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Sounds to me like it should work! The time machine method will most likely be faster, so I would suggest you go with that, however I prefer chain breeding myself, I'm not sure why. Point is, either way should work, just make sure you have some time on your hands. If you're interested I might actually have a modest HP fire bulbasaur, although I'm not sure that it has chlorophyll. Pm me if you're interested, you can have it for free, I just gotta check to make sure that it's what you want. Otherwise, good luck breeding!
Awesome =) Yeah I think I prefer chain breeding too, I think it's the mystery that comes with it - you never know if the egg you hatch is gonna be the one! I think I'll try the time machine method though, see how I get on with that ^.^
Ahh that would be amazing, thanks for the offer man! I think I'm going to try and breed it myself first, just to see if I can do it/see how hard it is. I may very well PM you in the future though if I give up. I think I'll try and get a perfect IV ditto too that'll make my life so much easier =D

Thanks for your help! =)
What is the time machine method for breeding anyways? Also is anyone aware of anyone trading any dratini's with extremespeed? Thanks in advance!
What is the time machine method for breeding anyways? Also is anyone aware of anyone trading any dratini's with extremespeed? Thanks in advance!
I should have a few dratini spitbacks with extremespeed. I won't be able to go on until Sunday if you are willing to wait that long. A better bet would be to check out the wifi forum. You should be able to get an extremespeed dratini there easily.

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Chatot Wrangler
What is the time machine method for breeding anyways? Also is anyone aware of anyone trading any dratini's with extremespeed? Thanks in advance!
The time machine method allows you to get flawless eggs faster if you have the right parents. It's based on the fact that your next egg's inheritance is the same if you SR. Once you know which IVs get inherited from which parent, you can SR, change out the parents for ones with better IVs, and then re-collect the egg. There's a guide for it here.

Someone in the wifi simple questions/requests thread may also be able to help you with the time machine method if you have any questions.

Welcome to Smogon btw! ^_^
The time machine method allows you to get flawless eggs faster if you have the right parents. It's based on the fact that your next egg's inheritance is the same if you SR. Once you know which IVs get inherited from which parent, you can SR, change out the parents for ones with better IVs, and then re-collect the egg. There's a guide for it here.

Someone in the wifi simple questions/requests thread may also be able to help you with the time machine method if you have any questions.

Welcome to Smogon btw! ^_^
Thank you, such an informative helpful post. I appreciate this greatly!

Thank you for the welcome as well, this place has been a lot more helpful and friendlier than anticipated.
What is the time machine method for breeding anyways? Also is anyone aware of anyone trading any dratini's with extremespeed? Thanks in advance!
Due to E-Speed being one of Dratini's best moves, many people have access to them, yeah. Just look around and you should fine one within a couple minutes.

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Just do not breed it ain't worth it. Pokemon is digital and you would waste your time with it. Just play on on the ladder in Pokemon Showdown if you want to play tiers. Breeding is a huge inconvenience. I mean if you desperately want to play Pokemon on Cart then you should hack all your Pokemon in with a 3rd party device. Mods please do not delete this post I'm trynna help someone not to waste his time.
What if he wants to play Battle Spot or VGC..? lol this post is so infraction worthy...
Hi guys,

So I'm fairly new to breeding but I'm pretty confident I have the basics down, and so I'm trying to breed a perfect IV Modest Bulbasaur with HP Fire. I've mostly been spending my time so far trying to get a perfect (5IV) Bulb, which I now have! I'm pretty sure I have 2 ditto with 30 IVs in SpA and Spe (showing as 68 in the battle institute with neutral natures, and the stats aren't perfect when I checked with the IV checker).

So... I'm thinking my best course of action now is to breed my 5 IV Modest Chlorophyll Bulb with the best 3IV ditto I have, until I get a decent female with Chlorophyll. This way I'll have a better chance of passing down Chlorophyll onto the child and it'll be better places to breed with other children/spitbacks because bulb has a 88% chance of being male.

Then I'll create the bulb with 30ivs in SpA and Spe by breeding my female with ditto holding power anklet and then breed that child holding the power anklet with another ditto holding the power lens so that child will have 30ivs in the stats I need.

Now for the next bit, I have 2 options and I'm not sure what would be easiest/quickest. I can either breed the 30IV bulb with the decent female I created before and just chain breed the stats onto the male children. Or I could use the time machine method (I haven't used it but I'm pretty sure I know how it works) until I find an egg that's gonna take SpA and Spe from the male and HP, Def, SpD from the female.

Does this sound like the right strategy here? I'm thinking that the time machine method will be quicker... I think the annoying bit is gonna be getting the right IV female, the chances are just so low!

Thanks guys! And apologies for the essay post!
The absolute best thing you should do is go over to our Wi-Fi forum and seek out the flawless Ditto you need. There are several giveaways where you can get hex-flawless Ditto or specific Hidden Power spreads. This significantly increases the chances of inheriting the correct IVs you need. If you do it your way it's the same as breeding together a 3IV and 2IV parent together and hoping for a 5IV offspring to pop up, which is super unlikely.


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No need t'go off at him; he's just a bit new. He didn't know.
I mean he said "mods, please don't delete this post" so he clearly knows that something's up with what he said. Not to mention that his response was totally unwarranted and completely obnoxious. Who the hell asks for advice on something they're doing and wants to be told that they should just quit because it's a waste of time?

If he doesn't enjoy breeding, that's completely fine for him; he's entitled to his own opinion and his own way of enjoying the game. But there's no need to go around evangelizing when nobody was asking for it.

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No need t'go off at him; he's just a bit new. He didn't know.
If you think a year-old account is new then yeah ok. But I would have thought that someone who's forum presence consists of 99% posts in the Wi-Fi forum, a place where you get infracted on-sight for posts like that, would know better than posting such garbage here...

I didn't want to step on the OI mod's toes otherwise I would have infracted for it myself..

Are there battle maison viability rankings?
No viability rankings, but anything that's on the leaderboard must be good, right? You can also post there and ask if you're wondering if something is good or bad, the regulars in that thread are really friendly and helpful.
What if he wants to play Battle Spot or VGC..? lol this post is so infraction worthy...

The absolute best thing you should do is go over to our Wi-Fi forum and seek out the flawless Ditto you need. There are several giveaways where you can get hex-flawless Ditto or specific Hidden Power spreads. This significantly increases the chances of inheriting the correct IVs you need. If you do it your way it's the same as breeding together a 3IV and 2IV parent together and hoping for a 5IV offspring to pop up, which is super unlikely.
Yeah I've been trying for a while to find the ditto's I need! I tried the 'revolving door of Pokemon...' thread as the person on there was giving away all that I needed! But so far I haven't managed to hook up with them, I'll keep trying though!

Good news is I did (finally) get my perfect HP Fire Bulbasaur! It did take a while but there's definitely a great feeling of satisfaction having done it all by myself ^.^


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Yeah I've been trying for a while to find the ditto's I need! I tried the 'revolving door of Pokemon...' thread as the person on there was giving away all that I needed! But so far I haven't managed to hook up with them, I'll keep trying though!

Good news is I did (finally) get my perfect HP Fire Bulbasaur! It did take a while but there's definitely a great feeling of satisfaction having done it all by myself ^.^
Yeah, cannibal is always pretty busy.
If you can't get your ditto from them, then user Most also gives away Dittos on his trade thread, so you might be able to find what you are looking for there (be sure to read the rules in the post above the one I linked you to though!). User Mattapod used to give them away here, but I'm not sure if he still does.

And nice work on breeding your Bulbasaur!
Ok, so I haven't played gen 5 yet, but I'm very intrigued about it. I've heard many good and bad things about it, and I have to say I'm already a little biased against it, but it's a Pokemon game so I have to try it. Does anyone have any suggestions of which game I should get, out of BWB2W2, in order to have the best 5th gen experience, if I were to only get one?
Ok, so I haven't played gen 5 yet, but I'm very intrigued about it. I've heard many good and bad things about it, and I have to say I'm already a little biased against it, but it's a Pokemon game so I have to try it. Does anyone have any suggestions of which game I should get, out of BWB2W2, in order to have the best 5th gen experience, if I were to only get one?
Well first of all, definetely get BW before BW2. And if you choose White, get White 2. Black, Black 2. Those are probably obvious but y'know.
As for which versions... honestly, either are fine. While BW have much bigger differences between them than any other paired version to date it still largely comes down to which version's exclusive Pokémon you prefer. I'm personally biased in favour of White due to having Reuniclus and Lilligant (some of my favourite Gen 5 'mon) as opposed to Black's Gothitelle and Whimsicott. ... worth noting specifically in that comparison that there's an in-game trade - in White it's Petilil for Cottonee and for Black vice versa, so they're not exactly version exclusives.
But I digress; it just comes down to version exclusives. And yeah, if you have to get one, don't get the sequels. I'd prooooooooobably say I had a bit more fun with BW2 than BW, but they're much better as complements to BW and you'd be missing out if you hadn't played BW before BW2.
edit: that said, a major factor in your decision might be that before the post-game, BW has Gen 5-only roster and BW2 has Pokémon from every gen. So despite what I've said that may majorly tip your decision.

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Ok, so I haven't played gen 5 yet, but I'm very intrigued about it. I've heard many good and bad things about it, and I have to say I'm already a little biased against it, but it's a Pokemon game so I have to try it. Does anyone have any suggestions of which game I should get, out of BWB2W2, in order to have the best 5th gen experience, if I were to only get one?
Obviously play Black or White before Black 2 or White 2
If this matters to you at all, I feel like Black Version works better. Reshiram and Zekrom represent Truth and Ideals respectively, and this plays a major part in how the sorry unraveles. N (the antogonist) wishes to seperate people and Pokemon based on his idea of the ideal world, so in Black Version he seeks out Zekrom (ideals) to make that a reality, while you use Reshiram (truth) to defeat him and show him that people and Pokemon can live happily together. If you play White, he seeks out Reshiram which doesn't really make sense since how is he gonna use the power of truth to create his ideal world (unless he was right and his beliefs are the truth in which case you can consider yourself the bad guy for beating him, lol).

At the climax of the game, it pits you vs N with you controlling a Dragon each. To me, using Reshiram (white = good) and him using Zekrom (black = bad) also makes sense. The only thing to me in White Version's favour is that N ends up with Reshiram at the end of the story, and aesthetically they match very well, simply because they're both white. It also seems nicer in White 2 when he flies in on Reshiram. Did I / Nintendo maybe get the truths / ideals thing backwards..? haha
Obviously play Black or White before Black 2 or White 2
If this matters to you at all, I feel like Black Version works better. Reshiram and Zekrom represent Truth and Ideals respectively, and this plays a major part in how the sorry unraveles. N (the antogonist) wishes to seperate people and Pokemon based on his idea of the ideal world, so in Black Version he seeks out Zekrom (ideals) to make that a reality, while you use Reshiram (truth) to defeat him and show him that people and Pokemon can live happily together. If you play White, he seeks out Reshiram which doesn't really make sense since how is he gonna use the power of truth to create his ideal world (unless he was right and his beliefs are the truth in which case you can consider yourself the bad guy for beating him, lol).

At the climax of the game, it pits you vs N with you controlling a Dragon each. To me, using Reshiram (white = good) and him using Zekrom (black = bad) also makes sense. The only thing to me in White Version's favour is that N ends up with Reshiram at the end of the story, and aesthetically they match very well, simply because they're both white. It also seems nicer in White 2 when he flies in on Reshiram. Did I / Nintendo maybe get the truths / ideals thing backwards..? haha
Alright, I think you've convinced me to get black version. Thanks for the input guys!
Obviously play Black or White before Black 2 or White 2
If this matters to you at all, I feel like Black Version works better. Reshiram and Zekrom represent Truth and Ideals respectively, and this plays a major part in how the sorry unraveles. N (the antogonist) wishes to seperate people and Pokemon based on his idea of the ideal world, so in Black Version he seeks out Zekrom (ideals) to make that a reality, while you use Reshiram (truth) to defeat him and show him that people and Pokemon can live happily together. If you play White, he seeks out Reshiram which doesn't really make sense since how is he gonna use the power of truth to create his ideal world (unless he was right and his beliefs are the truth in which case you can consider yourself the bad guy for beating him, lol).

At the climax of the game, it pits you vs N with you controlling a Dragon each. To me, using Reshiram (white = good) and him using Zekrom (black = bad) also makes sense. The only thing to me in White Version's favour is that N ends up with Reshiram at the end of the story, and aesthetically they match very well, simply because they're both white. It also seems nicer in White 2 when he flies in on Reshiram. Did I / Nintendo maybe get the truths / ideals thing backwards..? haha
Story spoilers
The games are about the dangers of extremism, and neither truth or ideals are portrayed as wholly bad or good no matter the version.

Reshiram is truth, that pokemon and humans are meant to be friends (Black) or that pokemon/human relationships are not perfect (White)

Zekrom is ideals, the rejection of the current world to change it for your dream (Black) or the willingness to keep trying for a brighter future together despite the real turmoil (White)

Or, that's my take on it.

The only rules I'd follow are to play Black or White before B2/W2, and to keep on that path if you play the sequel (Black to Black 2, White to White 2). The story makes more sense that way, although you will miss a few version exclusive pokemon like Vullaby (Black) vs Rufflet (White).
Quick Q regarding Pokemon S&M..

I'm playing Pokemon Omega Ruby and I'm going on a breeding frenzy. .chances are we get to transfer our pokes to S&M through Pkebank..right?
Quick Q regarding Pokemon S&M..

I'm playing Pokemon Omega Ruby and I'm going on a breeding frenzy. .chances are we get to transfer our pokes to S&M through Pkebank..right?
Considering that's the way Red & Blue 'mons are being transferred up, I'd say it's inevitable that's how it'll be.
That said... nothing's impossible. Maybe there'll be a way for transfer other than Sun/Moon but nothing's been said. If you're asking because you're wondering if you should buy Bank in preparation, maybe hold back until there's confirmation one way or the other in the slim chance there's a method other than Bank.
Hello everyone,

I need help to get a "cheated" legit Raikou, as this one:

Raikou (Nickname: Energizer)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe / 31 anywhere else
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Shadow Ball

Unfortunately I cannot use well known cheat techniques (DS version > 10.7, no Cubic Ninja game...), that's why I beg you to make it for me and send it to me... please ^_^
In exchange for example I have some pure legit shinies, although I guess that if you can help me you can also get it yourselves, but I say it "in the case of".

Could you please help me ?
Hello everyone,

I need help to get a "cheated" legit Raikou, as this one:

Raikou (Nickname: Energizer)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe / 31 anywhere else
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Shadow Ball

Unfortunately I cannot use well known cheat techniques (DS version > 10.7, no Cubic Ninja game...), that's why I beg you to make it for me and send it to me... please ^_^
In exchange for example I have some pure legit shinies, although I guess that if you can help me you can also get it yourselves, but I say it "in the case of".

Could you please help me ?
Does it have to be Kalos-Native? If not I'm sure some RNG manipulators could help you out.
Also welcome to smogon
Thank you !
Hum... you are talking about Kalos but maybe you mean ORAS's Hoenn ? Because Raikou is not catchable in XY versions, as far as I know...
But yes I would like to play with it in games/tournaments allowing only Pokémon from XY or ORAS.
About RNG manipulation I know that I can have 50% chances to get the right nature with my leader with the same one and the "Synchronize" talent, but for IVs it's a lot more randomized I think... isn't it ?
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