Haters Gonna Hate

Chou I think you entirely misconstrued what I meant....

Also to stay on topic, Uchiha Sasuke is a piece of shit.


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
i started out liking sasuke too, MAN!! And i mean that in the most non "sasuke fan girl" term ever.

Then again those were the early days of naruto when the show was still very young and i hated itachi and was all for sasuke just fucking him up side ways. Oh how the times have changed. Now itachi is my favorite Uchiha/character from the anime in general and sasuke IS a piece of shit
Oh God yes. After rewatching Naruto episodes I realized the guy got the shittiest team ever. Sakura is useless as fuck and Sasuke is just a little bitch. Admittedly Naruto starts off a little annoying but he gradually changes from a whiny bitch like Sasuke into an actual hero.
The sad thing is that Sasuke actually had some decent character development in part one. Sacrificing himself to save Naruto, putting his teammates' survival ahead of his own during the fight with Gaara, and sparing Naruto in order to not become like Itachi all contributed to his character growth. He was a character driven by revenge but wasn't obsessed with it and was able to place value in his relationships.

Then he became an enormous bitchass that the entire series seemed to revolve around.


Banned deucer.
I was also going to say something about how you think The Big Bang Theory was "once-great", but since you said we can't.....
Everyone likes to gang up on Big Bang Theory, that must be why it's in its sixth season and why Jim Parsons is handed out Emmys like candy for his autism blackface pwnemon you phillistine.
considering that literally the next three posts after mine were about how terrible bbt was then yes, von, i'd say that people on the internet like to gang up on that show – perhaps because unlike most other social groups, nerds who spend hours on the internet have not yet learned that laughing at yourself is a valuable skill that makes life more enjoyable! So, when it's their turn for a show ridiculing them, instead of laughing along they vehemently denounce chuck lorre and jim parsons as agents of satan who should be burned at the stake for doing what sitcoms are supposed to do: make fun of people.

amy is shit tho


shake it off!
Chou I think you entirely misconstrued what I meant....

Also to stay on topic, Uchiha Sasuke is a piece of shit.
YES!!! This very much. I was going to post this as well, but you beat me to it. Dear god I HATE Sasuke because of how he turns on Itachi no matter what. When Itachi was pretending to be evil, Sasuke whined and bitched and didn't do shit. During Shippuden, Sasuke killed Itachi, and when he learned the truth from Obito, decided to go against Itachi's wishes and destroy his hometown and betray all his friends. Fuck this guy, honestly.
considering that literally the next three posts after mine were about how terrible bbt was then yes, von, i'd say that people on the internet like to gang up on that show – perhaps because unlike most other social groups, nerds who spend hours on the internet have not yet learned that laughing at yourself is a valuable skill that makes life more enjoyable! So, when it's their turn for a show ridiculing them, instead of laughing along they vehemently denounce chuck lorre and jim parsons as agents of satan who should be burned at the stake for doing what sitcoms are supposed to do: make fun of people.

amy is shit tho
Except for the part where the characters in the show are completely unrelatable to and are walking caricatures of what society expects from a nerd. The show portrays nerds as socially inept dweebs who are barely capable of interacting with women and have pidgeonholed interests. It's an old and outdated stereotypicalization, never mind the fact that the show pretends females with such interests don't exist. Saying that nerds only gang up on The Big Bang Theory because they're too insecure to laugh about themselves is like saying that black people shouldn't get offended about a show where black guys eat fried chicken and watermelon a lot and chase after white women with big asses. There's a reason multiple people have called the show "nerd blackface".

Sorry Nina I guess the scope of the thread got forcibly expanded ?_?


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
it's difficult for me to think of characters that i actively dislike (mostly because i harbor no ill feelings toward them if i'm not actively engaged/watching a series again) but this one came to mind. can pretty confidently say that throughout the series i liked her less and less

they even changed character relationships later in the series because she was dating kyle maclachlan, and was jealous of his character relations with aubrey, who is SUCH A BABE. she's so whiny and turns any kind of drama toward herself for attention and pity, god, shut up donna


I Like Chopin
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perhaps because unlike most other social groups, nerds who spend hours on the internet have not yet learned that laughing at yourself is a valuable skill that makes life more enjoyable!
I'm calling your bullshit.

Perhaps the biggest fucking stab from Jim Parsons getting an emmy is the fact that Danny Pudi's role on Community was snubbed as a result. That's the other primetime comedic character with autism (although at least they have the balls to come out and say it in the first episode). Except Abed may be odd and funny, but he's a fully fleshed out and believable character. He's incredibly social and humanistic, and in rare moments even seems a little wise and enviable. Compare that to Sheldon who is a non-stop asshole in a show where the hot white normal girl has to be the voice of reason for everyone.

Do you forget that Chuck Lorre also made the exact same show years ago, but with gay people? It's bad enough that executives like this tend to fail upwards, but how can anyone defend his shit?
the show makes you think you're laughing at nerds, when in fact you're laughing at a gross misrepresentation of them. they aren't even caricatures: who the fuck in real life comes out with sleazy lines with the same dedication as howard wolowitz? Now, many fictional characters are for various reasons probably never going to be seen in real life, like House. But House has an actual backstory, not just "guy who lives with his mum and is inappropriate around women".

What actual nerds get pissed off about is when non-nerds watch TBBT and think that's what real nerds are like. Nerds don't need to learn to laugh about themselves because it's not their qualities being laughed at, it's their identity as a nerd that is misconstrued and ridiculed.

When I was travelling in a group of four of us (three physicists and one engineer, and three white/one brown person lol), a bunch of people likened us to the BBT guys. It pisses me off because it's bad enough that nerdy people have had to put up with stupid judgements from retards, but then to be likened to either:
1. a guy who can't speak to girls at all
2. a sleazeball basement dweller
3. a complete pussy
4. an autistic guy
is kinda taking the piss. This argument wouldn't have a leg to stand on if the characters were fleshed out even a little bit.


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Sorry Nina I guess the scope of the thread got forcibly expanded ?_?
No problem. There's no hate on that one.

God, why do i think i'm funny sometimes?
anyways, there's no harm in some friendly debate and or back-and-forth like the current one surrounding TBBT. it doesn't surprise me really with TBBT in the picture and this being quite the nerdy site to begin with. as long as those "friendly" back and forths do not turn into something out of a religion thread or abortion/rape threads (you get the picture), we should be fine.
That's actually a fantastic show, and she is an amazing character. The only reason she's a "bitch" is because she doesn't let men push her around and gets shit done.
Still an ugly old BITCH hag.

Poor Kevin Bacon :(

Edit: Two more characters I remembered:

Holy fucking shit, his only redeeming quality is his meltdowns but otherwise he just takes spotlight from less crazy as fucking hell characters Munch and Finn.

You now have fucking super powers, and instead of helping your dad you run off to your foster alien dad. Fucking JACKASS


Banned deucer.
dude stabler is a monster. the worst character on that show is the fucking d.a. i dont even remember her name but i remember her being awful


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The Big Bang Theory is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's something I watch to turn my brain off and just laugh along as I eat my lunch or dinner or whatever else. What annoys me about the fanbase of that show is the people who think they're listening to intelligent humour because of "science jokes" or whatever else bullshit. No. You're listening to lowest common denominator bullshit and anything you're feeling clever about understanding is something you learned in 9th grade science class. This ain't Community or Parks & Rec or oh my god 30 Rock just ended ;_;
I'm calling your bullshit.

Perhaps the biggest fucking stab from Jim Parsons getting an emmy is the fact that Danny Pudi's role on Community was snubbed as a result.
Woah I'm agreeing with vonFiedler. Wel, the second line. The first line is incorrect as you don't seem to be understanding that everything happens in context and on internet message boards such as this one, BBT definitely gets more hate than love.

Also to stay on topic, Uchiha Sasuke is a piece of shit.
Seriously expected this to be the first reply. Can't believe it's 51 even though I was a bit of a Sasuke fan about 8 years ago!
Big image teehee

Am I the only one who just can't STAND this girl? She seriously just wines in Hueco Mundo for two seasons while the entire Soul Society is working their ass off to save her.
I thought I was pissed with Sasuke, but this girl makes me go fucking nuts.

She puts effort into her stuff, but wines too much for my tastes.
See that's the thing. When someone comes to mind, either he/she's already been brought up (everybody I mentioned in my last post) or I stop and wonder whether I actually hate him/her and I realize I just don't. What I tend to dislike is more along the lines of certain aspects or portrayals of characters. So I guess what I'd actively hate nowadays is:

1. Blatant stereotyping. TBBT has been brought up a lot and there's nothing I can add to that, but a few other shows irk me for having just the most ridiculous caricatures, like Spencer Reid in Criminal Minds. I guess if you pile enough degrees onto a character you can justify making him socially awkward, or bad with handling firearms, or whatever else. TV writer logic! What's worse, every girl he's had anything with either becomes completely irrelevant or dies. Then again, only one of the agents seems to be able to hold a relationship at all so idk...

2. Preachy/self-righteous themes. I don't mind so much the concept of a Mary Sue character or a "boo-hoo I am downtrodden, PITY ME" character. What irks me is when such characters take on the belief that they're somehow fundamentally "in the right" and use it to assert superiority over their enemies.

Chrono Cross is littered with this attitude. The dwarfs complain about how the big bad humans hunted a hydra to extinction, thereby drastically changing their swamp environment and forcing them to leave... except not only do things still live in that swamp, but the dwarfs themselves go to another island and massacre the fairies there. And that is somehow the fault of the big bad humans. Hey, did I mention that the setting of Chrono Cross consists almost entirely of lush jungles teeming with wildlife? Oh, and it turns out that humanity is the result of exposure to the Frozen Flame, i.e. humans are basically the spawn of Lavos. Masato Kato is a dick (he's the main plot writer of the game).

Of course, protagonists are not beyond this bs. One that specifically comes to mind is Goku. Keep in mind, though, this is where I get into hating aspects of characters and not necessarily the characters themselves. And to be fair, the way the afterlife* and other magical logic work in Dragon Ball heavily favours Goku's black-and-white perception of good and evil. Without that justification, though, Goku honestly comes off as a self-righteous dick who's only ever exposed to simplistic villains who would never realistically behave the way they do if they knew what it would mean for the afterlife*.

A lot of other stories condemn anger regardless of its perceived justification, leading to characters like Darth Vader and (almost) Harry Potter. Dragon Ball shits all over that, with anger being used to raise power levels and achieve transformations. "Righteous anger" is a thing and it's readily encouraged. It really hits you if you watch GT and Goku's spouting off about how bad things happen to bad people, therefore you should be good. As if that wasn't enough, Akira Toriyama actively hated Vegeta and shafted Gohan, two of perhaps his most real and best characters.

*The manga's depiction of the afterlife is a lot like Valhalla in that only warriors distinguished by selflessness and very significant actions get the privilege of retaining their bodies. The anime kind of tries to do this, too, but it shits all over it with villains also retaining their bodies and causing all sorts of logical problems.

I'm going to add Karen here because of that asinine quote about strong Pokemon. To be fair, in-universe trainers suck compared to the lv 100 teams that we, the protagonists, can build. Still, I'm sorry, but expecting Charizard to win in competitive Pokemon is like expecting Barack Obama to compete in MMA and do well. Pokemon are not just good for fighting in the Pokemon world, anyway, so it really is rather silly that we'd try to make everybody good at fighting each other. But of course we all know that this is just Karen's excuse for not having a Tyranitar.

There are, of course, countless villains who fit this description, but in my mind it's kind of "okay" for them to think the way they do because they're going to be beaten up in the end.

3. Hard video game levels, bosses, dungeons, etc. Let's get some controller-throwing rage out there. I still can't beat Quick Man in a buster fight. Fuck him. Mario was a significant part of my childhood in terms of video games, so fuck Bowser, too. And those goddamn wizards in Tales of Destiny's Tower of Druaga dungeon. I hate them so much.

I suppose special mention goes to Porky (EarthBound) and Cloud Strife. Both are just so goddamn annoying while the story is unfolding. Cloud: "I am an elite SOLDIER, I am so great at killing dudes, check out my huge sword, imma 'settle the score' with Sephiroth, blah blah blah!" And Porky is Porky. However, near the end, things change. Porky's monologue in the final battle makes him into such a brilliant character, which is only expanded upon in Mother 3. Cloud, well, let's just say the real spoiler isn't Aerith's death.


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Except for the part where the characters in the show are completely unrelatable to and are walking caricatures of what society expects from a nerd. The show portrays nerds as socially inept dweebs who are barely capable of interacting with women and have pidgeonholed interests. It's an old and outdated stereotypicalization, never mind the fact that the show pretends females with such interests don't exist. Saying that nerds only gang up on The Big Bang Theory because they're too insecure to laugh about themselves is like saying that black people shouldn't get offended about a show where black guys eat fried chicken and watermelon a lot and chase after white women with big asses. There's a reason multiple people have called the show "nerd blackface".

Sorry Nina I guess the scope of the thread got forcibly expanded ?_?
^This is so true. Other nominations I agree with are Sasuke (such an annoying dick) and Dr. Frankenstein (drunken idiot).
My own nominations are Jaden and Yuma fom Yugioh GX and Yugioh Zexal respectively. Both of them always annoyed me to no end with how lame they were. Yugi was pretty cool, and Yusei is my favorite protagonist in any Yugioh. Jaden was just annoying to me in general (and he looks prett stupid too) while Yuma's dueling spirit seems like a lame copy of Yami-Yugi, as well as the fact that when I was watching the first episode I wanted to shoot the screen every time I heard him say "Believe it".


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can't believe smogoners watch the big bang theory

this thread should probably be repurposed to intervention

a good read on why you should hate the big bang theory and how a show like community does it right

hates a strong word because if i hate a character i proly am not watching the show but heres a few that annoy me:

what a bitch

theres a lot of great theories that she is truly the evil one AND she is the only survivor. i for one believe that she (lana winters from AHS: asylum) is truly evil so if you wanna debate that ill be glad to.

skylar white already was stated.

and my most reviled character on tv right now:

frank gallagher - shameless (US)

like jesus h christ could there be a more awful human being who has ever existed. frank is drunk, beats his children, steals from his children, and does some really awful shit throughout the show that ill put in spoiler tags:

- has sex with his son's 15 or 17 (i cant remember the age) year old girlfriend. yes she seduced him but he didn't put up too much of a fight and he tried to hide the truth afterwards
- stole all of the squirrel money the family had saved
- got his baby kidnapped, didn't tell family
- got intimate with a dying lady for her money
- took advantage of shiela
- called child services on his own kids to try and split them up
- i havent seen the latest episode but it looks like he tells carl he has CANCER

this dude is the embodiment of evil and the worst part, you cant help but cheer him on sometimes. his schemes are still entertaining and he is actually smart and articulate when he is ranting. you can see why lip is so smart and frank is almost a duplicate of what lip will become if he makes every wrong decision in his life. not only that but often, i can feel bad for frank because things go shitty for him all too often and many times, its just by circumstance.

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