed weapon to take down whatever is summoned.
Hit legend using (Proof I entered around 900 now I have no rank ;<) mechmage and mechdruid, I'm starting to think mechwarper is a little ridiculous similar to undertaker.

Only class I really had consistent trouble with was Paladin. How's that midrange matchup against zoo and hunter? If it can consistently beat those I reckon Paladin is gonna take off next season.

Anyway here's the bog standard decks I used:
Zoo and Hunter matchups are super draw dependant. If I can get Zombie Chow, Minibots, Muster, Knife Juggler, and a well-timed Consecration, then it's pretty successful, but if I'm always behind on tempo and I don't have the initiative, then you can't really stabilize, especially since the deck has less heal.


Jojo Siwa enthusiast
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Mulligan neptulon is really, really good. it wrecks control matchups because you get to draw four cards, and it doesn't get you any closer to fatigue. plus, almost every murloc has synergy with one another, so even when you get shitty murlocs, they usually get buffed or provide buffs.

also just went 12-1 in arena with paladin. got 430 gold and 2 packs :)

triple truesilver, double muster, and a sword of justice, and they never really got clunky. double creeper + harvest golem + double muster + double argent squire had repulsive synergy with knife juggler, defender of argus, cult master, stormwind champion, and frostwolf warlord. pretty much every game I got early board control with my one drops and my weapons and then just snowballed with my late game. dunno what all wasn't pictured, but I know my 6 was a boulderfist and my 7s were GoK and stormwind champ. also pretty sure I only drew equality like twice.

oh also I was playing around with unstable portal in constructed, and I fucking hated it. when it whiffs, it whiffs really fucking hard, and even though it has the potential to win you the game, it also has the potential to lose you the game. I replaced them with mech yetis for antonidas spare parts, and I've been much happier.

the biggest gripe I had with portal was it did nothing to advance my game plan. the whole idea of my deck is fighting off early aggression with super efficient minions and then snowballing late-game with duplicate on big shit, and unstable portal was just kind of there.
Alright, after about 4 gatekeepers and spending 4 days gaining 3 stars, several different decks, tilt, and a long grind, I got back to legend using mostly Handlock (also played a lot of Paladin, Deathrattle Priest, and a bit of Rogue).
Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 10.37.01 PM.png

Wayan Vistar

formerly Flyhn
Hi, I need some good decks. I'm crap at deck building, and I barely have any non-basics yet (just got battlenet a few months ago, barely play). So could someone leave a template so I know what cards I can DE?


Jojo Siwa enthusiast
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went 12-2 yesterday too, forgot to screepcap the key, but I use a deck tracker so I still have the the deck:

realized about half way through the draft that I had a million 2 drops and a lot of direct damage, so I just went full yolo. dr. boom + time rewinder off an opponent's mech yeti single-handedly won me a game, but other than that, dr. boom wasn't a big deal in most games because I just hit the opponent in the face a lot and closed out games early. honestly the tempo gain from sorcerer's apprentice into frostbolt/flamecannon won me more games than dr. boom.

muh gold.
Oh wow, this is a thread. May as well show off a deck I found on Reddit.

Been playing this non-stop recently, it's ridiculously fun and is surprisingly inexpensive for a control deck. Mine's a bit messed since I don't have BGH, so I'm running a Kobold Geomancer for cheap spell damage. Also looking to replace the Starfires with Force of Natures.



how can you swallow so much sleep?
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
mechanic question: if you mulligan away your cards is it possible to get those cards back into your hand?
example: mulligan ysera, ragnaros, cairne. can you get them back into your hand or nah?

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