Habits whilst playing Pokemon

Also I forgot, this isn't really a habit but sometimes in a pokecenter I save in the same place like 4 times because I keep forgetting whether I've saved or not xD
I hold the right button down when I am attacked thinking it will lower the damage I take (since your health bar travels left when you lose hp) and I hold down the left button thinking it will increase the damage done.. Well I used to think that at least, now it is a habit.. Also when trying to catch a hard-to-catch pokemon (legendaries), I throw the ball, rapidly tap a and b (a,b,a,b,a,b,) or sometimes (ab,ab,ab,ab) and if that doesnt work I look away from the pokemon (or sometimes I stare it down, like an intimidation thing), and turn off the volume...
Also I forgot, this isn't really a habit but sometimes in a pokecenter I save in the same place like 4 times because I keep forgetting whether I've saved or not xD
I do that alot.

I also chew on my stylus, but I chewed on it so much that the end broke off and I cant chew on it anymore.
I chewed on my stylus so much that it won't even stay in its slot anymore. Once I finish through the stylus, I move on to my fingernails. The main reason why I'm addicted to chewing gum. ):
Since the majority of the time I'm breeding, I always close the top half of my DS and keep my hand under it, shifting between pressing up and down every ten seconds. Every now and then I check to see if it hatched.
I listen to music, eat, or watch TV the whole time I'm breeding. It's impossible for me to play without something else interesting in the room.
Well... I know the LotR movies off by heart, so I watch bits of those while hatching Pokemon. I don't watch anything I haven't seen before (I might miss something!), but I enjoy watching things I've seen multiple times.

I'm also a pacer, so when I'm in a hectic battle on my DS, it calms me to walk around my house. =P It's not some sort of freaky thing, but a slow walk sometimes help me think better.

I used to slide my stylus in and out of it's slot so much that the tip of plastic that kept it in place got worn off (causing the stylus to fall out when my DS got tipped, that cost me some money to replace all them styli), but I'm proud to say I've broken that habit. =D

@Hybrid: I do that a lot, too... and whenever I convince myself that I have, I really haven't. And I lose an hour's worth of breeding, or something...
I hold down "B" while throwing any sort of ball.
Relic from the old days when everyone said that upped the catch rate. :heart:
I save multiple times out of habit. And I still hold A+B and the Down arrow when trying to catch anything... especially legendaries.
I also do the rapid-button pushing when capturing pokes. It's weird, I know it doesn't affect the game, but it sure does seem like I catch more when doing it! It's really odd. I've had that habit since the original gb games.
I don't know why, but i press the button A a lot when there is some attack animation, when i already know it doesn't affect the power of it, either the speed.

I still press B when i throw a pokeball, like in Red/Blue haha.
I do that all the time. I can't help it and sometimes I don't even know I do it. :o
I also save multiple times in one place because, Even though in my mind I know I saved. I have to be really sure.(I have done it atleast 3 times already today)

Also, I seem to have the constant urge to press the buttons the exact same number of times, so if i press the A button to select an attack, I will then consecutively press all the other buttons, And if i am walking around in the actual game, I will run to the left and right and down even though I am trying to go up.

I also press "A" as soon as the pokeball opens when I am catching poke's.

I remember someone telling me that if you say "Gotcha" into the mic aswell It increases the chances. I lol'd when I heard this, And told it to someone I know. They tried it (We were in a crowded shopping centre, Although it was quite quiet.) and it didnt work. I told them they might need to do it louder so they screamed "GOTCHA!!!" at the top of their voice. Everyone stared at him.

Lol good times.
I save... ALOT, and this is so annoying with the slow saving in D/P:( also i travel around on pokemon sites on the internet(like this one) while EV training...
I breed while watching anime/tv/listening to kawaii radio
I press and hold a while using pokeball
I jam a while breeding and press up/down once in a while and waste lots of time
Oh and I NEVER use stylus...NEVER
haha i pace around my room whenever i'm in Wifi battle. Also, I talk to my pokemon and make that v for victory sign with my fingers (accompanied with the sfx for shining) whenever I win.
When the pokemon tries to attack me i always tap b really fast =\
I cant help it...but sometimes the pokemon misses when i do that :toast:
I put the stylus in my mouth like a cigarette (not that I smoke) and chew on it. I also hold down the A and B buttons at the same time whilst capturing a Pokemon.
Well, when I'm playing, I need music. Whether it's Dethklok, the Vampire Hunter D soundtrack, Dio, or even just turning the radio on, some sort of music has to be on.

I also have a habit of holding Down and B when catching a Pokemon, kind of "locking them in". I know it doesn't work, but I guess I caught that OCD that's going around.

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